Thingclassthing.t[1121], senseRegion.t[560], english.t[2166], beliefcalcs.t[287], brightness.t[34], cmdhelp.t[855], factrel.t[742], postures.t[114], roomparts.t[154], sensory.t[561], signals.t[201], tiaaction.t[380], weight.t[15]

Thing is the base class for all game objects that represent physical objects which can be interacted with in the game world. All such physical objects are either Things or based on a subclass of Thing.

Modified in senseRegion.t[560]:
Modifications to Thing to support the other mods required for use with SenseRegion.

Modified in english.t[2166]:
English modifications for Thing. This adds some methods that vary by language, so they can't be defined in the generic Thing class.

Modified in beliefcalcs.t[287]:
Modify setInformed() on Thing to accept a BelVal arg (by converting it to the equivalent enum)

Modified in cmdhelp.t[855]:
Modifications to Thing for the CMDHELP EXTENSION

Modified in factrel.t[742]:
Then carry out the inherited handling and return the result.

Modified in postures.t[114]:
Modifications to Thing needed for the POSTURES EXTENSION.

Modified in roomparts.t[154]:
Modifications to Thing to allow things to be associated with room parts. Note that a Thing associated with a room part should be directly located in the room, not in the room part. [MODIFIED FOR ROOMPARTS EXTENSION]

Modified in sensory.t[561]:
Modifications to Thing to work with the <i>SENSORY EXTENSION</i>

Modified in tiaaction.t[380]:

Modified in weight.t[15]:
Modifications to Thing class for WEIGHT extension

class Thing :   ReplaceRedirector   Mentionable

Superclass Tree   (in declaration order)


Subclass Tree  


Global Objects  

dummy_  failVerifyObj  firstPersonObj  lightProbe_  pluralDummy_  scopeProbe_ 

Summary of Properties  

actorAlreadyInMsg  actorAlreadyOnMsg  actorNotInMsg  actorNotOnMsg  allowImplicitSay  allowPourIntoMe  allowPourOntoMe  alreadyCleanMsg  alreadyClosedMsg  alreadyFastenedMsg  alreadyHasMsg  alreadyHeldMsg  alreadyInMsg  alreadyLitMsg  alreadyLockedMsg  alreadyMovedToMsg  alreadyOnMsg  alreadyOpenMsg  alreadyPresentMsg  alreadyThereMsg  alreadyWornMsg  autoGetOutToReach  autoTakeOnFindHidden  autoUnlock  brightness  brightnessForReading  brightnessOff  brightnessOn  bulk  bulkCapacity  canAttachToMe  canAttackWithMe  canBurnWithMe  canCleanWithMe  canClimbDownMe  canClimbUpMe  canCutWithMe  canDetachFromMe  canDigWithMe  canDropContents  canEnterOnMe  canFastenToMe  canGoAlongMe  canGoThroughMe  canHearIn  canHearOut  canJumpOffMe  canJumpOverMe  canLieInMe  canLieOnMe  canLockWithMe  canLookBehindMe  canLookThroughMe  canLookUnderMe  canMoveToMe  canMoveWithMe  cannotAttachMsg  cannotAttachToMsg  cannotAttachToSelfMsg  cannotAttackMsg  cannotAttackWithMsg  cannotAttackWithSelfMsg  cannotBoardMsg  cannotBreakMsg  cannotBurnMsg  cannotBurnWithMsg  cannotCleanMsg  cannotCleanWithMsg  cannotClimbDownMsg  cannotClimbMsg  cannotCloseMsg  cannotConsultMsg  cannotCutMsg  cannotCutWithMsg  cannotCutWithSelfMsg  cannotDetachFromMsg  cannotDetachFromSelfMsg  cannotDetachMsg  cannotDigMsg  cannotDigWithMsg  cannotDigWithSelfMsg  cannotDoffMsg  cannotDrinkMsg  cannotDropMsg  cannotEatMsg  cannotEnterMsg  cannotEnterOnMsg  cannotExtinguishMsg  cannotFastenMsg  cannotFastenToMsg  cannotFastenToSelfMsg  cannotFeelMsg  cannotFlipMsg  cannotFollowMsg  cannotFollowSelfMsg  cannotGetInCarriedMsg  cannotGetOnCarriedMsg  cannotGiveToMsg  cannotGiveToSelfMsg  cannotGoAlongMsg  cannotGoNearThereMsg  cannotGoThroughMsg  cannotJumpOffMsg  cannotJumpOverMsg  cannotKissMsg  cannotLieInMsg  cannotLieOnMsg  cannotLightMsg  cannotLockWithMsg  cannotLockWithSelfMsg  cannotLookBehindMsg  cannotLookThroughMsg  cannotLookUnderMsg  cannotMoveMsg  cannotMoveToMsg  cannotMoveToSelfMsg  cannotMoveWithMsg  cannotMoveWithSelfMsg  cannotOpenMsg  cannotPlugIntoMsg  cannotPlugIntoSelfMsg  cannotPlugMsg  cannotPourIntoMsg  cannotPourIntoSelfMsg  cannotPourMsg  cannotPourOntoMsg  cannotPourOntoSelfMsg  cannotPullMsg  cannotPurloinContainerMsg  cannotPurloinRoomMsg  cannotPurloinSelfMsg  cannotPushDownMsg  cannotPushIntoMsg  cannotPushMsg  cannotPushOwnContainerMsg  cannotPushThroughMsg  cannotPushUpMsg  cannotPushViaSelfMsg  cannotPutBehindMsg  cannotPutInMsg  cannotPutInSelfMsg  cannotPutMsg  cannotPutOnMsg  cannotPutUnderMsg  cannotReadMsg  cannotRemoveMsg  cannotScrewMsg  cannotScrewWithMsg  cannotScrewWithSelfMsg  cannotSetMsg  cannotSetToMsg  cannotShowToMsg  cannotShowToSelfMsg  cannotSitInMsg  cannotSitOnMsg  cannotSmellMsg  cannotStandInMsg  cannotStandOnMsg  cannotTakeFromSelfMsg  cannotTakeMsg  cannotTakeMyContainerMsg  cannotTakeSelfMsg  cannotTalkToMsg  cannotTalkToSelfMsg  cannotTasteMsg  cannotThrowAtMsg  cannotThrowAtSelfMsg  cannotThrowMsg  cannotThrowToMsg  cannotThrowToSelfMsg  cannotTurnMsg  cannotTurnToMsg  cannotTurnWithMsg  cannotTurnWithSelfMsg  cannotTypeOnMsg  cannotUnfastenFromMsg  cannotUnfastenFromSelfMsg  cannotUnfastenMsg  cannotUnlockWithMsg  cannotUnlockWithSelfMsg  cannotUnplugFromMsg  cannotUnplugFromSelfMsg  cannotUnplugMsg  cannotUnscrewMsg  cannotUnscrewWithMsg  cannotUnscrewWithSelfMsg  cannotWearMsg  cannotWriteOnMsg  canPlugIntoMe  canPourIntoMe  canPourOntoMe  canPullTravel  canPushTravel  canPutBehindMe  canPutInMe  canPutUnderMe  canReachIn  canReachOut  canScrewWithMe  canSeeIn  canSeeOut  canSetMeTo  canSitInMe  canSitOnMe  canSmellIn  canSmellOut  canStandInMe  canStandOnMe  canSupply  canTalkToMe  canThrowAtMe  canThrowToMe  cantMoveAwayFromSelfMsg  cantSpecialActionMsg  canTurnMeTo  canTurnWithMe  canTypeOnMe  canUnfastenFromMe  canUnlockWithMe  canUnplugFromMe  canUnscrewWithMe  canWriteOnMe  checkAttackMsg  checkFeelMsg  checkKissMsg  circularlyInMsg  collectiveGroups  contents  contentsListed  contentsListedInExamine  contentsListedInLook  contentsListedInSearch  contType  currentInterlocutor  curSetting  darkName  decorationActions  decorationActions  defaultPosture  desc  directlyHeld  directlyIn  directlyWorn  distinguishByContents  dontNeedCleaningObjMsg  dropItemsBehind  dropItemsUnder  dropLocation  enclosing  examined  examineListed  examineLister  exitLocation  extContents  familiar  feelDesc  findHiddenDest  fluidName  futileToAttackMsg  futileToKissMsg  getBulkHiddenBehind  getBulkHiddenIn  getBulkHiddenUnder  getFacets  getOutermostRoom  getOutToJump  getWeightHiddenBehind  getWeightHiddenIn  getWeightHiddenUnder  globalParamName  groupOrder  hearNothingMsg  hiddenBehind  hiddenIn  hiddenUnder  illuminationThreshold  inDarkDesc  indirectLockableMsg  informedNameTab  initiallyKnowsAbout  initSpecialDesc  intContents  interiorDesc  inventoryListed  isAttachable  isAttackable  isBoardable  isBreakable  isBurnable  isClean  isCleanable  isClimbable  isCloseable  isConsultable  isCuttable  isDecoration  isDetachable  isDiggable  isDoffable  isDrinkable  isDroppable  isEdible  isEnterable  isExtinguishable  isFastenable  isFastened  isFeelable  isFixed  isFlippable  isFollowable  isHidden  isInitialPlayerChar  isKissable  isLightable  isListed  isLit  isLocked  isMoveable  isOn  isOpen  isOpenable  isPlayerChar  isPlugable  isPourable  isProminentNoise  isProminentSmell  isPullable  isPushable  isReadable  isRemoveable  isScrewable  isSettable  isSmellable  isSwitchable  isTakeable  isTasteable  isThrowable  isTransparent  isTurnable  isUnfastenable  isUnplugable  isUnscrewable  isVehicle  isWearable  keyDoesntWorkMsg  keyList  keyNotNeededMsg  kissRank  known  knownKeyList  knownProp  lastSeenAt  lieOnScore  lightSources  listableContents  listenDesc  listenDescWithoutSource  listenDescWithSource  listOrder  listWith  location  lockability  lockedMsg  lookBehindMsg  lookInMsg  lookListed  lookThroughMsg  lookUnderMsg  markInventoryAsSeen  matchPullOnly  matchPushOnly  maxBulkHiddenBehind  maxBulkHiddenIn  maxBulkHiddenUnder  maxItemsCarried  maxSingleBulk  maxSingleWeight  maxWeightHiddenBehind  maxWeightHiddenIn  maxWeightHiddenUnder  mentioned  moved  movedTo  moveNoEffectMsg  mustBeCleanedWith  myInventoryLister  myLookBehindLister  myLookInLister  myLookUnderLister  myOpeningContentsLister  myThoughtManager  myWornLister  needsCleaning  noLongerTalkingToAnyoneMsg  nominalContents  noNeedToCleanMsg  notFastenedMsg  notHoldingMsg  notImportantMsg  notInMsg  notLitMsg  notLockableMsg  notLockedMsg  notMovedToMsg  notSwitchableMsg  notTalkingToAnyoneMsg  notWornMsg  objInPrep  objIntoPrep  okayCleanMsg  okayGetOutOfMsg  okayLieInMsg  okayLieOnMsg  okayLockMsg  okayOpenMsg  okayPushIntoMsg  okayPushOutOfMsg  okaySetMsg  okaySitInMsg  okaySitOnMsg  okayStandInMsg  okayStandOnMsg  okayUnlockMsg  opacity  opened  openStatusReportable  owner  ownsContents  paraBrksBtwnSubcontents  partOfYouMsg  pcListedInLook  posture  preCondActor  pullNoEffectMsg  pushNoEffectMsg  readDesc  recognizableInDark  remapActor  remapBehind  remapIn  remapOn  remapProps  remapUnder  roomContentsLister  roomPart  roomPartDesc  roomSubContentsLister  roomTitle  searchListed  seen  seenProp  shouldBeBroken  shouldNotBreakMsg  shouldNotPourIntoMsg  shouldNotPourOntoMsg  sightSize  sitOnScore  smellDesc  smellDescWithoutSource  smellDescWithSource  smellNothingMsg  smellObj  smellSize  soundObj  soundSize  specialDesc  specialDescBeforeContents  specialDescListWith  specialDescOrder  stagingLocation  standOnScore  stateDesc  tasteDesc  throwFallsShortMsg  tooDarkToReadMsg  tooDarkToSeeMsg  tooFarAwayToHearMsg  tooFarAwayToReadMsg  tooFarAwayToSeeDetailMsg  tooFarAwayToSmellMsg  totalWeight  turnLastExamined  turnLastMoved  turnLastMovedInto  turnNoEffectMsg  useInitSpecialDesc  useKey_  useSpecialDesc  viaMode  visibleInDark  vocabLikelihood  weight  weightCapacity  withKeyMsg  wornBy 

Inherited from Mentionable :
altVocab  ambiguouslyPlural  disambigGroup  disambigMatchPhrases  disambigName  disambigOrder  finalizeVocabWhen  isHer  isHim  isIt  massNoun  matchPhrases  matchPhrasesExclude  name  originalVocab  person  plural  proper  qualified  states  uavwNum  useAltVocabWhen  vocab  vocabWords 

Inherited from LMentionable :
acronymPluralPat  alphaCharPat  aName  apostPluralPat  apostSPat  deannotatePat  dictComp  dummyName  elevenEighteenPat  emptyVocabWords  esPluralPat  firstWordPat  heName  herName  hersName  himName  iesPluralPat  irregularPlurals  lastWordPat  leadingTagOrQuotePat  menPluralPat  objInName  objIntoName  objName  objOutOfName  oneLetterAnWordPat  oneLetterWordPat  ownerNamed  pluralPat  posPat  possAdj  possEnding  possNoun  prepList  prepPhrasePat  prepWordPat  pronounMap  properNamePat  properPat  reflexiveName  replacingVocab  specialAOrAn  tagOrQuotePat  thatName  thatObjName  theName  theObjName  trimPat  truncationLength  weakWordPat 

Summary of Methods  

abcName  accumulateBrightness  accumulatedBrightnessWithin  actionMoveInto  actorAction  addToAllContents  addToContents  afterAction  afterTravel  allContents  allowReachOut  aobjFor  beforeAction  beforeMovePushable  beforeTravel  brightnessWithin  byRoom  canHear  cannotPushTravelMsg  cannotReachOutMsg  canReach  canSee  canSmell  canTalkTo  checkDisplay  checkForContradictions  checkInsert  checkPushTravel  checkReach  checkReachIn  checkRemove  checkRoomToHold  checkSetting  childLocType  commonContainingParent  commonInteriorParent  containerPath  containerPathBlock  darkDesc  describeMovePushable  describePushTravel  directChildParent  discover  display  displayAlt  dobjFor(AskAbout)  dobjFor(AskFor)  dobjFor(Attach)  dobjFor(AttachTo)  dobjFor(Attack)  dobjFor(AttackWith)  dobjFor(Board)  dobjFor(Break)  dobjFor(Burn)  dobjFor(BurnWith)  dobjFor(Clean)  dobjFor(CleanWith)  dobjFor(Climb)  dobjFor(ClimbDown)  dobjFor(ClimbUp)  dobjFor(Close)  dobjFor(ConsultAbout)  dobjFor(Cut)  dobjFor(CutWith)  dobjFor(Default)  dobjFor(Detach)  dobjFor(DetachFrom)  dobjFor(Dig)  dobjFor(DigWith)  dobjFor(Doff)  dobjFor(Drink)  dobjFor(Drop)  dobjFor(Eat)  dobjFor(Enter)  dobjFor(EnterOn)  dobjFor(Examine)  dobjFor(Extinguish)  dobjFor(Fasten)  dobjFor(FastenTo)  dobjFor(Feel)  dobjFor(Flip)  dobjFor(Follow)  dobjFor(GetOff)  dobjFor(GetOutOf)  dobjFor(GiveTo)  dobjFor(GiveToImplicit)  dobjFor(GoAlong)  dobjFor(GoNear)  dobjFor(GoThrough)  dobjFor(GoTo)  dobjFor(JumpOff)  dobjFor(JumpOver)  dobjFor(Kiss)  dobjFor(LieIn)  dobjFor(LieOn)  dobjFor(LieOn)  dobjFor(Light)  dobjFor(ListenTo)  dobjFor(Lock)  dobjFor(LockWith)  dobjFor(LookBehind)  dobjFor(LookIn)  dobjFor(LookThrough)  dobjFor(LookUnder)  dobjFor(Move)  dobjFor(MoveAwayFrom)  dobjFor(MoveTo)  dobjFor(MoveWith)  dobjFor(Open)  dobjFor(PlugIn)  dobjFor(PlugInto)  dobjFor(Pour)  dobjFor(PourInto)  dobjFor(PourOnto)  dobjFor(Pull)  dobjFor(Purloin)  dobjFor(Push)  dobjFor(PushTravelClimbDown)  dobjFor(PushTravelClimbUp)  dobjFor(PushTravelDir)  dobjFor(PushTravelEnter)  dobjFor(PushTravelGetOutOf)  dobjFor(PushTravelThrough)  dobjFor(PutBehind)  dobjFor(PutIn)  dobjFor(PutOn)  dobjFor(PutUnder)  dobjFor(QueryAbout)  dobjFor(Read)  dobjFor(Remove)  dobjFor(SayTo)  dobjFor(Screw)  dobjFor(ScrewWith)  dobjFor(Search)  dobjFor(Set)  dobjFor(SetTo)  dobjFor(ShowTo)  dobjFor(ShowToImplicit)  dobjFor(SitIn)  dobjFor(SitOn)  dobjFor(SitOn)  dobjFor(SmellSomething)  dobjFor(SpecialAction)  dobjFor(StandIn)  dobjFor(StandOn)  dobjFor(StandOn)  dobjFor(Strike)  dobjFor(SwitchOff)  dobjFor(SwitchOn)  dobjFor(SwitchVague)  dobjFor(Take)  dobjFor(TakeFrom)  dobjFor(TakeFrom)  dobjFor(TalkAbout)  dobjFor(TalkTo)  dobjFor(Taste)  dobjFor(TellAbout)  dobjFor(Throw)  dobjFor(ThrowAt)  dobjFor(ThrowDir)  dobjFor(ThrowTo)  dobjFor(Turn)  dobjFor(TurnTo)  dobjFor(TurnWith)  dobjFor(TypeOn)  dobjFor(TypeOnVague)  dobjFor(Unfasten)  dobjFor(UnfastenFrom)  dobjFor(Unlock)  dobjFor(UnlockWith)  dobjFor(Unplug)  dobjFor(UnplugFrom)  dobjFor(Unscrew)  dobjFor(UnscrewWith)  dobjFor(Wear)  dobjFor(WriteOn)  doPushTravel  examineStatus  filterResolveList  findHidden  findPlausibleKey  firstContainerPathBlock  forget  getBulkWithin  getCarriedBulk  getCarriedWeight  getStatuslineExitsHeight  getWeightWithin  handleCommand  hasSeen  hideFromAll  informedAbout  interiorParent  iobjFor(AttachTo)  iobjFor(AttackWith)  iobjFor(BurnWith)  iobjFor(CleanWith)  iobjFor(CutWith)  iobjFor(Default)  iobjFor(DetachFrom)  iobjFor(DigWith)  iobjFor(FastenTo)  iobjFor(GiveTo)  iobjFor(LockWith)  iobjFor(MoveAwayFrom)  iobjFor(MoveTo)  iobjFor(MoveWith)  iobjFor(PlugInto)  iobjFor(PourInto)  iobjFor(PourOnto)  iobjFor(PushTravelClimbDown)  iobjFor(PushTravelClimbUp)  iobjFor(PushTravelEnter)  iobjFor(PushTravelGetOutOf)  iobjFor(PushTravelThrough)  iobjFor(PutBehind)  iobjFor(PutIn)  iobjFor(PutOn)  iobjFor(PutUnder)  iobjFor(ScrewWith)  iobjFor(ShowTo)  iobjFor(TakeFrom)  iobjFor(ThrowAt)  iobjFor(ThrowTo)  iobjFor(TurnWith)  iobjFor(UnfastenFrom)  iobjFor(UnlockWith)  iobjFor(UnplugFrom)  iobjFor(UnscrewWith)  isAudibleFrom  isChild  isDirectChild  isDirectlyHeldBy  isDirectlyIn  isDirectlyWornBy  isHeldBy  isIlluminated  isIn  isInterior  isOrIsIn  isOutside  isReadableFrom  isSmellableFrom  isThereALightSourceIn  isVisibleFrom  isWornBy  knowsAbout  listableContentsOf  listContents  listenDesc  listRemoteContents  listSubcontentsOf  litWithin  locationWhich  locType  lookAroundWithin  makeCleaned  makeFastened  makeLit  makeLocked  makeMovedTo  makeOn  makeOpen  makeSetting  makeWorn  markContradiction  moveHidden  moveInto  moveMLIntoAdd  moveMLOutOf  nestedLoc  nominalOwner  noteSeen  notifyContradiction  notifyEvent  notifyInsert  notifyRemove  notifySightEvent  notifySmellEvent  notifySoundEvent  notionalContents  outermostParent  outermostVisibleParent  ownedBy  preAction  preinitThing  pushTravelRevealItems  reachBlockedMsg  remoteBrightness  remoteInitSpecialDesc  remoteObjInName  remoteSpecialDesc  removeFromContents  revealOnMove  roomHeadline  roomSubhead  sayCantBearMoreWeight  sayDontKnowHowToGetThere  sayDontKnowHowToReach  sayFindHidden  sayPushTravel  sayTooHeavy  sayTooHeavyToHide  scoreObject  setHasSeen  setInformed  setKnown  setKnowsAbout  setSeen  shinesOut  showConnectedMiscContents  showFirstConnectedSpecials  showRemoteSpecialDesc  showSecondConnectedSpecials  showSpecialDesc  showStatuslineExits  smellDesc  statusName  totalBulkIn  totalWeightIn  traceContainerPath  travelVia  tryCheck  tryMakingPosture  unmention  unmentionRemoteContents  verifyActor  verifyEnterPosture  verifyPushTravel  wouldBeLitFor 

Inherited from ReplaceRedirector :

Inherited from Redirector :
askMissingLiteral  doInstead  doNested  doOtherAction 

Inherited from Mentionable :
actionReport  construct  initAltVocab  matchName  matchNameCommon  matchNameDisambig  phraseMatchName  simpleMatchName  updateVocab 

Inherited from LMentionable :
addDictWord  addVocab  addVocabWord  aNameFrom  aNameFromPoss  classInit  contify  distinguishedName  ifPronoun  inheritVocab  initVocab  initVocabWord  locify  matchPronoun  pluralNameFrom  pluralWordFrom  possessify  pronoun  removeVocabWord  replaceVocab  theNameFrom  theNameIs 



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Do we allow an implicit say command to be directed to this object? Normally we don't. Thuis property is only really meaningful on the Actor class but we define it here because it's needed by parser.t.

While it's possible to pour stuff into any container, we probably don't want to allow it on most of them

The allowPourOntoMe property controls whether we want allow anything to be poured onto this thing (even if it's possible). By default we don't.

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Handled on iobj

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Remap the lock action to our remapIn object if we're not lockable but we have a lockable remapIn object (i.e. an associated container).

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If an actor within me cannot reach an object from me, should the actor automatically try to get out of me?

If the actor finds something in a hiddenPrep list and there's nowhere obvious for it go, should he take it? By default the actor should take it if the object he's found it in/under/behind is fixed in place.

Flag, do we want to attempt to unlock this item it it's locked when we try to open it?


The strength of the light the object is giving off, if indeed it is giving off light. This value should be one of the following:

0: The object is giving off no light at all.

1: The object is self-illuminating, but doesn't give off enough light to illuminate any other objects. This is suitable for something like an LED digital clock.

2: The object gives off dim light. This level is bright enough to illuminate nearby objects, but not enough to go through obscuring media, and not enough for certain activities requiring strong lighting, such as reading.

3: The object gives off medium light. This level is bright enough to illuminate nearby objects, and is enough for most activities, including reading and the like. Traveling through an obscuring medium reduces this level to dim (2).

4: The object gives off strong light. This level is bright enough to illuminate nearby objects, and travel through an obscuring medium reduces it to medium light (3).

There is nothing to stop game code using a higher value still to model a a super-powerful light source if that seems suitable to the situation being modelled in the game, but this probably will only rarely be necessary.

Note that the special value -1 is reserved as an invalid level, used to flag certain events (such as the need to recalculate the ambient light level from a new point of view).

Most objects do not give off light at all.

Return the appropriate on/off brightness, depending on whether or not we're currently lit

The brightness needed for us to be able to read this object (as opposed to merely examine it) By default we'll set this at 3 (the brightness used by adv3) but game code can overrife this to some other value if desired. [BRIGHTNESS EXTENSION]

Our brightness when unlit. This would normally be 0, but if we're visible in the dark it will be 1. [BRIGHTNESS EXTENSION]

Our brightness when lit [BRIGHTNESS EXTENSION]

This object's bulk, in arbitrary units (game authors should devise their own bulk scale according to the needs of their game).

The maximum bulk that can be contained in this Thing. We set a very large number by default.

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By default we can't use most things as weapons

By default we assume most things can't be used to burn other things with.

We assume most objects aren't suitable for cleaning other objects with. Since the dobj is resolved first canCleanWithMe could be a method that checks whether the proposed iobj is suitable for cleaning gDobj; but a better way of doing it might be to list suitable objects in the mustBeCleanedWith property.

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Most things can't be used to cut other things with

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Most objects aren't suitable digging instruments

Flag: can our contents be dropped when we're in the actor's inventory (if they can, an implicit TaksFrom us will be performed to enable the Drop). By default they can't.

Entering something on means ENTER FOO ON BAR where FOO is a string literal and BAR is an object such as a computer terminal. Most objects can't be entered on in this sense.

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Most things cannot be gone along

Most things cannot be gone through

Can we hear in from my exterior to my interior? That is, can an observer on the outside of this container hear a sound source on the inside?

By default, we can hear in for all containers, since most materials transmit at least some sound even if they're opaque to light. For a soundproof material (a glass booth, say), you could override this to make it (!enclosing) instead.

Can we hear out from my interior to my exterior? That is, can an observer on the inside of this container hear a sound source on the outside?

By default, we can hear out for all containers, since most materials transmit at least some sound even if they're opaque to light. For a soundproof material (a glass both, say), you could override this to make it (!enclosing) instead.

It should be possible to jump off something if and only if the actor is on it in the first place.

It usually isn't possible (or at least useful) to jump over things.

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Usually, if something can be used to unlock things it can also be used to lock them

By default we make it possible to look behind things, but there could be many things it makes no sense to try to look behind.

By default we make it possible to look through things, but there may well be things you obviously couldn't look through.

We can look under most things, but there are some things (houses, the ground, sunlight) it might not make much sense to try looking under.

In general there's no reason why most objects can't be moved to.

Most things can't be used to move other things with. Note that since the dobj is resolved first, objects or subclasses could override this with a method that returns true or nil depending on the identity of the dobj.

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The message to display if something can't be dropped.

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Jumping off something has much the same effect as getting off it, i.e. moving the actor to our exitLocation.

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Note that the player char has seen the purloined item. Not doing this can make it appear that the player character doesn't know about an object that's in his/her inventory.

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If we're actually a rear-like object (i.e. if our contType is Behind) then something put behind us can be moved inside us. Otherwise, all we can do with something put behind us is to add it to our hiddenBehind list and move it off-stage.

If we're actually a container-like object (i.e. if our contType is In) then something put in us can be moved inside us. Otherwise, all we can do with something put in us is to add it to our hiddenIn list and move it off-stage.

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The most usual reason why we can't put something somewhere is that we can't pick it up in the first place, so by default we'll just copy cannotPutMsg from cannotTakeMsg.

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If we're actually an underside-like object (i.e. if our contType is Under) then something put under us can be moved inside us. Otherwise, all we can do with something put under us is to add it to our hiddenUnder list and move it off-stage.

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Note that this message should never display in an English-language game since removeDoer will intercept the action before it gets to this point.

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Report that we've been taken. Note that if the action causes several items to be taken, this method will only be called on the final item, and will need to report on all the items taken.

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Particular instances will nearly always need to override with a less generic and more plausible refusal message.

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The default result of throwing something in a compass direction is that it lands in the dropLocation of its outermost room.

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Presumably it's possible by default to pour something into me if I'm a container; but this could be overridden simply to true for objects like the sea or a river.

Most things can probably have something poured onto them in principle, though we might want to prevent it in practice. The canPourOntoMe property controls whether it's possible to pour onto this thing.

Normally we don't distinguish PushTravel from PullTravel, but if we want something to be pushable between rooms but not pullable, or vice versa, we can set these to different values.

By default we can't push travel most things. Push Travel means pushing an object from one place to another and traveling with it.

Flag: can under objects be placed behind us? By default they can if our contType is Behind. If this is set to true and our contType is not Behind, anything placed behind us will be treated as hidden behind.

Flag: can under objects be placed inside us? By default they can if our contType is In. If this is set to true and our contType is not In, anything placed in us will be treated as hidden in.

Flag: can under objects be placed under us? By default they can if our contType is Under. If this is set to true and our contType is not Under, anything placed under us will be treated as hidden under.

Can we reach in from my exterior to my interior? That is, can an observer outside this object reach something inside of it? By default, we can reach in if we're non-enclosing.

Can we reach out from my interior to my exterior? That is, can an observer inside this object reach something outside of it? By default, we can reach out if we're non-enclosing.

Most things can't be used to screw other things with.

Can we see in from my exterior to my interior? That is, can an observer outside of this object see things located within it? By default, we can see in from outside if we're transparent or we're non-enclosing.

Can we see out from my interior to my exterior? That is, can an observer inside this object see things located outside of it? By default, we can see out from inside if we're transparent or we're non-enclosing.

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Although we don't track postures as such, some objects may be better choices than other for sitting on (e.g. chairs), lying on (e.g. beds) and standing on (e.g. rugs), so we allow these to be tested for individually at the verify stage.

Note that none of these three properties (canSitOnMe, canLieOnMe, canStandOnMe) should normally be overridden to simply true, since they cannot make it possible to sit, lie or stand on something for which isBoardable is not true (or which contType is not On).

Can we smell in (from an observer on my exterior to an odor source on my interior)? By default, we can smell in if we're non-enclosing, since most solid materials aren't very permeable to scents (at human sensitivities, at least).

Can we smell out (from an observer on my interior to an odor source on my exterior)? By default, we can smell out if we're non-enclosing, since most solid materials aren't very permeable to scents (at human sensitivities, at least).

By default we can't stand, sit or lie in anything. [POSTURES EXTENSION]

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Flag, can we supply more items from us that are currently in scope? By default we can't; but a DispensingCollective may be able to.

We don't bother to define isAskable etc. properties since we assume that no inanimate object can be conversed with, and that game code will use the Actor class to allow conversation. In any case since there's never any difficult in talking about oneself, the various illogicalSelf checks aren't needed.

Indeed, the handling of conversational commands on Thing is minimal; they are simply ruled out at the verify stage, since most Things can't converse. The implementation of these actions that allows conversation to take place is on the Actor class. We do however define a canTalkToMe property so that Actor can use the verify handling defined on Thing by just overriding it.

Things can't be talked to, so game code shouldn't normally override this property; it's there to be overridden on the Actor class.

Most objects can the target of a throw, but it's conceivable that some might be obviously unsuitable

Most objects cannot have things thrown to then, since this would imply that they might be able to catch them, which only animate objects can do.

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By default things can't be used to turn other things with

Most things can't be typed on.

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Most things can't be used to unlock with. In practice there's probably little point in overriding this property since if you do want to use something to unlock other things with, you'd use the Key class.

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Most things can't be written on.

If we want Attack to fail at the check stage we can supply a message explaining why.

This property can be defined to display a message at the check stage (and so stop the FEEL action there). Normally checkFeelMsg would be defined as a double-quoted string, but it can also be defined as a double-quoted string or a method that displays some text.

If we want Kissing to fail at the check stage we can supply a message here explaining why. This is most simply given as a single-quoted string, but a double-quoted string or method will also work.

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CollectiveGroup, or a list of CollectiveGroups, to which this item belongs.

The list of things directly contained by this object

Flag: should this item's contents be listed? This can be used to control both contentsListedInLook and contentsListedInExamine.

Flag: should this item's contents be listed when its container is examined.

Flag: should this item's contents be listed as part of a room description (when looking around).

Flag, should this item's contents be listed when it is searched (by default this is simply true, since it would be odd to have a container that failed to reveal its contents when searched).

This object's containment type - that is, the locType for direct children. This is given as one of the spatial relation types (In, On, Under, Behind etc).

The currentInterlocutor is the Actor this object is currently in conversation with. This property is only relevant on gPlayerChar, but it is defined here rather than on Actor since the player char can be of kind Thing.

The value we're currently set to.

The name to display at the head of a room description when it's dark

The list of actions this object will respond to specifically if isDecoration is true. All other actions will be handled by dobjFor(Default) and/or iobjFor(Default). Game code can override this list (usually to expand it) for decorations that are required to handle additional actions.

If we're compiling for debugging, it will be useful to allow the GONEAR command with Decorations for testing purposes, but this can't be included in a release build without causing a compilation error, so we define the decorationActions property with different lists of actions depending on whether we're compiling for debugging or release.

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The posture that's adopted by default by an actor entering or boarding this this. [DEFINED IN POSTURES EXTENSION]

The description of this Thing that's displayed when it's examined. Normally this would be defined as a double-quoted string, but in more complicated cases you could also define it as a method that displays some text.

Get everything I'm directly holding, which is everything in my immediate contents which is neither fixed in place nor being worn.

get everything that's directly in me

get everything I'm directly wearing

Can I be distinguished in parser messages by my contents? If so, we can be distinguished (in parser messages) from similar objects by our contents, or lack thereof: "bucket of water" vs "empty bucket". If this is true, our nominalContents property determines the contents we display for this.

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Flag, should any items behind me be left behind when I'm moved; by default, they should.

Flag, should any items behind me be left behind when I'm moved; by default, they should.

The location in which something dropped in me should land.

Do we fully enclose our interior contents (true), or only partially (nil)? By default, we assume that our contents are fully enclosed. This can be set to nil for objects that represent spaces that are open on one side, such as a nook in a rock or a create without a lid.

For an object that's sometimes fully enclosing and sometimes not, such as a cabinet with a door that can be opened and closed, this should be overridden with a method that figures the current value based on the open/closed state.

Note that this only applies to our *interior* contents, such as contents of location type In. Contents that are atop the object or otherwise arranged around the exterior aren't affected by this.

Have we been examined? This is set to true when the player character examines the object. For a room, LOOK AROUND counts as examination, as does triggering a room description by traveling into the room.

Flag: is this item listed when its container is examined.

The lister to use to list an item's contents when it's examined.

Our exitLocation is the location an actor should be moved to when s/he gets off/out of us.

Get my list of unenclosed direct contents. This is the subset of my direct contents that have exterior location types (On, Outside, Behind, Under).

Whether the player character knows of the existence of this object, if if it hasn't been seen. Set to true for objects that the player character should be familiar with at the start of play, or make true when the PC learns of them.

The description displayed in response to a FEEL command

Where should an item that's been hidden in/under/behind something be moved to when its found? If it's taken, move into the actor; otherwise move it to the location of the object it's just been found in/under/behind.

Sometimes we may have a container, such as an oilcan, from which we want to pour a liquid, such as oil, and we're using the same object to do duty for both. We can then use the fluidName property to say 'the oil' rather than 'the oilcan' in messages that refer specifically to pouring the liquid.

In case isAttackable is changed to true but no other handling is added, we need to provide some kind of default report.

It's more logical to kiss actors, so we give the Kiss action a lower logical rank on ordinary things.

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The total bulk of items hidden in, under or behind this object

A list of objects that are facets of this object, and so can be referred to with the same pronoun.

Our outermost room, i.e. the top level Room in which we are indirectly or directly contained.

Flag, if this is a nested room, should an actor get out of it before executing an intransitive Jump command. By default it should.

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The total weight of items hidden in, under or behind this object [WEIGHT EXTENSION]

Our globalParamName is an arbitrary string value that can be used to refer to this thing in a message substitution parameter; for code readability it may be a good idea to make this a string representation of our programmatic name (where we want to define it at all).

Group order. This gives the relative order of this item within its list group.

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A list of objects that are treated as hidden behind this one. A LOOK BEHIND command will list them and move them into the enclosing room. It follows that objects placed in this property should not be given an initial location. This should deal with the most common reason for wanting items to be placed behind things (i.e. to hide them). Note, the items in the hiddenBehind property should also be revealed when the player moves the hiding item.

A list of objects that are treated as hidden inside this one. A LOOK IN command will list them and move them into the enclosing room (or in this one if we're a container). It follows that objects placed in this property should not be given an initial location.

A list of objects that are treated as hidden under this one. A LOOK UNDER command will list them and move them into the enclosing room. It follows that objects placed in this property should not be given an initial location. This should deal with the most common reason for wanting items to be placed under things (i.e. to hide them). Note, the items in the hiddenUnder property should also be revealed when the player moves the hiding item.


The illumination threshold is the available brightness (returned by the brightnessWithin method) that needs to be exceeded in our interior to be able to examine objects or look around or satisfy other visibility criteris (mostly where the objVisible precondition is applies to the current action). The default illuminationThreshold is 1, which mimics the behaviour of both the adv3 library and the adv3Lite library in the absence of this extension.

An optional description to be displayed instead of our normal desc and any status information (such as our contents) if we're examined in a dark room and visibleInDark is true. Note that if visibleInDark is nil inDarkDesc will never be used.

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Our look up table for things we've been informed about

The list of things we start the game knowing about. This list can contain a mix of game objects (Things and/or Topics) and fact tags. Note that it would be redundant to include Things and Topics already defined as familiar if this property is overridden on the initial player character object.

A specialDesc that's shown until this item has been moved

Get my list of enclosed direct contents. This is the subset of my direct contents that have interior location types (In).

The "inside" description. This is displayed when an actor LOOKS AROUND from within this object. Note that this applies not only to top-level rooms but also to things like chairs, platforms, and booths that can contain an actor. By default, we simply show the ordinary EXAMINE description (or the darkDesc if there's no illumination). Non-room containers such as chairs or booths should usually override this to provide the view from inside the object, which usually differs from the ordinary EXAMINE description. For a top-level room, you don't usually override this, since the only description needed for a room is normally the LOOK AROUND perspective.

Flag: is this item listed in an inventory listing.

By default most things can't be attached to any things. The base handling of ATTACH and DETACH on Thing merely rules them out at the verify stage. The SimpleAttachable and NearbyAttachable classes define in the optional attachables.t module provide fuller handling.

Although in theory we can attack almost anything, in practice there's seldom reason to do so.

Can an actor enter (get in or on) this object. Note that for such an action to be allowing the contType must also match the proposed action.

By default treat everything as breakable, but there are somethings that clearly aren't like sunbeams, sounds and mountains.

By default we assume most things aren't burnable

Assume most things start out not as clean as they could be

Most things probably could be cleaned, even if they're not worth cleaning in practice. Some things like a mountain or the moon probably can't be cleaned and could reasonably define isCleanable = nil.

Most things can't be climbed

By default something is closeable if it's openable

Most things aren't consultable

By default things can't be cut

If I declare this object to be a decoration (i.e. isDecoration = true) then its default behaviour will be to display its notImportantMsg for every action except Examine or GoTo. We can extend the actions it will respond to by adding them to the list in the decorationActions property.

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Most things are not suitable for digging in

By default we assume that something's doffable if it's wearable

Most things aren't drinkable

By default we can drop anything that's held

Flag: Can this thing be eaten

Flag, can we enter (i.e. get inside) this thing? For most objects, we can't

Most things are extinguishable if they're lit, but some things (like the sun or a nuclear explosion) might conceivably not be. Note that this property should only be set to nil for things that couldn't be extinguished even if they were lit (the flames of Hell, for example, which might be considered undousable for all eternity, if you're bent on writing an infernal game).

Fasten by itself presumably refers to objects like seat-belts. There are not many such fastenable objects so we may things not fastenable by default.

Most things start out unfastened.

By default we can try feeling most things, but there may be some things it would be inappropriate to try feeling (like a blazing fire or Aunt Mable) or somethings that cannot be felt (like a ray of light).

Flag to indicate whether this item is portable (nil) or fixed in place (true). If it's fixed in place it can't be picked up or moved around (by player commands).

Since FLIP X is often synonymous with SWITCH X , by default we make something flippable if it's switchable.

Flag: can this object be followed? Most inanimate objects cannot, so the default value is nil.

Flag, do we want to treat this object as hidden from view (so that the player can't interact with it)?

The isInitialPlayerChar property was formerly used as an alternative method of identifying the player character. This method of doing so is now deprecated, except for its use on the Player class. Instead you should now define the player character on gameMain.initialPlayerChar

We can try kissing most things, even if it isn't very rewarding

Is this object lightable (via a player command)? Note that setting this property to true also automatically makes the LitUnlit State applicable to this object, allowing it to be referred to as 'lit' or 'unlit' as appropriate.

A global isListed property that can be used to set the value of all the others. By default we're listed if we're not fixed in place.

Is this object lit, i.e. providing sufficient light to see not only this object but other objects in the vicinity by.

Flag: is this object currently locked. By default we start out locked if we're lockable.

By default we assume anything fixed isn't moveable unless it explicitly can be moved by PushTravel or PullTravel)

is this item currently switched on?

Is this object open. By default we'll make Things open so that their interiors (if they have any) are accessible, unless they're openable, in which case we'll assume they start out closed.

Is this object openable. If this property is set to true then this object can be open and closed via the OPEN and CLOSE commands. Note that setting this property to true also automatically makes the OpenClosed State apply to this object, so that it can be referred to as 'open' or 'closed' accordingly.

Is this object the player character?

Most things can't be plugged into other things or have other things plugged into them.

Most things aren't pourable (they can't be poured into or onto other things.

Is the this object's listenDesc displayed in response to an intransitive LISTEN command? (Only relevant if listenDesc is not nil)

Is the this object's smellDesc displayed in response to an intransitive SMELL command? (Only relevant if smellDesc is not nil)

We can at least try to pull most things.

We can at least try to push most things.

By default an object is readable if it defines a non-nil readDesc

By default an object is removeable if it's takeable

Most things can't be screwed

Most things aren't settable.

By default everything is smellable, but you can override this to nil if something isn't

Can this object be switched on and off?

By default a Thing is takeable if it's not fixed in place

By default everything is tasteable, but there might well be things the that it would not be appropriate to taste.

By default something is throwable unless it's fixed in place.

Are we transparent to light? If this is true, then an observer outside this object can see through it to objects on its interior, and an observer inside can see through to objects on its exterior.

This property controls transparency symmetrically (looking in from outside and looking out from within). The library also lets you control transparency asymmetrically, using canSeeIn and canSeeOut. Those values are by default derived from this one, but you can override them separately to create something like a one-way mirror.

By default we make everything turnable, but lots of things clearly won't be.

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Flag; is this Thing a vehicle for an actor? If so then issuing a travel command while in this vehicle will call this vehicle to travel

is this object something that can be worn

If we've found a possible key but it doesn't actually work on this object, report that we're trying this key but it doesn't work.

A list of Keys that can be used to lock or unlock this Thing. Any Keys in this list will cause this Thing to be added to the plausible and actual lock lists of that Key at PreInit. This provides an alternative way of specifying the relation between locks and keys.

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The logical rank assigned to kissing this object if kissing is allowed. Kissing an inanimate object is less likely than kissing an Actor.

Test whether this Thing is known to the player character.

A list of Keys that the player character starts out knowing at the start of the game can lock our unlock this Thing.

If we want to track whether characters other than than the player char know about or have seen this object, we can define knownProp and seenProp as the properties used by this Thing to track what it knows about and has seen.

The last location where the player character saw this object. Whenever the object is described or listed in the description of a room or another object, we set this to the object's location at that time.

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The list of lightSources and their adjusted (for opacity and/or distance) brightness generated by the most recent call to brightnessWithin(). Each element in the list is itself a two-element list of the form [obj, adjustedBrightness] where obj is the object providing light and adjustedBrightness is the brightness of that object adjusted for transmission through distance or partial opacity. [BRIGHTNESS EXTENSION]

The subset of our contents that should be listed.

The description displayed in response to a LISTEN command

The response to LISTENing TO this object when the actor can't see us. [DEFINED IN SENSORY EXTENSION]

The response to LISTENing TO this object when the actor can see us. [DEFINED IN SENSORY EXTENSION]

Listing order. This is an integer giving the relative position of this item in a miscellaneous item list. The list is sorted in ascending order of this value.

List group. At the moment this does nothing, but it has been retained from the Mercury library for possible future use.

The location of this object, i.e. this object's immediate container (which may be another Thing, a Room, or an Actor such as the player char). Note that while you should specify the initial location of an object via this property you should never directly alter this property in game code thereafter; to change the location on object during the the course of a game use the moveInto(loc) or actionMoveInto(loc) method.

The lockability property determines whether this object is lockable and if so how. The possible values are notLockable, lockableWithoutKey, lockableWithKey and indirectLockable.

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By default our lookInMsg just says the actor finds nothing of interest in us; this could be overridden for an objecy with a more interesting interior.

Flag: is this item listed in a room description (when looking around).

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Flag, if our contType is Carrier (i.e. we're an Actor), should our contents be marked as seen even though it hasn't been listed in a room description? By default this is set to true, on the basis that the inventory (and parts) of an actor would normally be in plain sight.

Check if the player specifically asked to PULL this object somewhere. In the main library we assume not, but language-specific code will need to override to check what that player's command actually said.

Check if the player specifically asked to PUSH this object somewhere. In the main library we assume not, but language-specific code will need to override to check what that player's command actually said.

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The maximum bulk that can be hidden under, behind or in this object, assuming that the player can put anything there at all. Note that this only affects what the player can place there with PUT IN, PUT UNDER and PUT BEHIND commands, not what can be defined there initially or moved there programmatically.

The maximum number of items we can hold, irrespective of their bulk (or weight). By default we make this a very large number so there's no effective limit; game code can set a lower limit on the player character and/or other actors.

The maximum bulk that a single item may have to be inserted into (onto, under, behind) this object; by default this is the same as the bulk capacity, but you could set a lower value, e.g. to model a bottle with a narrow neck.

The maximum weight of any single item we can contain [WEIGHT EXTENSION

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The maximum weight that can be hidden under, behind or in this object, assuming that the player can put anything there at all. Note that this only affects what the player can place there with PUT IN, PUT UNDER and PUT BEHIND commands, not what can be defined there initially or moved there programmatically. [WEIGHT EXTENSION]

Has this item been mentioned yet in a room description. Note that this flag is used internally by the library; it shouldn't normally be necessary to manipulate it directly from game code.

Has this object ever been moved by the player character? This is set to true when the PC takes the object or puts it somewhere.

The notional location (other object) this object has been moved to as the result of a MoveTo command.

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If this is non-nil then this is an object or a list of objects that must be/can be used to clean this object.

The lister to use when listing this object's inventory. By default we use the standard inventory lister for the default WIDE inventory listing and the inventoryTallLister for the TALL inventory listing.

The lister to use when listing the objects behind me in response to a LOOK BEHIND command. By default we use the lookInLister.

The lister to use when listing the objects inside me in response to a LOOK IN command. By default we use the lookInLister.

The lister to use when listing the objects under me in response to a LOOK UNDER command. By default we use the lookInLister.

The lister to use when listing my contents when I'm opened. By default we use the openingContentsLister.

The ThoughtManager object associated with this Thing (if this Thing does any thinking); this is only relevant if thoughts.t is present and this Thing becomea a player character.

The lister to use when listing what this object is wearing.

But that most things don't actually need cleaning in the game

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My nominal contents is the special contents item we can use in naming the object. This is useful for containers whose identities come primarily from their contents, such as a vessel for liquids or a box of loose files. Returns an object that qualifies the name: a "water" object for BOX OF WATER, a "files" object for BOX OF FILES. Nil means that the object isn't named by its contents.

Note that this is always a single object (or nil), not the whole list of contents. We can only be named by one content object. (So you can't have a "box of books and papers" by having separate nominal contents objects for the books and the papers; although you could fake it by creating a "books and papers" object.)

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This object cannot be dropped if game code deems it to be undroppable for reasons beyond throse enforced in the objCarried PreCondition.

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We're also a poor choice if none of the tentative direct objects is in our list of notional contents

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If we are lockable with key, then were a good choice of object for an UnlockWith action provided we're currently locked.

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The preposition that should be used to describe containment within this thing (e.g. 'in', 'on' , 'under' or 'behind'). By default we get this from our contType.

The preposition that should be used to describe movement to within this thing (e.g. 'into', 'onto' , 'under' or 'behind'). By default we get this from our contType.

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Make us locked.

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Make us unlocked.


Our opacity is the extent to which we reduce the brightness of any light that passes through us. An opacity of 4 or more will cut off the brightest light, while an opacity of 0 means we're transparent. By default we have an opacity of 0 if we're transparent and 4 otherwise.

Note that if we want any light to penetrate us at all we should set transparency to true (we're at least somewhat light permeable) and then set opacity to some suitable value (if we don't want it to be zero, which is otherwise the default for a transparent object).

Flag, has this object ever been opened. Note that this is nil for an object that starts out open but has never been closed and opened again.

Do we want this object to report whether it's open? By default we do if it's both openable and open.

The owner or owners of the object. This is for resolving possessives in the player's input, such as BOB'S WALLET. By default, an object has no explicit owner, so this is an empty list.

This should only return the *explicit* owner(s), not an implied locational owner. For example, if Bob is holding a key, it's implicitly BOB'S KEY. However, the key may or may not still be Bob's after he drops it. If the key is something that's understood to belong to Bob, whether it's currently in his physical possession or not, then this routine would return Bob; otherwise it would return nil.

An object can have multiple explicit owners, in which case it'll be recognized with a possessive qualifier for any of the owners. The first owner in the list is the nominal owner, meaning its the one we'll use if we're called upon to display the object's name with a possessive phrase.

Are we the nominal owner of the objects we contain? This controls whether or not we can be chosen as the nominal owner of a contained object for display purposes. If a contained object has no explicit owner, it can still be implicitly owned by an actor carrying it, or by another suitable container. (Note that this only applies as a default. When an item in our contents has an explicit owner, that will override the implied container ownership for that item. So, for example, Bob can be carrying Bill's wallet wallet, and as long as the wallet has its explicit owner set, we'll still describe it as Bill's despite its location.)

By default, most objects are not nominal owners. Actors generally should set this to true, so that (for example) anything Bob is carrying can be described as Bob's. Something with contType = Carrier is likely to be an actor and hence something that can own its contents.

Do we want paragraph breaks between the listings of subcontents (i.e. the contents of this item's contents)? By default we take our value from the global setting on gameMain.

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Fllag: should the Player Character be listed as being in this object as part of a room description (this is often useful but may sometimes look redundant)? By default we take out value from contentsListedInLook.

The posture currently adopted by this Thing. We define this on Thing rather than Actor mainly because the player character can be a Thing, but it could also use to describe the metaphorical posture of inanimate objects (A rug lies on the floor, the jug sits on the rug, the tall grandfather clock stands by the door). [DEFINED IN POSTURES EXTENSION]

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The text we display in response to a READ command. This can be nil (if we're not readable), a single-quoted string, a double-quoted string

Can the player character recognize this room (enough to know its name and have a rough idea of its location) in the dark? (If so then looking around in this room in the dark makes it visited and familiar, otherwise it doesn't).

If our contType isn't Carrier we're unlikely to be an actor, so we're a poor choice of object if the parser has to select an actor, typically when the player has entered a command targeted at an NPC.

If non-nil, remapUnder specified the object that acts as our proxy rear, i.e. the object to which any PUT BEHIND or LOOK BEHIND action directed at us will be redirected.

If remapIn is not nil, a LOOK IN, PUT IN, OPEN, CLOSE, LOCK or UNLOCK command performed on this Thing will be redirected to the object specified on remapIn. In other words, remapIn specifies the object that acts as our proxy container.

If non-nil, remapOn speficies the object that acts as our proxy surface, in other words the object to which PUT ON will be redirected.

The list of possible remap props

If non-nil, remapUnder specified the object that acts as our proxy underside, i.e. the object to which any PUT UNDER or LOOK UNDER action directed at us will be redirected.

The contents lister to use for listing this room's miscellaneous contents. By default we use the standard lookLister but this can be overridden to use a CustomRoomLister (say) to provide just about any wording we like.

The room part (e.g. defaultNorthWall) with which we're notionally associated. [DEFINED IN ROOMPARTS EXTENSION]

The description of ourselves to be displayed when our associated roomPart is examined. [DEFINED IN ROOMPARTS EXTENSION]

The contents lister to use for listing this room's miscellaneous subcontents. By default we use the standard lookContentsLister but this can be overridden.

The name to display at the head of a room description

Flag: is this item listed when is container is searched (or looked in).

Have we been seen? This is set to true the first time the object is described or listed in a room description or the description of another object (such as LOOK IN this object's container).

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Probably most things shouldn't be broken though.

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no description available

The sightSize can be small, medium or large and controls how visible this object is from a remote location. If it's small, it can't be seen from a remote location at all. It it's medium, the object can be seen, but it's not possible to discern any detail. If it's large, it can be seen and described. Note that this behaviour is only the default, however, since it can be changed by overriding the isVisibleFrom() and remoteDesc() methods. Note also that sightSize is not related to the bulk property (unless you override sightSize to make it so).

As well as ruling out certain objects for sitting, lying or standing on, we can also give them a score for each of these postures; e.g. a bed may be particularly suitable for lying on (although you could lie on the sofa) while a chair may be particularly suitable for sitting on (though you could sit on the bed.

By default we'll give each posture a score of 100, the normal logical verify score. Note that these scores have no effect if the corresponding can xxxOnMe property is nil.

The description displayed in response to a SMELL command

The response to SMELLing this object when the actor can't see us. [DEFINED IN SENSORY EXTENSION]

The response to SMELLing this object when the actor can see us. [DEFINED IN SENSORY EXTENSION]

no description available

Our associated Odor object, if we have one [SENSORY EXTENSION]

The smellSize can be small, medium or large. By default something is smellable from a remote location either if its smellSize is large or if it smellSize is not small and its remoteSmellDesc() method has been defined. Overriding isSmellableFrom(pov) may change these rules.

Our associated Noise object, if we have one. [SENSORY EXTENSION]

The soundSize can be small, medium or large. By default something is audible from a remote location either if its soundSize is large or if it soundSize is not small and its remoteListenDesc() method has been defined. Overriding isAudibleFrom(pov) may change these rules.

If present, a description of this object shown in a separate paragraph in the listing of the contents of a Room. If specialDesc is defined then this paragraph will be displayed regardless of the value of isListed.

Is this item listed before or after the list of miscellaneous contents in the room. By default we'll show the specialDesc of items before miscellaneous items in a room description but afterwards otherwise: this places specialDescs in a more logical order in relation to the text of listers used to list the contents of obejcts other than rooms.

For possible future use; at the moment this doesn't do anything

The specialDescOrder property controls where in a series of specialDesc paragraphs this item is mentioned: the higher the number, the later it will come relative to other items. Note that this does not override the specialDescBeforeContents setting.

Our staging location is where we need to be to get on/in us

no description available

The state-specific description of this object, which is appended to its desc when examined. This is defined as a single-quoted string to make it easy to change at run-time.

The description displayed in response to a TASTE command

no description available

The message to display if there's not enough light to read this item. [BRIGHTNESS EXTENSION]

The message to display when it's too dark to see anything

Otherwise say this object is too far away for the actor to hear.

no description available

Otherwise say this object is too far away for the actor to see any detail.

Otherwise say this object is too far away for the actor to smell.

Our total weight, including the weight of our contents [WEIGHT EXTENSION

no description available

no description available

no description available

no description available

By default we use the initSpecialDesc until the object has been moved, but this can be overridden with some other condition.

no description available

Should the specialDesc be used? Normally we use the specialDesc if we have one, but we may want to override this for particular cases. For example, if we want an item to have a paragraph to itself until it's moved we could define useSpecialDesc = (!moved) [making it equivalent to initSpecialDesc]. Note that the useSpecialDesc property only has any effect if specialDesc is not nil.

no description available

Is this object visible in the dark without (necessarily) providing enough light to see anything else by, e.g. the night sky.

A property that can be used to boost this object being chosen by the parser, other things being equal; it can be used as a tie-breaker between two objects that otherwise have the same verification scores. Game code should normally use fairly small values for this property, say between -20 and +20, to prevent overriding the verification score.

Our own weight, not counting the weight of our contents [WEIGHT EXTENSION]

The total weight we're capable of containing [WEIGHT EXTENSION

no description available

If this object is currently being worn by someone, the wornBy property contains the identity of the person wearing it.


abcName (action, role)english.t[2210]

Announce Best Choice name. This can be used in those rare cases where you want to override the name the parser uses to describe an object when announcing its best choice of object. For example, if you have a bottle of wine from which you can fill a glass, you might prefer '(with wine from the bottle)' to '(with the bottle of wine)' following FILL GLASS; action is the action being carried out for which the object has been chosen and role(DirectObject or IndirectObject) is the role the chosen object is playing in the action. By default this method just returns theName.

accumulateBrightness (maxBrightness)brightness.t[326]
[BRIGHTNESS EXTENSION] The accumulateBrightness() method is a stub (or hook) for a user-defined algorithm for accumulating the brightness of multiple ligjt sources if this is desired. By default we simply return the value of the maxBrightness parameter that is passed to us (which is the brightness returned by the latest call to brightnessWithin()), but game code can override this method to provide some other calculation of accumulated brightness by iterating over the list of objects and their adjusted brightnesses in our lightSources property.

Note that accumulateBrightness is provided to allow it to be readily overridden by game code, but is not designed to be directly called from game code, which should call it only via accumulatedBrightnessWithin();

accumulatedBrightnessWithin ( )brightness.t[296]
[BRIGHTNESS EXTENSION] This is little more than a hook for user code to provide its own means of accumulating the brightness from multiple light sources.

actionMoveInto (newCont)thing.t[2646], cmdhelp.t[863], roomparts.t[178], signals.t[275]
Move into generated by a user action, which includes notifications

Modified in cmdhelp.t[863]:
Modified for CMDHELP EXTENSION. Note the last turns on which this object was moved and on which something was moved into this object.

Modified in roomparts.t[178]:
We modify actionMoveInto here so that an action that results in moving an object (e.g. taking a picture that's notionally hanging on a wall) removes the association between the object and its room part. [MODIFIED FOR ROOMPARTS EXTENSION]

Modified in signals.t[275]:
emit a actmoveSignal or unlitSignal when this object moved as part of action handling. [SIGNALS EXTENSION]

actorAction ( )thing.t[4115]
The before action handling on this Thing if it's the current actor. We define it here rather than on Actor since the player character can be a Thing. By default we do nothing.

addToAllContents (vec, lst)thing.t[3460]
no description available

addToContents (obj, vec?)thing.t[2589]
Add an item to this object's contents. Normally this method is used internally in the library than directly by game code. If the vec parameter is supplied, the object added to our contents is also added to vec; again this is intended primarily for internal use by the library.

afterAction ( )thing.t[4130]
After action notification on this Thing; this is triggered whenever an action has just been performed when we're in scope. The action we'd test for here would normally be one that *doesn't* involve this Thing.

afterTravel (traveler, connector)thing.t[4061]
After travel notification. This is called just after traveler has traveled via connector.

allContents ( )thing.t[3451]
Return a list of everything that's directly or indirectly contained within us.

allowReachOut (obj)thing.t[3655]
Check whether the actor can reach out of this object to touch obj, if obj is not in this object.

aobjFor (Default)tiaaction.t[382]
Defined on TIAAction extension.

beforeAction ( )thing.t[4123]
Before action notification on this Thing; this is triggered whenever an action is about to be performed when we're in scope (and could be used to veto the action with an exit macro). The action we'd test for here would normally be one that *doesn't* involve this Thing.

beforeMovePushable (connector, dir)thing.t[8956]
Use the travelVia() method of the iobj to move the dobj to its new location.

beforeTravel (traveler, connector)thing.t[4054]
Before travel notification. This is called just before traveler attempts to travel via connector. By default we do nothing

brightnessWithin ( )brightness.t[111]
How bright is it within us (assuming, in practice, that we're either a Room or an enterable container (aka Booth)? [BRIGHTNESS EXTENSION]

byRoom (arg)thing.t[4154]
This method is primarily intended for use with the symconn extension, where it is redefined, but other code may find a use for it.

canHear (obj)thing.t[2735]
Is obj audible from us?

cannotPushTravelMsg ( )thing.t[8878]
Display a message explaining that push travel is not possible

cannotReachOutMsg (target)thing.t[3696]
Return a message (single-quoted string) explaining why target can't be reached from inside this Thing (when this Thing is typically some kind of nested room such as a Booth or Platform).

canReach (obj)thing.t[2741]
Is obj reachable (by touch) from us?

canSee (obj)thing.t[2732]
Is obj visible from us?

canSmell (obj)thing.t[2738]
Is obj smellable from us?

canTalkTo (other)thing.t[3956]
Can this Thing (which might be the Player Char for instance) talk to other?

checkDisplay (prop)thing.t[1918]
Check if displaying prop could possibly produce any output. The only tests we apply here is that prop is not defined as nil.

checkForContradictions (tag, val)factrel.t[759]
Check for contradictions betwen the new piece of information (tag) and information we already know about.

checkInsert (obj)thing.t[2265], weight.t[48]
Check whether an item can be inserted into this object, or whether doing so would either exceed the total bulk capacity of the object or the maximum bulk allowed for a single item.

Modified in weight.t[48]:
Check whether obj can be inserted into us without exceeding our bulk and weight constraints. [WEIGHT EXTENSION]

checkPushTravel ( )thing.t[8888]
Check the travel barriers on the indirect object of the action

checkReach (actor)thing.t[3631]
Check whether the actor can reach (touch) this object. If this method displays anything (which should be the reason this object can't be touched) then the object can't be reached. Note that this only has any effect when the touchObj preCondition is defined.

checkReachIn (actor, target?)thing.t[3645]
Check whether an actor can reach inside this object (for reasons other that it enclosing its contents; e.g. because it's out of reach). If this method displays anything (which should be the reason the interior of this object can't be reached) then disallow reaching inside. Note that this only has any effect when the touchObj preCondition is defined on this object. By default we can reach inside if we can reach this object and not otherwise. If the optional target parameter is supplied, it's the object that actor is trying to reach.

checkRemove (obj)thing.t[2690]
checkRemove is called from the check stage of an action (typically TAKE) that might remove obj from me. If it wants to object to the removal of the object, it should simply display a message explaining why. By default we call the same method our container to check whether anything in our containment hierarchy objects to the removal. If this method is overridden in game code it may only need to call inherited(obj) on any branch that doesn't itself object to the removal.

checkRoomToHold ( )thing.t[4669], weight.t[99]
Check that the actor has enough spare bulkCapacity and enough items carried capacity to add this item to his/her inventory. Since by default everything has a bulk of zero and a very large bulkCapacity, by default there will be no effective restriction on what an actor (and in particular the player char) can carry, but game authors may often wish to give portable items bulk in the interests of realism and may wish to impose an inventory limit by bulk by reducing the bulkCapacity of the player char.

Modified in weight.t[99]:
Check whether the actor has the bulk and weight capacity to hold us. [WEIGHT EXTENSION]

checkSetting (val)thing.t[7745]
If the setting is valid, do nothing. If it's invalid display a message explaining why. We do nothing here but this is overridden on the Settable class, which may be easier to use than providing your own implementation on Thing.

childLocType (child)thing.t[3018]
Get the containment relationship between 'child' and 'self'. This returns the containment type of the immediate child of 'self' that contains 'child'.

commonContainingParent (other)thing.t[3037]
Find the nearest common containing parent of self and other. Unlike commonInteriorParent this doesn't take account of the type of containment (it can be In, On, Under, Behind or anything else) just so long as we find a common parent in the containment hierarchy.

commonInteriorParent (other)thing.t[3076]
Find the nearest common interior parent of self and other. This finds the nearest parent that both self and other are inside of.

containerPath (other)thing.t[3121]
Get the interior containment path from 'self' to 'other'. This returns a list containing three elements. The first element is a sublist giving the interior containers you have to traverse outwards from self up to the common interior parent. The second element is the common container; this will be nil if the two objects are in separate rooms. The third element is a sublist giving the containers you have to traverse inwards from the common parent to other.

containerPathBlock (other, inProp, outProp)thing.t[3200]
Search for a "blockage" along the container path between 'self' and 'other'. 'outProp' and 'inProp' are "can" properties (&canSeeOut, &canReachIn, etc) that test a container to see whether we can see/reach/hear/etc in or out of the container.

We trace the containment path, using traceContainerPath(). For each outbound container on the path, we evaluate the container's outProp property: if this is nil, we add that container to the blockage list. Next, if there's no common parent, we add the outermost room containing 'self' to the list. Next, we trace the inbound path, evaluating each container's inProp property: if nil, we add that container to the blockage list.

Finally, we return the blockage list. This is a vector giving all of the blockages we found, in the order we encountered them.

darkDesc ( )thing.t[1162]
The description of the room when it's dark

describeMovePushable (connector, dest)thing.t[9019]
Otherwise do nothing, because our 'connector' must be a string or method that explains why travel that way isn't possible.

describePushTravel (via)thing.t[9035]
This message, called on the direct object of a PushTravel command (i.e. the object being pushed) is displayed just before travel takes place. It is used when the PushTravel command also involves an indirect object, e.g. a Passage, Door or Stairway the direct object is being pushed through, up or down. The via parameter is the preposition relevant to the kind of pushing, e.g. Into, Through or Up.

directChildParent (other)thing.t[3000]
Find the immediate child of 'self' that contains 'other'. If 'other' is directly in 'self', we return 'other'; otherwise, we return an object directly within 'self' that contains 'obj', directly or indirectly. If 'other' is not within 'self', we return nil.

discover (stat, =, true)thing.t[2415], signals.t[221]
Make a hidden item unhidden. If the method is called with the optional parameter and the parameter is nil, i.e. discover(nil), the method instead hides the object.

Modified in signals.t[221]:
emit a discoverSignal or undiscoverSignal when this object is discovered or undiscovered. SIGNALS EXTENSION]

display (prop)thing.t[1834]
Attempt to display prop appropriately according to it data type (single-quoted string, double-quoted string, integer or code). The prop parameter must be provided as a property pointer.

displayAlt (prop, altMsg?)thing.t[1883]
Attempt to display the message defined in the property prop, and return true if anything is displayed. Otherwise, if the altMsg parameter is supplied (either as a single-quoted string or as a property pointer) display it instead, and then in any case return nil to tell the caller that nothing was displayed by prop.

This method is primarily for use with properties such as smellDesc and listenDesc for which alternatives may need to be displayed if they don't display anything.

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dobjFor(Board)thing.t[6695], postures.t[281]
no description available

Modified in postures.t[281]:
If an actor Boards something, we need to know what posture the actor ends up in; we use the new location's default posture. [MODIFIED FOR POSTURES EXTENSION]

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The handling of the Clean action is possibly more elaborate than it needs to be by default, and game code may wish to override it with a different implementation, but the aim is to provide a framework that covers some common cases.

An object starts out with isClean = nil. Cleaning the object makes isClean true (at which point it doesn't need cleaning again).

If an object needs another object to be cleaned with (e.g. if in order to clean the window you need a wet sponge to clean it with), this can be defined by setting mustBeCleanedWith to an object or a list of objects that can be used to clean this direct object.

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The base handling on Thing merely rules out the Consult action at the verify stage. For a fuller implementation that allows consulting use the Consultable class.

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no description available

Our handling of any action of which we're the direct or indirect action that's not in our list of decorationActions when our isDecoration property is true. By default we just stop the action at the verify stage and display our notImportantMsg.

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no description available

For DigWith we merely provide verify handlers that rule out the action wih the default values of isDiggable and canDigWithMe. The library cannot model the effect of digging in general, so it's up to game code to implement this on particular objects as required.

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no description available

dobjFor(Enter)thing.t[6827], postures.t[469]
Treat Enter X as equivalent to Get In X

Modified in postures.t[469]:
When an actor enters something we need to determine what posture the actor ends up in. [MODIFIED FOR POSTURES EXTENSION]

The base handling is simply to rule out EnterOn at verify. There's no further handling the library can provide for a 'general' case so it's up to game code to define it for specific cases.

dobjFor(Examine)thing.t[4244], senseRegion.t[862], cmdhelp.t[879]
Now the handling for specific actions

Modified in senseRegion.t[862]:
Modify the effect of Examine to show the remoteDesc if appropriate, or else our regular desc if our sightSize is large, or else a message to say we're too far away to see any detail. If we're in the same room as the actor, simply carry out the regular (inherited) method.

Modified in cmdhelp.t[879]:
Modified for CMDHELP EXTENSION. Note the last turn on which this object was examined.

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no description available

dobjFor(GetOff)thing.t[6884], postures.t[308]
no description available

Modified in postures.t[308]:
If an actor gets off something, we need to know what posture the actor ends up in. We use the new location's defaultPosture. [MODIFIED FOR POSTURES EXTENSION]

dobjFor(GetOutOf)thing.t[6904], postures.t[489]
no description available

Modified in postures.t[489]:
When an actor gets out of something we need to determine what posture the actor ends up in. We use the new location's default posture. [MODIFIED FOR POSTURES EXTENSION]

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The GoNear action allows the player character to teleport around the map.

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The GoTo action allows the player character to navigate the map through the use of commands such as GO TO LOUNGE.

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The base handling of JumpOver is simply to rule it out at the verify stage.

no description available

dobjFor(LieIn)thing.t[6873], postures.t[436]
no description available

Modified in postures.t[436]:
LieIn is handled much like StandIn [MODIFIED FOR POSTURES EXTENSION]

dobjFor(LieOn)thing.t[6739], postures.t[250]
no description available

Modified in postures.t[250]:
Modification for LieOn handling [DEFINED IN POSTURES EXTENSION] If the actor is already on the dobj, we just try to change the actor's posture to lying. Otherwise we first move the actor to the dobj and then change the actor's posture to lying.

no description available

Lighting an object makes it a light source by making its isLit property true.

dobjFor(ListenTo)thing.t[4356], senseRegion.t[916], sensory.t[642]
no description available

Modified in senseRegion.t[916]:
Modify the effect of ListenTo to show the remoteListenDesc if appropriate, or else our regular listenDesc if our soundSize is large, or else a message to say we're too far away to hear. If we're in the same room as the actor, simply carry out the regular (inherited) method.

Modified in sensory.t[642]:
[MODIFIED FOR SENSORY EXTENSION] If I have an associated Noise object which isn't emanating, assume I have fallen silent, otherwise carry out the inherited handling.

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Moving an object is generally possible if the object is portable, but there's no obvious effect, so by default this action does nothing except say it's done nothing.

no description available

MoveTo is a more complex case than MOVE or MOVE WITH. In this implementation we assume that it represents moving the direct object to the vicinity of the indirect object, and so we track the object it's been moved to.

This might be useful, say, if you wanted the player to have to MOVE the chair TO the bookcase before being able to reach the top shelf by standing on the chair, since you could then check the value of the chair's movedTo property before deciding whether the top shelf was accesssible.

no description available

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no description available

The base handling of PlugInto on Thing merely rules it out at the verify stage. A fuller implementation is provided by the PlugAttachable class in the optional attachables module.

The base handling of Pour, PourOnto and PourInto is simply to rule out all three actions at the verify stage. Game code that wants to allow these actions on specific objects will need to provide further handling for them.

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PURLOIN allows the player to move any portable object in the game directly into his/her inventory, wherever it is currently. We don't allow absolutely anything to be purloined, as this could cause chaos.

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PushTravelDir handles pushing an object in a particular direction, e.g. PUSH BOX NORTH

PushTravelEnter handles commands like PUSH BOX INTO COFFIN, where the indirect object is a Booth-like object. The syntactically identical command for pushing things into an Enterable (e.g. PUSH BOX INTO HOUSE where HOUSE represents the outside of a separate location) is handled on the Enterable class.

no description available

PushTravelThrough handles pushing something through something, such as a door or archway. Most of the actual handling is dealt with by the common routines defined above.

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no description available

dobjFor(Read)thing.t[4746], senseRegion.t[969], brightness.t[382]
no description available

Modified in senseRegion.t[969]:
Modify the effect of a Read action to prevent this item being read from a remote location unless isReadableFrom(gActor) is true.

Modified in brightness.t[382]:
If the available light is less than the light we need to read this item (its brightnessForReading) then stop the read action at the check stage by displaying our tooDarkToReadMsg.

We'll take REMOVE to mean DOFF when it's dobj is worn and TAKE otherwise. This handling will be dealt with by removeDoer insteadof remap, since this form of remap has now been discontinued. See english.t for removeDoer (which seems to be a language-specific construct)

no description available

In the base handling we simply rule out Screw and Unscrew actions at the verify stage. It's up to game code to provide specific handling for objects that can be screwed and unscrewed.

no description available

Treat SEARCH as equivalent to LOOK IN

The Set command by itself doesn't do much. By default we just rule it out at the verify stage.

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no description available

dobjFor(SitIn)thing.t[6872], postures.t[404]
no description available

Modified in postures.t[404]:
SitIn is handled much like StandIn [MODIFIED FOR POSTURES EXTENSION]

dobjFor(SitOn)thing.t[6738], postures.t[219]
no description available

Modified in postures.t[219]:
Modification for SitOn handling [DEFINED IN POSTURES EXTENSION] If the actor is already on the dobj, we just try to change the actor's posture to sitting. Otherwise we first move the actor to the dobj and then change the actor's posture to sitting.

no description available

dobjFor(SmellSomething)thing.t[4337], senseRegion.t[990], sensory.t[663]
no description available

Modified in senseRegion.t[990]:
Modify the effect of SmellSomething to show the remoteSmellDesc if appropriate, or else our regular smellDesc if our smellSize is large, or else a message to say we're too far away to smell. If we're in the same room as the actor, simply carry out the regular (inherited) method.

Modified in sensory.t[663]:
[MODIFIED FOR SENSORY EXTENSION] If I have an associated Odor object which isn't emanating, assume I no longer smell of anything, otherwise carry out the inherited handling.

no description available

dobjFor(StandIn)thing.t[6871], postures.t[354]
By default we'll treat standing, sitting or lying IN something as simply equivalent to entering it.

Modified in postures.t[354]:

dobjFor(StandOn)thing.t[6737], postures.t[182]
Since we don't track postures in this library we'll treat STAND ON as equivalent to BOARD

Modified in postures.t[182]:
Modification for StandOn handling [DEFINED IN POSTURES EXTENSION] If the actor is already on the dobj, we just try to change the actor's posture to standing. Otherwise we first move the actor to the dobj and then change the actor's posture to standing.

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We treat TAKE FROM as equivalent to TAKE except at the verify stage, where we first check that the direct object is actually in the indirect object.

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Turning something To is setting it to a value by rotating it, such as turning a dial to point to a particular number.

no description available

The base handling of both the vague (TYPE ON X) and specific (TYPE FOO ON X) forms of TypeOn is simply to rule them out at the verify stage. Game code that needs objects that can be typed on is responsible for handling these actions in custom code.

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Note: we don't use isLockable, because this is not a binary property; there are different kings of lockability and defining an isLockable property in addition would only confuse things and might break the logic.

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By default we simply rule out writing on things at the verify stage.

doPushTravel (via)thing.t[8902]
Carry out the push travel on the direct object of the action.

examineStatus ( )thing.t[1803]
Additional information to display after our desc in response to an EXAMINE command.

filterResolveList (np, cmd, mode)OVERRIDDENsenseRegion.t[1067]
For certain actions like EXAMINE there's no point trying to carry them out on something that can't be seen (remotely) if there are other things that can be seen that matched the player's command.

findHidden (prop, prep)thing.t[5347]
If there's something hidden in the dobj but nowhere obvious to move it to then by default we move everything from the hiddenIn list to the actor's inventory and announce that the actor has taken it. We call this out as a separate method to make it easy to override if desired.

findPlausibleKey (silent, =, nil)thing.t[6358]
Find a key among the actor's possessions that might plausibly lock or unlock us. If the silent parameter is true, then don't report a failed attempt.

firstContainerPathBlock (other, inProp, outProp)thing.t[3221]
Get the first blockage in a container path. This calls containerPathBlock() and returns the first blockage in the list, or nil if there's no blockage.

forget (tag)thing.t[3916]
Make this Actor or Consultable forget about tag altogether.

getBulkWithin ( )thing.t[2236]
Calculate the total bulk of the items contained within this object.

getCarriedBulk ( )thing.t[2249]
Calculate the total bulk carried by an actor, which excludes the bulk of any items currently worn or anything fixed in place.

getCarriedWeight ( )weight.t[32]
The total weight of the items we're carrying, excluding anything worn or anything fixed in place. [WEIGHT EXTENSION

getStatuslineExitsHeight ( )thing.t[1755]
Get the estimated height, in lines of text, of the exits display's contribution to the status line. This is used to calculate the extra height we need in the status line, if any, to display the exit list. If we're not configured to display exits in the status line, this should return zero.

getWeightWithin ( )weight.t[23]
The total weight of our contents, excluding our own weight. [WEIGHT EXTENSION]

handleCommand (action)thing.t[4090]
Handle a command directed to this open (e.g. BALL, GET IN BOX). Since inanimate objects generally can't respond to commands we simply display a message announcing the futility of issuing one. This method is overridden on Actor to allow Actors to respond to commands via CommandTopics.

hasSeen (obj)thing.t[3848]
Test whether this Thing has seen obbj.

hideFromAll (action)thing.t[4148]
To exclude this item from the list of objects to be acted upon when the player types a command with ALL for action, override this method to return true for the action or actions concerned. Note that this exclusion is applied after the action has constructed its own list of objects that ALL should apply to, and can only be used to make further exclusions.

It shouldn't be necessary to use this method very often, since the normal approach will be to override the getAll() method on the appropriate action. It may be useful to use this method to handle exceptional cases, however.

informedAbout (tag)thing.t[3928]
Determine whether this Thing has been informed about tag. We return true if there is a corresponding non-nil entry in our informedNameTab, or else the value of the corresponding entry if ibGlobal.informedTrueOrFalseOnly is nil (the default).

interiorParent ( )thing.t[2960]
no description available

no description available

no description available

no description available

no description available

no description available

no description available

no description available

no description available

no description available

no description available

no description available

no description available

no description available

no description available

no description available

no description available

no description available

no description available

no description available

no description available

no description available

no description available

iobjFor(PutBehind)thing.t[5959], weight.t[201]
Handled by iobj

Modified in weight.t[201]:
Modifications to PutBehind handling to check for weight hidden behind this item. [WEIGHT EXTENSION]

iobjFor(PutIn)thing.t[5775], weight.t[159]
handled on iobj

Modified in weight.t[159]:
Modifications to PutIn handling to check for weight hidden inside this item. [WEIGHT EXTENSION]

no description available

iobjFor(PutUnder)thing.t[5867], weight.t[180]
Handled by iobj

Modified in weight.t[180]:
Modifications to PutUnder handling to check for weight hidden under this item. [WEIGHT EXTENSION]

no description available

no description available

If we have a resolved iobj and it's the same as us (the dobj) or our tentative iobj list contains only us (the dobj) the player is trying to take us from ourselvdes, which we rule out as impossible.

iobjFor(ThrowAt)thing.t[7628], senseRegion.t[1039]
no description available

Modified in senseRegion.t[1039]:
Modify the effects of throwing something at this object

no description available

no description available

no description available

no description available

no description available

no description available

isAudibleFrom (pov)senseRegion.t[766]
Is this item audible from the remote location containing pov? By default it is if it's soundSize is not small, but this can be overridden, for example to vary with the pov.

isChild (obj, typ)thing.t[2754]
Are we a containment "child" of the given object with the given location type? This returns true if our location is the given object and our locType is the given type, or our location is a containment child of the given object with the given type.

'typ' is a LocType giving the relationship to test for, or nil. If it's nil, we'll return true if we have any containment relationship to 'obj'.

isDirectChild (obj, typ)thing.t[2773]
Are we a direct containment child of the given object with the given containment type? 'typ' is a LocType giving the relationship to test for, or nil. If it's nil, we'll return true if we have any direct containment relationship with 'obj'.

isDirectlyHeldBy (obj)thing.t[2477]
are we directly held by the given object?

isDirectlyIn (cont)thing.t[2788]
Are we directly in cont?

isDirectlyWornBy (obj)thing.t[2494]
are we directly worn by the given object?

isHeldBy (obj)thing.t[3307]
are we held by the given object, directly or indirectly?

isIlluminated ( )thing.t[1186], brightness.t[341]
If we're a room, are we illuminated (is there enough light for an actor within us to see by)?

Modified in brightness.t[341]:

Change the definition of having sufficient light to see by to have an accumulated brightess within greater than our illumination threshold. We only do this if the light probe is off-stage, however, since otherwise we'll cause a stack overflow via a circular reference while the brightnessWithin is being calculated; if the lightProbe_ is in use we accordingly fall back on the inherited handling. (This will need looking at since it prevents recogition of a light source in a remote location in the same SenseRegion).

isIn (cont)thing.t[2803]
Are we in cont?

isInterior (obj)thing.t[2978]
Am I on the inside of the given object? This returns true if our relationship to the given object is an interior location type.

isOrIsIn (cont)thing.t[2818]
Are either oont or in cont ?

isOutside (obj)thing.t[3299]
are we on the exterior of the given object, directly or indirectly?

isReadableFrom (pov)senseRegion.t[782]
Assuming this item is readable at all, is it readable from the remote location containing pov? By default we assume this is the case if and only if the item's sightSize is large, but this can be overridden, for example for a large item with small lettering.

isSmellableFrom (pov)senseRegion.t[773]
Is this item smellable from the remote location containing pov? By default it is if it's smellSize is not small, but this can be overridden, for example to vary with the pov.

isThereALightSourceIn (lst)thing.t[1207]
Determine (recursively) whether lst contains a light source; i.e. whether any of the items within list is lit or whether any of the visible contents of any of the items in lst it lit.

isVisibleFrom (pov)senseRegion.t[758]
Is this item visible from the remote location containing pov? By default it is if it's sightSize is not small, but this can be overridden, for example to vary with the pov.

isWornBy (obj)thing.t[2487]
are we worn by the given object, directly or indirectly?

knowsAbout (obj)thing.t[3855]
Test whether this Thing knows about obj, which it does either if it has seen this obj or its knownProp (by default, familiar) is true, or, if obj is passsed as a string tag, if we have been informed about it.

listableContentsOf (cont)thing.t[2142]
The subset of the contents of cont that should be listed.

listContents (lister, =, &, roomContentsLister)thing.t[1312]
List the contents of this object using lister.

listenDesc ( )sensory.t[617]
By default we split our listenDesc into listenDescWithoutSource (when the player character can't hear us) and listenDescWithSource (when the pc can). If we don't need this distinction we can override this method directly. [MODIFIED FOR SENSORY EXTENSION]

listRemoteContents (lst, lister, pov)senseRegion.t[598]
List contents as seen from a remote location

listSubcontentsOf (contList, lister, =, &, examineLister)thing.t[1503]
List the contents of every item in contList, recursively listing the contents of contents all the way down the containment tree. The contList parameter can also be passed as a singleton object.

litWithin ( )thing.t[3740], brightness.t[353]
Is this object's interior lit? an object if the object itself is a light source, or anything directly inside shines outwards, or we can see out from within and our location shines inwards.

Modified in brightness.t[353]:
For the purposes of the BRIGHTNESS EXTENSION, litWithin() should return the same result as isIlluminated.

locationWhich (func)thing.t[3494]
no description available

locType ( )thing.t[3256]
Our location type with respect to our immediate container; e.g. are we In, On, Under or Behind it?

lookAroundWithin ( )thing.t[1252]
Look around within this Thing (Room or Booth) to provide a full description of this location as seen from within, including our headline name, our internal description, and a listing of our visible contents.

makeCleaned (stat)thing.t[7379]
Carry out the effects of cleaning. By default we just set the value of the isClean property, but game code could override this to carry out any side effects of cleaning, such as revealing the inscription on a dirty old gravestone.

makeFastened (stat)thing.t[8032]
Make something fastened or unfastened. By default we just change the value of its isFastened property, but game code could override this to provide further side-effects on particular objects.

makeLit (stat)thing.t[2169], english.t[2189], signals.t[211]
Make this object lit or unlit

Modified in english.t[2189]:
Check whether we need to add or remove the LitUnlit State from our list of states.

Modified in signals.t[211]:
emit a litSignal or unlitSignal when this object is lit or unlit. [SIGNALS EXTENSION]

makeLocked (stat)thing.t[2445], signals.t[231]
Make us locked or ublocked. We define this as a method so that subclasses such as Door can override to produce side effects (such as locking or unlocking the other side).

Modified in signals.t[231]:
emit a lockSignal or unlockSignal when this object is locked or unlocked. [SIGNALS EXTENSION]

makeMovedTo (loc)thing.t[7111]
Cause this object to be moved to loc

makeOn (stat)thing.t[2459], signals.t[241]
switch this item on or off

Modified in signals.t[241]:
emit an onSignal or offSignal when this object is turned on or off [SIGNALS EXTENSION]

makeOpen (stat)thing.t[4972], signals.t[297]
Make us open or closed. We define this as a method so that subclasses such as Door can override to produce side effects (such as opening or closing the other side).

Modified in signals.t[297]:
emit an openSignal or closeSignal when this object is open or closed. [SIGNALS EXTENSION]

makeSetting (val)thing.t[7783]
This would be a good place to put code to validate the setting

makeWorn (stat)thing.t[2474], signals.t[251]
Make this object worn or not worn. If this object is worn, note who it's worn by. If stat is nil the object is no longer being worn.

Modified in signals.t[251]:
emit a wornSignal or doffSignal when this object is worn or doffed (taken off). [SIGNALS EXTENSION]

markContradiction (tag, factList)factrel.t[801]
Mark the incoming 'fact' denoted by tag as either untrue, unlikely, or dubious, depending on what it contradicts. For now this isn't called as it seems capable of producing perverse results --- in particular it doesn't allow for the fact that the revealing of new information that contradicts existing information could result in changes to what is believed about either.

moveHidden (prop, loc)thing.t[4650]
Service method: move everything in the prop property to loc and mark it as seen.

moveInto (newCont)thing.t[2617], signals.t[264]
Basic moveInto for moving an object from one container to another by programmatic fiat.

Modified in signals.t[264]:
emit a moveSignal when this object is moved. [SIGNALS EXTENSION]

moveMLIntoAdd (ml)thing.t[2708]
Move a MultiLoc (ml) into this additional Thing or Room, by adding it to this thing's contents list and adding the Thing to ml's locationList.

moveMLOutOf (ml)thing.t[2722]
Move a MultiLoc (ml) out of this object, by removing it from our contents list and removing us from its locationList.

nestedLoc (actor)postures.t[515]
MODIFIED FOR POSTURES EXTENSION to include the actor's posture

nominalOwner ( )thing.t[3405]
Get my nominal owner. If we have an explicit owner, we'll return the first explicit owner. Otherwise, we'll look for a container that has ownsContents = true, and return the first such container.

noteSeen ( )thing.t[3799], signals.t[286]
Note that we've been seen and where we were last seen

Modified in signals.t[286]:
emit a seenSignal or unlitSignal when this object is seen. [SIGNALS EXTENSION]

notifyContradiction (fact, factList)factrel.t[831]
Receive a notification that we've just been informed of a Fact that contradicts another fact we already know or have been informed of. We don't do anything here by default; it's up to game code to impelement any response required.

notifyEvent (event, source)sensory.t[583]
Our common handler for SensoryEvents; it may often be more convenient to use this than to write separate handlers for each kind of SensoryEvent, since in any case the event parameter (containing the SensoryEvent that's just been triggered) tells us what kind of SensoryEvent it is. The source parameter is the object associated with the event. [DEFINED IN SENSORY EXTENSION]

notifyInsert (obj)thing.t[2700]
Receive notification that obj is about to be inserted into us; by default we do nothing.

notifyRemove (obj)thing.t[2680]
Receive notification that obj is about to be removed from inside us; by default we do nothing. Do NOT use this method to prevent the removal of the object from us; use checkRemove(obj) instead.

notifySightEvent (event, source)sensory.t[573]
Our reaction to a SightEvent. By default we defer to the common handler.

notifySmellEvent (event, source)sensory.t[570]
Our reaction to a SmellEvent. By default we defer to the common handler.

notifySoundEvent (event, source)sensory.t[567]
The methods that define our reactions to SoundEvents, SmellEvents and SightEvents respectively. By default all three methods defer to a common handler. [DEFINED IN SENSORY EXTENSION]

notionalContents ( )thing.t[2329]
Our notional total contents is our normal contents plus anything contained in any of our remapXX objects representing our associated proxy container, surface, underside and rear, excluding anything in a closed opaque container (which would not be visible).

outermostParent ( )thing.t[3293]
Get my outermost parent. This is simply our ancestor in the location tree that has no location itself.

outermostVisibleParent ( )thing.t[3228]
no description available

ownedBy (obj)thing.t[3429]
Does the given object own me, explicitly or implicitly? This returns true if 'obj' is in my 'owner' list, but it can also return true if there's merely an implied ownership relationship. Location can imply ownership: BOB'S KEY could refer to the key that Bob is holding, whether or not it would continue to be considered his key if he were to drop it.

We return true if 'obj' is an explicit owner, OR self is contained within 'obj', OR self is contained within an object owned by 'obj'. (The latter case is for things like BOB'S TWENTY DOLLAR BILL, which is Bob's by virtue of being inside a wallet explicitly owned by Bob.)

preAction (lst)thing.t[4106]
The preAction handling on this Thing if it's the current actor. This is called just before the relevant Doer is executed to provide a convenient entrypoint to intervene in an action before it can do anything at all (typically when the actor is tied up, paralysed, or otherwise temporarily incapacitated, which might require the intervention of three or four simlar Doers to trap). the object combination to execute: this is an [action, dobj, iobj, *...] list.

preinitThing ( )thing.t[2845]
Carry out the preinitialization of a Thing

pushTravelRevealItems ( )thing.t[8853]
no description available

reachBlockedMsg (target)thing.t[3672]
Return a message explaining why an object outside me can't reach one inside (or vice versa); this will normally be triggered by an attempt to reach an object inside a closed transparent container. The method is defined here to make it easier to customize the message on the container that's doing the blocking.

remoteBrightness (pov)brightness.t[102]

Our remote brightness when viewed from pov, where pov is in a remote location. By default we just return our brightness, but game code may wish to override when, for example, we're a torch/flashlight that's been dropped on the far side of a field at night.

remoteInitSpecialDesc (pov)senseRegion.t[751]
Our remoteInitSpecialDesc, used when viewing this item from a remote location.By default we just show our ordinary initSpecialDesc, but in practice we'll normally want to override this.

remoteObjInName (pov)senseRegion.t[853]
The name given to this object when it's the container for another object viewed remotely, e.g. 'in the distant bucket' as opposed to just 'in the bucket'. By default we just use the objInName.

remoteSpecialDesc (pov)senseRegion.t[744]
Our remoteSpecialDesc is the paragraph describing this item in a room description when viewed from a remote location containing the pov object. By default we just show our ordinary specialDesc, but in practice we'll normally want to override this.

removeFromContents (obj, vec?)thing.t[2603]
Remove an item to this object's contents. Normally this method is used internally in the library than directly by game code. If the vec parameter is supplied, the object removed from our contents is also removed from vec; again this is intended primarily for internal use by the library.

revealOnMove ( )thing.t[4543]
List and move into an appropriate location any item that was hidden behind or under us. We place this in a separate method so it can be conveniently called by other actions that move an object, or overridden by particular objects that want a different handling.

Note that we don't provide any handling for the hiddenIn property here, on the assumption that items hidden in something may well stay there when it's moved; but this method can always be overridden to provide custom behaviour.

roomHeadline (pov)thing.t[1134]
The title of this room to be displayed at the start of a room description, or in the status line.

// roomSubhead (pov)Interface description onlything.t[3331], english.t[2174], postures.t[509]
The nested room subhead. This shows a little addendum to the room headline when the point-of-view actor is inside an object within the main room, such as a chair or platform. This usually shows something of the form "(in the chair)". Note that only the *immediate* container is shown; if the actor is in a chair in a booth on a stage, we normally only mention the chair.

We leave this to the language library to define, since the exact syntax varies by language.

Modified in english.t[2174]:
Show the nested room subhead. This shows the actor's immediate container as an addendum to the room name in the room description headline.


Modified in postures.t[509]:
Include the actor's posture in the subheading (e.g. '(sitting on the chair)') [MODIFIED FOR POSTURES EXTENSION]

sayCantBearMoreWeight (obj)weight.t[86]
Display a message saying that we can't bear any more weight. [WEIGHT EXTENSION]

sayDontKnowHowToGetThere ( )thing.t[7904]
We make these two sayDontKnowHowTo... methods separate methods so that they can be reused on the Distant class without having to repeat the DMsg() definitions.

sayDontKnowHowToReach ( )thing.t[7907]
no description available

sayFindHidden (prop, prep)thing.t[5361]
Report what was found hidded in/under/behind us. We make this a separate method so that it can be easily customized on individual objects.

sayPushTravel (dir)thing.t[8845]
Display a message saying we pushed the direct object in a particular direction.

sayTooHeavy (obj)weight.t[76]
Display a message saying that obj is too heavy to be inserted in us. [WEIGHT EXTENSION]

sayTooHeavyToHide (obj, insType)weight.t[222]
Display a message to say that obj is too heavy to fit in/on/under us, where insType is In, On or Under. [WEIGHT EXTENSION]

scoreObject (cmd, role, lst, m)thing.t[4011]
Score this object for disambiguation. When a noun phrase is ambiguous (for example, the phrase matches multiple in-scope objects, and we have to choose just one), the parser calls this routine on each object it's considering as a match.

Our job here is to read the player's mind. The question before us is: did the player mean *this* object when typing this noun phrase? Obviously we can't really know what's in the player's mind, but in many cases we can make an educated guess based on what ought to make the most sense in context. The context in this case is the state of the simulated game world, as it's portrayed to the player. That last bit is important: be cognizant of what the player is *meant* to know at this point. DON'T base the score on information that the player isn't supposed to know, though: that could give away secrets that the player is meant to discover on her own.

Before this routine is called, the Action has already assigned an initial score to each object, but this routine can override the initial score by assigning its own score value. This routine is most useful in cases where a particular object has a special affinity for a verb, or for the verb in combination with particular other objects involved in the command.

'cmd' is the Command object. 'role' is the noun phrase's role in the command (DirectObject, IndirectObject, etc). 'lst' is a list of NPMatch objects identifying the objects that matched the noun phrase. 'm' is the NPMatch object for self.

To override or adjust the score, simply set m.score to the new value. This routine is also free to override the scores of any other objects in the list, if needed.

By default, we don't make any adjustment - we simply accept the initial score calculated by the Action, by leaving m.score unchanged.

See Action.scoreObjects() for full details.

setHasSeen (obj)thing.t[3842]
Mark this Thing as having seen obj.

setInformed (tag, val?)thing.t[3904], beliefcalcs.t[288], factrel.t[743]
Note that we've been informed of something, by adding it to our informedNameTab. Tag is an arbitrary single-quoted string value used to represent the information in question.

setKnown ( )thing.t[3839]
Mark the player character as knowing about us (i.e. this Thing)

setKnowsAbout (obj, val?)thing.t[3823]
Mark this Thing as knowing about obj.

setSeen ( )thing.t[3845]
Mark the player character as having seen this Thing.

shinesOut ( )thing.t[3713]
Does this object shine light outwards? This determines if the object is a light source to objects outside of it. Light shines out from an object if the object itself is a light source, or one of its direct exterior contents shines out, or its contents are visible from the outside and one of its direct interior contents shines out.

showConnectedMiscContents (pov)thing.t[1718]
no description available

showFirstConnectedSpecials (pov)thing.t[1717]
no description available

showRemoteSpecialDesc (pov)senseRegion.t[566]
Show our remoteSpecialDesc, i.e. the version of our specialDesc that should be seen when this item is viewed from a remote location.

showSecondConnectedSpecials (pov)thing.t[1719]
no description available

showSpecialDesc ( )thing.t[1992]
Show our specialDesc or initSpecialDesc, as appropriate

showStatuslineExits ( )thing.t[1764]
Show our exits in the status line

smellDesc ( )sensory.t[591]
By default we split our smellDesc into smellDescWithoutSource (when the player character can't see us) and smellDescWithSource (when the pc can). If we don't need this distinction we can override this method directly. [MODIFIED FOR SENSORY EXTENSION]

statusName (actor)thing.t[1733]
Display the "status line" name of the room. This is normally a brief, single-line description.

By long-standing convention, each location in a game usually has a distinctive name that's displayed here. Players usually find these names helpful in forming a mental map of the game.

By default, if we have an enclosing location, and the actor can see the enclosing location, we'll defer to the location. Otherwise, we'll display our roo interior name.

totalBulkIn (lst)thing.t[2395]
Calculate the total bulk of the items in lst

totalWeightIn (lst)weight.t[146]
Calculate the total weight of the items in lst [WEIGHT EXTENSION]

traceContainerPath (other, outFunc, parentFunc, inFunc)thing.t[3156]
Trace the interior containment path from 'self' to 'other'.

We'll start by working up the containment tree from 'self' to the nearest interior container we have in common with 'other' - that is, the nearest object that contains both 'self' and 'other' with an interior location type for each object. For each container BELOW the common parent, we call outFunc(container).

Next, we call parentFunc(container) on the common container. If there is no common container, we call parentFunc(nil).

Next, we work back down the containment tree from the common parent to 'other'. For each container below the common parent, we call inFunc(container).

travelVia (conn, announceArrival, =, true)thing.t[4068]
Cause this Thing to travel via the connector conn. This method is supplied in case travelVia is called on a Thing which is not an Actor, although it's Actor that has the full implementation.

tryCheck (prop)thing.t[3476]
Run a check method passed as a property pointer in the prop parameter and return any string it tried to display

tryMakingPosture (pos)postures.t[140]
Attempt to make this Thing adopt the posture pos (without changing location). [DEFINED IN POSTURES EXTENSION]

unmention (lst)thing.t[1699]
Mark everything item in lst as not mentioned , and carry on down the containment tree marking the contents of every item in lst as not mentioned.

unmentionRemoteContents ( )thing.t[1716]
The next four methods are provided so that listContents() can call them, but they do nothing in the core library. They are overridden in senseRegion.t (for use if senseRegion.t is included in the build).

verifyActor ( )thing.t[4226]
Next deal with what happens if this object is being tested as a potential actor

verifyEnterPosture (pos)postures.t[328]
Common verify routine for standing, sitting or lying IN something, where pos is the posture to be adopted. [DEFINED IN POSTURES EXTENSION]

verifyPushTravel (via)thing.t[8733]
Common handler for verifying push travel actions. The via parameter may be a preposition object (such as Through) defining what kind of push traveling the actor is trying to do (e.g. through a door or up some stairs).

wouldBeLitFor (actor)thing.t[1773]
Would this location be lit for actor. By default it would if it's illuminated.

Adv3Lite Library Reference Manual
Generated on 03/07/2024 from adv3Lite version 2.1