output.tfilesource file

*************************************************************************** output.t

This module forms part of the adv3Lite library (c) 2012-24 Eric Eve, based heavily in parts on the equivalent code in adv3 (c) Micheal J. Roberts.

Summary of Classes  

CaptureFilter  HtmlStyleTag  ImplicitActionFilter  LogConsole  MonitorFilter  OutputFilter  OutputStream  OutputStreamWindow  ParagraphManager  StringCaptureFilter  StyleTag  SwitchableCaptureFilter 

Summary of Global Objects  

announceObjStyleTag  assumeStyleTag  commandSequencer  conversationManager  cquoteOutputFilter  hyperlinkStyleTag  inputlineStyleTag  mainOutputStream  mainParagraphManager  notificationStyleTag  outputManager  parserStyleTag  quoteFilter  roomcontentsStyleTag  roomdescStyleTag  roomnameStyleTag  roomparaStyleTag  statusroomStyleTag  statusscoreStyleTag  styleTagFilter  typographicalOutputFilter 

Summary of Global Functions  

extraReport  filterText  htmlSay  oSay  say  senseSay  withQuotes  withTense 

Global Functions  

extraReport (msg, expandParam, =, true)output.t[2087]

Display msg bypassing all filters except for the massage parameter substitutions; these may also be bypassed if the second (optional) parameter is nil.

filterText (ostr, val, ., substr, (, ret, [1], +, ret, [2], val, ., length, ()output.t[2016]
no description available

htmlSay (val)output.t[69]
A version of say() that avoids the cquote filter that can make havoc of some HTML strings, especially those generated by HRef (the cquote filter turns straight quotes into typographical ones, which is undesirable when straight quotes are used as part of HTML markup).

oSay (val)output.t[58]
Send a value straight to the output stream without any further message filtering.

say (val)output.t[18]
The standard library output function. We set this up as the default display function (for double-quoted strings and for "<< >>" embeddings). Code can also call this directly to display items.

senseSay (val, obj, prop, =, &, canSee)output.t[92]
A version of say() that only produces output if the player can see obj (or, optionally, sense obj by some other sense passed as a canXXX method of the

withQuotes (txt)output.t[104]
Generate a string for showing quoted text. We simply enclose the text in a <Q>...</Q> tag sequence and return the result.

withTense (usePastTense, callback)output.t[2058]
Temporarily override the current narrative tense and invoke a callback function.

Adv3Lite Library Reference Manual
Generated on 25/04/2024 from adv3Lite version 2.0