
#charset "us-ascii"
#include "advlite.h"


symconnID: ModuleID
    name = 'Symconn'
    byline = 'by Eric Eve'
    htmlByline = 'by Eric Eve'
    version = '3'    

/* Modification to Room for SymConn (symmetrical connector) extension */
modify Room
     *   Modified for SYMCOMM EXTENSION to set up symmetrical connectors at
     *   preinit.
        /* Carry out the inherited handling. */
         *   Go through each direction property listed in the Direction.opposites LookupTable.
        foreach(local dir in Direction.allDirections)
             *   If this direction property on this room points to an object, then we may need to do
             *   some setting up.
            if(propType(dir.dirProp) == TypeObject)
                /* Note the object this property is attached to */
                local obj = self.(dir.dirProp);
                /* Note the property pointer for the reverse direction. */
                local revProp = Direction.oppositeProp(dir.dirProp);             
                 *   If the object is a Room and its reverse direction property is nil, and the room
                 *   has no connection back to us, then point that other room's reverse direction
                 *   property to us, to make a symmetrical connection, provided we want reverse
                 *   connections set up automatically.
                if(obj.ofKind(Room) && obj.propType(revProp) == TypeNil
                   && autoBackConnections && !obj.getDirectionTo(self))
                    obj.(revProp) = self;
                 *   If the object is a SymConnector we need to carry out a different kind of
                 *   initialization.
//                if(obj.ofKind(SymConnector))
                    /* First get the object to initialize itself. */
                    obj.initConnector(self, dir);
                     *   Note the destination to which the SymConnector should lead from the current
                     *   room. This may be nil if we're initializing this SymConnector from both its
                     *   rooms and we haven't initialized it from the other side yet.
                    local dest = (obj.room2 == self ? obj.room1 : obj.room2);
                    dest = dest ?? obj.destination;
                     *   If we have a destination and that destination's reverse direction property
                     *   isn't already set, and the destination has no other direction set to the
                     *   SymConnector, and we want to set up reverse directions automatically, then
                     *   set the reverse direction to point to the SymConnector.
                    if(dest && dest.propType(revProp) == TypeNil && !dest.getDirection(obj)
                       && autoBackConnections)
                        dest.(revProp) = obj;
                        if(obj.room1 == self && obj.room2Dir == nil)
                            obj.room2Dir = Direction.allDirections.valWhich({d: d.dirProp ==
                 *   If we're attached to a TravelConnector that's neither a SymmConnector nor a
                 *   Room, and autoBackConnection is true, and it's not a Door, try
                 *   to set the reverse connection if it does not already exist.
                else if(obj.ofKind(TravelConnector) && autoBackConnections && !obj.ofKind(Room) 
                        && !obj.ofKind(Door))
                    /* Note the destination to which this TravelConnector leads. */
                    local dest = obj.getDestination(self);
                     *   If we have a destination and there's no way back from it to here and the
                     *   reverse direction property of our destination is nil, then set that
                     *   property to point back to us.
                    if(dest && !dest.getDirectionTo(self) && dest.propType(revProp) == TypeNil)
                        dest.(revProp) = self;                        
                 *   Ensure that any UnlistedProxyConnectors - usually defined by means of the
                 *   asExit(macro) - are matched by an UnlistedProxyConnector in the opposite
                 *   direction in destination room where the direction in question is either up or
                 *   down, provided we want to create automatic back connections.
                if(obj.ofKind(UnlistedProxyConnector) && dir.dirProp is in (&up, &down)
                    && autoBackConnections)
                    local dest;
                     *   obtain the direction property for which the 
                     *   UnlistedProxyConnector is a proxy.
                    local proxyProp = obj.direction.dirProp;
                     *   If this direction property points to an object, get its destination
                     *   (assuming it's a TravelConnector or Room).
                    if(propType(proxyProp) == TypeObject)
                        dest = self.(proxyProp).getDestination(self);
                     *   If we've found a destination, and its corresponding down or up property is
                     *   undefined, then set up an UnlistedProxyConnector accordingly.
                    if(dest && dest.propType(revProp) == TypeNil)
                        local backDir = dest.getDirectionTo(self);                        
                            dest.(revProp) = new UnlistedProxyConnector(backDir);
     *   Flag - do we want the library (specifically the preInit method of Thing) to automatically
     *   create connections back (in the reverse direction) from any rooms our direction properties
     *   (directlt, or indirectly via a TravelConnector) point to? By default we do (since that was
     *   the part of the original purpose of the SymmConn extension) but game code can set this to
     *   nil (either on the Room class or on individual rooms) to suppress it if it's not wanted -
     *   which may be the case if the this extension is being used for SymmConnectors rather than
     *   automated back connections (which is now unlikely given the availabliity of DSConnectors in
     *   the main library).
    autoBackConnections = true
     *   update the vocab of any SymPassages in our contents list that have seperate room1Vocab and
     *   room2Vocab
        /* loop through our contents */
        foreach(local obj in contents)            
             *   We're only interested in SymPassages (and subclasses thereof) that define both
             *   their room1Vocab and room2Vocab properties as single-quoted strings.
            if(obj.ofKind(SymPassage) && obj.propType(&room1Vocab) == TypeSString 
               && obj.propType(&room2Vocab) == TypeSString)
                 *   The new vocab we want to update this obj with is is room1Vocab if we're in its
                 *   room1 and its room2Vocab otherwise.
                local newVocab = (obj.room1 == self ? obj.room1Vocab : obj.room2Vocab);
                /*   Update the vocab on obj. */
     *   Modified in SYMCONN EXTENSION to update the vocab on any SymPassages in our destination.
    notifyDeparture(traveler, dest)
        /* first carry out the inherited handling */
        inherited(traveler, dest);
        /* then update the vocab on our destination's SymPassages */        

/* Modification to DirState for SymConn (symmetrical connector) extension */
modify DirState    
     *   We exclude SymStairway because including 'up' or 'down' in its vocab confuses the parser's
     *   interpretation of CLIMB UP and CLIMB DOWN.
        return inherited(obj) && ! obj.ofKind(SymStairway);

 *   Ensure that the vocab of any SymPassages located in the player character's starting location
 *   have the vocab appropriate to the side from which they're viewed.
symVocabPreinit: PreinitObject
     *   The updateSymVocab() method depends on MultiLocs (which includes SymPassages) having
     *   already been added to their locations' contents list, so we need to ensure that the
     *   initialization of MultiLocs has been carried out first.
    execBeforeMe = [multiLocInitiator]

/* Mix-in class for automating the set-up of various kinds of SymmConnector */
class AutoConnector: object
     *   Initialize this SymConnector by setting up its room1 and room2 properties if they are not
     *   already defined. This method is normally called from the preinitThing() method of the room
     *   that first defines this connector. [SYMCOMM EXTENSION]
    initConnector(loc, dir)
         *   Check if room1 and room2 have been defined on our rooms list property, and assign
         *   them if so.         */
        rooms = valToList(rooms);
         *   If there are at least 2 entries in our rooms list, assiagn the first entry to room1 and
         *   the second entry to room 2.
        if(rooms.length > 1)
            room1 = rooms[1];
            room2 = rooms[2];
         *   If room1 hasn't been defined yet, set it to loc (the room whose
         *   preinitThing() method has called this method), provided loc isn't room2.
        if(room1 == nil && room2 != loc)
            room1 = loc;
         *   If our destination property has been set to an object (which should
         *   be a room), carry out some further setting up.
        if(propType(&destination) == TypeObject && room2 == nil)
            /* Set our room2 property to our destination */
            room2 = destination;    
        /* if loc is room1, then set the direction from room1 to dir. */
        if(room1 == loc)
            room1Dir = dir;
        /* if loc is room2, then set the direction from room2 to dir. */
        if(room2 == loc)
            room2Dir = dir;

 *   A Symmetrical Connector is a special type of TravelConnector between rooms that can be
 *   traversed in either direction and that, optionally, can largely set itself up so that if the
 *   dir property of room1 points to this SymConnector, the reverse dir property of room2 also
 *   points to this SymConnector. [SYMCOMM EXTENSION]
 *   SymConnector is a type of TravelConnector (from which it descends by inheritance). A
 *   SymConnector can be traversed in both directions, and defining a SymConnector on a direction
 *   property of one room automatically attaches it to the reverse direction property of the room to
 *   which it leads. Otherwise, a SymConnector behaves much like any other TravelConnector, and can
 *   be used to define travel barriers or the side-effects of travel in much the same way.
 *   Internally a SymConnector defines a room1 property and a room2 property, room1 and room2 being
 *   the two rooms reciprocally connected by the SymConnector. The room1 and room2 can be set by the
 *   extension at preinit if the connector's destination is specified, but it's probably clearer and
 *   safer to explictily set the room1 and room2 properties. 
class SymConnector: AutoConnector, DSTravelConnector

 *   Mix-in class to add additional funcionality to SymConnector type objects that have a physical
 *   presence in the game (such as passages and doors).
class PhysicalAutoConnector: AutoConnector
    /* Initialize this connector. */
    initConnector(loc, dir)
        /* Carry out the inherited (SymConnector) handling. */
        inherited(loc, dir);
         *   If it's not already there, move this physical connector into the two locations where it
         *   has a physical presence. Note that if this is being called from sides of the connector
         *   then the first time it's called either room1 or room2 may not yet be defined, so we
         *   need to test that room1 and room2 are not nil.
        if(room1 && !isIn(room1))
        if(room2 && ! isIn(room2))
         *   Initialize either room1Vocab or room2Vocab to our initial vocab (as defined on the
         *   object in game code) if either room2Vocab or room1Vocab respectively has been
         *   overridden to contain a single quoted string.
        if(propType(&room2Vocab) == TypeSString)
            room1Vocab = vocab;
        else if(propType(&room1Vocab) == TypeSString)
            room2Vocab = vocab;
     *   Our vocab when viewed from room1. If we want different vocab (including different names) on
     *   each side of this passage or door, we don't need to define both room1Vocab and room2Vocab
     *   since whichever we don't define will be initialized by the SYMCONN EXTENSION to our initial
     *   vocab. So we do need to ensure that our initial vocab will be that which applies to this
     *   passage/door on the side the player first encounters.
    room1Vocab = nil
     *   Our vocab from the perspective of room2, if we want different vocab to apply to the two
     *   sides of this passage/door.
    room2Vocab = nil

 *   A Symmetrical Passage is a single passage object that can be traversed in either direction and
 *   exists in both the locations it connects. [SYMCOMM EXTENSION]
 *   A SymPassage is very like a SymDoor, except that it can't be opened or closed (at least, not
 *   via player commands). The SymPassage class can be used to define passage-like objects such as
 *   passageways and archways that connect one location to another. A SymPassage is otherwise
 *   defined in exactly the same way as a SymDoor; from a player's perspective it is functionally
 *   equivalent to a Passage, the differences from the game author's point of view being that it can
 *   be defined using one game object instead of two and that this extension automatically takes
 *   care of setting up the connection in the reverse direction.
class SymPassage: PhysicalAutoConnector, DSPassage   

 *   A Symmetrical Door is a door that can be traversed in either direction and exists in both the
 *   locations it connects. It behaves much like a regular Door, except that it uses only one
 *   object, not two, to represent the door. It behaves even more like DSDoor, from which it
 *   descends. [SYMCOMM EXTENSION]
 *   You'd typically use it by pointing the appropriate direction property of one room to point to
 *   it and then defining its room2 property as the room to which it leads, for example:
 *.  redRoom: Room 'Red Room'
 *.  "A door leads south. "
 *.   south = blackDoor
 *. ;
 *. blackDoor: SymDoor 'black door'
 *.   "It's black. "
 *.   room2 = greenRoom
 *. ;
 *. greenRoom: Room 'Green Room'
 *.   "A door leads north. "
 *. ;
 *   Note that a Symdoor is a MultiLoc, so we don't use the + notation to set its location when
 *   defining it; it exists in both locations. The SYMCOMMN EXTENSION will automatically set the
 *   north property of room2 (here greenRoom) to point to the same door (here blackDoor).
 *   Both sides of a SymDoor must have the same name ('black door' in the example above). You can,
 *   however, give the two sides of a SymDoor different descriptions if you wish by defining its
 *   room1Desc and room2Desc properties instead of its desc property (as you would expect, room1Desc
 *   and room2Desc will then be the descriptions of the door as seen from room1 and room2
 *   respectively, where room1 and room2 have the same meaning as they have on a SymConnector). You
 *   can also give the two sides of the SymDoor different lockabilities by defining room1Lockability
 *   and room2Lockability separately. Alternatively, if you want both sides to have the same locking
 *   behaviour, just override the lockability property. The one thing you can't do (without some
 *   clever extra coding of your own) is to define different keys for each side of a SymDoor.
 *   It's sometimes convenient to refer to a door by the direction it leads in (e.g. "The west door"
 *   or "The north door"). The symconn extension takes care of this for you automatically. For
 *   example, the black door in the example above can be referred to by the player as 'south door'
 *   when the player character is in redRoom and as 'north door' when the player character is
 *   greenRoom and the game will know which door is meant, without the game author having to take
 *   any steps to make this happen. If, however, you want to suppress this behaviour on a particular
 *   SymDoor, you can do so simply by overriding its attachDir property to nil (attachDir is a
 *   method that works out which direction property a SymDoor is attached to in the player
 *   character's location, which is used by the DirState State object to add the appropriate
 *   direction name adjectives, such as 'north', to the SymDoor's vocab).
class SymDoor: PhysicalAutoConnector, DSDoor    

 *   A SymStairway is aingle object representing a stairway up from its lower end and a stairway
 *   down from its upper end. At the minimum we need to point a direction property of the room at
 *   one end of the SymStairway to point to the SymStairway and define the SymStairwa's room2 or
 *   destination propety to be its other end.
 *   If the SymStairway is defined on the up or down property of either of its ends, either
 *   directtly or indirectly, then this extension can work out which end of the Stairway is which
 *   (even if the up or down property points to the SymStairway indirectly via an asExit() macro)
 *   Otherwise game code needs to define at least one of the SymStairway's upperEnd or lowerEnd
 *   properties to point to the appropriate room.
 *   [THE SYMCONN EXIENSION must be present in your project if you want to use a SymStairway]
class SymStairway: PhysicalAutoConnector, DSStairway

 *   A SympPathPassage is a SymPassage that represents a path (or road or track or the like). so
 *   that following it or going down it is equivalent to going through it.
class SymPathPassage: PhysicalAutoConnector, DSPathPassage

 *   The noExit object can be used to block an exit that would otherwise be set
 *   as a reciprocal exit by Room.preinitThing(). This can be used to prevent
 *   this extension from creating symmetrical exits in cases where you don't
 *   want them. E.g. if north from the smallCave leads to largeCave, but south
 *   from largeCave doesn't lead anywhere (because the notional passage between
 *   the caves curves round, say), then you can set largeCave.south to noExit to
 *   prevent this extension from setting it to smallCave.
 *   The noExit object is thus a TravelConnector that simulates the effect of a
 *   nil exit in situations where a nil value might get overwritten by this
 *   extension. [SYMCOMM EXTENSION]
noExit: TravelConnector
     *   Since we're mimicking the absence of an exit, we don't want to be
     *   listed as one.
    isConnectorListed = nil
    /*   We're not a real exit, so no actor can pass through us. */
    canTravelerPass(actor) { return nil; }
     *   In order to behave just as a nil exit would, we call the actor's
     *   location's cannotGoThatWay() method to explain why travel isn't
     *   possible.

Adv3Lite Library Reference Manual
Generated on 25/04/2024 from adv3Lite version 2.0