packBytes - method of ByteArray in bytearr.h[180]
packBytes - method of File in file.h[522]
paraBrksBtwnSubcontents - property of GameMainDef in misc.t[322]
paraBrksBtwnSubcontents - property of Thing in thing.t[1538]
ParagraphManager - class in output.t[574]
params - property of MessageParams in messages.t[980]
paramTab - property of MessageParams in messages.t[1155]
paramToNum - method of MessageCtx in messages.t[542]
paramToString - method of MessageCtx in messages.t[504]
parent - property of NounPhrase in parser.t[2881]
parent - property of Production in parser.t[3494]
parentAction - property of Action in action.t[393]
parentAllowAll - property of Action in action.t[932]
parentID_ - property of BannerWindow in banner.t[448]
parentID_ - property of BannerUIWindow in banner.t[775]
parse - method of Parser in parser.t[212]
parseAnswer - method of Question in parser.t[1071]
parseAnswer - method of GramQuestion in parser.t[1101]
parseAnswer - method of RexQuestion in parser.t[1173]
parseAnswer - method of ParseErrorQuestion in parser.t[1209]
ParseError - class in parser.t[4931]
parseError - property of SpellingCorrection in spelling.t[829]
ParseErrorQuestion - class in parser.t[1202]
parseQuery - method of HTTPRequest in httpreq.h[87]
Parser - class in parser.t[66]
parser - property of SpellingHistory in spelling.t[761]
parserStyleTag - object in output.t[1010]
parseTokens - method of GrammarProd in gramprod.h[51]
parseTree - property of Command in command.t[1182]
partition - method of DistResult in parser.t[1500]
partitioned - property of DistResult in parser.t[1520]
partitionList - global function in misc.t[1491]
PartOf - object in thing.t[9890]
partOfYouMsg - property of Thing in thing.t[4398]
partSize - method of DistResult in parser.t[1506]
Passage - class in extras.t[700]
Past - object in messages.t[70]
pastParticiple - global function in english.t[4748]
PastPerfect - object in messages.t[76]
pat_ - property of DoerParser in doer.t[862]
Pathfinder - class in pathfind.t[5]
pathName - property of WebWindow in webui.t[1753]
PathPassage - class in extras.t[728]
pathsFound - property of Pathfinder in pathfind.t[14]
pcArrivalTurn - property of Actor in actor.t[905]
pcConnector - property of Actor in actor.t[858]
pcJustArrived - property of Actor in actor.t[908]
pcJustArrived - property of ActorState in actor.t[2586]
pcRouteFinder - object in pathfind.t[223]
pendingAgendaList - property of Actor in actor.t[1977]
pendingEvts - property of ClientSession in webui.t[432]
pendingKeys - property of Actor in actor.t[730]
pendingReqs - property of ClientSession in webui.t[425]
Perfect - object in messages.t[73]
performFileOp - method of FileOpAction in actions.t[2141]
perInstance - macro in tads.h[81]
person - property of ResolvedTopic in parser.t[3109]
person - property of LiteralObject in parser.t[3151]
person - property of Pronoun in parser.t[4612]
person - property of ReflexivePronoun in parser.t[4848]
person - property of Mentionable in thing.t[152]
phraseMatchName - method of Mentionable in thing.t[541]
plainCloseText - property of HtmlStyleTag in output.t[930]
plainOpenText - property of HtmlStyleTag in output.t[929]
Platform - class in extras.t[207]
plausibleLockList - property of Key in thing.t[9039]
playerHelper - object in newbie.t[151]
pleasePreParser - object in newbie.t[440]
PlugAttachable - class in attachables.t[672]
plugAttachableLister - object in lister.t[232]
PlugIn - object in actions.t[1508]
PlugInto - object in actions.t[1504]
plural - property of Mentionable in thing.t[221]
pluralDummy_ - object in messages.t[1179]
pluralNameFrom - method of LMentionable in english.t[1734]
pluralPat - property of LMentionable in english.t[1295]
pluralPhrase(main) - grammar in grammar.t[713]
pluralPhraseWithContents(basic) - grammar in grammar.t[688]
pluralPhraseWithContents(contents) - grammar in grammar.t[693]
pluralWordFrom - method of LMentionable in english.t[1783]
points - property of Achievement in score.t[69]
pop - method of Vector in misc.t[1740]
PopMenuCancel - macro in tadsiox.h[134]
PopMenuEof - macro in tadsiox.h[140]
PopMenuFail - macro in tadsiox.h[121]
PopMenuHRef - macro in tadsiox.h[128]
port - property of Room in travel.t[49]
portDir - object in travel.t[1668]
posFlags - property of VocabWord in thing.t[777]
posPat - property of LMentionable in english.t[1292]
possAdj - property of LMentionable in english.t[94]
possessify - method of LMentionable in english.t[1414]
possessiveAdjPhrase(definiteNpApostropheS) - grammar in grammar.t[827]
possessiveAdjPhrase(her) - grammar in grammar.t[810]
possessiveAdjPhrase(his) - grammar in grammar.t[807]
possessiveAdjPhrase(indefiniteNpApostropheS) - grammar in grammar.t[833]
possessiveAdjPhrase(its) - grammar in grammar.t[804]
possessiveAdjPhrase(my) - grammar in grammar.t[819]
possessiveAdjPhrase(npApostropheS) - grammar in grammar.t[823]
possessiveAdjPhrase(their) - grammar in grammar.t[813]
possessiveAdjPhrase(your) - grammar in grammar.t[816]
possessiveNounPhrase(hers) - grammar in grammar.t[845]
possessiveNounPhrase(his) - grammar in grammar.t[842]
possessiveNounPhrase(its) - grammar in grammar.t[839]
possessiveNounPhrase(mine) - grammar in grammar.t[854]
possessiveNounPhrase(npApostropheS) - grammar in grammar.t[858]
possessiveNounPhrase(theirs) - grammar in grammar.t[848]
possessiveNounPhrase(yours) - grammar in grammar.t[851]
PossessiveProduction - class in parser.t[4231]
possNoun - property of LMentionable in english.t[109]
possQual - property of NounPhrase in parser.t[2900]
possQual - property of NoneInOwnerError in parser.t[5436]
PostRestoreObject - class in action.t[3266]
PostUndoObject - class in action.t[3308]
poundNumberPhrase(main) - grammar in grammar.t[1156]
Pour - object in actions.t[1470]
PourInto - object in actions.t[1479]
PourOnto - object in actions.t[1474]
preCond - property of Action in action.t[146]
preCondActor - property of Thing in thing.t[3894]
preCondIobjProp - property of TIAction in action.t[2051]
PreCondition - class in precond.t[20]
preCondOrder - property of PreCondition in precond.t[64]
preCondOrder - property of ObjectPreCondition in precond.t[756]
predActive - property of Command in command.t[1170]
predefinedDirection - property of TravelAction in action.t[1186]
predPriority - property of Command in command.t[1167]
prefix - property of OutputStream in output.t[499]
prefix_ - property of CustomRoomLister in lister.t[265]
PreinitObject - class in _main.t[471]
preinitThing - method of SimpleAttachable in attachables.t[422]
preinitThing - method of AttachableComponent in attachables.t[454]
preinitThing - method of SecretDoor in extras.t[881]
preinitThing - method of Thing in thing.t[2635]
preinitThing - method of Key in thing.t[9213]
preinitThing - method of SubComponent in thing.t[9251]
preinitThing - method of MultiLoc in thing.t[9661]
preinitThing - method of Door in travel.t[868]
prep - property of LocType in english.t[5612]
prep - property of ViaType in thing.t[9908]
prepend - method of List in systype.h[1060]
prepend - method of Vector in vector.h[223]
prepList - property of LMentionable in english.t[1285]
prepPhrasePat - property of LMentionable in english.t[1771]
prepWordPat - property of LMentionable in english.t[1278]
PreRestartObject - class in action.t[3297]
PreSaveObject - class in action.t[3255]
prescan - property of MessageCtx in messages.t[744]
Present - object in messages.t[67]
presentationProfile - property of GameInfoModuleID in modid.t[425]
prevDummy_ - object in english.t[4125]
prevMenuLink - property of MenuItem in menusys.t[363]
priority - property of Command in command.t[1119]
priority - property of Doer in doer.t[280]
priority - property of VerbRule(LookX) in grammar.t[1558]
priority - property of VerbRule(LookIn) in grammar.t[1576]
priority - property of VerbRule(PutWhere) in grammar.t[1736]
priority - property of VerbRule(Query) in grammar.t[1773]
priority - property of VerbRule(QueryAbout) in grammar.t[1785]
priority - property of VerbRule(QueryVague) in grammar.t[1796]
priority - property of VerbRule(AuxQuery) in grammar.t[1805]
priority - property of VerbRule(AskWhomFor) in grammar.t[1853]
priority - property of VerbRule(AskForImplicit) in grammar.t[1863]
priority - property of VerbRule(AskAboutImplicit) in grammar.t[1885]
priority - property of VerbRule(AskAboutWhat) in grammar.t[1898]
priority - property of VerbRule(TellAboutWhat) in grammar.t[1932]
priority - property of VerbRule(TellVague) in grammar.t[1977]
priority - property of VerbRule(Hello) in grammar.t[2002]
priority - property of VerbRule(Yes) in grammar.t[2018]
priority - property of VerbRule(No) in grammar.t[2027]
priority - property of VerbRule(GiveToImplicit) in grammar.t[2065]
priority - property of VerbRule(ShowToImplicit) in grammar.t[2096]
priority - property of VerbRule(GoTo) in grammar.t[2442]
priority - property of VerbRule(VagueTravel) in grammar.t[2458]
priority - property of VerbRule(Write) in grammar.t[2704]
priority - property of VerbRule(ConsultWhatAbout) in grammar.t[2740]
priority - property of VerbRule(SwitchOn) in grammar.t[2766]
priority - property of VerbRule(SwitchOff) in grammar.t[2776]
priority - property of VerbRule(Attach) in grammar.t[2968]
priority - property of VerbRule(GetOut) in grammar.t[3147]
priority - property of ExtraHint in hintsys.t[865]
priority - property of CustomMessages in messages.t[835]
priority - property of VerbRule(WhereHelp) in newbie.t[567]
priority - property of VerbRule(Help) in newbie.t[594]
priority - property of VerbRule(WhatNext) in newbie.t[613]
priority - property of VerbRule(WhatIsNoun) in newbie.t[664]
priority - property of VerbRule(WhatAmICarrying) in newbie.t[701]
priority - property of VerbRule(WhatsThePoint) in newbie.t[732]
priority - property of VerbRule(WhatThisGame) in newbie.t[750]
priority - property of VerbRule(WhereAmI) in newbie.t[815]
priority - property of VerbRule(WhatsHere) in newbie.t[826]
priority - property of VerbRule(WhoAmI) in newbie.t[853]
priority - property of VerbRule(WhereGo) in newbie.t[877]
priority - property of Question in parser.t[1057]
priority - property of YesNoQuestion in parser.t[1150]
priority - property of VerbProduction in parser.t[3963]
priority - property of Special in query.t[598]
priority - property of WebResource in webui.t[849]
priority - property of WebResourceGroup in webui.t[1254]
processName - method of WebResourceResFile in webui.t[1054]
processName - method of WebWindow in webui.t[1692]
processNetRequests - global function in webui.t[1493]
processOptions - global function in misc.t[972]
processQueues - method of ClientSession in webui.t[625]
processRequest - method of WebResource in webui.t[837]
processRequest - method of WebResourceResFile in webui.t[992]
processRequest - method of WebResourceInit in webui.t[1165]
processRequest - method of WebResourceGroup in webui.t[1274]
prod - property of NounPhrase in parser.t[2884]
Production - class in parser.t[3294]
profileID - property of WebUIProfile in webui.t[2353]
profileTab - property of WebUIPrefs in webui.t[2564]
ProgramException - class in _main.t[872]
proItemPat - property of WebUIPrefs in webui.t[2437]
PromptDaemon - class in events.t[476]
promptFunc - property of InputDef in input.t[30]
pronoun - method of LMentionable in english.t[360]
pronoun - property of pronounPhrase(it) in grammar.t[315]
pronoun - property of pronounPhrase(them) in grammar.t[318]
pronoun - property of pronounPhrase(him) in grammar.t[321]
pronoun - property of pronounPhrase(her) in grammar.t[324]
pronoun - property of pronounPhrase(itself) in grammar.t[328]
pronoun - property of pronounPhrase(themselves) in grammar.t[333]
pronoun - property of pronounPhrase(himself) in grammar.t[337]
pronoun - property of pronounPhrase(herself) in grammar.t[341]
pronoun - property of pronounPhrase(you) in grammar.t[346]
pronoun - property of pronounPhrase(me) in grammar.t[349]
pronoun - property of pronounPhrase(us) in grammar.t[354]
pronoun - property of possessiveAdjPhrase(its) in grammar.t[805]
pronoun - property of possessiveAdjPhrase(his) in grammar.t[808]
pronoun - property of possessiveAdjPhrase(her) in grammar.t[811]
pronoun - property of possessiveAdjPhrase(their) in grammar.t[814]
pronoun - property of possessiveAdjPhrase(your) in grammar.t[817]
pronoun - property of possessiveAdjPhrase(my) in grammar.t[820]
pronoun - property of possessiveNounPhrase(its) in grammar.t[840]
pronoun - property of possessiveNounPhrase(his) in grammar.t[843]
pronoun - property of possessiveNounPhrase(hers) in grammar.t[846]
pronoun - property of possessiveNounPhrase(theirs) in grammar.t[849]
pronoun - property of possessiveNounPhrase(yours) in grammar.t[852]
pronoun - property of possessiveNounPhrase(mine) in grammar.t[855]
pronoun - property of NounPhrase in parser.t[2897]
Pronoun - class in parser.t[4591]
pronoun - property of ReflexivePronoun in parser.t[4845]
pronoun - property of PronounError in parser.t[5350]
PronounError - class in parser.t[5342]
pronounMap - property of LMentionable in english.t[1869]
pronounPhrase(her) - grammar in grammar.t[323]
pronounPhrase(herself) - grammar in grammar.t[340]
pronounPhrase(him) - grammar in grammar.t[320]
pronounPhrase(himself) - grammar in grammar.t[336]
pronounPhrase(it) - grammar in grammar.t[314]
pronounPhrase(itself) - grammar in grammar.t[327]
pronounPhrase(me) - grammar in grammar.t[348]
pronounPhrase(them) - grammar in grammar.t[317]
pronounPhrase(themselves) - grammar in grammar.t[331]
pronounPhrase(us) - grammar in grammar.t[352]
pronounPhrase(you) - grammar in grammar.t[344]
pronounPreinit - object in english.t[2225]
PronounProduction - class in parser.t[4208]
pronounUsePreParser - object in newbie.t[514]
prop_ - property of T3StackInfo in _main.t[1059]
prop_ - property of Event in events.t[233]
PropDefAny - macro in systype.h[93]
PropDefDirectly - macro in systype.h[94]
PropDefGetClass - macro in systype.h[96]
propDefined - method of Object in systype.h[49]
PropDefInherits - macro in systype.h[95]
proper - property of Mentionable in thing.t[123]
properNamePat - property of LMentionable in english.t[853]
properPat - property of LMentionable in english.t[1301]
propInherited - method of Object in systype.h[84]
propType - method of Object in systype.h[52]
ProxyDest - class in extras.t[743]
ptab - property of DoerParserTable in doer.t[906]
Pull - object in actions.t[1113]
pullNoEffectMsg - property of Thing in thing.t[5296]
Purloin - object in debug.t[151]
Push - object in actions.t[1109]
push - method of Vector in misc.t[1737]
pushNoEffectMsg - property of Thing in thing.t[5274]
PushTravelClimbDown - object in actions.t[1643]
PushTravelClimbUp - object in actions.t[1640]
PushTravelDir - object in actions.t[1518]
PushTravelEnter - object in actions.t[1634]
PushTravelGetOutOf - object in actions.t[1637]
pushTravelRevealItems - method of Thing in thing.t[8353]
PushTravelThrough - object in actions.t[1631]
PushTravelVia - property of StairwayUp in extras.t[606]
PushTravelVia - property of StairwayDown in extras.t[662]
PushTravelVia - property of Passage in extras.t[721]
PushTravelVia - property of Door in travel.t[947]
putAllScope - global function in actions.t[1210]
PutBehind - object in actions.t[1259]
PutIn - object in actions.t[1235]
PutOn - object in actions.t[1189]
putOnGroundDoer - object in english.t[5821]
putPrep(main) - grammar in grammar.t[244]
putPrepSingleNoun(main) - grammar in grammar.t[239]
PutUnder - object in actions.t[1249]
Adv3Lite Library Reference Manual
Generated on 28/03/2016 from adv3Lite version 1.5