
The noExit object can be used to block an exit that would otherwise be set as a reciprocal exit by Room.preinitThing(). This can be used to prevent this extension from creating symmetrical exits in cases where you don't want them. E.g. if north from the smallCave leads to largeCave, but south from largeCave doesn't lead anywhere (because the notional passage between the caves curves round, say), then you can set largeCave.south to noExit to prevent this extension from setting it to smallCave.

The noExit object is thus a TravelConnector that simulates the effect of a nil exit in situations where a nil value might get overwritten by this extension. [SYMCOMM EXTENSION]

noExit :   TravelConnector

Superclass Tree   (in declaration order)


Summary of Properties  


Inherited from TravelConnector :
destination  isConnectorApparent  isOpen  PushTravelVia  suppressTravelDescForPushTravel  transmitsLight  travelBarriers  traversalTime  traversed  traversedBy 

Summary of Methods  

canTravelerPass  explainTravelBarrier 

Inherited from TravelConnector :
afterTravelNotifications  beforeTravelNotifications  checkPushTravel  checkTravelBarriers  dobjFor(GoThrough)  dobjFor(TravelVia)  execTravel  getDepartingDirection  getDestination  getTraveler  hasBeenTraversedBy  iobjFor(PushTravelThrough)  isConnectorVisible  isDestinationKnown  noteTraversal  sayActorFollowing  sayDeparting  sayNoDestination  travelDesc  travelVia  traversalMsg  traversalTimeFrom 



Since we're mimicking the absence of an exit, we don't want to be listed as one.


canTravelerPass (actor)OVERRIDDENsymconn.t[492]

We're not a real exit, so no actor can pass through us.

explainTravelBarrier (actor)OVERRIDDENsymconn.t[499]
In order to behave just as a nil exit would, we call the actor's location's cannotGoThatWay() method to explain why travel isn't possible.

Adv3Lite Library Reference Manual
Generated on 03/07/2024 from adv3Lite version 2.1