
A TravelBarrier is an object that can optionally be associated with one or more TravelConnectors to define additional conditional (or even unconditional) barriers preventing travel.

class TravelBarrier :   object

Superclass Tree   (in declaration order)


Subclass Tree  


Global Objects  


Summary of Properties  


Summary of Methods  

canTravelerPass  checkTravelBarrier  explainTravelBarrier 




canTravelerPass (traveler, connector)travel.t[1875]

This method should return true to permit the traveler to travel via connector and nil to prohibit travel. By default we simply allow travel but particular instances will need to override this method to specify the conditions under which travel is or is not permitted.

checkTravelBarrier (traveler, connector)travel.t[1892]
Check whether traveler can pass through this connector. If it can, return true; otherise explain why travel is disallowed and return nil.

explainTravelBarrier (traveler, connector)travel.t[1884]
Display some text explaining why traveler is not permitted to travel via connector when canTravelerPass() returns nil.

Adv3Lite Library Reference Manual
Generated on 03/07/2024 from adv3Lite version 2.1