#charset "us-ascii"
#include <tads.h>
#include "advlite.h"
* ****************************************************************************
* facts.t
* This module forms part of the adv3Lite library
* (c) 2024 Eric Eve
* A Fact encapsulates an item of knowledge (or supposed knowledge) keyed on the fact tags in the
* appropriate object's informedNameTab. Note that for the purposes of thid module, a Fact is not
* something that is necessarily true, but simply somethhing that some actor or Consultable in the
* game has asserted to be true.
class Fact: object
/* Our name is the fact tag (used in gInformed() stateement or the like) that identifies us. */
name = nil
* Our descripition. This should a single-quoted string with no closing punctuation that could
* follow 'that'; for example 'Spain is a country in Europe' or 'it rained yesterday'
desc = nil
* We can if we wish vary the way this fact is described according to the source that's
* supplying it and the topic matched by the TopicEntry that's called this method; by default
* we just return desc here. Note that any such variation shouldn't change the content of the
* description but only the way it's phrased; e.g. 'Madrid is the capital of Spain' rather
* than 'the capital of Spain is Madrid' depending on whether the topic is Madrid or Spain.
* By default we try to adapt the desc to the source and sender if it contains an
* actorParamName in square brackets, e.g. [bob], which we replace with 'Bob', 'I' or 'he'
* according to context.
qualifiedDesc(source, topic, sender)
/* Start by searhing for an expression in square brackets */
local rexS = rexSearch(sourcepat, desc);
* This will be a string containing the gobalParamName of the subject of the sentence we
* want to construct.
local obj = nil;
/* qDesc is the qualified desc string we want to build. We start out with desc, */
local qDesc = desc;
/* Keep looping until we don' find any more matches to the [*] pattern */
/* Note the results of our rex search. */
/* rm is the string we found including square brackets, e.g. '[bob]' */
local rm = rexS[3];
/* rml is the length of the rm string. */
local rml = rexS[2];
/* Extract the text between the square brackets and store it in tag. */
local tag = rm.substr(2, rml-2);
/* repstr will be the text we want to replace rm with, */
local repstr = '';
* If we've already started the sentence, we'll have identified the subject of the
* sentence, whose global parameter name we'll have stored in obj, so we construct a
* parameter substitution string from tag and obj. e.g., '{his bob}'.
repstr = '{' + tag + ' ' + obj + '}';
* Otherwise we're at the start of the sentence and identifying its subject for the
* first time.
* At this point, tag should be the global param name of the subject of our
* sentence, so we look it up in the global param name table.
local subject = libGlobal.nameTable_[tag];
/* Store tag in obj for future reference. */
obj = tag;
* If we've been invoked by a FactHelper (such as FactThough) and we're only
* listing one source for this fact (e.g. 'Bob told you that...'), then we've
* already provided the grammatical subject of the sentence (e.f, 'Bob') so now we
* want to use a pronoun (e.g. 'his') instead of repeating the name, provided the
* first (and only) source listed is the subject of the sentence we're
* constructing. */
if(sender.ofKind(FactHelper) && valToList(sourcesListed).length == 1
&& valToList(sourcesListed[1] == subject))
repstr = '{he ' + tag + '}';
* Otherwise if the subject of the sentence is also the narrator (the person
* uttering the sentence) we want to use the first person pronoun (I), so we use
* the globalParamName 'fpo' to refer to the first person object.
else if(sender.narrator == subject)
repstr = '{the subj fpo}';
* Note that the global param name of the subject of this sentence is now
* 'fpo'.
obj = 'fpo';
/* Otherwise we want to start the sentence with the name of its subject. */
repstr = '{the subj ' + tag + '}';
/* Replace our [*] pattern with the paramater string we've just created. */
qDesc = qDesc.findReplace(rm, repstr);
/* Then search for the next [*] match in our qDesc string. */
rexS = rexSearch(sourcepat, qDesc);
/* Return the string we've just adapted. */
return qDesc;
* Our RexPattern for searching for a string of characters between square brackets, e.g. [bob]
sourcepat = static new RexPattern('<lsquare><AlphaNum>*<rsquare>')
/* The list of topics (Topics and Things, i.e. game objects) that this fact relates to.*/
topics = []
* The list of actors and other objects - typically Consultables - that start the game knowing
* about us. If any actors in the list should start out dissenting from the defaultTruthValue
for this fact then this can be set by using two item list of the form [actor, value] in place
of just the actor, e.g. you could have [me, bob, susan, [thomas, dubious]].
initiallyKnownBy = []
* The truth value that most characters in this game are likely to assign to this fact. The
* other possible values defined in the library are likely, dubious, unlikely and untrue. Game
* authors are free to invent other values if they wish.
defaultTruthValue = true
/* Obtain a list of everything that knows this fact */
/* Set up a new Vector */
local vec = new Vector;
/* Iterate through every Thing in the game. */
for(local obj = firstObj(Thing); obj != nil; obj = nextObj(obj, Thing))
/* If obj knows about us, add obj to our vector. */
/* Convert the Vector to a List and return the result. */
return vec.toList();
/* Initialise this fact at preInit. */
/* Run through all the actors (or other sources) in out initiallyKnownBy list. */
foreach(local actor in initiallyKnownBy)
/* Set val to the default truth value for this Fact. */
local val = defaultTruthValue;
* If actor is given as an list, the first element should be the actor and the second
* a value (such as likely or dubious) to associate with this fact on this actor)
if(dataType(actor) == TypeList)
/* Provided we have a second element, set val to it. */
if(actor.length() > 1)
val = actor[2];
/* Set the actor to our first element. */
actor = actor[1];
/* Create an entry in the actor's informedNameTab and set its value to ourself. */
actor.informedNameTab[name] = val;
/* If we have a pcComment defined, add it to our pcCommentTab */
setPcComment(gPlayerChar, pcComment);
* LookUpTable containing lists of which sources have imparted this Fact to which actor;
* actor defaults to gPlayerChar we use a LookUpTable here in case the player character
* changes during the courss of play.
sourcesTab = nil
* LookUpTable containing lists of whom actor has imparted this Fact; actor defaults to
* gPlayerChar we use a LookUpTable here in case the player character changes during the
* courss of play.
targetsTab = nil
/* Add a source (of information) to our sourcesTab table. */
addSource(source, actor = gPlayerChar)
/* If we haven't created a sourceTab LookupTable yet, do so now. */
if(sourcesTab == nil)
sourcesTab = new LookupTable(5,5);
* Retrieve the value from the sourcesTab table corresponding to actor (which will
* normally be the current player character.
local item = valToList(sourcesTab[actor]);
/* Add our new source to the list of sources in this value without duplicating it. */
item = item.appendUnique([source]);
/* Store the updated value back in sourcesTab. */
sourcesTab[gPlayerChar] = item;
/* Add a target to our targetTab table */
addTarget(target, actor = gPlayerChar)
/* If we haven't created a targetsTab LookupTable yet, do so now. */
if(targetsTab == nil)
targetsTab = new LookupTable(5,5);
* Retrieve the value from the sourcesTab table corresponding to actor (which will
* normally be the current player character.
local item = valToList(targetsTab[actor]);
/* Add our new source to the list of sources in this value without duplicating it. */
item = item.appendUnique([target]);
/* Store the updated value back in targetsTab. */
targetsTab[gPlayerChar] = item;
* Get a list of the sources who have imparted this Fact to actor; actor dafaults to the
* player character and must normally have been the player character at some point for this to
* return anything but an empty list.
getSources(actor = gPlayerChar)
return sourcesTab ? valToList(sourcesTab[actor]) : [];
* Get a list of the targets actor has imparted this Fact to; actor dafaults to the player
* character and must normally have been the player character at some point for this to return
* anything but an empty list.
getTargets(actor = gPlayerChar)
return targetsTab ? valToList(targetsTab[actor]) : [];
* If our caller wants to list sources of information (listSources = true), then return a
* string containing a suitably formatted list of sources; otherwise return nil. This can then
* be used by TopicEntries (typically Thoughts) that want to list the sources of information
* along with the content of that information.
/* Start by creating an emptry string. */
local srcList = '';
/* Reset the list of sources we're listing. */
sourcesListed = [];
* Only add to it if our caller actually wants to show a list of sources (thia allows the
* caller to insert a call to sourceIntro() passing the value or a user defined property
* to determine whether anything is listed or not).
* obtain a list of the sources that have imparted this Fact to the current player
* character.
local objList = getSources();
* Remove the player character from this list (we don't want to report that the player
* character informed themself.
objList -= gPlayerChar;
* We only need to do any more if there's anything left in our list of source objects.
if(objList.length > 0)
/* Store our list of sources */
sourcesListed = objList;
* Store a list of the names of the sources of the information from our list of
* Facts.
srcList = objList.mapAll({x:x.theName});
* Append a message explaining that these people/things were the sources of
* information and append it to a formatted list of the source names.
srcList = andList(srcList) + BMsg(told me that, ' told {me} that ');
/* Return the string that results. */
return srcList;
* Used internally to build a list of sources (of this fact) to be listed (typically in
* response to a THINK ABOUT command.
sourcesListed = nil
* A single-quoted string containing the initial player character's initial comment or thought
* on this Fact; this can be left at nil if the PC doesn't have one. This will be appended to
* the description of this Fact when listed by a Thought, so should be a sentence fragment
* starting with a lower case letter (or some form of parenthetic punctuation) and without a
* full stop at the end.
pcComment = nil
* A table containing player characters' comments on this Fact. We use a LookpTable here in
* case the player character changes, so we can retrieve the comment relevant to the current
* player character
pcCommentTab = nil
* Get the current player character's comment on this Fact; source is the source from which
* the PC learned the Fact and topic is the topic the Player Character is thinking about. By
* default this method returns different results for different player characters, but game
* code will need to override this method to return different comments for different sources
* and/or topics.
getPcComment(source, topic)
* If our pcCommentTab hasn't been created yet, we don't have any player character
* comments, so just return nil
if(pcCommentTab == nil)
return nil;
/* Otherwise return the comment relating to the current player character. */
return pcCommentTab[gPlayerChar];
* Set actor's comment on this fact; normally actor will be the current player character; txt
* is a single-quoted string containing the comment, which will usually be appended to the
* description of the fact.
setPcComment(actor, txt)
/* If we don't yet have a LookUpTable for pcComments, create one. */
if(pcCommentTab == nil)
pcCommentTab = new LookupTable(5, 5);
/* Set the actor's comment to txt. */
pcCommentTab[actor] = txt;
* Our priority (what is our relevant importance). Facts with a higher priority will be listed
* earlier in any list of facts. We set a defaul priority of 100.
priority = 100
* Alternatively we can use our list order to determine the order in which facts will be
* listed. By default we use give everything a list order of 1.
listOrder = 1
* Deduct our listOrder from our priority to get the adjustedPriority that will actualy be
* used to sort facts in the desired order. This allows game authors to use either property
* (or possibly a combination of both) to determine the listing order.
adjustedPriority = (priority - listOrder)
* A list of alternate fact descriptions that can be referenced by the optional msg parameter
* of various TopicEntry methods. If present, the elements of the list should be single-quoted
* strings.
factDescs = []
* Most Facts start out relevant and continue to be so, but some may cease to be relevant when
* game circumstances change, in which case we can change relevant to nil (or set it to an
* expression that evaluates to nil), so that it's no longer listed in response to THINK
relevant = true
* Our constructor for creating a new Fact object dynamically under progrem control. name_ is
* the fact tag name; desc_ is the Fact's descroption; topics_ is the list of topics to which
* this new Fact relates; initiallyKnownBy_ is the actor or list of actors who start out
* knowing aboout this new Fact.
construct(name_, desc_, topics_, initiallyKnownBy_)
/* Ensure that we're not about to overwrite an existing Fact. */
local fact = gFact(name_);
/* If fact already exists, display and error message and exit. */
DMsg(duplicate fact name, 'ERROR! Attempt to create duplicate Fact with name
/* Set the basic Fact properties from our parameters */
name = name_;
desc = desc_;
topics = valToList(topics_);
initiallyKnownBy = valToList(initiallyKnownBy_);
/* Then carry out the fact initialization. */
/* Add us to the factManager's table of facts so we maintain a reference to ourself. */
* The factManager object initializes Facts at preInit and provides a number of service methods
* for dealing with Facts.
factManager: PreinitObject
* A LookUpTable of all the Facts defined in the game, to allow a Fact to be accessed via its
* name property.
factTab = nil
/* Add a fact to our factTab */
/* If our LookupTable hasn't been created yet, create it now. */
if(factTab == nil)
factTab = new LookupTable(30, 30);
/* Add the new Fact to our factTab. */
factTab[fact.name] = fact;
/* Retrieve a Fact from our factTab via its name (passed as the tag parameter. */
getFact(tag) { return factTab != nil ? factTab[tag] : nil; }
/* Retrieve the base description of a Fact via its name (passed as the tag parameter. */
/* Get the corresponding Fact. */
local fact = getFact(tag);
/* If we've found one, return its base desc property, otherwise return nil. */
return fact == nil ? nil : fact.desc();
* Retrieve the qualified description of a Fact: actor is the actor or Consultable that is the
* source of the information, tag is the fact's name (name property, not programmatic name)
* and topic is the topic that has just been matched by a TopicEntry, while sender will
* normally be self.
getQualifiedFactDesc(actor, tag, topic, sender)
/* Retrieve the Fact corresponding to tag. */
local fact = getFact(tag);
/* If we've found a fact, return its qualified description, otherwise return nil */
return fact == nil ? nil : fact.qualifiedDesc(actor, topic, sender);
* Get the player character's comment on the fact whose name is tag when it is retrieved in
* relation to topic (typically by a THINK ABOUT topic commannd).
getPcComment(tag, topic)
/* Find the fact relating to tag */
local fact = getFact(tag);
/* If there isn't one, issue a warning message if debugging, and return nil in any case. */
if(fact == nil)
#ifdef __DEBUG
"WARNING! No such fact as <<tag>> to retrieve PC comment from. ";
return nil;
* Otherwise retrieve the player character's comment from the relevant fact and return the
* result.
return fact.getPcComment(gPlayerChar, topic);
* Set the current player character's comment on the Fact identified by tag; txt is a
* single-quote string containing the comment.
setPcComment(tag, txt)
/* First retrieve the fact. */
local fact = getFact(tag);
* If we don't find one, return nil, after issuing a warning message if the game has been
* compiled for debugging.
if(fact == nil)
#ifdef __DEBUG
"WARNING! No such fact as <<tag>> to set PC Comment for.";
/* Otherwise set the current player character's comment to txt. */
fact.setPcComment(gPlayerChar, txt);
/* Setup method to call at preInit. */
/* Iterate through the full list of Facts in the game. */
for(local fact = firstObj(Fact); fact!= nil; fact = nextObj(fact, Fact))
/* Initialize the current fact. */
/* Then add it to our database of Facts. */
* Mix-in class for use with IopicEntries (typically Thoughts or ConsultTopics, though game
* authors are free to experiment with mixing it in with ActorTopicEntries, probably most usefully
* AskTopics or DefaultAskTopics), to provide additional functionality relating to Facts, in
* particular to generate a suitably formatted list of facts relating to the topic the TopicEntry
* has just matched, thereby automating the response to commands like THINK ABOUT X or LOOK UP X
class FactHelper: object
* Get a sorted list of the facts known to our actor that are associated with the topic
* matched by our TopicEntry.
* Get our responding actor (the current interlocutor the player character is currently in
* conversation with, or the Consultable we're looking something up in, or the player
* character if we're thinking).
local actor = getActor();
/* Note the topic (Topic or Thing) matched by our TopicEntry. */
local top = topicMatched;
/* A list of the Fact names we match in response to being queried. */
tagList = [];
* If our actor's informedNameTab hasn't been created, return an empty list, since there's
* nothing to look up.
if(actor.informedNameTab == nil)
return [];
/* Set up a new Vector to build our collection of Facts. */
local vec = new Vector();
/* Set up a local variable to store a current Fact object.*/
local factObj;
/* Get a list of keys (= Fact names) from our actor's informedNameTab */
local keyList = actor.informedNameTab.keysToList();
/* Iterate through our list of keys. */
foreach(local fkey in keyList)
/* Retrieve the Fact object corresponding to the current key. */
factObj = factManager.getFact(fkey);
* If we found a Fact object and the topic matched by our TopicEntry is in the list of
* the Fact object's list of associated topics, add the current key to our tagList and
* append the Fact object to our vector.
if(factObj && factObj.relevant && factObj.topics.find(top))
tagList += fkey;
/* Sort the vector. convert it to a list, and then return the result. */
return vec.sort(true, {a, b: a.adjustedPriority - b.adjustedPriority}).toList();
* A list of the tags (Fact tag names) we're currently interested in. Note that this is
* populated by a call to getFacts().
tagList = nil
* The prefix to be used to a list of facts. We specify nothing here since subclasses will
* override as approprite.
prefix = ''
* The suffix to appear at the end of our list or item; normally this will be a full stop
* followed by a space.
suffix = '. '
* The message to display if we don't find any matching facts. Subclasses will override as
* appropriate.
noFactsMsg = ''
* The parenthetical message to append to a listed fact if the player character has been
* informed of something they already knew.
knewFactAlreadyMsg = BMsg(knew fact already, ' (but {i} knew that already)')
* Return a message stating that a fact was already known if the player character started out
* knowing it from the beginning of the game or an empty string otherwise. This makes it safe
* to call this method without knowing whether it's applicable, since this method will
* determine the applicabilitly.
local beliefVal = gPlayerChar.informedAbout(fact.name);
* We only want to append a message saying the player character already knew this message
* if the player character is among the list of sources in its initiallyKnownBy list and
* there is at least one other source that is not the player character (so that when
* reported the fact will be prefixed by 'so-and-so told you that').
&& fact.getSources.indexWhich({x: x!= gPlayerChar})
&& beliefVal == true)
return knewFactAlreadyMsg ;
* Otherwise if we have a non-nil, non-true belief value, use our doubtFactMsg to flag our
* uncertainty.
else if(beliefVal && beliefVal != true)
return doubtFactMsg(beliefVal);
/* Otherwise simply return an empty string. */
return '';
return BMsg(doubt fact, ' (though {i} now regard{s/ed} that as
* The word or phrase used to introduce the description of a fact or list of facts. In English
* this is simply 'that'.
factIntro = BMsg(fact intro, 'that')
* The topicResponse to be provided by the TopicEntry we're mixed-in with. This performs the
* main purpose of the FactHelper mix-in class by providing an automated suitably-formatted
* list of the facts (and possibly their sources) associated with the topic matched by our
* TopicEntry. This can be used to automate the response to THINK ABOUT X or LOOK UP X IN
* WHATEVER, provided Facts have been used elsewhere to provide previous responses.
* Start by obtaining the list of facts associated with the topic our TopicEntry has just
* matched.
local factList = getFacts();
* tagList will have just been populated by the call to getFacts. It contains the list of
* name tags corresponding to those facts, If the list is empty we have no facts to
* display so we just display an appopriate message to that effect.
if(tagList.length == 0)
* If we have only one fact to report or we don't want line breaks between facts, use
* the continuous single sentence form of listing.
if(tagList.length == 1 || addLineBreaks == nil)
* Create a list of strings each of which starts with our factIntro (typically
* 'that') then (if requested) the list of sources who imparted this purported
* fact to the Player Character, then the qualfied description of the fact.
local factListStr = factList.mapAll({x: factIntro + ' ' + x.sourceIntro(listSources) +
x.qualifiedDesc(getActor, topicMatched, self)});
/* Combine this list of strings into a suitably formalled single string. */
local resp = andList(factListStr);
* If we're using the sentence format because we've only one fact to list, append
* an explanation that we already knew this fact if other people have also
* imparted it to us.
if(tagList.length == 1)
resp += alreadyKnewMsg(factManager.getFact(tagList[1]));
* Display a single sentence listing all the facts the PC knows (or has been
* informed about) in connection with the topic our TopicEntry matched.
"<<prefix>> <<resp>><<suffix>>" ;
* If we're listing several facts line by line, start with a general introduction
* to our list (of the form 'You recall that ').
"<<prefix>> <<factIntro>>: ";
* Then iterate through our sorted list of facts to list each one on a separate
* line.
foreach(local fact in factList)
* Start on a new line, then list the sources of the information (if
* listSources if true) then describe the fact, and then append the notice
* that the Player Character already knew this fact if the Player Character is
* listed in the fact's initiallyKnownBy list.
"\n\^<<fact.sourceIntro(listSources)>> <<fact.qualifiedDesc(getActor,
topicMatched, self)>><<alreadyKnewMsg(fact)>>";
/* Conclude each line with a dfull stop. */
* Next, if we want to auto reveal, loop through our list of tags to reveal them (so
* the game author doesn't also need to insert a <.reveal tag>) and, if requested,
* update the sources of information for each fact.
foreach(local tag in tagList)
* If libGlobal.informOnReveal is true (the default) then reveal the tag
* (which also adds it to the player characters informedNameTab).
* Otherwise we want to separate revealing from informing the player
* character, so we only do the latter.
/* If we want to update the sources of this fact, then do so. */
/* Obtain the fact object corresponding to tag. */
local factObj = factManager.getFact(tag);
* Add getActor() (the current source of information) to the list of sources
* for this fact.
* Since we're typically going to be used to make a catch-all TopicEntry, we'll normally want
* to match any Thing or Topic in the game.
matchObj = [Thing, Topic]
* Do we want our topicResponse() method to update the list of sources on the Facts it lists?
* We probably if we're mixed in with a ConsultTopic (to note the corresponding Consultable as
* the source of information) but not if we're mixed in with a Thought (since the Player
* Character must already effecitvely be a potential source of the information they're
* recalling).
updateSources = true
* Do we want to list the sources of the facts our topicResponse is reporting? We might well
* want to do so on a ConsultTopic but probably not on a Thought, so we default to nil here.
listSources = nil
* Do we want to insert line breaks between each item in a list of fact descriptions (so that
* we get a vertical list of facts or list them all in a continous sentence (addLineBreas =
* nil, the default).
addLineBreaks = nil
* Flag, do we want to reveal all the tags we encounter in our topicResponse. It makes sense
* to do so on a FactConsultTopic but not on a FactThought, which shouldn't change the game
* state.
autoReveal = nil
* Flag, do we want to inform all the tags we encounter in our topicResponse. It makes sense
* to do so on a FactConsultTopic but not on a FactThought, which shouldn't change the game
* state.
autoInform = nil
* A FactConsultTopic can be used to generate an automated response to a potentially wide range of
* queries directed to the associated Consultable, provided that the Consultable in question has
* been listed in the various relevant facts' initiallyKnownBy list (or subquently added to its
* informedNameTab if the Consultable is updatable). A DefaultFactConsultTopic can also act like a
* regular DefaultConsultTopic when its Consultable has no facts corresponding to the topic that's
* just been looked up.
class FactConsultTopic: FactHelper, ConsultTopic
* We give a FactConsultTopic a matchScore of 50 since it's not a mere DefaultConsultTopic
* that always gives a generic response to the effect that the Consultable has no useful
* information on every topic the DefaultTopic attempts to handle, but on the other hand we
* want it to defer to any regular ConsultTopic that gives a more tailored response to a
* particular topic or topics.
matchScore = 50
prefix = BMsg(consult prefix, '{The subj dobj} inform{s/ed} {me}')
noFactsMsg = BMsg(no consult, '{The subj dobj} {has} nothing useful to say on that subject. ')
* On a FactConsultTopic it makes sense to reveal the tags encountered in the display of our
* TopicResponse (since the player character may be learning something new.
autoReveal = true
autoInform = true
* A FactThought can be used to generate an automated response to a potentially wide range of
* requests to THINK ABOUT SO-AND-SO, provided that the Player Character has been listed in the
* various relevant facts' initiallyKnownBy list (or subquently added to its informedNameTab if the
* Consultable is updatable). A FactThought can also act like a DefaultThought when the player
* character knows no Facts corresponding to the topic that's being thought about. It will also
* defer to any specific Thoughts with a matchScore higher than 50.
class FactThought: FactHelper, Thought
* We give a FactThought a matchScore of 50 since it's not a mere DefaultThought
* that always gives a generic response to the effect that the player character has no
* information on whatever topic the player attempts to think about, but on the other hand we
* want it to defer to any regular Thoughts that gives a more tailored response to a
* particular topic or topics.
matchScore = 50
prefix = BMsg(thoughts prefix, 'It {dummy} {comes} to mind')
noFactsMsg = BMsg(no thoughts, 'Nothing relevant {dummy} {comes} to mind. ')
* Enable a Tnought to show the player character's comment on a fact that's being listed as
* being thought about.
* Retrieve the player character's comment on fact in relation to the topic matched by this
* Thought.
local txt = fact.getPcComment(getActor, topicMatched);
* If we find a comment, prepend a space to sepaarate it from the description of the fact
* and then return the result. We then skip adding any 'but you already knew that' message
* since it would seem redundant - or overkill - to show both comments.
return ' ' + txt;
* Otherwise return the inherited result (normally a message saying the PC already knew
* the fact, should that be the case).
return inherited(fact);
* It makes senss to list sources on a Thought, since for the most part we'll be listing what
* the player character has been told, not what the PC necessarily believes to be the case (as
* it otherwise would appear without attribution of the facts) and it's conceivable that
* different sources may have given conflicting information to the Player Character, so it
* becomes important for our response to say something like "John told us that Bill killed
* Janet and Mavis told us that Bill died of natural causes."
listSources = true
* The listing with attributions will likely look better and be easier to follow if it
* includes like breaks between facts.
addLineBreaks = true
* There's no point updating Facts with the sources of the Player Character's own thought; the
* response to THINK ABOUT X should report on what the Player Charater already knows without
* changing the game state.
updateSources = nil
* Givde a Fact a new description. This may be useful when story developments change the PC's
* perspective on a Fact, e.g. from 'Mavis wants you to retrieve a letter' to 'Mavis asked you to
* retrieve a letter but you've done that now'. tag is the string tag (name) of the Fact you want
* to chanage and newdesc is the new desc you want to give it.
redescFact(tag, newdesc)
local fact = gFact(tag);
fact.desc = newdesc;
/* Modifications to Topic Entry to work with Facts */
modify TopicEntry
* Reveal the fact corresponding to tag and return its description. The optional msg parameter
* can customoize the way the description is displayed, and can be a single-quoted string (to
* be used as a description of the fact) an integer (indexing the fact's factDescs list, a
* property pointer, in which case the corresponding method will be called on the fact with
* self as an argument, or a function pointer, in which case the function will be executed
* with self as an argument. The method or function called should return a single-quoted
* string to be used to describe the fact.
revealFact(tag, msg?)
/* If for any reason we're called with a nil tag, simply return nil and end there. */
if(tag == nil) return nil;
* If the informOnReveal option is true, then we want to both update the revealed list on
* libGlobal and the informedNameTab on the Player Character (and the call to gReveal will
* do both).
/* Otherwise we just update the player character's informedNameTab. */
* The person supplying this fact will be our actor, that is, the player character's
* currenly interlocutor.
narrator = getActor();
/* Get the fact associated with tag. */
local fact = factManager.getFact(tag);
* Add getActor (our current interlocutor or possibly consultable) to our fact's list
* of sources.
/* Deal with msg depending on whether it's an integer or a string. */
msg = interpret(fact, msg);
return msg;
* return our fact's description, which can be embedded in our topicResponse or an
* element of our eventList.
return fact.qualifiedDesc(getActor, topicMatched, self);
return nil;
* We can use informFact to update our current interlocutor's InformedTab list (removing th
* need to use a separate <.inform> tag to do so), to update the fact's target list (i.e. the
* list of people who have been informed of the fact by the current player character), and to
* return a description of the fact that can be embedded in the topicResponse of a TellTopic,
* or SayTopic. The actor parameter, if specified, should be the actor being informed, which
* will usually be the current interlocutor in a conversational context.
* The optionsl msg parameter works the same way as for revealFact. The optional actor
* parameter defines the actor who is being informed of this fact, and defaults to getActor,
* who will usually be the conversational partner here. The actor parameter can be omitted and
* the msg parameter placed second and will still be interpreted correctly via its dataType.
informFact(tag, actor = getActor(), msg?)
/* If for any reason we're called with a nil tag, simply return nil and end there. */
if(tag == nil) return nil;
* If the secong parameter has been supplied as integer or single-quoted string, treat it
* as the third (msg) parameter and set the actor parameter to the default getActor.
if(dataType(actor) is in (TypeInt, TypeSString, TypeProp, TypeFuncPtr))
msg = actor;
actor = getActor();
* Update our current interloctutor's (or actor's if a different actor is specified)
* informedNameTab with our fact tag name.
/* Set narrator (the imparter of this Fact) to the player character */
narrator = gPlayerChar;
/* Get the fact corresponding to the tag. */
local fact = factManager.getFact(tag);
* Add actor to the fact's list of targets (the people to whom this fact has been
* imparted). Note that the library does nothing with this list; it's available for
* game code to use as desired.
/* Deal with msg depending on whether it's an integer or a string. */
msg = interpret(fact, msg);
return msg;
* Return a description of the Fact that can be used in this TopicEntry's
* showResponse() method or eventList property.
return fact.qualifiedDesc(actor, topicMatched, self);
return nil;
* Retrieve and return the qualified description of the Fact corresponding to Fact qualified
* according to actor, topic and sender (which will normally be self, this TopicEntry, here).
qualifiedDesc(actor, tag, topic, sender)
return factManager.getQualifiedFactDesc(actor, tag, topic, sender);
* Simply display the descrption of the Fact corresponding to tag without changing the game
* state. This might conceivably be of use, for example, in a Thought.
factText(tag, actor = getActor)
return factManager.getQualifiedFactDesc(actor, tag, topicMatched, self);
* Our narrator is the person (or Consultable) imparting a fact vis this TopicEntry. This is
* set by either our revealFact() or our informFact() method.
narrator = nil
/* Reset our narrator */
narrator = nil;
return inherited(top);
/* Translate the msg parameter into a single-quoted string appropriate to fact */
interpret(fact, msg)
/* The interpretation depends on the data type of the msg parameter */
/* If it's already a single-quoted string, return msg unchanged. */
case TypeSString:
return msg;
* If it's an integer, return the corresponding element of our fact's factDescs list,
* provided the mash is in range.
case TypeInt:
if(msg > 0 && msg <= fact.factDescs.length)
return fact.factDescs[msg];
/* If it's a property pointer, call msg(self) on our fact. */
case TypeProp:
return fact.(msg)(self);
/* If it's a function pointer, call the function with self as an argument. */
case TypeFuncPtr:
local f = msg;
return f(self);
* If none of these worked, return nil to tell our caller we weren't able to provide a
* valid interpretation of the msg parameter.
return nil;
* Reveal a Fact that hasn't been (or may not have been) created yet. If it doesn't exist, we
* create it and then call revealFact() to reveal and display it. name_ is the new fact tag
* name; desc_ is the fact's description; msg is the optional msg parameter for displaying the
* fact description in the context of this TopicEntry; topics? is the list of topics this new
* facts relates to - we default to this TopicEmtry's matchObj; initiallyKnownBy is the actor
* or list of actor's this Fact starts out already known by - we default to getActor, the
* conversation partner the player character is talking to at this point.
revealNewFact(name_, desc_, msg?, topics_?, initiallyKnownBy_?)
/* If the Fact doesn't exist yet, create it. */
topics_ = topics_ ?? matchObj;
initiallyKnownBy_ = initiallyKnownBy_ ?? getActor();
new Fact(name_, desc_, topics_, initiallyKnownBy_);
return revealFact(name_, msg);
* Inform actor of a Fact that hasn't been (or may not have been) created yet. If it doesn't
* exist, we create it and then call informFact() to reveal and display it. name_ is the new
* fact tag name; desc_ is the fact's description; msg is the optional msg parameter for
* displaying the fact description in the context of this TopicEntry; topics? is the list of
* topics this new facts relates to - we default to this TopicEmtry's matchObj;
* initiallyKnownBy is the actor or list of actor's this Fact starts out already known by - we
* default to gPlayerChar, the person most likely to be informing the current interlocutor of
* the new fact at this point.
informNewFact(name_, desc_, msg?, topics_?, initiallyKnownBy_?, actor?)
actor = actor ?? getActor();
/* If the Fact doesn't exist yet, create it. */
topics_ = topics_ ?? matchObj;
initiallyKnownBy_ = initiallyKnownBy_ ?? gPlayerChar;
new Fact(name_, desc_, topics_, initiallyKnownBy_);
return informFact(name_, actor, msg);
/* Modifications to ActorTopicEntry to work with Facts. */
modify ActorTopicEntry
* The knowledge tag associated with this ActorTopicEntry. If it's nil, we ignore it. This is
* the tag for a fact our actor is being told about in response to something we'vr asked.
aTag = nil
/* If we define a aTag we're only active if our associated actor knows about our aTag. */
active = inherited && (aTag == nil && tTag == nil) ? true :
(aTag ? getActor.informedAbout(aTag) :
/* Carry out additional initialization to set our matchObj from our aTag */
/* First carry out the inherited handling. */
* If we have a non-nil aTag or tTag and the user hasn't already set matchObj, set
* matchObj from the Fact defined by aTag if it's non-nil or else tTag.
if((aTag || tTag) && matchObj == nil)
/* Obtain the Fact corresponding to whichever tag is non-nil */
local fact = gFact(aTag ?? tTag);
/* If we found one, set our matchObj to our fact's topic list. */
matchObj = fact.topics;
* Short-name method for retrieving the description of the fact associated with aTag and
* updating what the player character knows and the fact's list of sources.
return revealFact(aTag, msg);
* Short-nae method of retrieving the description of the fact associated with aTag or tTag
* without carrying out any further side-effects.
fText() { return factText(aTag ?? tTag); }
* The fact tag we're going to inform and reference if we are telling (imparting information
* to the other actor we're talking to.
tTag = nil
infTag(msg?) { return informFact(tTag, getActor(), msg); }
/* Get the relevant qualified fact description */
qualifiedDesc(actor, tag, topicMatched)
return factManager.getQualifiedFactDesc(actor, tag, topicMatched, self);
/* Modificstions to SayTopic to work with Facts. */
modify SayTopic
* The modification allows the user to specify a tTag and extraVocab instead of a
* matchPattern.
* If we have tTag defined, use it to construct what our matchPattern would otherwise have
* been.
/* Get the fact corresponding to our tTag */
local fact = gFact(tTag);
* If we've found one, set our matchPattern to its name and append a semicolon
* followed by our extraVocab.
matchPattern = fact.desc + ';' + extraVocab;
* Otherwise all we can do is to append a semicolon and the extra vocab to our
* non-fact-matching tTag.
else matchPattern = tTag + ';' + extraVocab;
/* Return our new matchPattern. */
return matchPattern;
* The matchPattern of a SayTopic normally contains what will be the vocab string of the Topic
* created for the SayTopic to match on. The fact name only provides the name part of this, so
* we make provision for supplying additional vocab after the name part. For example if the
* fact you want to impart ihas the desc 'you love her', you might want to set extraVocab to
* 'i' to produce the vocab 'you love her; i' so that it will match 'I love you' as well as
* 'you love her'.
extraVocab = nil
modify InitiateTopic
/* Modification to allow InitiateTopic to match a Fact name. */
/* Store a reference to our caller in our agendaItem property. */
agendaItem = libGlobal.agendaItem;
/* If we have a matchPattern, first test whether it's a fact name. */
if(matchPattern != nil && matchPattern == top)
/* Attempt to find the fact with name top. */
local fact = gFact(top);
/* I've we've found a fact, proceed accordinglay. */
/* Note the fact we have matched. */
// topicMatched = fact;
* If our topicResponse is going to reveal information about thio fact, set out
* rTag (= aTag) to the fact name just matched.
rTag = top;
* Note that we don't set tTag otherwise, since if the actor isn't imparting new
* information but instead asking a queastion, we must assume that no factual
* information has yet been conveyed in either direction.
/* Return the sum of our matchScore and scoreBooster */
return matchScore + scoreBooster();
/* Otherwise return our inherited score. */
return inherited(top);
/* Flag: is the actor revealing information abouut the flag matched? */
revealing = true
* Modications to AltTopic to work with the modifications to ActorTopicEntry with the FACTS
* module.
modify AltTopic
/* Take our tTag from our location's tTag */
tTag = location.tTag
/* Take our rTag from our location's aTag */
aTag = location.aTag
/* Take our matchoObj from our location's matchObj */
matchObj = location.matchObj
/* Take our revealing flag from our location's revealing */
revealing = location.revealing
* modify actorPreinit so that factMananger's happens first. This ensures that factManager's
* factTab has been populated and is availabe to actor-related object preinitialization.
modify actorPreinit
execBeforeMe = inherited + factManager;
modify thingPreinit
execBeforeMe = inherited + factManager;
* Modifications to the Consultable class to allow it to include fact tag strings in its
* topicEntryList. This consists of a list of items each of which is itself a list; item{1],
* passed at the topkey parameter, is the Thing or Topic to be matched; item[2], passed at the txt
* parameter, is either the text to be displayed or a fact name string for a fact whose
* descriptiopn we want displayed.
modify Consultable
setTopicResponse(top, topkey, txt)
/* First attempt to get the fact corresponding to the txt string */
local fact = gFact(txt);
* If we find one, replace txt with the desc of gFact(txt) plus a tag to reveal the fact
* to the player character. Otherwise we'll skip this and simply set up our new
* ConsultTopic to display txt.
/* Store txt in a new local variable .*/
local tag = txt;
* Construct the <.reveal tag> or <.know tag> to reveal the fact to the player
* character, dependinng on whether libGobal.informOnReveal is true or false.
local rTag = '. <.' + (libGlobal.informOnReveal ? 'reveal ' : 'known ') + tag + '>';
* Set txt to the qualified desription of our fact, adjusted according to the source
* of information (this Consultable) and the topic being looked up (topkey).
txt = fact.qualifiedDesc(self, topkey, self);
* Prepend the instruction to make the first letter of txt upper case and append our
* reveal tag.
txt ='\^' + txt + rTag;
/* Add this Consultable as a source of information about our fact. */
/* Carry out the inherited handling. */
inherited(top, topkey, txt);
#ifdef __DEBUG
/* Debgugging command to list all the Facts defined in the game. */
'list' 'facts'
action = ListFacts
verbPhrase = 'list/listing facts'
/* First check whether any facts have been added to the facts table. */
if(factManager.factTab == nil)
DMsg(no facts defined, 'No Facts have been defined in this game. ');
/* Get a list of fact names */
local keyList = factManager.factTab.keysToList();
/* Sort the list of facts in alphabetical order of their names. */
keyList = keyList.sort(nil, {a,b: a.compareTo(b)});
/* Then list each fact name along with its corresponding description. */
foreach(local item in keyList)
"<<aHref('fact info ' + item, item, 'fact info ' + item)>>
'fact' 'info' literalDobj
: VerbProduction
action = FactInfo
verbPhrase = 'show/showing fact info'
missingQ = 'which fact do you want info for'
literal = cmd.dobj.name.toLower;
local fact = factManager.getFact(literal);
if(fact == nil)
DMsg(no such fact, '''No fact with the name '<<literal>>' is defined in the game. ''');
"Name = '<<fact.name>>'\n";
"Desc = '<<fact.desc>>'\n";
"Topics = <<showContents(fact.topics)>>\n";
"Initially Known By = <<showContents(fact.initiallyKnownBy)>>\n";
"Currently Known By = <<showContents(fact.currentlyKnownBy())>>\n";
"Adjusted Priority = <<fact.adjustedPriority>>\n";
"pcComment = '<<fact.pcComment>>'\n";
local sources = fact.getSources();
if(sources && sources.length > 0)
"Sources = <<showContents(sources)>>\n";
local targets = fact.getTargets();
if(targets && targets.length > 0)
"Targets = <<showContents(targets)>>\n";
if(fact.factDescs && fact.factDescs.length > 0)
"FactDescs = <<showContents(fact.factDescs)>>\n";
local i = 0;
foreach(local obj in lst)
if(dataType(obj) == TypeSString) "'";
if(dataType(obj) == TypeSString) "'";
if(++i < lst.length)
", ";
Adv3Lite Library Reference Manual
Generated on 03/07/2024 from adv3Lite version 2.1