
The relationPathfinder tries to find a path from start to target via the rel relation. If it finds one it returns the shortest posssible list of items starting with start and ending with target, in which each item in the list is related to the next via the rel relation. E.g. if John is the father of Jo, and Jo is the father of Jim, and Jim is the father of Jeremy, relationPathfinder.findPath(John, fatherOf, Jeremy) should return a list like [John, Jo, Jim, Jeremy] (assuming the appropriate definition of the fatherOf relationship).


relationPathfinder :   Pathfinder

Superclass Tree   (in declaration order)


Summary of Properties  


Inherited from Pathfinder :
cachedRoute  currentDestination  nodesVisited  pathsFound  steps 

Summary of Methods  

findDestinations  findPath 

Inherited from Pathfinder :



Property used internally to hold the list of relations we're finding a route through.


findDestinations (cur)OVERRIDDENrelations.t[785]

If the result was nil, simply return nil to indicate that no path was found. Otherwise, if the rel parameter was passed as a list, return the resulting path list unchanged. Otherwise (if rel was passed as a single relation), return a list consisting of the objects (or other items) on the path only, since the relation information for each step would be redundant.

Thus, if rel was passes as a list, the return value might resemble, [[nil, john], ['child of', mark], ['sibling', mary]], whereas if it was passed as a single relation the return value might resemble [johh, mark, alan].

findPath (start, rel, target)OVERRIDDENrelations.t[722]
Find a path from start to target via the rel relation. The rel parameter may be supplied as a relation object, a relation string name or reverseName, or a list of any of these, in which case any of the relations contained in the list may be used to step from one object to the next.

Adv3Lite Library Reference Manual
Generated on 25/04/2024 from adv3Lite version 2.0