
Command Window. This object keeps track of the state of command window within the web UI.

class WebCommandWin :   WebWindow

Superclass Tree   (in declaration order)


Subclass Tree  


Global Objects  


Summary of Properties  

isInputOpen  lastInput  lastInputClient  lastInputReady  mode  moreMode  outbuf  scrollback  scrollbackLimit  src  textbuf  vpath 

Inherited from WebWindow :
name  pathName  sthCtx 

Inherited from WebResourceResFile :
binaryExts  browserExtToMime 

Inherited from WebResource :
group  priority 

Summary of Methods  

cancelInputLine  clearWindow  endMoreMode  flushWin  getInputLine  getState  receiveInput  showMorePrompt  textbufToScrollback  write 

Inherited from WebWindow :
processName  sendWinEvent  sendWinEventTo  winFromPath 

Inherited from WebResourceResFile :
isTextFile  matchRequest  processRequest 

Inherited from WebResource :
sendAck  sendXML 



Is an input line open? This is true between sending an <inputLine> event and either getting a reply, or explicitly sending a close or cancel event.

the text of the last input line we received from the client

client session who sent the last input line

is input ready?

Current UI mode. This is 'working' if the program is running and in the process of computing and/or generating output; 'inputLine' if we're waiting for the user to enter a line of input; 'morePrompt' if we're showing a "More" prompt.

flag: we're in More mode

pending output buffer, since last flush

Scrollback list. After each input, we add the contents of 'textbuf' to this list. If this pushes the list past the limit, we drop the oldest item. This is used to reconstruct a reasonable amount of scrollback history when a new client connects, or when an existing client refreshes the page.

The scrollback limit, as a number of command inputs. Each input interaction adds one item to the scrollback list. When the number of items in the list exceeds the limit set here, we drop the oldest item.

no description available

main window text buffer since last input read

my virtual path, and the actual resource file location


cancelInputLine (reset)webui.t[2026]

Cancel an input line that was interrupted by a timeout

clearWindow ( )OVERRIDDENwebui.t[2086]
Clear the window

endMoreMode ( )webui.t[2158]
receive notification from the client that the user has responded to the More prompt, ending the pause

flushWin ( )OVERRIDDENwebui.t[1949]
Flush the buffers

getInputLine (timeout?)webui.t[1968]
Read a line of input in this window. Blocks until the reply is received. Returns nil on timeout.

getState (client)OVERRIDDENwebui.t[2046]
Get the state of this command window

receiveInput (req, query)webui.t[2057]
Receive input from the client

showMorePrompt ( )webui.t[2137]
Show a "More" prompt

textbufToScrollback (cmd)webui.t[2114]
Move the current text buffer contents to the scrollback list. If this would make the scrollback list exceed the limit, we'll drop the oldest item.

'cmd' is the command line text of the last input. We include this in the srollback list with special tagging so that the UI can display it in a custom style, if it wants.

write (txt)OVERRIDDENwebui.t[1940]
Write to the window

Adv3Lite Library Reference Manual
Generated on 03/07/2024 from adv3Lite version 2.1