
A TopicTAction is an action involving one physical object and one topic, e.g. ASK BOB ABOUT TOWER.

class TopicTAction :   TAction

Superclass Tree   (in declaration order)


Subclass Tree  


Global Objects  

AskAbout  AskFor  ConsultAbout  QueryAbout  SayTo  TalkAbout  TellAbout 

Summary of Properties  

curIobj  curTopic  topicIsGrammaticalIobj 

Inherited from TAction :
actionList  announceMultiAction  announceMultiCheck  announceMultiVerify  aqinfo  curDobj  curObj  dqinfo  gActor  haltOnMessageInCheck  iqinfo  lastVerifyMsg  reportFailureAfterSuccess  reportList  signal  verifyTab 

Inherited from Action :
actionFailed  advanceOnFailure  againRepeatsParse  allowAll  extraMessageParams  failCheckMsg  failedActionCountsAsTurn  implicitTimeTaken  includeInUndo  isConversational  isImplicit  isRepeatable  oldRoom  parentAction  parentAllowAll  preCond  redirectParent  reportImplicitActions  scopeList  spellingPriority  synthParamID  timeTaken  turnsTaken  unhides  verifyObj  wasIlluminated 

Summary of Methods  

execAction  resolvePronouns  verify 

Inherited from TAction :
addVerifyResult  check  checkAction  checkPreCond  doAction  doActionOnce  execCycle  execResolvedAction  getAll  getMessageParam  getVerbPhrase  getVerbPhrase1  makeScopeUniversal  reportAction  reset  resolvedObjectsInScope  setResolvedObjects 

Inherited from Action :
acknowledgeNotifyStatus  addExtraScopeItems  addImplicitTime  advanceTime  afterAction  announceObject  beforeAction  buildImplicitActionAnnouncement  buildScopeList  checkActionPreconditions  commandNotPresent  exec  execGroup  getAllUnhidden  implicitAnnouncement  scoreObjects  setMessageParam  setMessageParams  spPrefix  spSuffix  synthMessageParam  turnSequence  verifyObjRole  wrapObjectsNP 

Inherited from ReplaceRedirector :

Inherited from Redirector :
doInstead  doNested  doOtherAction 



Although we don't have an indirect object in the conventional sense, we use the curIobj property to store the ResolvedTopic involved in the command.

We also store the current ResolvedTopic in the curTopic property so it can be found by the gTopic macro.

Is the topic the grammatical Indirect object of this command? This is used by Redirector.doOtherAction() to encapsulate the appropriate string in a ResolvedTopic. The topic is the grammatical iobj if its the second object involved in the commamd, e.g. ASK BOB ABOUT FIRE, where FIRE is the topic.


execAction (cmd)OVERRIDDENaction.t[2482]

no description available

resolvePronouns ( )action.t[2533]
This is a bit of a kludge to deal with the fact that the Parser doesn't seem able to resolve pronouns within ResolvedTopics. We do it here instead.

verify (obj, whichObj)OVERRIDDENaction.t[2562]
Whichever object slot a verify routine is notionally trying to verify for given the grammatical form of the command, in practice only the direct object (the thing involved in the command) can be verified. E.g. for WRITE FOO ON BALL we treat BALL as the direct object of the command and FOO as the literal, even if the Parser thinks it needs to verify the Indirect Object to disambiguate BALL.

Adv3Lite Library Reference Manual
Generated on 25/04/2024 from adv3Lite version 2.0