TActionclassaction.t[1450], english.t[5626], signals.t[336], sysrules.t[476]

A TAction is an action that applies to a single direct object. Other action classes that apply to more than one object, such as TIAction, inherit from this class so some of the code needs to take that into account.

class TAction :   Action

Superclass Tree   (in declaration order)


Subclass Tree  


Global Objects  

Attach  Attack  Board  Break  Burn  Clean  Climb  ClimbDown  ClimbUp  Close  Cut  Detach  Dig  Doff  Drink  Drop  Eat  Enter  Examine  ExamineOrGoTo  Extinguish  Fasten  Feel  Flip  Follow  GetOff  GetOutOf  GiveToImplicit  GoAlong  GoNear  GoThrough  GoTo  JumpOff  JumpOver  Kiss  LieIn  LieOn  Light  ListenTo  Lock  LookBehind  LookIn  LookThrough  LookUnder  Move  Open  PlugIn  Pour  Pull  Purloin  Push  PushTravelDir  Read  Remove  Screw  Search  Set  ShowToImplicit  SitIn  SitOn  SmellSomething  SpecialAction  StandIn  StandOn  Strike  SwitchOff  SwitchOn  SwitchVague  Take  TalkTo  Taste  Throw  ThrowDir  TravelVia  Turn  TypeOnVague  Unfasten  Unlock  Unplug  Unscrew  Wear 

Summary of Properties  

actionList  announceMultiAction  announceMultiCheck  announceMultiVerify  aqinfo  curDobj  curObj  dqinfo  gActor  haltOnMessageInCheck  iqinfo  lastVerifyMsg  reportFailureAfterSuccess  reportList  signal  verifyTab 

Inherited from Action :
actionFailed  advanceOnFailure  againRepeatsParse  allowAll  extraMessageParams  failCheckMsg  failedActionCountsAsTurn  implicitTimeTaken  includeInUndo  isConversational  isImplicit  isRepeatable  oldRoom  parentAction  parentAllowAll  preCond  redirectParent  reportImplicitActions  scopeList  spellingPriority  synthParamID  timeTaken  turnsTaken  unhides  verbRule  verifyObj  wasIlluminated 

Summary of Methods  

addVerifyResult  check  checkAction  checkPreCond  doAction  doActionOnce  execAction  execCycle  execResolvedAction  getAll  getMessageParam  getVerbPhrase  getVerbPhrase1  makeScopeUniversal  reportAction  reset  resolvedObjectsInScope  setResolvedObjects 

Inherited from Action :
acknowledgeNotifyStatus  addExtraScopeItems  addImplicitTime  advanceTime  afterAction  announceObject  beforeAction  buildImplicitActionAnnouncement  buildScopeList  checkActionPreconditions  commandNotPresent  exec  execGroup  getAllUnhidden  getPostImplicitReports  implicitAnnouncement  scoreObjects  setMessageParam  setMessageParams  spPrefix  spSuffix  synthMessageParam  turnSequence  verify  verifyObjRole  wrapObjectsNP 

Inherited from ReplaceRedirector :

Inherited from Redirector :
askMissingLiteral  doInstead  doNested  doOtherAction 



A list of the direct objects of this action that make it to the action stage.

set this property to true if you want to announce the object before the action result when there's more than one object. If the action routine summarizes the result at the end you don't want to do this so you should then set this to nil.

Flag: do we want the object name to appear before a check stage failure message if multiple objects are involved in the action. By default we do, otherwise it might not be clear which object the message referes to.

Flag, do we want to announce the object name before the verify message in cases where there's more direct object in the command? By default we don't since verify messages generally make it clear enough which objects they refer to.

no description available

The current direct object of this action

The current object being processed (in a TAction, always the curDObj; in a TI Action either the curDobj or the curIOoj).

Information to allow the DEBUG ACTIONS command to express a complete topic phrase

Set the current actor to the player character at the start of the game (to ensure we have a current actor defined).

This flag is used internally by the library to track whether the output of any text from a check() should stop the action, which it normally should. Game code should not directly override this property or change its value, other than indrectly via the noHalt() function.

no description available

Store the last verify failure message so that if we get several identical ones in a row, we don't keep repeating them

Flag: when a command processes multiple direct objects, do we want any failed attempts to be reported after successful ones?

A list of the direct objects of this action that make it to the report stage.

The signal (if any) )o be emitted by the direct object of this action. [SIGNALS EXTENSION]

A LookupTable containing the verify results for this action. This is keyes on the object being verified, with the value being the worst verify result encountered for that object so far.


addVerifyResult (verRes)action.t[1968]

Add a verify result to this action's verify table. This method is normally called by one of the macros (logical, illogical, logicalRank, etc.) use in an object's verify routine.

check (obj, checkProp)action.t[1703]
Call the check method (checkProp) on the appropriate object (obj). Return true to indicate that the action succeeds or nil otherwise

checkAction (cmd)OVERRIDDENaction.t[1673]
Run the check phase of the action, both on the direct object and on any preconditions.

checkPreCond (obj, preCondProp)action.t[1807]
Run the check stage on the preCondProp of obj

doAction ( )action.t[1931], signals.t[347]
Return true to tell our caller we succesfully completed the action.

Modified in signals.t[347]:
If this action defines an associated signal, then have the direct object emit the signal after carrrying out out inherited handling. [SIGNALS EXTENSION]

doActionOnce ( )action.t[1862]
Carry out the action phase on the direct object

execAction (cmd)OVERRIDDENaction.t[1575]
Execute this action

execCycle (cmd)OVERRIDDENaction.t[1530]
Execute the command cycle for this action. This differs from the base Action class in not calling beforeAction directly, since the beforeAction() notifications occur within the execResolvedAction method.

execResolvedAction ( )action.t[1599]
Execute this action with a known direct object or objects. Call this method when there's no need to resolve the objects used in the command but we still want it to pass through every stage

getAll (cmd, role)OVERRIDDENaction.t[1958]
Return a list of direct objects corresponding to the word ALL in the player's command. By default we return everything in scope that isn't a a Room.

getMessageParam (objName)OVERRIDDENaction.t[2047]
Get a message parameter object for the action. We define 'dobj' as the direct object, in addition to any inherited targets.

getVerbPhrase (inf, ctx)english.t[5628]
get the verb phrase in infinitive or participle form

getVerbPhrase1 (inf, vp, dobjText, dobjIsPronoun)english.t[5663]
Given the text of the direct object phrase, build the verb phrase for a one-object verb. This is a class method that can be used by other kinds of verbs (i.e., non-TActions) that use phrasing like a single object.

'inf' is a flag indicating whether to use the infinitive form (true) or the present participle form (nil); 'vp' is the verbPhrase string; 'dobjText' is the direct object phrase's text; and 'dobjIsPronoun' is true if the dobj text is rendered as a pronoun.

makeScopeUniversal ( )action.t[2071]
A convenience method for putting every game object in scope, which may be appropriate for certain commands (not least, certain debugging commands). It's intended to be called from addExtraScopeItems when

reportAction ( )OVERRIDDENaction.t[2013], sysrules.t[494]
reportAction() is called only after all the action routines have been run and the list of dobjs acted on is known. It only does anything if the action is not implicit. It can thus be used to summarize a list of identical actions carried out on every object in reportList or to print a report that is not wanted if the action is implicit. By default we call the dobj's reportDobjProp to handle the report.

Note that this method is usually called from the current Command object after its finished iterated over all the direct objects involved in the command.

Modified in sysrules.t[494]:

reportAction() is called only after all the action routines have been run and the list of dobjs acted on is known. It only does anything if the action is not implicit. It can thus be used to summarize a list of identical actions carried out on every object in reportList or to print a report that is not wanted if the action is implicit. By default we call the dobj's reportDobjProp to handle the report.

Note that this method is usually called from the current Command object after its finished iterated over all the direct objects involved in the command.

This modified version uses the reportRules rulebook to make it easy to insert differently worded summary reports.

reset ( )action.t[1500]
Reset values to their starting state when an action is used to execute a new command.

resolvedObjectsInScope ( )action.t[2037]
Check whether the resolved objects for this action are in scope

setResolvedObjects (dobj)action.t[2031]
install the resolved objects in the action

Adv3Lite Library Reference Manual
Generated on 03/07/2024 from adv3Lite version 2.1