
A Symmetrical Connector is a special type of TravelConnector between rooms that can be traversed in either direction and that, optionally, can largely set itself up so that if the dir property of room1 points to this SymConnector, the reverse dir property of room2 also points to this SymConnector. [SYMCOMM EXTENSION]

SymConnector is a type of TravelConnector (from which it descends by inheritance). A SymConnector can be traversed in both directions, and defining a SymConnector on a direction property of one room automatically attaches it to the reverse direction property of the room to which it leads. Otherwise, a SymConnector behaves much like any other TravelConnector, and can be used to define travel barriers or the side-effects of travel in much the same way.

Internally a SymConnector defines a room1 property and a room2 property, room1 and room2 being the two rooms reciprocally connected by the SymConnector. The room1 and room2 can be set by the extension at preinit if the connector's destination is specified, but it's probably clearer and safer to explictily set the room1 and room2 properties.

class SymConnector :   AutoConnector   DSTravelConnector

Superclass Tree   (in declaration order)


Subclass Tree  


Global Objects  


Summary of Properties  

Inherited from DSBase :
dirName  inRoom1  inRoom2  isDestinationKnown  room1  room2 

Inherited from TravelConnector :
destination  isConnectorApparent  isConnectorListed  isOpen  PushTravelVia  suppressTravelDescForPushTravel  transmitsLight  travelBarriers  traversalTime  traversed  traversedBy 

Summary of Methods  

Inherited from AutoConnector :

Inherited from DSBase :
attachedDir  byRoom  connDir  doorDir  getDestination  room1Dir  room2Dir 

Inherited from TravelConnector :
afterTravelNotifications  beforeTravelNotifications  canTravelerPass  checkPushTravel  checkTravelBarriers  dobjFor(GoThrough)  dobjFor(TravelVia)  execTravel  explainTravelBarrier  getDepartingDirection  getTraveler  hasBeenTraversedBy  iobjFor(PushTravelThrough)  isConnectorVisible  isDestinationKnown  noteTraversal  sayActorFollowing  sayDeparting  sayNoDestination  travelDesc  travelVia  traversalMsg  traversalTimeFrom 





Adv3Lite Library Reference Manual
Generated on 03/07/2024 from adv3Lite version 2.1