
An UnlistedProxyConnector is a special kind of TravelConnector created by the asExit macro to make one exit do duty for another. There is probably never any need for this class to be used explicitly in game code, since game authors will always use the asExit macro instead.

class UnlistedProxyConnector :   TravelConnector

Superclass Tree   (in declaration order)


Subclass Tree  


Global Objects  


Summary of Properties  

isConnectorListed  isConnectorVisible  proxyForProp 

Inherited from TravelConnector :
destination  isConnectorApparent  isOpen  PushTravelVia  suppressTravelDescForPushTravel  transmitsLight  travelBarriers  traversalTime  traversed  traversedBy 

Summary of Methods  

afterTravelNotifications  beforeTravelNotifications  construct  dobjFor(GoThrough)  getDestination  proxyForConnector  travelVia 

Inherited from TravelConnector :
canTravelerPass  checkPushTravel  checkTravelBarriers  dobjFor(TravelVia)  execTravel  explainTravelBarrier  getDepartingDirection  getTraveler  hasBeenTraversedBy  iobjFor(PushTravelThrough)  isConnectorVisible  isDestinationKnown  noteTraversal  sayActorFollowing  sayDeparting  sayNoDestination  travelDesc  traversalMsg  traversalTimeFrom 



An UnlistedProxyConnector is never listed as an exit in its own right.

We'll assume an UnlistedProxyListedConnector is always 'visible', since it's a proxy for some other connector which will handle the actual visibility conditions.

The direction property for which we're a proxy.


afterTravelNotifications (actor)OVERRIDDENtravel.t[1837]

no description available

beforeTravelNotifications (actor)OVERRIDDENtravel.t[1836]
We don't want an UnlistedProxyConnector to trigger any travel notifications since these will be triggered - if appropriate - on the

construct (dir_)travel.t[1823]
Construct a new UnlistedProxyConnector.

Handle going through this connector by calling our travelVia() method to execute travel via the connector for which we're a proxy.

getDestination (origin)OVERRIDDENtravel.t[1843]
Return the actual destination, if any, an actor will arrive at by traversing the connector we're a proxy for from origin.

proxyForConnector (loc)travel.t[1779]
The loc parameter should contain the room in which this UnlistedProxyConnector is used, but calling code will need to supply it.

travelVia (traveler)OVERRIDDENtravel.t[1800]
Carry out travel via this connector.

Adv3Lite Library Reference Manual
Generated on 03/07/2024 from adv3Lite version 2.1