travel.tfilesource file

**************************************************************************** room.t This module forms part of the adv3Lite library (c) 2012-13 Eric Eve

Summary of Classes  

CompassDirection  Direction  Door  DSBase  DSCon  DSDoor  Region  Room  ShipboardDirection  TravelBarrier  TravelConnector  UnlistedProxyConnector 

Summary of Global Objects  

aftDir  downDir  eastDir  foreDir  inDir  northDir  northeastDir  northwestDir  outDir  portDir  regionPreinit  southDir  southeastDir  southwestDir  starboardDir  upDir  westDir 

Summary of Global Functions  

inherited  inherited  nonTravel 

Global Functions  

inherited ( )travel.t[2012]

Carry out the inherited handling

inherited ( )travel.t[2127]
Carry out the inherited handling

nonTravel (loc, dir)travel.t[2485]
Function to handle what will probably be non-travel in a direction that doesn't point to exit. The loc parameter specifies the room we're attempting travel from. For use as a common routine called by TravelAction, PushTravelDir and UnlistedProxyConnnector. *.

Adv3Lite Library Reference Manual
Generated on 03/07/2024 from adv3Lite version 2.1