
Us - the first-person plural. We throw this one in for relative completeness, but we simply treat it as a synonym for Me. This could be useful in a game with a PC that represents a group of people (an adventuring party in a hack-n-slash game, say), or a royal personage.

A more sophisticated use would be to allow the player to refer collectively to the PC and a group of accompanying NPCs. The base library doesn't implement this because it doesn't define a way to identify such a group, but a game could add that capability. Once you've defined what US means, you could make the pronoun US bind to that group simply by modifying the resolve() method here.

Us :   Pronoun

Superclass Tree   (in declaration order)


Summary of Properties  

Inherited from Pronoun :
all  aName  ante  person  reflexive  theName  theObjName 

Summary of Methods  


Inherited from Pronoun :
construct  matchObj  setAntecedents 




resolve ( )OVERRIDDENparser.t[4833]

no description available

Adv3Lite Library Reference Manual
Generated on 25/04/2024 from adv3Lite version 2.0