langAdjust - global function in english.t[4640]
langObj - property of MessageParams in messages.t[1158]
languageCode - property of GameInfoModuleID in modid.t[372]
large - enum in advlite.h[1168]
lastAction - property of Command in command.t[1188]
lastChar - method of String in misc.t[1700]
lastConvTime - property of Actor in actor.t[701]
lastDisplayed - property of MenuTopicItem in menusys.t[440]
lastEventTime - property of ClientSession in webui.t[472]
lastIndexOf - method of List in systype.h[996]
lastIndexOf - method of Vector in vector.h[116]
lastIndexWhich - method of List in systype.h[1007]
lastIndexWhich - method of Vector in vector.h[126]
lastInput - property of WebCommandWin in webui.t[2188]
lastInputClient - property of WebCommandWin in webui.t[2194]
lastInputReady - property of WebCommandWin in webui.t[2191]
lastListOrder - property of Achievement in score.t[187]
lastParam - property of MessageCtx in messages.t[741]
lastParamPlural - method of MessageCtx in messages.t[703]
lastSeenAt - property of Thing in thing.t[3564]
lastSeenAt - property of Room in travel.t[557]
lastTokens - property of Parser in parser.t[728]
lastTravelInfo - property of Actor in actor.t[879]
lastValWhich - method of List in systype.h[1013]
lastValWhich - method of Vector in vector.h[132]
lastVerifyMsg - property of TAction in action.t[1470]
lastWordPat - property of LMentionable in english.t[1775]
LCommandTopicHelper - class in english.t[5681]
LCS - class in misc.t[2098]
lcsA - property of LCS in misc.t[2163]
lcsB - property of LCS in misc.t[2164]
leadingMultiPat - property of ParagraphManager in output.t[610]
leadingSinglePat - property of ParagraphManager in output.t[611]
leadingTagOrQuotePat - property of LMentionable in english.t[1711]
LeaveByeTopic - class in actor.t[3848]
left - method of String in misc.t[1709]
length - method of ByteArray in bytearr.h[55]
length - method of CommandList in parser.t[922]
length - method of ScopeList in query.t[995]
length - method of StringBuffer in strbuf.h[49]
length - method of String in systype.h[361]
length - method of List in systype.h[956]
length - method of Vector in vector.h[39]
Lever - class in gadget.t[50]
libGlobal - object in misc.t[571]
libMessages - object in english.t[3936]
libObjectInitializer - object in misc.t[2275]
LibraryDefaultsFile - macro in file.h[112]
LibraryError - class in misc.t[2041]
libScore - object in score.t[336]
licenseType - property of GameInfoModuleID in modid.t[389]
Lie - object in actions.t[709]
LieIn - object in actions.t[1094]
LieOn - object in actions.t[1084]
lieOnScore - property of Thing in thing.t[6404]
Light - object in actions.t[1129]
linkedRooms - property of Room in senseRegion.t[232]
List - class in systype.h[932]
listableContents - property of Thing in thing.t[1970]
listableContentsOf - method of Thing in thing.t[1973]
listableTopics - method of ActorTopicDatabase in actor.t[2775]
listAttrs - property of OneOfIndexGen in _main.t[1308]
listContents - method of Thing in thing.t[1169]
listContentsOn - method of Surface in extras.t[197]
listDir - method of FileName in filename.h[259]
listed - method of Lister in lister.t[84]
listed - method of CustomRoomLister in lister.t[242]
listed - property of FinishOption in misc.t[1057]
Listen - object in actions.t[577]
listenDesc - property of Thing in thing.t[1956]
ListenTo - object in actions.t[935]
Lister - class in lister.t[29]
listFullScoreItem - method of Achievement in score.t[102]
listingOrder - property of ModuleID in modid.t[148]
listingOrder - property of GameID in modid.t[560]
listName - method of ItemLister in english.t[2948]
listOrder - property of ActorTopicEntry in actor.t[3135]
listOrder - method of Lister in lister.t[92]
listOrder - property of Achievement in score.t[185]
listOrder - property of Thing in thing.t[3107]
listOrder - property of LocType in thing.t[9805]
listRecursively - property of ItemLister in lister.t[146]
listRemoteContents - method of Thing in senseRegion.t[548]
listStrIs - global function in english.t[3475]
listSubcontentsOf - method of Thing in thing.t[1350]
ListTests - object in debug.t[405]
listWith - property of Thing in thing.t[3113]
literal - property of LiteralAction in action.t[2371]
literal - property of LiteralTAction in action.t[2425]
literalAcc - macro in advlite.h[85]
LiteralAction - class in action.t[2360]
literalAobj - macro in advlite.h[86]
literalDobj - macro in advlite.h[83]
literalIobj - macro in advlite.h[84]
literalNounPhrase(number) - grammar in grammar.t[778]
literalNounPhrase(string) - grammar in grammar.t[783]
LiteralNounProduction - class in parser.t[4198]
LiteralObject - class in parser.t[3143]
LiteralPhrase - class in parser.t[3117]
literalPhrase(empty) - grammar in grammar.t[952]
literalPhrase(miscList) - grammar in grammar.t[949]
literalPhrase(string) - grammar in grammar.t[946]
LiteralTAction - class in action.t[2383]
LitUnlit - object in english.t[1984]
litWithin - method of Thing in thing.t[3508]
litWithin - method of Room in travel.t[97]
LMentionable - class in english.t[44]
loadSettings - method of WebUIPrefs in webui.t[2378]
locals_ - property of T3StackInfo in _main.t[1085]
location - property of Test in debug.t[495]
location - property of Goal in hintsys.t[270]
location - property of ExtraHint in hintsys.t[762]
location - property of Thing in thing.t[2404]
location - method of MultiLoc in thing.t[9608]
LocationalProduction - class in parser.t[4304]
locationDistinguisher - object in parser.t[1601]
locationList - property of MultiLoc in thing.t[9425]
locationPrep(from) - grammar in grammar.t[465]
locationPrep(in) - grammar in grammar.t[451]
locationPrep(on) - grammar in grammar.t[458]
LocationPrepProduction - class in parser.t[4366]
locationWhich - method of Thing in thing.t[3262]
locify - method of LMentionable in english.t[1435]
Lock - object in actions.t[1034]
lockability - property of LockableContainer in extras.t[134]
lockability - property of KeyedContainer in extras.t[145]
lockability - property of Thing in thing.t[2256]
LockableContainer - class in extras.t[133]
lockableWithKey - enum in advlite.h[851]
lockableWithoutKey - enum in advlite.h[851]
lockedMsg - property of Thing in thing.t[4722]
LockWith - object in actions.t[1275]
locQual - property of NounPhrase in parser.t[2903]
locQual - property of NoneInLocationError in parser.t[5493]
locType - method of SimpleAttachable in attachables.t[375]
locType - method of AttachableComponent in attachables.t[445]
locType - property of Component in extras.t[269]
locType - property of locationPrep(in) in grammar.t[455]
locType - property of locationPrep(on) in grammar.t[462]
locType - property of locationPrep(from) in grammar.t[469]
locType - property of NounPhrase in parser.t[2910]
locType - property of LocationalProduction in parser.t[4351]
locType - property of LocationPrepProduction in parser.t[4368]
locType - method of Thing in thing.t[3024]
LocType - class in thing.t[9803]
log10 - method of BigNumber in bignum.h[203]
LogConsole - class in output.t[1675]
logConsoleClose - global function in tadsio.h[449]
logConsoleCreate - global function in tadsio.h[442]
logConsoleSay - global function in tadsio.h[456]
logE - method of BigNumber in bignum.h[194]
logical - macro in advlite.h[638]
logicalRank - macro in advlite.h[660]
logInputEvent - global function in tadsio.h[479]
LogTypeCommand - macro in tadsio.h[484]
LogTypeScript - macro in tadsio.h[485]
LogTypeTranscript - macro in tadsio.h[483]
longTopicBanner - object in menucon.t[36]
Look - object in actions.t[490]
lookAroundExitLister - object in exits.t[391]
lookAroundTerseExitLister - object in exits.t[420]
lookAroundWithin - method of Thing in thing.t[1110]
LookBehind - object in actions.t[1023]
lookBehindMsg - property of Thing in thing.t[5208]
lookContentsLister - object in lister.t[162]
LookHere - object in newbie.t[416]
LookIn - object in actions.t[1015]
lookInLister - object in lister.t[213]
lookInMsg - property of Thing in thing.t[4995]
lookListed - property of Thing in thing.t[1890]
lookLister - object in lister.t[153]
lookOnEnter - method of Room in travel.t[234]
LookThrough - object in actions.t[1027]
lookThroughMsg - property of Thing in thing.t[5235]
LookUnder - object in actions.t[1019]
lookUnderMsg - property of Thing in thing.t[5112]
LookupTable - class in lookup.h[24]
LookupTableIterator - class in lookup.h[143]
lst_ - property of OneOfIndexGen in _main.t[1465]
LState - class in english.t[1915]
Adv3Lite Library Reference Manual
Generated on 28/03/2016 from adv3Lite version 1.5