Topicclassthing.t[10131], english.t[2106]

A Topic is something that the player character can refer to in the course of conversation or look up in a book, but which is not implemented as a physical object in the game. Topics can be used for abstract concepts such as life, liberty and happiness, or for physical objects that are referred to but not actually implemented as Things in the game, such as Alfred the Great or the Great Wall of China.

Modified in english.t[2106]:
Modification to the Topic class so that when constructing a new Topic a separate apostrophe-S token is concatenated with the previous word when storing the name (which undoes the effect on building the name of what the English-language tokenizer does with apostrophe-S).

class Topic :   Mentionable

Superclass Tree   (in declaration order)


Subclass Tree  


Global Objects  


Summary of Properties  

familiar  known  newlyCreated 

Inherited from Mentionable :
ambiguouslyPlural  disambigGroup  disambigMatchPhrases  disambigName  disambigOrder  distinguishByContents  isHer  isHim  isIt  massNoun  matchPhrases  matchPhrasesExclude  name  nominalContents  person  plural  proper  qualified  roomTitle  states  vocab  vocabWords 

Inherited from LMentionable :
acronymPluralPat  alphaCharPat  aName  apostPluralPat  apostSPat  deannotatePat  dictComp  dummyName  elevenEighteenPat  emptyVocabWords  esPluralPat  firstWordPat  heName  herName  hersName  himName  iesPluralPat  irregularPlurals  lastWordPat  leadingTagOrQuotePat  menPluralPat  objInName  objIntoName  objName  objOutOfName  oneLetterAnWordPat  oneLetterWordPat  ownerNamed  pluralPat  posPat  possAdj  possEnding  possNoun  prepList  prepPhrasePat  prepWordPat  pronounMap  properNamePat  properPat  reflexiveName  specialAOrAn  tagOrQuotePat  thatName  thatObjName  theName  theObjName  trimPat  truncationLength  weakWordPat 

Summary of Methods  

construct  getTopicText  setKnown 

Inherited from Mentionable :
filterResolveList  matchName  matchNameCommon  matchNameDisambig  phraseMatchName  simpleMatchName 

Inherited from LMentionable :
addDictWord  addVocab  addVocabWord  aNameFrom  aNameFromPoss  classInit  contify  distinguishedName  ifPronoun  inheritVocab  initVocab  initVocabWord  locify  matchPronoun  pluralNameFrom  pluralWordFrom  possessify  pronoun  removeVocabWord  replaceVocab  theNameFrom  theNameIs 



Whether the player character knows of the existence of this topic. By default we assume this is true.

Test whether this topic is known to the player character

For internal use by the parser; has the parser newly created us for its own purposes?


construct (name_)OVERRIDDENthing.t[10132], english.t[2107]

no description available

getTopicText ( )thing.t[10154]
Return a textual description of this topic, which will normally be just its name. We use the vocab as fall-back alternative.

setKnown ( )thing.t[10145]
Make this topic known to the player character

Adv3Lite Library Reference Manual
Generated on 25/04/2024 from adv3Lite version 2.0