
The Relation class is used to define any kind of binary relation you like between objects, or between items of any other kind, e.g. x love y, or a is the father of b, or c knows d.


class Relation :   PreinitObject

Superclass Tree   (in declaration order)


Subclass Tree  


Global Objects  

contradicting  DerivedRelation  Signal 

Summary of Properties  

name  reciprocal  relationType  relTab  reverseName 

Inherited from PreinitObject :
execBeforeMe  reverseGlobalSymbols 

Inherited from ModuleExecObject :
execAfterMe  hasInitialized_  isDoingExec_  isExecuted_ 

Summary of Methods  

addRelation  inverselyRelatedTo  isInverselyRelated  isRelated  listKeys  makeUnique  relatedTo  removeRelation 

Inherited from ModuleExecObject :
_execute  classExec  execute 



A string name that can be used to refer to this relation, e.g. 'loves' or 'is the parent of' [RELATIONS EXTENSION]

Flag: are we a reciprocal relation (i.e. does x relation b imply b relation x)? Note that only oneToOne and manyToMany relations can be reciprocal. [RELATIONS EXTENSION]

The type of relation we are; this can be one of oneToOne, oneToMany, manyToOne or manyToMany. [RELATIONS EXTENSION]

A LookupTable to hold data about the items related via this relation. This is maintained by the library code and shouldn't normally be directly accessed via game code. [RELATIONS EXTENSION]

A string name that can be used to refer to this relation in reverse, e.g. 'loved by' or 'is a child of' [RELATIONS EXTENSION]


addRelation (objs)relations.t[122]

Make two objects related via this relation. The objs should be supplied as a two-element list (e.g. [a, b]) such that a will be related to b. [RELATIONS EXTENSION]

inverselyRelatedTo (a)relations.t[81]
Return a list of items inverselty related to a via this relation (e.g. if this is loving relation, return a list of the people a is loved by. [RELATIONS EXTENSION]

isInverselyRelated (a, b)relations.t[108]
Test whether a is inversely related to b via this relation. [RELATIONS EXTENSION]

isRelated (a, b)relations.t[71]
Test whether a is related to b via this relation. [RELATIONS EXTENSION]

listKeys ( )relations.t[384]
Liat the keys (the items to which this relation applies). By default we list the keys in our relTab.

makeUnique (key, val)relations.t[301]
Ensure that key is the only entry in relTab with a value of [val]. [RELATIONS EXTENSION]

relatedTo (a)relations.t[53]
Return a list of items related to a via this relation. [RELATIONS EXTENSION]

removeRelation (objs)relations.t[323]
Remove this relation between the items specified in objs, which should be supplied as a two-element list [a, b], where a is the item that is no longer related to b. [RELATIONS EXTENSION]

Adv3Lite Library Reference Manual
Generated on 03/07/2024 from adv3Lite version 2.1