
A DerivedRelation is one that doesn't maintain its own table of what it related to what, but works out what is related to what on the basis of some other relation(s) (e.g. a sibling relation might work by testing for common parents).


DerivedRelation :   Relation

Superclass Tree   (in declaration order)


Summary of Properties  

Inherited from Relation :
name  reciprocal  relationType  relTab  reverseName 

Inherited from PreinitObject :
execBeforeMe  reverseGlobalSymbols 

Inherited from ModuleExecObject :
execAfterMe  hasInitialized_  isDoingExec_  isExecuted_ 

Summary of Methods  

addRelation  isInverselyRelated  isRelated  listKeys  relatedTo  removeRelation 

Inherited from Relation :
inverselyRelatedTo  makeUnique 

Inherited from ModuleExecObject :
_execute  classExec  execute 




addRelation (objs)OVERRIDDENrelations.t[489]

By default we don't permit the direct addition of relationships via this relation, since this is a relation dependent upon external conditions.

isInverselyRelated (a, b)OVERRIDDENrelations.t[444]
Game code must override this method to determine whether a is inversely related to b unless it either overrides inverselyRelatedTo() to return a list of items to which a is inversely related or the relation is a reciprocal one.

isRelated (a, b)OVERRIDDENrelations.t[466]
If relatedTo has not been overriden to provide a list, instances need to override isRelated to provide a method that returns true or nil according to whether this DerivedRelationship holds between a and b.

listKeys ( )OVERRIDDENrelations.t[511]
We don't have any entries listed in the relTable, but there may be another way of building a list of the key values to which this DerivedRelalation applies; if so, particular instances can override this method to supply it here.

relatedTo (a)OVERRIDDENrelations.t[419]
Especially if listKeys() hasn't been defined on this DerivedRelation, instances may need to override to provide a method that returns a list of items related to a via this relationship, on the basis of whatever criteria are appropriate.

removeRelation (objs)OVERRIDDENrelations.t[500]
By default we don't permit the direct removal of relationships via this relation, since this is a relation dependent upon external conditions.

Adv3Lite Library Reference Manual
Generated on 03/07/2024 from adv3Lite version 2.1