#charset "us-ascii"
#include "advlite.h"
* This file forms part of the adv3Lie library (c) Eric Eve 2024
* This module was inspired by the Inform 6 Scenic.h extension created by Richard Barnett and
* subsquently extended by Joe Mason, Roger Firth and Stefano Gaburri, although the adv3Lite
* implementation is quite different.
* The Scenery Class allows a number of Decoration objects to be created on one master Scenery
* object, potentially saving having to create several or many Decoration objects manually. It is
* intended principally for Decorations for which we just want a description.
* Note that we shouldn't define any vocab or description on the Scenery object itself, but we
* should put it in the location where we want the Decoration objects it creates to be lccated.
class Scenery: PreinitObject
* The list of vocab, descriptions and optionally notImportantMsgs for each of our Decoratio
* objects. Each item in the list should be a list of two or three items of the form
* [vocab, desc]
*. or
* [vocab, desc, notImportantMsg]
* vocab and notImportantMsg must be supplied as single-quoted strings. desc can be either at
* single-quoted string or an anonymous method or function. The vocab string should be defined
* as for the vocab string of a normal Thing.
* The scenList property can be defined through the Scenery template.
scenList = []
/* A list of the Decoration objects created by this Scenery object at preInit. */
myObjs = []
* PreInitialization of a Scenery object creates the Decoration objects defined in our
* ScenList property.
/* Iterate through every item in our scenList to create a Decoration object based on it. */
foreach(local item in scenList)
/* Store a reference to the vocab we want to give the current object. */
local voc = item[1];
* Store a reference to the description we want to give the current object. This can
* be either a single-quoted string or an anonymous method or function.
local des = item[2];
* Create a mew ScenItem Decoration object and store a reference to it. We delegate
* this to a separate method so subclasses can override.
local obj = newObj();
* What we so with des depends on whether it's a single-quoted string or an anonymous
* method or function or an object.
/* If it's a single-quoted string, copy it to our new object's descStr property. */
case TypeSString:
obj.descStr = des;
* If it's an anonymous method or function, assign it to our new objects desc
* method.
case TypeFuncPtr:
obj.setMethod(&desc, des);
/*If it's an object, copy its descStr to our new object's descStr */
case TypeObject:
local m = des.getMethod(&descStr);
obj.setMethod(&descStr, m);
obj.descStr = des.descStr;
/* Copy our vocab to our new object's vocab property. */
obj.vocab = voc;
* Initialize our new object's vocab (and other propertites such as its name) from its
* vocab string.
/* Store a reference to the new object in our myObjs list. */
myObjs += obj;
/* Store a reference to ourself in our new object's masterObj property. */
obj.masterObj = self;
* Initialize the location of our new object, provided we're defined as being
* initially present. We delegate this to a separate method so sublcasses can
* override.
/* Assign a notImportantMsg to our new item, if we have defined one. */
if(item.length > 2)
local notImp = item[3];
case TypeSString:
/* If the notImportantMsg is a single-quoted string, copy it across to obj. */
obj.notImportantMsg = notImp;
case TypeObject:
* Retrieve notImp's notImportantMsg as a floating method. We do it this way
* to prevent premature evailuation of any message substition paraeeters.
local m = notImp.getMethod(¬ImportantMsg);
/* Then copy the method to obj's notImportantMsg */
obj.setMethod(¬ImportantMsg, m);
obj.notImportantMsg = notImp.notImportantMsg;
case TypeInt:
if(propType(¬ImportantMsgLst) == TypeList
&& notImportantMsgLst.length >= notImp)
obj.notImportantMsg = notImportantMsgLst[notImp];
* If notImp is a property pointer, copy that property to our object's
* notImportantMsg.
case TypeProp:
m = self.getMethod(notImp);
obj.setMethod(¬ImportantMsg, m);
obj.notImportantMsg = self.(notImp);
* Otherwise, take our notImportantMsg from des (the second item in the current list)
* provided its notImportantMsg is non-nil
else if(dataType(des) == TypeObject && des.propType(¬ImportantMsg) != TypeNil)
local m = des.getMethod(¬ImportantMsg);
/* Then copy the method to obj's notImportantMsg */
obj.setMethod(¬ImportantMsg, m);
obj.notImportantMsg = des.notImportantMsg;
* Otherwise, if there is a notImportantMsg defined on us, copy it to our new object.
else if(notImportantMsg)
local m = getMethod(¬ImportantMsg);
/* Then copy the method to obj's notImportantMsg */
obj.setMethod(¬ImportantMsg, m);
obj.notImportantMsg = notImportantMsg;
/* Set our object's visibleInDark property to our own visibleInDark. */
obj.visibleInDark = visibleInDark;
* Flag: are our decoration items initially present in our location? By default they are, but
* there may be circumstances (e.g. changhe from night time to daytime) when we want them to
* start out off stage.
initiallyPresent = true
* For the base Scenery claas, create a new object of the ScenItem class and returnb a
* reference to it.
newObj() { return new ScenItem; }
/* For the base Scenery class, move our new object into our own location. */
initLocation(obj) {obj.moveInto(location); }
notImportantMsg = nil
* We can call moveInto() on us to call it on each of the decorations we have created. Tbis
* might most usefully be used with loc = nil to move all our decoration objects off-stage.
foreach(local obj in myObjs)
* If our decoration start offstage or have been moved elsewhere we can restore/move them to
* our location by calling makePresent() or makePresent(true). To remove them all call
* makePresent(nil).
makePresent(stat = true)
foreach(local obj in myObjs)
* Flag; should the decorations we create be visible in the dark. By default they're not, but
* if, for example, we're creating a series of sky objects for use at night time, such as sky,
* moon, and clouds, we might want them to be.
visibleInDark = nil
* A Scenery object we want to act like a MultiLoc, that is one that creates a series of MultiLoc
* Scenery object. Note that a MultiLccScenery object is *not* itself a MultiLoc, so cannot be
* defined as MultiLoc, Scenery. Rather it is an object that creates a set of MultiLoc Scenery
* objects (of the MultiScenItem class), which will take there locations from our location
* properties.
class MultiLocScenery: Scenery
newObj() { return new MultiScenItem; }
* Initialze the location or set of locations each of the decorationa we are to create is to
* appear in.
/* Copy our locationList to our new object's */
obj.locationList = locationList;
/* Copy our initialLocationList to our new object's */
obj.initialLocationList = initialLocationList;
/* Copy our locationClass to our new object's */
obj.initialLocationClass = initialLocationClass;
/* Copy our exceptions to our new object's */
obj.exceptions = exceptions;
* Call our new object's addToLocation method to add to the contents of each of its
* locations, as defined by the previous properties.
* Our locationList, initialLocationList, initialLocationClass, and exceptions properties have
* the same meaning as they do on a MultiLoc but will be applied to the MultiScenItem objects
* we create, not directly to ourself.
locationList = nil
initialLocationList = nil
initialLocationClass = nil
exceptions = []
* Test an object for inclusion in our initial location list. By default, we'll simply return
* true to include every object. We return true by default so that an instance can merely
* specify a value for initialLocationClass in order to place this object in every instance of
* the given class. The MultiLoc objects we create will use our version of this method.
isInitiallyIn(obj) { return true; }
* We can call moveIntoAdd() on us to call it on each of the MultiLoc decorations we have
* created.
foreach(local obj in myObjs)
* We can call moveIOutOf() on us to call it on each of the MultiLoc decorations we have
* created.
* Let the new location handle it, so it will work whether the new
* location is a Thing, a Room or a Region.
foreach(local obj in myObjs)
* A ScenItem is a special kind of Decoration created by the Scenery class. Note that there is
* probably no good reason to define a ScenItem object directly in game code.
class ScenItem: Thing
* Our description. We just display out descStr. This can be overridden if our masterObj's
* scenList created us with an anonymous method or function for our description, in which case
* that method or function will be assigned to our desc() property.
desc() { say(descStr); }
* A single-quoted string that gives our description. This is assigned by the Scenery object
* that created us.
descStr = ''
/* The Scenery item that created us. */
masterObj = nil
/* We're a decoration item so we're fixed in place */
isFixed = true
/* We're a decoration item */
isDecoration = true
* We don't really want GO TO to work with these objects, especially if they're meant to be
* distant.
decorationActions = [Examine]
* A MultiScenItem is a MultiLoc Decoration created by a MultiLocScenery object. Note that there
* is probably no good reason for defining one of these objects directly in game code.
class MultiScenItem: MultiLoc, ScenItem
* Test an object for inclusion in our initial location list. We return the value of our
* masterObj's isInitiallyIn() method.
isInitiallyIn(obj) { return masterObj.isInitiallyIn(obj); }
* A dummy object for use in defining the description and notImportantMsg of Decoration objects to
* be generated by a Scenery object. If nullObj is placed as the second element of a
* decoration-defining list, , e.g. ['twigs', nullObj], then while the exitience of the object
* won't be denied, any attempt to refer to it will be met with "That's not something you need to
* refer to. "
nullObj: object
/* Our description. Game code is free to override this if some other method is preferred. */
descStr = BMsg(no need to refer, 'That\'s not something you need to refer to. ')
* Our notImportantMsg is the same as our description. Game code is free to override this to
* something different if desired, but that might defeat the object, which is to make it clear
* to players that this object isn't anything they need to bother with.
notImportantMsg = descStr
Adv3Lite Library Reference Manual
Generated on 25/04/2024 from adv3Lite version 2.0