
A FactAgendaItem is a specialization of a ConvAgendaItem that seeks a path from the current state of an ongoing conversation towards a target Fact or topic the associated actor wishes to reach and then attempts to follow that conversational path whenever the NPC gets the chance to take the conversational initiative.

class FactAgendaItem :   ConvAgendaItem

Superclass Tree   (in declaration order)


Subclass Tree  


Global Objects  


Summary of Properties  

calledBy  curPath  endCondition  fullPath  relations  target 

Inherited from ConvAgendaItem :
greetingDisplayed  isReady  otherActor  reasonInvoked 

Inherited from AgendaItem :
agendaOrder  executeOnce  initiallyActive  invokedByActor  isDone  name 

Summary of Methods  

getPath  getPathToTopic  getStart  invokeItem  invokeItemBase  isReady  nextStep  reset 

Inherited from AgendaItem :
actorSay  getActor  registerItem  report  resetItem 



The object that called us

The current conversational path we're pursuing.

Our endCondition is the state we must reach for us to have reached our goal, so that we can set our isDone to true. By default this is when we've reached the end of our path, which is when our next step would be the one at the end of our path. Game could override this, say, to either gRevaled(target) or gInformed(target) or some similar condition.

The full path, including the relationships used.

The relation or a list of relations we want to use for proximity of facts when calculating our path.

The topic or fact our actor wishes to reach


getPath ( )factrel.t[272]

Get a path from the last fact mentioned to our target, if we can. Return nil if we can't.

getPathToTopic (startFact)factrel.t[317]
Get the path from a topic to our target

getStart ( )factrel.t[245]
Get the fact we want out path calculation to start from.

invokeItem ( )OVERRIDDENfactrel.t[448]
By defaut we trigger the InitiateTopic corresponding to our next step, but game code can ovverride to do somethng different here is required.

invokeItemBase (caller)OVERRIDDENfactrel.t[428]
no description available

isReady ( )factrel.t[407]
Are we ready to execute? By default we are if our inherited conditions are matched and there's a next step we can take, unless we don't have a target defined, in which case just use the inherited handling.

nextStep ( )factrel.t[382]
If we have been called by a DefaultAgendaTopic, it will be neater if what we display is related to the topic the DefaultAgendaTopic just matched, so we attempt to find a nextStep that meets this condition.

reset (target_?)factrel.t[466]
Reset this FactAgendaItem so that it can be used again. If the optional target_ parameter is supplied, we'll set the our target to the new target_.

Adv3Lite Library Reference Manual
Generated on 03/07/2024 from adv3Lite version 2.1