
A FuncCommand is a special version of Command that carries out its action via a custom callback function, rather than by executing a regular Action. This can be used to create a simple one-off custom command without having to create a separate Action for it.

class FuncCommand :   Command

Superclass Tree   (in declaration order)


Subclass Tree  


Global Objects  


Summary of Properties  


Inherited from Command :
acc  accInfo  accNPs  accs  action  actions  actor  actorNPs  actorPerson  actors  afterReports  aobj  badMulti  cmdErr  disambig  disambigIdx  dobj  dobjInfo  dobjNPs  dobjs  endOfSentence  implicitActionReports  iobj  iobjInfo  iobjNPs  iobjs  lastAction  madeTopic  matchedAll  matchedMulti  miscWordLists  missingNouns  nextTokens  npList  npListSorted  npToResolve  originalAction  parseTree  predActive  predPriority  priority  reflexiveAnte  tokenLen  verbProd 

Summary of Methods  


Inherited from Command :
addDisambigNP  addNounListItem  addNounProd  afterReport  buildCommandString  buildObjLists  calcPriority  changeAction  clone  cloneNP  emptyNounRole  exec  execCombos  execDoer  execIter  fetchDisambigReply  fixPriority  forEachNP  forEachObj  getCommandPhrase  noteMiscWords  npTokenLen  numNounSlots  resolveNouns  resolveReflexive  saveReflexiveAnte  sortList  startDisambigReply  terseOK 



the callback function for carrying out our command action


construct (prod, func)OVERRIDDENcommand.t[1413]

Create: provide the grammar match object, if any, and the callback function to execute to carry out the command.

Adv3Lite Library Reference Manual
Generated on 25/04/2024 from adv3Lite version 2.0