#charset "us-ascii"
* Copyright (c) 2000, 2006 Michael J. Roberts. All Rights Reserved.
* TADS 3 Library - main header
* This file provides definitions of macros, properties, and other
* identifiers used throughout the library and in game source.
* Each source code file in the library and in a game should generally
* #include this header near the top of the source file.
#ifndef ADV3LITE_H
#define ADV3LITE_H
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
* Include the system headers that we depend upon. We include these here
* so that each game source file will pick up the same set of system
* headers in the same order, which is important for intrinsic function
* set definitions.
#include <tads.h>
#include <tok.h>
#include <t3.h>
#include <vector.h>
#include <strbuf.h>
#include <file.h>
#include <dict.h>
#include <bignum.h>
#include <gramprod.h>
#include <strcomp.h>
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
* Turn on sourceTextGroup property generation in the compiler. (This lets
* us determine which module defined an object, and the order of the module
* in the overall project build. We use this for determining the
* precedence of certain items based on their definition order in the
* source code.)
#pragma sourceTextGroup(on)
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
* The '+' property sets an object's location to the lexically preceding
* object.
+ property location;
* The VerbRule macro starts the definition of a verb grammar rule. The
* tag is just an identifying name for the rule, so that you can refer to
* it with 'replace' or 'modify'.
#define VerbRule(tag) grammar predicate(tag):
* Verb rule noun phrase macros. These are convenience macros for
* specifying the most common noun phrase slots in the grammar templates
* for verb rules.
#define singleDobj singleNoun->dobjMatch
#define singleIobj singleNoun->iobjMatch
#define singleAcc singleNoun->accMatch
#define singleAobj singleNoun->accMatch
#define multiDobj nounList->dobjMatch
#define multiIobj nounList->iobjMatch
#define accList nounList->accMatch
#define aobjList nounList->accMatch
#define multiAcc nounList->accMatch
#define multiAobj nounList->accMatch
#define numberDobj numberPhrase->dobjMatch
#define topicDobj topicPhrase->dobjMatch
#define topicIobj topicPhrase->iobjMatch
#define topicAcc topicPhrase->accMatch
#define topicAobj topicPhrase->accMatch
#define literalDobj literalPhrase->dobjMatch
#define literalIobj literalPhrase->iobjMatch
#define literalAcc literalPhrase->accMatch
#define literalAobj literalPhrase->accMatch
#define singleDir directionName->dirMatch
#define numericDobj numberPhrase -> dobjMatch
#define numericIobj numberPhrase -> iobjMatch
#define numericAcc numberPhrase -> accMatch
#define numericAobj numberPhrase -> accMatch
/* Also add a couple of synonyms familiar froma adv3 */
#define dobjList nounList->dobjMatch
#define iobjList nounList->iobjMatch
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
* Establish the default dictionary for the game's player command parser
* vocabulary.
dictionary cmdDict;
* The standard parts of speech for the dictionary.
dictionary property noun, nounApostS;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
* Flags for matching noun phrases during parsing. These are bit flags, so
* they can be combined with '|' (bitwise OR).
* Note that the arithmetic values also matter: the values are in order of
* priority for noun phrase matches. That is, a higher arithmetic value is
* a better match. The best match is one with no truncation and no
* approximation, so that will have the highest arithmetic value when you
* combine those two bit flags. The next best is character approximation
* but no truncation - truncation is more important than approximation, so
* it has a higher arithmetic value.
/* matched a preposition (the phrase contains at least one preposition) */
#define MatchPrep 0x0001
* matched a weak token (which we'll treat as equivalent to matchimg a
* preposition).
#define MatchWeak 0x0001
/* matched an adjective (the phrase contains at least one adjective) */
#define MatchAdj 0x0002
/* matched a noun (the phrase contains at least one noun word) */
#define MatchNoun 0x0004
/* matched a plural (the phrase contains at least one plural word) */
#define MatchPlural 0x0008
/* matched a phrase */
#define MatchPhrase 0x0010
/* mask to select only the part-of-speech flags */
#define MatchPartMask 0x0FFF
* all words were matched WITHOUT character approximations (such as
* matching 'a' to 'a-umlaut')
#define MatchNoApprox 0x1000
/* all words were matched WITHOUT truncation */
#define MatchNoTrunc 0x2000
/* mask to select only the match-strength flags */
#define MatchStrengthMask 0xF000
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
* Flags for object selection during parsing. These flags reflect how well
* an object matched a noun phrase during the resolution process.
* The noun phrase required disambiguation, because more than one object
* was in scope that matched the noun phrase. We were able to figure out
* which one(s) the player meant from context, without having to ask the
* player for help.
* For example, there are two doors in the room, one open and one closed.
* The player types OPEN DOOR. It's fairly obvious that they must be
* talking about the closed door. So, we choose that object and set the
* Disambig flag.
* (Note that this flag specifically does NOT mean that we had to ask the
* user for help with the dreaded "Which do you mean..." question. It's
* kind of the opposite: it means that we had a noun phrase that was
* initially ambiguous, but that we managed to disambiguate it on our own.
* When we get the user involved, there's ambiguity *before* we ask the
* question, but the user's response removes the ambiguity by telling us
* exactly which alternative they intended. This flag indicates that we
* made an educated guess about what the user must have intended, without
* asking. The flag lets the parser tell the player about the guess, which
* is desirable because the guess is sometimes wrong.
#define SelDisambig 0x0001
* This object was chosen arbitrarily from a larger set, because the noun
* phrase construction says we should do so. This flag is set when the
* noun phrase is something TAKE A BOOK or TAKE ANY OF THE BOOKS.
#define SelArbitrary 0x0002
* The noun phrase that we matched was a manifestly plural construction,
#define SelPlural 0x0004
* We selected an object as a default. This is set when the player leaves
* out a noun phrase, but we can guess what was probably meant based on
* context: e.g., ASK ABOUT THE HOUSE is probably directed to Bob if Bob is
* the only person nearby.
#define SelDefault 0x0008
* This object was set internally by the program; it did not come from
* parsing any player input. This generally means that the whole command
* was constructed by the program, to handle an event or other internal
* processing, rather than by parsing player input.
#define SelProg 0x1000
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
* readMainCommandTokens() phase identifiers. We define a separate code
* for each kind of call to readMainCommandTokens() so that we can do any
* special token processing that depends on the type of command we're
* reading.
* The library doesn't use the phase information itself for anything.
* These phase codes are purely for the author's use in writing
* pre-parsing functions and for differentiating prompts for the different
* types of input, as needed.
* Games that read additional response types of their own are free to add
* their own enums to identify the additional phases. Since the library
* doesn't need the phase information for anything internally, it won't
* confuse the library at all to add new game-specific phase codes.
/* reading a normal command line */
enum rmcCommand;
/* reading an unknown word response, to check for an "oops" command */
enum rmcOops;
/* reading a response to a prompt for a missing object phrase */
enum rmcAskObject;
/* reading a response to a prompt for a missing literal phrase */
enum rmcAskLiteral;
/* reading a response to an interactive disambiguation prompt */
enum rmcDisambig;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
* A couple of utility macros we use internally for turning macro values
* into strings. STRINGIZE(x) expands any macros in its argument and then
* turns the result into a single-quoted string, which can then be used in
* regular program text or in directives that evaluate constant
* expressions, such as #if. (STRINGIZE is the real macro; _STRINGIZE is
* needed to force expansion of any macros in the argument, which is
* required because of the weird ANSI C expansion-order rules, and which
* works because of same.)
#define _STRINGIZE(x) #@x
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
* Parser global variables giving information on the command currently
* being performed. These are valid through doAction processing. These
* should never be changed except by the parser.
/* the actor performing the current command */
#define gActor (libGlobal.curActor)
* For convenience, define some macros that return the current direct and
* indirect objects from the current action. The library only uses direct
* and indirect objects, so games that define additional command objects
* will have to add their own similar macros for those.
#define gDobj (gAction.curDobj)
#define gIobj (gAction.curIobj)
#define gLiteral (gAction.literal)
#define gNumber (gAction.num)
/* the Action object of the command being executed */
#define gAction (libGlobal.curAction)
#define gCommand (libGlobal.curCommand)
#define gTentativeDobj (gCommand.dobjs.mapAll({x: x.obj}).toList)
#define gTentativeIobj (gCommand.iobjs.mapAll({x: x.obj}).toList)
* the probable Action objects of the command being executed for use in verify routines when
* resolution of both objects may not be complete. If the gDobj or gIobj is non-nil, use that,
* otherwise use the first object in the tentative resolution list if the list has any items,
* otherwisse evaluate to failVerifyObj.
#define gVerifyDobj (gDobj ?? (gTentativeDobj.length > 0 ? gTentativeDobj[1] : failVerifyObj))
#define gVerifyIobj (gIobj ?? (gTentativeIobj.length > 0 ? gTentativeIobj[1] : failVerifyObj))
* An alternative way of dealing with the potential object not yet resolved problem, by testing
* whether any of the objects in lst are in the Tentative Object List.
#define gTentativeDobjIn(lst) (gTentativeDobj.overlapsWith(lst))
#define gTentativeIobjIn(lst) (gTentativeIobj.overlapsWith(lst))
/* The previous action and command */
#define gLastAction (libGlobal.lastAction)
#define gLastCommand (libGlobal.lastCommand)
* Determine if the current global action is the specified action. Only
* the action prefix is needed - so use "Take" rather than "TakeAction"
* here.
* This tests to see if the current global action is an instance of the
* given action class - we test that it's an instance rather than the
* action class itself because the parser creates an instance of the
* action when it matches the action's syntax.
#define gActionIs(action) \
(gAction != nil && gAction.ofKind(action))
/* is the current global action ANY of the specified actions? */
#define gActionIn(action...) \
(gAction != nil \
&& (action#foreach/gAction.ofKind(action)/||/))
/* is the current action a Travel action going dirn */
#define gTravelActionIs(dirn) \
(gAction != nil && gAction.ofKind(Travel) && gAction.direction == dirn ## Dir)
/* the list of objects involved in the action just completed */
#define gActionList (nilToList(gCommand.action.actionList))
/* a displaying string version of the above */
#define gActionListStr makeListStr(gCommand.action.reportList, &theName)
* an object that is singular or plural according to whether gActionList
* represents a single object of a plurality of objects, and which picks
* up the correct gender if there is only a single object.
#define gActionListObj (object: Thing \
{ \
plural = (gAction.reportList.length > 1 || \
gAction.reportList[1].plural); \
isIt = (gAction.reportList.length == 1 ? \
gAction.reportList[1].isIt : nil);\
isHim = (gAction.reportList.length == 1 ? \
gAction.reportList[1].isHim : nil);\
isHer = (gAction.reportList.length == 1 ? \
gAction.reportList[1].isHer : nil);\
name = gActionListStr; \
qualified = true; \
} )
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
* Miscellaneous macros
/* get the current player character Actor object */
#define gPlayerChar (libGlobal.playerChar)
/* get the current player character object even if the game hasn't yet initialized gPlayerChar */
#define gSafePlayerChar ((gPlayerChar ?? gameMain.initialPlayerChar) ?? findPlayerChar())
/* get the player character's location */
#define gLocation (getPlayerChar().location)
/* get the current turn count */
#define gTurns (libGlobal.totalTurns)
* get the player character's current room (which may or may not be the same
* as his/her location)
#define gRoom (getPlayerChar().getOutermostRoom)
/* Get the current actor's curren room (which may not be the same as its location) */
#define gActorRoom (gActor.getOutermostRoom)
#define objFor(which, action) propertyset '*' ## #@which ## #@action
#define dobjFor(action) objFor(Dobj, action)
#define iobjFor(action) objFor(Iobj, action)
#define gTopic (gAction.curTopic)
#define gTopicText (gTopic.getTopicText)
#define gTopicMatch (gTopic.getBestMatch)
#define reportAfter(msg) gCommand.afterReports += msg
#define sLoc(which) subLocation = &remap##which
* Treat an object definition as equivalent to another object definition.
* These can be used immediately after a dobjFor() or iobjFor() to treat
* the first action as though it were the second. So, if the player types
* "search box", and we want to treat the direct object the same as for
* "look in box", we could make this definition for the box:
* dobjFor(Search) asDobjFor(LookIn)
* Note that no semicolon is needed after this definition, and that this
* definition is completely in lieu of a regular property set for the
* object action.
* In general, a mapping should NOT change the role of an object:
* dobjFor(X) should not usually be mapped using asIobjFor(Y), and
* iobjFor(X) shouldn't be mapped using asDobjFor(Y). The problem with
* changing the role is that the handler routines often assume that the
* object is actually in the role for which the handler was written; a
* verify handler might refer to '{dobj}' in generating a message, for
* example, so reversing the roles would give the wrong object in the role.
* Role reversals should always be avoided, but can be used if necessary
* under conditions where all of the code involved in the TARGET of the
* mapping can be carefully controlled to ensure that it doesn't make
* assumptions about object roles, but only references 'self'. Reversing
* roles in a mapping should never be attempted in general-purpose library
* code, because code based on the library could override the target of the
* role-reversing mapping, and the override could fail to observe the
* restrictions on object role references.
* Note that role reversals can almost always be handled with other
* mechanisms that handle reversals cleanly. Always consider Doer.doInstead()
* first when confronted with a situation that seems to call for a
* role-reversing asObjFor() mapping, as doInstead() specifically allows for
* object role changes.
#define asObjFor(obj, Action) \
{ \
preCond { return preCond##obj##Action; } \
verify() { verify##obj##Action; } \
remap() { return remap##obj##Action; } \
check() { check##obj##Action; } \
action() { action##obj##Action; } \
report() { report##obj##Action; } \
#define asDobjFor(action) asObjFor(Dobj, action)
#define asIobjFor(action) asObjFor(Iobj, action)
* Define mappings of everything except the action. This can be used in
* cases where we want to pick up the verification, preconditions, and
* check routines from another handler, but not the action. This is often
* useful for two-object verbs where the action processing is entirely
* provided by one or the other object, so applying it to both would be
* redundant.
#define asObjWithoutActionFor(obj, Action) \
{ \
preCond { return preCond##obj##Action; } \
verify() { verify##obj##Action; } \
remap() { return remap##obj##Action(); } \
check() { check##obj##Action; } \
action() { } \
#define asDobjWithoutActionFor(action) asObjWithoutActionFor(Dobj, action)
#define asIobjWithoutActionFor(action) asObjWithoutActionFor(Iobj, action)
#define asObjWithoutVerifyFor(obj, Action) \
{ \
preCond { return preCond##obj##Action; } \
remap() { return remap##obj##Action(); } \
check() { check##obj##Action; } \
action() { action##obj##Action(); } \
report() { report##obj##Action(); } \
#define asDobjWithoutVerifyFor(action) asObjWithoutVerifyFor(Dobj, action)
#define asIobjWithoutVerifyFor(action) asObjWithoutVerifyFor(Iobj, action)
#define askForDobj(action) askMissingObject(action, DirectObject)
#define askForIobj(action) askMissingObject(action, IndirectObject)
#define askForAobj(action) askMissingObject(action, AccessoryObject)
#define askForAcc(action) askMissingObject(action, AccessoryObject)
/* Convenience macros for synthesizing travel in a given compass direction */
#define goInstead(dirn) doInstead(Go, dirn##Dir)
#define goNested(dirn) doNested(Go, dirn##Dir)
#define asExit(dir) : UnlistedProxyConnector { direction = dir##Dir }
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
* Define an action with the given base class. This adds the *Action
* suffix to the given root name, and defines a class with the given base
* class. We also define the baseActionClass property to refer to myself;
* this is the canonical class representing the action for all subclasses.
* This information is useful because a language module might define
* several grammar rule subclasses for the given class; this lets us
* relate any instances of those various subclasses back to this same
* canonical class for the action if necessary.
* Define an action OBJECT with the given name inheriting from the given base
* class, for use with the Mercury parser.
#define DefineAction(name, baseClass...) \
name: ##baseClass \
baseActionClass = name
* Define a "system" action. System actions are meta-game commands, such
* as SAVE and QUIT, that generally operate the user interface and are not
* part of the game world.
#define DefineSystemAction(name) \
DefineAction(name, SystemAction)
* Define a concrete IAction, given the root name for the action. We'll
* automatically generate a class with name XxxAction.
#define DefineIAction(name) \
DefineAction(name, IAction)
* Define a concrete TAction, given the root name for the action. We'll
* automatically generate a class with name XxxAction, a verProp with name
* verXxx, a checkProp with name checkXxx, and an actionProp with name
* actionDobjXxx.
#define DefineTAction(name) \
DefineTActionSub(name, TAction)
* Define a concrete TAction with a specific base class.
#define DefineTActionSub(name, cls) \
DefineAction(name, cls) \
verDobjProp = &verifyDobj##name \
remapDobjProp = &remapDobj##name \
preCondDobjProp = &preCondDobj##name \
checkDobjProp = &checkDobj##name \
actionDobjProp = &actionDobj##name \
reportDobjProp = &reportDobj##name \
#define DefineLiteralTAction(name)\
DefineTActionSub(name, LiteralTAction)
#define DefineLiteralAction(name)\
DefineAction(name, LiteralAction)
#define DefineTopicTAction(name)\
DefineTActionSub(name, TopicTAction)
#define DefineTopicAction(name)\
DefineAction(name, TopicAction)
#define DefineNumericTAction(name)\
DefineTActionSub(name, NumericTAction)
#define DefineNumericAction(name) \
DefineAction(name, NumericAction)
* Define a concrete TIAction, given the root name for the action. We'll
* automatically generate a class with name XxxAction, a verDobjProp with
* name verDobjXxx, a verIobjProp with name verIobjxxx, a checkDobjProp
* with name checkDobjXxx, a checkIobjProp with name checkIobjXxx, an
* actionDobjProp with name actionDobjXxx, and an actionIobjProp with name
* actionIobjXxx.
#define DefineTIAction(name) \
DefineTIActionSub(name, TIAction)
* Define a concrete TIAction with a specific base class.
#define DefineTIActionSub(name, cls) \
DefineAction(name, cls) \
verDobjProp = &verifyDobj##name \
verIobjProp = &verifyIobj##name \
remapDobjProp = &remapDobj##name \
remapIobjProp = &remapIobj##name \
preCondDobjProp = &preCondDobj##name \
preCondIobjProp = &preCondIobj##name \
checkDobjProp = &checkDobj##name \
checkIobjProp = &checkIobj##name \
actionDobjProp = &actionDobj##name \
actionIobjProp = &actionIobj##name \
reportDobjProp = &reportDobj##name \
reportIobjProp = &reportIobj##name \
* The following macros relating to the TIAAction class are only relevant when
* the TIAAction extension is used. The macros are nevertheless included here
* for convenience when using the TIAAction extension.
* Define a concrete TIAAction, given the root name for the action. We'll
* automatically generate a class with name XxxAction, a verDobjProp with name
* verDobjXxx, a verIobjProp with name verIobjxxx, a checkDobjProp with name
* checkDobjXxx, a checkIobjProp with name checkIobjXxx, an actionDobjProp
* with name actionDobjXxx, and an actionIobjProp with name actionIobjXxx.
#define DefineTIAAction(name) \
DefineTIAActionSub(name, TIAAction)
* Define a concrete TIAction with a specific base class.
#define DefineTIAActionSub(name, cls) \
DefineAction(name, cls) \
verDobjProp = &verifyDobj##name \
verIobjProp = &verifyIobj##name \
verAobjProp = &verifyAobj##name \
remapDobjProp = &remapDobj##name \
remapIobjProp = &remapIobj##name \
remapAobjProp = &remapAobj##name \
preCondDobjProp = &preCondDobj##name \
preCondIobjProp = &preCondIobj##name \
preCondAobjProp = &preCondAobj##name \
checkDobjProp = &checkDobj##name \
checkIobjProp = &checkIobj##name \
checkAobjProp = &checkAobj##name \
actionDobjProp = &actionDobj##name \
actionIobjProp = &actionIobj##name \
actionAobjProp = &actionAobj##name \
reportDobjProp = &reportDobj##name \
reportIobjProp = &reportIobj##name \
reportAobjProp = &reportAobj##name \
#define aobjFor(action) objFor(Aobj, action)
#define asAobjFor(action) asObjFor(Aobj, action)
#define accFor(action) objFor(Aobj, action)
#define asAccFor(action) asObjFor(Aobj, action)
#define gAobj gAction.curAobj
#define gAcc gAction.curAobj
* Macros for use in verify routines, returning various kinds of verify
* results
#define gVerifyList gAction.verifyList
#define logical gAction.addVerifyResult (new VerifyResult(100, '', true, self))
#define illogical(msg) \
gAction.addVerifyResult(new VerifyResult(30, msg, nil, self))
#define illogicalNow(msg) \
gAction.addVerifyResult(new VerifyResult(40, msg, nil, self))
* IllogicalAlready doesn't do anything different from IllogicalNow in
* adv3Lite, but is supplied so that game authors familiar with adv3 can use
* it without getting a compilation error. It may also be slightly useful for
* documentary purposes to clarify why a verify routine in game code is ruling
* out an action.
#define illogicalAlready(msg) \
gAction.addVerifyResult(new VerifyResult(40, msg, nil, self))
#define illogicalSelf(msg) \
gAction.addVerifyResult(new VerifyResult(20, msg, nil, self))
#define logicalRank(score) \
gAction.addVerifyResult(new VerifyResult(score, '', true, self))
#define inaccessible(msg) \
gAction.addVerifyResult(new VerifyResult(10, msg, nil, self))
#define implausible(msg) \
gAction.addVerifyResult(new VerifyResult(35, msg, nil, self))
#define nonObvious \
gAction.addVerifyResult(new VerifyResult(30, '', true, self, nil))
#define dangerous \
gAction.addVerifyResult(new VerifyResult(90, '', true, self, nil))
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
* Command interruption signal macros.
/* a concise macro to throw an ExitSignal */
#define exit throw new ExitSignal()
/* a concise macro to throw an ExitActionSignal */
#define exitAction throw new ExitActionSignal()
/* a concise macro to throw an AbortImplicitSignal */
#define abortImplicit throw new AbortImplicitSignal()
/* a concise macro to throw an Abort signal */
#define abort throw new AbortActionSignal()
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
* aHref() flags
#define AHREF_Plain 0x0001 /* plain text hyperlink (no underline/color) */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
* An achievement defines its descriptive text. It can also optionally
* define the number of points it awards.
Achievement template +points? "desc";
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
* Templates for style tags
StyleTag template 'tagName' 'openText'? 'closeText'?;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
* Object definition templates
Thing template 'vocab' @location? "desc"?;
Topic template 'vocab' @familiar?;
Room template 'roomTitle' 'vocab' "desc"?;
Room template 'roomTitle' "desc"?;
Region template [rooms];
Door template 'vocab' @location? "desc"? ->otherSide;
Door template ->otherSide 'vocab' @location? "desc"?;
TravelConnector template 'vocab'? @location? "desc"? ->destination;
TravelConnector template ->destination "travelDesc";
Enterable template inherited ->connector;
Enterable template ->connector inherited;
Unthing template 'vocab' @location? 'notHereMsg'?;
SensoryEmanation template inherited [eventList]?;
ActorState template "specialDesc" 'stateDesc' | "stateDesc" ?;
TopicGroup template +scoreBoost? 'convKeys' | [convKeys] ? ;
TopicEntry template
@matchObj | [matchObj] | 'matchPattern'
"topicResponse" | [eventList] ?;
/* a ShuffledEventList version of the above */
TopicEntry template
@matchObj | [matchObj] | 'matchPattern'
[firstEvents] [eventList];
/* we can also include *both* the match object/list *and* pattern */
TopicEntry template
@matchObj | [matchObj]
"topicResponse" | [eventList] ?;
/* a ShuffledEventList version of the above */
TopicEntry template
@matchObj | [matchObj]
[firstEvents] [eventList];
/* Version ActorTopicEntry template for use with Facts and kTag */
ActorTopicEntry template +matchScore? "topicResponse" | [eventList];
QueryTopic template
+matchScore? 'matchPattern'
"topicResponse" | [eventList] ?;
QueryTopic template
+matchScore? 'matchPattern'
[firstEvents] [eventList];
QueryTopic template
+matchScore? 'qtype'
@matchObj | [matchObj] | 'matchPattern'
"topicResponse" | [eventList] ?;
/* a ShuffledEventList version of the above */
QueryTopic template
+matchScore? 'qtype'
@matchObj | [matchObj] | 'matchPattern'
[firstEvents] [eventList];
/* we can also include *both* the match object/list *and* pattern */
QueryTopic template
+matchScore? 'qtype'
@matchObj | [matchObj]
"topicResponse" | [eventList] ?;
/* a ShuffledEventList version of the above */
QueryTopic template
+matchScore? 'qtype'
@matchObj | [matchObj]
[firstEvents] [eventList];
SayTopic template
'tTag' 'extraVocab'
"topicResponse" | [eventList] ?;
CommandTopic template +matchScore?
@matchObj | [matchObj]
@matchDobj @matchIobj? "topicResponse" | [eventList]? ;
CommandTopic template +matchScore?
@matchObj | [matchObj] [matchDobj] @matchIobj "topicResponse" | [eventList]? ;
DefaultTopic template "topicResponse" | [eventList];
DefaultConsultTopic template "topicResponse" | [eventList];
DefaultThought template "topicResponse" | [eventList];
/* miscellanous topics just specify the response text or list */
MiscTopic template "topicResponse" | [eventList];
MiscTopic template [firstEvents] [eventList];
NodeContinuationTopic template "topicResponse" | [eventList];
NodeContinuationTopic template [firstEvents] [eventList];
/* AltTopics just specify the response text or list */
AltTopic template "topicResponse" | [eventList];
AltTopic template [firstEvents] [eventList];
/* The ProxyActor template just specifies the location (i.e. the base Actor) */
ProxyActor template @location;
Doer template 'cmd';
/* Templates for use with test sequences */
Test template 'testName' [testList] @location? [testHolding]?;
Test template 'testName' [testList] [testHolding]? @location?;
/* Define convenient named constants for use with ConvAgendaItem */
#define InitiateConversationReason 1
#define ConversationLullReason 2
#define DefaultTopicReason 3
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
* Command interruption signal macros.
* Terminate execution of the command line. This aborts the current
* command, including any remaining object iterations for the current
* action, and discards anything else on the command line.
#define exitCommandLine throw new ExitCommandLineSignal()
* enums for different types of lock:
enum notLockable, lockableWithoutKey, lockableWithKey, indirectLockable;
enum masculine, feminine, neuter;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
* The current library messages object. This is the source object for
* messages that don't logically relate to the actor carrying out the
* comamand. It's mostly used for meta-command replies, and for text
* fragments that are used to construct descriptions.
* This message object isn't generally used for parser messages or action
* replies - most of those come from the objects given by the current
* actor's getParserMessageObj() or getActionMessageObj(), respectively.
* By default, this is set to libMessages. The library never changes this
* itself, but a game can change this if it wants to switch to a new set of
* messages during a game. (If you don't need to change messages during a
* game, but simply want to customize some of the default messages, you
* don't need to set this variable - you can simply use 'modify
* libMessages' instead. This variable is designed for cases where you
* want to *dynamically* change the standard messages during the game.)
#define gLibMessages (libGlobal.libMessageObj)
* the exit lister object - if the exits module isn't included in the
* game, this will be nil
#define gExitLister (libGlobal.exitListerObj)
* the hint manager object - if the hints module isn't included in the
* game, this will be nil
#define gHintManager (libGlobal.hintManagerObj)
* the extra hint manager object - if the hints module isn't included in the
* game, this will be nil
#define gExtraHintManager (libGlobal.extraHintManagerObj)
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
* Convenience macros for controlling the narrative tense.
* Set the current narrative tense. Use val = true for past and
* val = nil for present.
#define setPastTense(val) (gameMain.usePastTense = (val))
* Shorthand macro for selecting one of two values depending on the
* current narrative tense.
#define tSel(presVal, pastVal) \
(gameMain.usePastTense ? (pastVal) : (presVal))
* Temporarily override the current narrative tense and invoke a callback
* function.
#define withPresent(callback) (withTense(nil, (callback)))
#define withPast(callback) (withTense(true, (callback)))
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
* Object role identifiers. These are used to identify the role of a noun
* phrase in a command.
* A special role for the "other" object of a two-object command. This
* can be used in certain contexts (such as remapTo) where a particular
* object role is implied by the context, and where the action involved
* has exactly two objects; OtherObject in such contexts means
* DirectObject when the implied role is IndirectObject, and vice versa.
enum OtherObject;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
* A couple of utility macros we use internally for turning macro values
* into strings. STRINGIZE(x) expands any macros in its argument and then
* turns the result into a single-quoted string, which can then be used in
* regular program text or in directives that evaluate constant
* expressions, such as #if. (STRINGIZE is the real macro; _STRINGIZE is
* needed to force expansion of any macros in the argument, which is
* required because of the weird ANSI C expansion-order rules, and which
* works because of same.)
#define _STRINGIZE(x) #@x
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
* Msg() - define a custom message to override a library message. 'id' is
* the message ID, which is the same ID used for the DMsg() message that
* you wish to override. Do NOT use quotes around the ID - just enter it
* as though it were a variable name. 'txt' is the message text, as a
* single-quoted string.
* This is used in CustomMessages objects to define message overrides. See
* CustomMessages for full details.
#define Msg(id, txt) #@id, txt
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
* DMsg() - default English library message cover macro.
* Whenever the library displays a message, it uses the DMsg() macro. The
* arguments are a message ID, and the default English message text to
* display. The message ID is a string that identifies the message; this
* is used to look for overriding customizations of the message. Refer to
* the CustomMessages class for information on customizing the standard
* library messages.
* In our approach, the library defines the default English text of the
* messages in-line, directly in the code. On the surface, this is
* contrary to standard practices in most modern programming projects,
* which strive to make translations easier by separating the message text
* from the program code, gathering all of the text into a central message
* file that can be replaced for each language. Despite appearances, we're
* accomplishing the same thing - but in our system, we have the advantage
* that we *also* define the default English message text in-line as part
* of the code it applies to. This makes it easier to read the code by
* keeping a message and its full context in one place; this way you don't
* have to shuttle between the code and message file.
* Here's how we accomplish the message separation required for
* translations, and also for games that wish to customize the library
* defaults. The DMsg() macro requires both the default English message
* text *and* an ID key for the message. The message display function
* receives both. The display function proceeds to look up the ID key in a
* translation table; if it finds an entry, it uses the version of the
* message in the translation table instead of the English default passed
* in via DMsg(). A language module can provide a message table that
* defines the language translations, and a game can provide a table that
* further customizes the library messages to fit its narrative style.
* There's one additional element. Translators and game authors need to be
* able to see all of the messages in one place, so they can create their
* tables. We would seem to lack that central list of English messages.
* Fortunately, by using a standard macro for each message, we can extract
* a comprehensive English message list automatically via a special tool.
* We use this as part of the library release process to create the English
* message file for reference.
* Note that the macro expansion includes the default English text only in
* English builds. It omits the text in non-English builds. This is to
* save space - we assume that the English messages will all be overridden
* anyway by each translated library version, so there's no point in
* including their text in the final compiled program.
#if STRINGIZE(LANGUAGE) == 'english'
#define DMsg(id, txt, args...) message(#@id, txt, ##args)
#define BMsg(id, txt, args...) buildMessage(#@id, txt, ##args)
#define DMsg(id, txt, args...) message(#@id, nil, ##args)
#define BMsg(id, txt, args...) buildMessage(#@id, nil, ##args)
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
* Debugging. When we compile in development mode, we'll include a number
* of functions and methods that display information for debugging
* purposes. We omit these in release builds to keep the compiled file
* size smaller, and to avoid making it too easy for end users to
* snoop around in the program internals.
#ifdef __DEBUG
# define IfDebug(key, code) \
if (DebugCtl.enabled[#@key]) { code; } else { }
# define IfDebug(key, code)
#define gOutStream (outputManager.curOutputStream)
#ifdef __DEBUG
#include <dynfunc.h>
* Some message processors add their own special parameters to messages,
* because they want to use expansion parameters (in the "{the dobj/him}"
* format) outside of the set of objects directly involved in the command.
* The Action method setMessageParam() lets you define such a parameter,
* but for convenience, we define this macro for setting one or more
* parameters whose names exactly match their local variable names. In
* other words, if you call this macro like this:
* gMessageParams(obj, cont)
* then you'll get one parameter with the text name 'obj' whose expansion
* will be the value of the local variable obj, and another with text name
* 'cont' whose expansion is the value of the local variable cont.
#define gMessageParams(var...) \
(gAction.setMessageParams(var#foreach/#@var, var/,/))
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
* Definitions for the menu system
* The indices for the key values used to navigate menus, which are held
* in the keyList array of MenuItems.
#define M_QUIT 1
#define M_PREV 2
#define M_UP 3
#define M_DOWN 4
#define M_SEL 5
/* some templates for defining menu items */
MenuItem template 'title' 'heading'?;
MenuTopicItem template 'title' 'heading'? [menuContents];
MenuLongTopicItem template 'title' 'heading'? 'menuContents';
/* templates for hint system objects */
Goal template ->closeWhenAchieved? 'title' 'heading'? [menuContents];
Hint template 'hintText' [referencedGoals]?;
* A Template to facilitate the definition of ExtraHints. We can define it
* here and not in a header file since ExtraHints are only defined in this
* source file. */
ExtraHint template +hintDelay? "hintText" | [eventList];
/* templates for EventLists */
EventList template [eventList];
ShuffledEventList template [firstEvents] [eventList];
/* template for Scenery Class */
Scenery template @location? [scenList];
/* template and macros for Facts module */
Fact template 'name' [topics]? 'desc' [initiallyKnownBy]?;
#define gFact(tag) (factManager.getFact(tag))
#define gFactDesc(tag) (factManager.getFactDesc(tag))
/* Convenient synonyms for two ActorTopicEntry properties used in conjunction with Facts. */
#define rTag aTag
#define iTag tTag
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
* Property synonyms
* The library uses isEdible rather than isEatable, since edible is the more
* natural word to use, but strict consistency might have dictated isEatable,
* so we make it an effective synonym in case some game authors use it.
#define isEatable isEdible
* Conversely, authors alive to the Latin root of edible might try the
* latinate isPotable instead of isDrinable.
#define isPotable isDrinkable
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
* String templates for room descriptions etc.
string template <<mention a * >> mentionA;
string template <<mention an * >> mentionA;
string template <<mention the * >> mentionThe;
string template << list of * is >> listStrIs;
string template << list of * >> makeListInStr;
string template << is list of * >> isListStr;
string template << exclude * >> makeMentioned;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
* Some useful macros for command text.
/* Get the first word the player entered for the current command. */
#define gVerbWord (gCommand == nil || gCommand.verbProd == nil ? '' \
: getTokVal(gCommand.verbProd.tokenList[1]))
/* Get the command tokens for the current command. */
#define gCommandToks (gCommand == nil || gCommand.verbProd == nil ? [] \
: gCommand.verbProd.tokenList.mapAll({t: getTokVal(t)}))
/* Get the command phrase for the current command. */
#define gVerbPhrase (gCommand.getCommandPhrase())
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
* Size classes. An object is large, medium, or small with respect to
* each sense; the size is used to determine how well the object can be
* sensed at a distance or when obscured.
* What "size" means depends on the sense. For sight, the size
* indicates the visual size of the object. For hearing, the size
* indicates the loudness of the object.
* Large - the object is large enough that its details can be sensed
* from a distance or through an obscuring medium.
enum large;
* Medium - the object can be sensed at a distance or when obscured, but
* not in any detail. Most objects fall into this category. Note that
* things that are parts of large objects should normally be medium.
enum medium;
* Small - the object cannot be sensed at a distance at all. This is
* appropriate for detailed parts of medium-class objects.
enum small;
/* Enums for Goals in the Hint system */
enum OpenGoal, ClosedGoal, UndiscoveredGoal;
/* Enums for Footnotes */
enum FootnotesFull, FootnotesMedium, FootnotesOff;
/* Template for Footnotes */
Footnote template "desc";
/* Template for ClockEvent */
ClockEvent template [eventTime];
/* String Templates for Objective Time module */
string template <<take * seconds>> takeTime;
string template <<take * second>> takeTime;
string template <<take * sec>> takeTime;
string template <<take * secs>> takeTime;
string template <<add * seconds>> addTime;
string template <<add * second>> addTime;
string template <<add * sec>> addTime;
string template <<add * secs>> addTime;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
* Communication Link Types
* AudioLink means audio communication only is available VideoLink means both
* audio and visual links are available.
#define AudioLink 1
#define VideoLink 2
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
* Conversation manager macros
/* has a topic key been revealed through <.reveal>? */
#define gRevealed(key) (libGlobal.getRevealed(key))
/* reveal a topic key, as though through <.reveal> */
#define gReveal(key, args...) (libGlobal.setRevealed(key, ## args))
/* remove a topic key, as though through <.unreveal> */
#define gUnreveal(key) (libGlobal.setUnrevealed(key))
/* mark a Topic/Thing as known/seen by the player character */
#define gSetKnown(obj) (gPlayerChar.setKnowsAbout(obj))
#define gSetSeen(obj) (gPlayerChar.setHasSeen(obj))
/* does the player character know about obj? */
#define gKnown(obj) (gPlayerChar.knowsAbout(obj))
#define pcKnows(obj) (gPlayerChar.knowsAbout(obj))
/* has a topic key been revealed to an NPC through <.inform>? */
#define gInformed(key) (getActor.informedAbout(key))
/* is the topic key or object known to the NPC we're in conversaation with? */
#define npcKnows(obj) (getActor.knowsAbout(obj))
/* the last topic mentioned in the course of the current conversation */
#define gLastTopic (libGlobal.lastTopicMentioned)
/* the last fact mentioned in the course of the current conversation */
#define gLastFact (libGlobal.lastFactMentioned)
/* Associated knowledge enums */
enum likely, dubious, unlikely, untrue;
enum speaker;
/* Macros to deal with knowledge enums and their associated objects */
#define BV(x) (defined(beliefManager) ? beliefManager.bvTab[x] : x)
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
* Define some synonyms for potentially confusing property names
#define checkTouchMsg checkFeelMsg
#define feelResponseMsg touchResponseMsg
#define isTouchable isFeelable
#define cannotTouchMsg cannotFeelMsg
#define touchDesc feelDesc
#define checkHitMsg checkAttackMsg
#define hitResponseMsg attackResponseMsg
/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
* Define some macros to give abbreviated synonyms to inputManager method
#define more inputManager.pauseForMore()
#define input(x...) inputManager.getInputLine(x)
#define waitKey(x...) inputManager.getKey(x)
* Definitions for the rules.t extension
#define stop return stopValue;
* Null value to return from Rules that don't stop a RuleBook from continuing
* to consider rules.
enum null;
* Convenient abbreviations for rules that want to allow their RuleBook to
* continue processing more rules.
#define rnull return null
#define nextrule return (rulebook.contValue)
#define nostop return (rulebook.contValue)
Rule template @location? &action | [action]?;
* Definitions for the relations.t extension
enum oneToOne, oneToMany, manyToOne, manyToMany;
Relation template 'name' 'reverseName'? @relationType? +reciprocal?;
enum normalRelation, reverseRelation;
* Definitions for the Signals Extension
#define DefSignal(sig, nam) sig##Signal: Signal \
name = #@nam\
handleProp = &handle_##sig
* Definitions for the SymConn Extension
SymConnector template ->destination;
SymConnector template @room1 @room2;
SymPassage template ->destination 'vocab' "desc"?;
SymPassage template 'vocab' ->destination "desc"?;
SymPassage template 'vocab' @room1 @room2 "desc"?;
SymPassage template 'vocab' [rooms] "desc"?;
string template <<* by room>> byRoomFunc;
/* Equivalent template for DSCon objects in main linrary. */
DSCon template 'vocab' @room1 @room2 "desc"?;
DSTravelConnector template @room1 @room2;
DSTravelConnector template ->room1 ->room2;
* Definitions for the eventListItem Extension
EventListItem template @myListObj? ~isReady? +minInterval? *maxFireCt? "invokeItem"? ;
* Definitions for Moods and Stances
/* Define a new Stance */
#define DefStance(name_, score_) \
name_ ## Stance: Stance \
name = #@name_ \
score = score_
/* Define a new Mood */
#define DefMood(name_) \
name_ ## Mood: Mood \
name = #@name_
/* Is the actor whose agenda item, topic entry or whatever we're looking from in this stance? */
#define gStance (getActor().stance)
#define gStanceIs(st_) (getActor().stance == st_ ## Stance)
/* What stance is this actor in? */
#define aStance(actor) (actor.stance)
/* Is actor in this stance ? */
#define aStanceIs(actor, st_) (actor.stance == st_ ## Stance)
/* Is actor in one of these stances? */
#define gStanceIn(st_...) \
(gStance is in (st_#foreach: st_##Stance:, :))
#define aStanceIn(actor, st_...) \
(actor.stance is in (st_#foreach: st_##Stance:, ))
/* What mood is getActor in? */
#define gMood (getActor().mood)
/* Is getActor in one of these moods? */
#define gMoodIs(mood_) (getActor().mood == mood_ ## Mood)
/* What mood is actor in? */
#define aMood(actor) (actor.mood)
/* Is actor in this mood? */
#define aMoodIs(actor, mood_) (actor.mood == mood_ ## Mood)
/* Is getActor in one of these moods? */
#define gMoodIn(mood_...) \
(gMood is in (st_#foreach: mood_##Mood:, :))
/* Is actor in one of these moods? */
#define aMoodIn(actor, mood_...) \
(actor.mood is in (mood_#foreach: mood_##Mood:, :))
/* Set stances towards the player character */
#define gSetStance(st_) (getActor.setStanceToward(gPlayerChar, st_ ## Stance))
#define aSetStance(actor, st_) (actor.setStanceToward(gPlayerChar, st_ ## Stance))
/* Set moods */
#define gSetMood(mood_) (getActor.setMood(mood_ ## Mood))
#define aSetMood(actor, mood_) (actor.setMood(mood_ ## Mood))
* Include the header for the Date intrinsic class. For some reason the
* compiler seems to prefer this to be at the end of this header file.
#include <date.h>
Adv3Lite Library Reference Manual
Generated on 25/04/2024 from adv3Lite version 2.0