
CustomVocab objects define special-case vocabulary for the parser and name generation routines.

The library provides a CustomVocab object with many common special-case words, but games and extensions can augment the built-in lists by defining their own CustomVocab objects that follow the same patterns. The library automatically includes all of the special word lists in all of the CustomVocab objects defined throughout the game.

class CustomVocab :   object

Superclass Tree   (in declaration order)


Subclass Tree  


Global Objects  


Summary of Properties  

irregularPlurals  specialAOrAn  verbParams 

Summary of Methods  




Irregular plural list. This is a list of words with plurals that can't be inferred from any of the usual spelling rules. The entries are in pairs: singular, [plurals]. The plurals are given in a list, since some words have more than one valid plural. The first plural is the preferred one; the remaining entries are alternates.

The list of special-case a/an words. Choosing 'a' or 'an' is purely phonetic, and English orthography is notoriously inconsistent phonetically. What's more, the choice for many words varies by dialect, accent, and personal style. We try to cover as much as we can in our spelling-based rules, but it's hopeless to cover all the bases purely with spelling. At some point we just have to turn to a table of special cases.

We apply the special rules based on the first word in a name. The first word is simply the first contiguous group of alphanumeric characters. If the first word in a name is found in this list, the setting here will override any spelling rules.

The entries here are simply strings of the form 'a word' or 'an word'. Start with the appropriate form of a/an, then add a space, then the special word to match.

Verbs for substitution parameter strings. This is a list of strings, using the following template:


The 'infinitive' is the 'to' form of the verb (to go, to look, to see), but *without* the word 'to'. 'present3' is the third-person present form (is, goes, sees). 'past' is the past tense form (went, looked, saw). 'past-participle' is the past participle form; this is optional, and is needed only for verbs with distinct past and past participle forms (e.g., saw/seen, went/gone). Most regular verbs - those with the past formed by adding -ed to the infinitive - have identical past and participle forms.

For every English verb except "to be", the entire present and past conjugations can be derived from these three bits of information. The past perfect, future, and future perfect conjugations can also be derived from this information, for any verb except "to be" and the auxiliary verbs (could, should, etc). The English library pre-defines "to be" and all of the auxiliary verbs, so there's no need to define those with this mechanism.



Adv3Lite Library Reference Manual
Generated on 25/04/2024 from adv3Lite version 2.0