
The libMessages object contains a number of messages/string values needed by the menu system and the WebUI. It is not used for any other library messages.

libMessages :   object

Superclass Tree   (in declaration order)


Summary of Properties  

dlgButtonCancel  dlgButtonNo  dlgButtonOk  dlgButtonYes  dlgTitleError  dlgTitleInfo  dlgTitleNone  dlgTitleQuestion  dlgTitleWarning  inputFileScriptWarningButtons  menuKeyList  menuLongTopicEnd  menuTopicListEnd  nextMenuTopicLink  prevMenuLink  webUploadTooBig 

Summary of Methods  

inputFileScriptWarning  menuInstructions  menuNextChapter  menuTopicProgress  textMenuMainPrompt  textMenuTopicPrompt  webNewUser 



no description available

no description available

Standard dialog button labels, for the Web UI. These are built in to the conventional interpreters, but in the Web UI we have to generate these ourselves.

no description available

no description available

no description available

Standard dialog titles, for the Web UI. These are shown in the title bar area of the Web UI dialog used for inputDialog() calls. These correspond to the InDlgIconXxx icons. The conventional interpreters use built-in titles when titles are needed at all, but in the Web UI we have to generate these ourselves.

no description available

no description available

build the message

Command key list for the menu system. This uses the format defined for MenuItem.keyList in the menu system. Keys must be given as lower-case in order to match input, since the menu system converts input keys to lower case before matching keys to this list.

Note that the first item in each list is what will be given in the navigation menu, which is why the fifth list contains 'ENTER' as its first item, even though this will never match a key press.

Message to display at the end of a "long topic" in the menu system. We'll display this at the end of the long topic's contents.

Message to display at the end of a topic list. We'll display this after we've displayed all available items from a MenuTopicItem's list of items, to let the user know that there are no more items available.

link title for 'next topic' navigation link in topic lists

link title for 'previous menu' navigation link

Web UI inputFile error: uploaded file is too large


inputFileScriptWarning (warning, filename)english.t[4203]

Warning prompt for inputFile() warnings generated when reading a script file, for the Web UI. The interpreter normally displays these warnings directly, but in Web UI mode, the program is responsible, so we need localized messages.

menuInstructions (keylist, prevLink)english.t[4152]
instructions text for banner-mode menus - this is displayed in the instructions bar at the top of the screen, above the menu banner area

menuNextChapter (keylist, title, hrefNext, hrefUp)english.t[4163]
show a 'next chapter' link

menuTopicProgress (cur, tot)english.t[4130]
Position indicator for topic list items - this is displayed after a topic list item to show the current item number and the total number of items in the list, to give the user an idea of where they are in the overall list.

textMenuMainPrompt (keylist)english.t[4109]
main prompt text for text-mode menus - this is displayed each time we ask for a keystroke to navigate a menu in text-only mode

textMenuTopicPrompt ( )english.t[4117]
prompt text for topic lists in text-mode menus

webNewUser (name)english.t[4194]
web UI alert when a new user has joined a multi-user session

Adv3Lite Library Reference Manual
Generated on 03/07/2024 from adv3Lite version 2.1