Fueled Light Source


The purpose of the fueled.t extension is to enable the definition of light sources that have a finite life due to a limited fuel supply. Once the fuel supply is exhausted a FueledLightSource goes out and can't be relit (unless it's refueled).

New Classes, Objects and Properties

In addition to a number of properties intended purely for internal use, this extension defines the following new class and properties:


Include the fueled.t file after the library files but before your game source files. FueledLightSource is a mix-in class, so that it must be included first in the list of classes when you define an object that uses it, such as a flashlight or something that's lit in some other way.

The FueledLight source class gives a light source a finite life. One unit of fuel is consumed every turn the light source is lit. When the fuel is exhausted the light goes out and cannot be re-lit (unless fuel is added again). The properties and methods of FueledLightSource that contril this behaviour are:

As an example to illustrate all of this, here's how we might implement a flashlight (or torch in British parlance) that requires a battery:

+ torch: FueledLightSource, OpenableContainer, Flashlight 'torch; heavy black; flashlight'
    "It's a heavy black torch. "
    fuelSource = battery
        case 2:
            "The torch is starting to grow dim. ";
        case 1:
            "The torch is getting very dim. ";
    plungedIntoDarknessMsg = ', leaving you in total darkness'
        if(obj == battery)
         *  If we reinsert a battery when the torch is on, and there's still life in the battery,
         *  we need to relight the torch and restart the fuel-consumption daemon. 
            fuelSource = obj;
            if(isOn && fuelSource.fuelLevel > 1)
               "The torch comes on again. ";
               /* call makeLit to make sure we also restart the fuel daemon here. */

++ battery: Battery 
    fuelLevel = 10    

class Battery: Thing 'battery'
   fuelLevel = 200

This covers most of what you need to know to use this extension. For additional information see the source code and comments in the fueled.t file.