Sceneclassscene.t[98], scenetopic.t[7]

A Scene is an object that represents a slice of time that starts and ends according to specified conditions, and which can define what happens when it starts and ends and also what happens each turn when it is happening.

Modified in scenetopic.t[7]:
Modifications to Scene for the SCENETOPIC EXTENSION

class Scene :   object

Superclass Tree   (in declaration order)


Subclass Tree  


Global Objects  


Summary of Properties  

endedAt  endsWhen  hasHappened  howEnded  isHappening  notifySingleActor  recurring  startedAt  startsWhen  timesHappened 

Summary of Methods  

afterAction  beforeAction  eachTurn  end  notifyActors  start  whenEnding  whenStarting 



The turn this scene ended at

an expression or method that evaluates to something other than nil when you want the scene to end

Flag to show whether this scene has ever happened.

A user defined flag showing how the scene ended

Is this scene currently taking place? (Game code should treat this as read-only)

Flag (for use with SceneTopic extension): do we want to trigger a SceneTopic response from every actor the player char can talk to, or only the first one we find? By default we assume we want a response from only one actor. Note that the Actor notificationOrder property can be defined so that we can select which Actor this will be (the one with the lowest notificationOrder). [SCENETOPIC EXTENSION]

Normally a scene will only occur once. Set recurring to true if you want the scene to start again every time its startsWhen condition is true.

The turn this scene started at

An expression or method that evaluates to true when you want the scene to start

The numbter of times this scene has happened.


afterAction ( )scene.t[203]

This method is called on every active Scene just after an action has taken place. By default we do nothing here.

beforeAction ( )scene.t[197]
This method is called on every active Scene just before an action is about to take place. By default we do nothing here.

eachTurn ( )scene.t[182]
Routine to execute every turn this scene is in progress.

end ( )scene.t[154], scenetopic.t[11]
The method executed when this Scene ends. Game code should normally override whenStarting() rather than this method.

Modified in scenetopic.t[11]:
Modified for SceneTopic Extension to notify any actor that we can talk to that this scene has ended.

notifyActors (prop)scenetopic.t[32]
Notify any actor that we can talk to that this scene has started

start ( )scene.t[135], scenetopic.t[23]
The method executed when this Scene starts. Game code should normally override whenStarting() rather than this method.

Modified in scenetopic.t[23]:
Modified for SceneTopic Extension to notify any actor that we can talk to that this scene has started.

whenEnding ( )scene.t[179]
Routine to execute when this scene ends

whenStarting ( )scene.t[176]
Routine to execute when this scene starts

Adv3Lite Library Reference Manual
Generated on 25/04/2024 from adv3Lite version 2.0