acknowledge footnote status
acknowledge notify status
actor already in
actor arriving
actor here
actor in location
actor in remote location
actor is here
actor nested location name
actor nested location posture name
actor not in
actor not on
actor stays put
all not allowed
alreadt attached to iobj
already attached
already back there
already clean
already closed
already fastened
already has
already holding
already in
already lit
already locked
already moved to
already on
already open
already plugged in
already plugged in vague
already present
already pulled
already pushed
already set
already standing
already switched on
already talking
already there
already worn
antecedent out of scope
ask about
ask for
ask query
bad agenda item
basic score change
be more specific
before push travel dir
being worn
cannot add to derived relation
cannot attach
cannot attach to
cannot attach to more
cannot attach to self
cannot attack
cannot attack actor
cannot attack with
cannot attack with self
cannot be attached
cannot be plugged in
cannot board
cannot board carried
cannot break
cannot burn
cannot burn with
cannot carry any more
cannot carry any more weight
cannot clean
cannot clean with
cannot climb
cannot climb down
cannot climb stairway down
cannot command system action
cannot command thing
cannot consult
cannot cut
cannot cut with
cannot cut with self
cannot detach
cannot detach from
cannot detach from self
cannot detach from this
cannot detach this
cannot dig
cannot dig with
cannot dig with self
cannot dispense
cannot do that while attached
cannot do that while wearing
cannot do to sensory
cannot drop
cannot eat
cannot enter
cannot enter carried
cannot enter on
cannot extinguish
cannot fasten
cannot fasten to
cannot fasten to self
cannot feel
cannot flip
cannot follow
cannot follow from here
cannot follow self
cannot give to
cannot give to self
cannot go
cannot go in dark
cannot go there
cannot go through
cannot go through
cannot go through closed door
cannot hear
cannot jump off
cannot kiss
cannot lie in
cannot lie on
cannot light
cannot lock with
cannot lock with self
cannot look behind
cannot look through
cannot look under
cannot move
cannot move to
cannot move to self
cannot move while attached
cannot move with
cannot move with self
cannot open
cannot plug
cannot plug in any more
cannot plug into
cannot plug into self
cannot pour
cannot pour in self
cannot pour into
cannot pour on self
cannot pour onto
cannot pull
cannot purloin container
cannot purloin room
cannot purloin self
cannot push
cannot push climb down here
cannot push climb here
cannot push down
cannot push into
cannot push own container
cannot push through
cannot push travel
cannot push up
cannot push via self
cannot put behind
cannot put in
cannot put in self
cannot put on
cannot put under
cannot reach
cannot reach out
cannot read
cannot remove
cannot remove from derived relation
cannot screw
cannot screw with
cannot screw with self
cannot see obj
cannot set
cannot set to
cannot show to
cannot show to self
cannot sit in
cannot sit on
cannot smell
cannot smell through
cannot stand in
cannot stand on
cannot start from here
cannot take
cannot take actor
cannot take component
cannot take container door
cannot take from actor
cannot take from self
cannot take immovable
cannot take my container
cannot take self
cannot talk
cannot talk basicactor
cannot talk to obj
cannot talk to self
cannot taste
cannot throw
cannot throw at
cannot throw at self
cannot throw to
cannot throw to self
cannot turn
cannot turn to
cannot turn with
cannot type on
cannot unfasten
cannot unfasten from
cannot unfasten from self
cannot unlock with
cannot unlock with self
cannot unplug
cannot unplug from
cannot unplug from self
cannot unscrew
cannot unscrew with
cannot unscrew with self
cannot wear
cannot write on
cant bear more weight
cant climb doen from here
cant climb from here
cant do special
cant do that special
cant list derived relation
cant move away from self
cant take from dispenser
carrying collective group
catch okay
circularly in
cmdhelp go to
cmdhelp investigate
cmdhelp manipulate
cmdhelp no exit
cmdhelp no one to talk to
cmdhelp relocate
cmdhelp show options
cmdhelp talk to someone
cmdhelp where go
collective group empty
collective group members
command full score
command interuption prefix
command look around
command not present
command prompt
command prompt
command results empty
command results prefix
command results separator
command results suffix
consult prefix
container needs to be open
corrected spelling
current exit settings
currently no hints
dark desc
dark name
debug test now holding
debugger not present
default pcsayquip
depart aft
depart down
depart east
depart forward
depart in
depart north
depart northeast
depart northwest
depart out
depart port
depart south
depart southeast
depart southwest
depart starboard
depart up
depart west
describe move pushable
destination unknown
disambig enum off
disambig enum off
dont break
dont know where gone
dont need cleaning obj
door opens
doubt fact
drop catch
dummy object inaccessible
duplicate fact name
empty command line
exit color change
exit color onoff
exits from here
exits on off okay
explain continue
explain exits on off
explain extra hints
explain hyperlinking
explain numbering
extra hint cmd str
extra hints command
extra hints off
extra hints on
extra hints on or off
extra hints status
fact intro
fail check
feel nothing
fiat lux
file prompt failed
file prompt failed msg
find hidden
finish death
finish failure
finish game over
finish victory
first footnote
first person pronoun
follow actor
footnote full
footnote medium
footnote off
footnote ref
full score item points
full score prefix
futile attack
game already brief
game already verbose
game now brief
game now verbose
get recording prompt
get replay prompt
get restore prompt
get save prompt
get scripting prompt
going back dir
going dir
hear nothing listen
hear nothing listen to
hints disabled
hints done
hints not present
i lie
i sit
i stand
illegal actor state
implicit action report failure
implicit action report separator
implicit action report start
implicit action report terminator
implicit go
in room name
indirect lockable
input script failed
input script failed exception
input script okay
invalid finish option
invalid setting
inventory tall
inventory wide
jump off
key doesnt work
key not needed
kiss response
knew fact already
list immediate container
list tall empty
list tall prefix
look behind
look in
look through
look under
mention full score
move no effect
moved to
multi not allowed
need to hold
needs html terp
no antecedent
no clean
no clear exits
no compass directions
no consult
no destination
no exit lister
no exits
no exits from here
no extra hints
no facts defined
no goodbye response
no hello response
no hints to disable
no interlocutor
no journey
no longer talking to anyone
no matched topic
no need to refer
no one here
no oops now
no relations defined
no relations defined
no repeat
no response
no room
no room behind
no room in
no room under
no shipboard directions
no sleeping
no staging loc
no such fact
no such footnote
no such relation
no such relation
no suggestions present
no suggestions present
no test scripts
no thoughts
no thoughts
no way back
none in location
none in locations
none in owner
none in owners
none with contents
none with contents in list
not attached
not attached to that
not by obj
not closeable
not enough nouns
not fastened
not held
not holding
not important
not in staging location
not inside
not interlocutor
not lit
not lockable
not locked
not on anything
not plugged in
not plugged into that
not potable
not switchable
not switched on
not talking
not talking to anyone
not that many left
not understood
not worn
note main restore
note with script
note without script
note without script warning
nothing attached
nothing in mind
nothing on
nothing special
nothing suitable for all
nothing to discuss on that topic
nothing to take
nowhere back
npc opens door
obj needs to be closed
object needs to be open
off route
okay adopt posture
okay attach
okay clean
okay detach
okay detach from
okay doff
okay fasten
okay get in
okay get on
okay get on posture
okay get outof
okay lie in
okay lie on
okay lit
okay lock with
okay move from
okay move to
okay open
okay plug
okay plug in
okay pulled
okay push into
okay push out of
okay pushed
okay set to
okay sit in
okay sit on
okay stand in
okay stand on
okay turn to
okay unlock with
okay unplug
okay unplug from
okay wear
only listen
only smell
onset of darkness
onset of darkness
or list separator
ordinal out of range
part of me
plunged into darkness
pointless to jump over
posture already adopted
pull no effect
push no effect
push travel somewhere
push travel traversal
quit query
record off ignored
record off okay
recording canceled
recording failed
recording failed exception
recording okay
refuse command
reject spaction input
remap error
remote contents prefix
remote contents suffix
remote subcontents prefix
remote subcontents suffix
replay canceled
report close
report drop
report kiss
report left behind
report lock
report put behind
report put in
report put on
report put under
report switch
report take
report turn off
report turn on
report unlock
restart query
restore canceled
restore corrupted file
restore failed
restore failed on server
restore invalid file
restore invalid match
restore okay
reveal move behind
reveal move under
route unknown
save cancelled
save failed
save failed on server
save okay
say burned out
say departing dir
say departing down stairs
say departing through door
say departing up stairs
say departing vague
say dispensed
say following dir
say following down staircase
say following through door
say following up staircase
say following vague
say head after actor
say no
say prefix
say yes
say yes or no
score not present
script off ignored
script off okay
scripting canceled
scripting failed
scripting failed exception
scripting okay
scripting okay web temp
set mood error
set stance error
short notify status
should not kiss
should not pour into
should not pour onto
should not touch actor
show finish msg
show footnotes full
show footnotes medium
show footnotes off
show notify status
show score
show score no max
show score rank
show version
sky beyond reach
smell nothing
smell nothing intransitive
sorry hints disabled
state follow
status line noexits
still in nested
suggestion list intro
talk about
taste nothing
tell about
tell to
test sequence not found
thoughts prefix
throw at
throw dir
throw falls short
time fuse interval error
toggle suggestion enum
toggle suggestion enum
token error
told me that
too big
too big to carry
too dark to read
too dark to see
too far away
too far away to hear
too far away to hear obj
too far away to read
too far away to see detail
too far away to smell
too far away to smell obj
too far away to talk
too heavy
too heavy
too heavy to carry
too heavy to hide
traverse connector
traverse door
traverse path passage
traverse stairway down
traverse stairway up
turn self
turn useless
undo failed
undo okay
unknown word
unmatched actor
unmatched noun
unthing absent
vague travel
wait to see
waiting for follow
with key
wont light