TopicPhraseclassparser.t[2955], english.t[2039]

TopicPhrase is a special kind of NounPhrase for topics (ASK ABOUT, TELL ABOUT, TALK ABOUT, LOOK UP, etc). These phrases aren't resolved to game-world objects the way ordinary noun phrases are, but instead are resolved to conversation topic objects.

Modified in english.t[2039]:
Modifications to TopicPhrase to make it work better with the English-specific part of the library.

class TopicPhrase :   NounPhrase

Superclass Tree   (in declaration order)


Subclass Tree  


Global Objects  


Summary of Properties  

Inherited from NounPhrase :
contPrep  contQual  coreProd  determiner  disambigNameList  errName  errNameProd  exclusions  locQual  locType  matches  objs  ordinal  parent  possQual  prod  pronoun  quantifier  role  tokens 

Summary of Methods  

matchNameScope  matchVocab  selectObjects 

Inherited from NounPhrase :
addContents  addExclusionItem  addLiteral  addLocation  addMatches  addOrdinal  addPossessive  addQuantifier  ambigError  applyContQual  applyDisambig  applyExclusion  applyLocational  applyPossessive  buildObjList  clone  construct  contains  disambiguate  expandErrName  isAllEquivalent  isMultiple  matchVocabPoss  resolveAll  resolveReflexives 




matchNameScope (cmd, scope)OVERRIDDENparser.t[3070], english.t[2040]

expand the error text to include the possessive qualifier

matchVocab (cmd)OVERRIDDENparser.t[2963]
Get the list of objects matching the vocabulary words in our noun phrase. Populates our 'matches' property with a vector of matching objects. This doesn't look at any of our qualifiers, or attempt to disambiguate contextually; it simply finds everything in scope that the noun phrase could refer to.

selectObjects (cmd)OVERRIDDENparser.t[3094]
return the list

Adv3Lite Library Reference Manual
Generated on 25/04/2024 from adv3Lite version 2.0