#charset "us-ascii"
* Copyright (c) 2001, 2006 Michael J. Roberts.
* Permission is granted to anyone to use this file, including modified
* and derived versions, without charge, provided this original copyright
* notice is retained.
* This is an add-in utility for tads 3 games to make it simpler to add
* game information to a compiled game.
* The game information mechanism lets you bind certain documentary
* information about the game directly into the compiled (.t3) file. The
* information can then be extracted by automated tools; for example,
* archive maintainers can extract the game information and use it to
* describe the archive entry.
* To use this module, a game must simply call our function
* writeGameInfo(), passing in a lookup table and a destination filename.
* The lookup table consists of one entry per game information item. For
* each entry, the key is the name of the item, and the associated value
* is a string giving the text of the item.
* The destination filename should usually be "GameInfo.txt", since
* that's the name of the game information resource that must be bound
* into the .t3 file. However, the name isn't actually important until
* the resource compiler (t3res) is invoked, at which point an arbitrary
* filename can be mapped to the required resource name if desired. Note
* that we'll overwrite any existing file with the given name.
* writeGameInfo() will throw a FileException if an error occurs writing
* the data to the file.
* writeGameInfo() should be called during pre-initialization so that the
* game information is generated immediately after compilation is
* finished. Here's an example of how you might do this:
* PreinitObject
*. execute()
*. {
*. local tab = new LookupTable();
*. tab['Name'] = 'My Test Game';
*. tab['Author'] = 'Bob I. Fiction';
*. tab['Desc'] = 'My simple test game, just to demonstrate how
*. to write game information.';
*. writeGameInfo(tab, 'GameInfo.txt');
*. }
*. ;
* After pre-initialization finishes, you must finish the job by running
* the resource compiler, with a command line something like this:
* t3res mygame.t3 -add GameInfo.txt
* If you didn't call the output file GameInfo.txt, you can map the
* filename to the proper resource name with a command like this:
* t3res mygame.t3 -add outfile.xyz=GameInfo.txt
#include <tads.h>
#include <file.h>
/* TADS GameInfo writer */
gameInfoWriter: object
* Write the game information from the given LookupTable to the given
* file. Each key/value pair in the LookupTable gives the GameInfo
* key and the corresponding value string for that key.
writeGameInfo(tab, fname)
local f;
* open the file - note that the GameInfo.txt resource is
* required to be encoded in UTF-8, so open the file with the
* UTF-8 character set
f = File.openTextFile(fname, FileAccessWrite, 'utf-8');
/* write each entry in the table */
tab.forEachAssoc({key, val: f.writeFile(key + ': ' + val + '\n')});
/* done with the file - close it */
* Get today's date as a string in the format YYYY-MM-DD. This can
* be used as a simple way of keeping the release date in the game
* information up to date with the latest compilation.
local dt;
local mm, dd;
/* get the current date */
dt = getTime(GetTimeDateAndTime);
/* get the month, and add a leading zero if it's only one digit */
mm = (dt[2] < 10 ? '0' : '') + dt[2];
/* get the day, and add a leading zero if it's only one digit */
dd = (dt[3] < 10 ? '0' : '') + dt[3];
/* build and return the full YYYY-MM-DD date string */
return toString(dt[1]) + '-' + mm + '-' + dd;
Adv3Lite Library Reference Manual
Generated on 25/04/2024 from adv3Lite version 2.0