Actorclassthing.t[10176], actor.t[26], factrel.t[683]

Very basic Actor class with a few basic properties defined. This allows code that need to references the Actor class to compile in adv3Liter and adv3Litest. It also allows the Player class to descend from Actor. The implementation here is replaced by the much more sophisticated one in actor.t when actor.t is present.

Modified in actor.t[26]:
An Actor is an object representing a living being (or something that behaves like a living being, such as an intelligent robot), with which the player character can potentially converse, and which can move around and pursue his/her/its own agenda. This class is intended for the implementation of NPCs (non-player characters).

Modified in factrel.t[683]:
Modification to Actor to work better with Fact Relations extension

class Actor :   EndConvBlocker   AgendaManager   ActorTopicDatabase   Thing

Superclass Tree   (in declaration order)


Subclass Tree  


Global Objects  


Summary of Properties  

active  activeKeys  actorInformOverheard  actorMood  actorStaysPutMsg  allNodes  allStates  alreadyTalkingMsg  attackResponseMsg  attentionSpan  autoImplicitSay  boredomAgendaItem  boredomCount  cannotAttackMsg  cannotGiveToMsg  cannotKissMsg  cannotShowToMsg  cannotTakeMsg  cannotTalkToMsg  canTalkToMe  cantFollowFromHereMsg  canThrowToMe  cantStartFromHereMsg  checkAttackMsg  checkKissMsg  contentsListed  contType  conversedLastTurn  conversedThisTurn  convKeyTab  curState  defaultCountsAsSay  defaultSayResponse  dontKnowWhereGoneMsg  enableImplicitSay  fDaemon  followActorMsg  followAgendaItem  followFuseID  informOverheard  initialStance  isAttackable  isFixed  keepPendingKeys  keysManaged  kissRank  kissResponseMsg  lastConvTime  lastTravelInfo  mood  noGoodbyeResponseMsg  noHelloResponseMsg  noResponseMsg  notificationOrder  ownsContents  pcArrivalTurn  pcConnector  pcDefaultSayQuip  pcJustArrived  pendingAgendaList  pendingKeys  physicalTopicObjs  refuseCommandMsg  specialDescBeforeContents  stance  stanceTab  stateDesc  subTopicKeys  suggestionKey  touchResponseMsg  waitToSeeMsg 

Inherited from AgendaManager :

Inherited from ActorTopicDatabase :
askForTopics  askTopics  commandTopics  defaultAgendaTopic  giveTopics  initiateTopics  miscTopics  queryTopics  sayTopics  sceneEndTopics  sceneStartTopics  showTopics  talkTopics  tellTopics 

Inherited from Thing :
actorAlreadyInMsg  actorAlreadyOnMsg  actorNotInMsg  actorNotOnMsg  allowImplicitSay  allowPourIntoMe  allowPourOntoMe  alreadyCleanMsg  alreadyClosedMsg  alreadyFastenedMsg  alreadyHasMsg  alreadyHeldMsg  alreadyInMsg  alreadyLitMsg  alreadyLockedMsg  alreadyMovedToMsg  alreadyOnMsg  alreadyOpenMsg  alreadyPresentMsg  alreadyThereMsg  alreadyWornMsg  autoGetOutToReach  autoTakeOnFindHidden  autoUnlock  brightness  brightnessForReading  brightnessOff  brightnessOn  bulk  bulkCapacity  canAttachToMe  canAttackWithMe  canBurnWithMe  canCleanWithMe  canClimbDownMe  canClimbUpMe  canCutWithMe  canDetachFromMe  canDigWithMe  canDropContents  canEnterOnMe  canFastenToMe  canGoAlongMe  canGoThroughMe  canHearIn  canHearOut  canJumpOffMe  canJumpOverMe  canLieInMe  canLieOnMe  canLockWithMe  canLookBehindMe  canLookThroughMe  canLookUnderMe  canMoveToMe  canMoveWithMe  cannotAttachMsg  cannotAttachToMsg  cannotAttachToSelfMsg  cannotAttackWithMsg  cannotAttackWithSelfMsg  cannotBoardMsg  cannotBreakMsg  cannotBurnMsg  cannotBurnWithMsg  cannotCleanMsg  cannotCleanWithMsg  cannotClimbDownMsg  cannotClimbMsg  cannotCloseMsg  cannotConsultMsg  cannotCutMsg  cannotCutWithMsg  cannotCutWithSelfMsg  cannotDetachFromMsg  cannotDetachFromSelfMsg  cannotDetachMsg  cannotDigMsg  cannotDigWithMsg  cannotDigWithSelfMsg  cannotDoffMsg  cannotDrinkMsg  cannotDropMsg  cannotEatMsg  cannotEnterMsg  cannotEnterOnMsg  cannotExtinguishMsg  cannotFastenMsg  cannotFastenToMsg  cannotFastenToSelfMsg  cannotFeelMsg  cannotFlipMsg  cannotFollowMsg  cannotFollowSelfMsg  cannotGetInCarriedMsg  cannotGetOnCarriedMsg  cannotGiveToSelfMsg  cannotGoAlongMsg  cannotGoNearThereMsg  cannotGoThroughMsg  cannotJumpOffMsg  cannotJumpOverMsg  cannotLieInMsg  cannotLieOnMsg  cannotLightMsg  cannotLockWithMsg  cannotLockWithSelfMsg  cannotLookBehindMsg  cannotLookThroughMsg  cannotLookUnderMsg  cannotMoveMsg  cannotMoveToMsg  cannotMoveToSelfMsg  cannotMoveWithMsg  cannotMoveWithSelfMsg  cannotOpenMsg  cannotPlugIntoMsg  cannotPlugIntoSelfMsg  cannotPlugMsg  cannotPourIntoMsg  cannotPourIntoSelfMsg  cannotPourMsg  cannotPourOntoMsg  cannotPourOntoSelfMsg  cannotPullMsg  cannotPurloinContainerMsg  cannotPurloinRoomMsg  cannotPurloinSelfMsg  cannotPushDownMsg  cannotPushIntoMsg  cannotPushMsg  cannotPushOwnContainerMsg  cannotPushThroughMsg  cannotPushUpMsg  cannotPushViaSelfMsg  cannotPutBehindMsg  cannotPutInMsg  cannotPutInSelfMsg  cannotPutMsg  cannotPutOnMsg  cannotPutUnderMsg  cannotReadMsg  cannotRemoveMsg  cannotScrewMsg  cannotScrewWithMsg  cannotScrewWithSelfMsg  cannotSetMsg  cannotSetToMsg  cannotShowToSelfMsg  cannotSitInMsg  cannotSitOnMsg  cannotSmellMsg  cannotStandInMsg  cannotStandOnMsg  cannotTakeFromSelfMsg  cannotTakeMyContainerMsg  cannotTakeSelfMsg  cannotTalkToSelfMsg  cannotTasteMsg  cannotThrowAtMsg  cannotThrowAtSelfMsg  cannotThrowMsg  cannotThrowToMsg  cannotThrowToSelfMsg  cannotTurnMsg  cannotTurnToMsg  cannotTurnWithMsg  cannotTurnWithSelfMsg  cannotTypeOnMsg  cannotUnfastenFromMsg  cannotUnfastenFromSelfMsg  cannotUnfastenMsg  cannotUnlockWithMsg  cannotUnlockWithSelfMsg  cannotUnplugFromMsg  cannotUnplugFromSelfMsg  cannotUnplugMsg  cannotUnscrewMsg  cannotUnscrewWithMsg  cannotUnscrewWithSelfMsg  cannotWearMsg  cannotWriteOnMsg  canPlugIntoMe  canPourIntoMe  canPourOntoMe  canPullTravel  canPushTravel  canPutBehindMe  canPutInMe  canPutUnderMe  canReachIn  canReachOut  canScrewWithMe  canSeeIn  canSeeOut  canSetMeTo  canSitInMe  canSitOnMe  canSmellIn  canSmellOut  canStandInMe  canStandOnMe  canSupply  canThrowAtMe  canTurnMeTo  canTurnWithMe  canTypeOnMe  canUnfastenFromMe  canUnlockWithMe  canUnplugFromMe  canUnscrewWithMe  canWriteOnMe  checkFeelMsg  circularlyInMsg  collectiveGroups  contents  contentsListedInExamine  contentsListedInLook  contentsListedInSearch  currentInterlocutor  curSetting  darkName  decorationActions  decorationActions  defaultPosture  desc  directlyHeld  directlyIn  directlyWorn  distinguishByContents  dontNeedCleaningObjMsg  dropItemsBehind  dropItemsUnder  dropLocation  enclosing  examined  examineListed  examineLister  exitLocation  extContents  familiar  feelDesc  findHiddenDest  fluidName  futileToAttackMsg  futileToKissMsg  getBulkHiddenBehind  getBulkHiddenIn  getBulkHiddenUnder  getFacets  getOutermostRoom  getOutToJump  getWeightHiddenBehind  getWeightHiddenIn  getWeightHiddenUnder  globalParamName  groupOrder  hearNothingMsg  hiddenBehind  hiddenIn  hiddenUnder  illuminationThreshold  inDarkDesc  indirectLockableMsg  informedNameTab  initiallyKnowsAbout  initSpecialDesc  intContents  interiorDesc  inventoryListed  isAttachable  isBoardable  isBreakable  isBurnable  isClean  isCleanable  isClimbable  isCloseable  isConsultable  isCuttable  isDecoration  isDetachable  isDiggable  isDoffable  isDrinkable  isDroppable  isEdible  isEnterable  isExtinguishable  isFastenable  isFastened  isFeelable  isFlippable  isFollowable  isHidden  isInitialPlayerChar  isKissable  isLightable  isListed  isLit  isLocked  isMoveable  isOn  isOpen  isOpenable  isPlayerChar  isPlugable  isPourable  isProminentNoise  isProminentSmell  isPullable  isPushable  isReadable  isRemoveable  isScrewable  isSettable  isSmellable  isSwitchable  isTakeable  isTasteable  isThrowable  isTransparent  isTurnable  isUnfastenable  isUnplugable  isUnscrewable  isVehicle  isWearable  keyDoesntWorkMsg  keyList  keyNotNeededMsg  known  knownKeyList  knownProp  lastSeenAt  lieOnScore  lightSources  listableContents  listenDesc  listenDescWithoutSource  listenDescWithSource  listOrder  listWith  location  lockability  lockedMsg  lookBehindMsg  lookInMsg  lookListed  lookThroughMsg  lookUnderMsg  markInventoryAsSeen  matchPullOnly  matchPushOnly  maxBulkHiddenBehind  maxBulkHiddenIn  maxBulkHiddenUnder  maxItemsCarried  maxSingleBulk  maxSingleWeight  maxWeightHiddenBehind  maxWeightHiddenIn  maxWeightHiddenUnder  mentioned  moved  movedTo  moveNoEffectMsg  mustBeCleanedWith  myInventoryLister  myLookBehindLister  myLookInLister  myLookUnderLister  myOpeningContentsLister  myThoughtManager  myWornLister  needsCleaning  noLongerTalkingToAnyoneMsg  nominalContents  noNeedToCleanMsg  notFastenedMsg  notHoldingMsg  notImportantMsg  notInMsg  notLitMsg  notLockableMsg  notLockedMsg  notSwitchableMsg  notTalkingToAnyoneMsg  notWornMsg  objInPrep  objIntoPrep  okayCleanMsg  okayGetOutOfMsg  okayLieInMsg  okayLieOnMsg  okayLockMsg  okayOpenMsg  okayPushIntoMsg  okayPushOutOfMsg  okaySetMsg  okaySitInMsg  okaySitOnMsg  okayStandInMsg  okayStandOnMsg  okayUnlockMsg  opacity  opened  openStatusReportable  owner  paraBrksBtwnSubcontents  partOfYouMsg  posture  preCondActor  pullNoEffectMsg  pushNoEffectMsg  readDesc  recognizableInDark  remapActor  remapBehind  remapIn  remapOn  remapProps  remapUnder  roomContentsLister  roomPart  roomPartDesc  roomSubContentsLister  roomTitle  searchListed  seen  seenProp  shouldBeBroken  shouldNotBreakMsg  shouldNotPourIntoMsg  shouldNotPourOntoMsg  sightSize  sitOnScore  smellDesc  smellDescWithoutSource  smellDescWithSource  smellNothingMsg  smellObj  smellSize  soundObj  soundSize  specialDesc  specialDescListWith  specialDescOrder  stagingLocation  standOnScore  tasteDesc  throwFallsShortMsg  tooDarkToReadMsg  tooDarkToSeeMsg  tooFarAwayToHearMsg  tooFarAwayToReadMsg  tooFarAwayToSeeDetailMsg  tooFarAwayToSmellMsg  totalWeight  turnLastExamined  turnLastMoved  turnLastMovedInto  turnNoEffectMsg  useInitSpecialDesc  useKey_  useSpecialDesc  viaMode  visibleInDark  vocabLikelihood  weight  weightCapacity  withKeyMsg  wornBy 

Inherited from Mentionable :
ambiguouslyPlural  disambigGroup  disambigMatchPhrases  disambigName  disambigOrder  isHer  isHim  isIt  massNoun  matchPhrases  matchPhrasesExclude  name  person  plural  proper  qualified  states  vocab  vocabWords 

Inherited from LMentionable :
acronymPluralPat  alphaCharPat  aName  apostPluralPat  apostSPat  deannotatePat  dictComp  dummyName  elevenEighteenPat  emptyVocabWords  esPluralPat  firstWordPat  heName  herName  hersName  himName  iesPluralPat  irregularPlurals  lastWordPat  leadingTagOrQuotePat  menPluralPat  objInName  objIntoName  objName  objOutOfName  oneLetterAnWordPat  oneLetterWordPat  ownerNamed  pluralPat  posPat  possAdj  possEnding  possNoun  prepList  prepPhrasePat  prepWordPat  pronounMap  properNamePat  properPat  reflexiveName  specialAOrAn  tagOrQuotePat  thatName  thatObjName  theName  theObjName  trimPat  truncationLength  weakWordPat 

Summary of Methods  

activatePendingAgenda  actorAfterAction  actorAfterTravel  actorArrivingTurn  actorBeforeAction  actorBeforeTravel  actorCanEndConversation  actorRemoteSpecialDesc  actorSay  actorSayHello  actorSpecialDesc  addPendingKey  addToAllAgendas  addToBothAgendas  addToCurAgendas  addToPendingAgenda  afterAction  afterTravel  allowImplicitSay  allowOtherActorToTake  arouse  arrivingTurn  beforeAction  beforeTravel  canCatchThrown  canEndConversation  cannotTakeFromActorMsg  condSay  convAgendaReady  curNodeIdx  curNodeKey  curNodeObj  dobjFor(AskAbout)  dobjFor(AskFor)  dobjFor(Attack)  dobjFor(AttackWith)  dobjFor(Feel)  dobjFor(Follow)  dobjFor(Kiss)  dobjFor(QueryAbout)  dobjFor(SayTo)  dobjFor(TalkAbout)  dobjFor(TalkTo)  dobjFor(TellAbout)  endConversation  findBestResponse  followDaemon  followFuse  getActor  getBestMatch  handleCommand  handleTopic  initiateTopic  iobjFor(GiveTo)  iobjFor(ShowTo)  iobjFor(ThrowTo)  makeActivated  makeDeactivated  manageKeys  nilResponse  noteConversed  notifyRemove  remoteSpecialDesc  removeFromAllAgendas  removeFromBothAgendas  removeFromCurAgendas  removeFromPendingAgenda  sayActorArriving  sayActorCatches  sayActorDeparting  sayActorDropsCatch  sayActorFollowing  sayActorFollowingMe  sayArriving  sayDeparting  sayFollowing  sayGoodbye  sayHeadAfterActor  sayHello  setFollowMeFuse  setMood  setStanceToward  setState  showSuggestions  specialDesc  stanceTowards  startFollowing  stopFollowing  takeTurn  travelVia 

Inherited from EndConvBlocker :

Inherited from AgendaManager :
addToAgenda  executeAgenda  removeFromAgenda 

Inherited from ActorTopicDatabase :
getListableTopics  listableTopics  suppressedList 

Inherited from TopicDatabase :

Inherited from Thing :
abcName  accumulateBrightness  accumulatedBrightnessWithin  actionMoveInto  actorAction  addToAllContents  addToContents  allContents  allowReachOut  aobjFor  beforeMovePushable  brightnessWithin  byRoom  canHear  cannotPushTravelMsg  cannotReachOutMsg  canReach  canSee  canSmell  canTalkTo  checkDisplay  checkForContradictions  checkInsert  checkPushTravel  checkReach  checkReachIn  checkRemove  checkRoomToHold  checkSetting  childLocType  commonContainingParent  commonInteriorParent  containerPath  containerPathBlock  darkDesc  describeMovePushable  describePushTravel  directChildParent  discover  display  displayAlt  dobjFor(Attach)  dobjFor(AttachTo)  dobjFor(Board)  dobjFor(Break)  dobjFor(Burn)  dobjFor(BurnWith)  dobjFor(Clean)  dobjFor(CleanWith)  dobjFor(Climb)  dobjFor(ClimbDown)  dobjFor(ClimbUp)  dobjFor(Close)  dobjFor(ConsultAbout)  dobjFor(Cut)  dobjFor(CutWith)  dobjFor(Default)  dobjFor(Detach)  dobjFor(DetachFrom)  dobjFor(Dig)  dobjFor(DigWith)  dobjFor(Doff)  dobjFor(Drink)  dobjFor(Drop)  dobjFor(Eat)  dobjFor(Enter)  dobjFor(EnterOn)  dobjFor(Examine)  dobjFor(Extinguish)  dobjFor(Fasten)  dobjFor(FastenTo)  dobjFor(Flip)  dobjFor(GetOff)  dobjFor(GetOutOf)  dobjFor(GiveTo)  dobjFor(GiveToImplicit)  dobjFor(GoAlong)  dobjFor(GoNear)  dobjFor(GoThrough)  dobjFor(GoTo)  dobjFor(JumpOff)  dobjFor(JumpOver)  dobjFor(LieIn)  dobjFor(LieOn)  dobjFor(LieOn)  dobjFor(Light)  dobjFor(ListenTo)  dobjFor(Lock)  dobjFor(LockWith)  dobjFor(LookBehind)  dobjFor(LookIn)  dobjFor(LookThrough)  dobjFor(LookUnder)  dobjFor(Move)  dobjFor(MoveTo)  dobjFor(MoveWith)  dobjFor(Open)  dobjFor(PlugIn)  dobjFor(PlugInto)  dobjFor(Pour)  dobjFor(PourInto)  dobjFor(PourOnto)  dobjFor(Pull)  dobjFor(Purloin)  dobjFor(Push)  dobjFor(PushTravelClimbDown)  dobjFor(PushTravelClimbUp)  dobjFor(PushTravelDir)  dobjFor(PushTravelEnter)  dobjFor(PushTravelGetOutOf)  dobjFor(PushTravelThrough)  dobjFor(PutBehind)  dobjFor(PutIn)  dobjFor(PutOn)  dobjFor(PutUnder)  dobjFor(Read)  dobjFor(Remove)  dobjFor(Screw)  dobjFor(ScrewWith)  dobjFor(Search)  dobjFor(Set)  dobjFor(SetTo)  dobjFor(ShowTo)  dobjFor(ShowToImplicit)  dobjFor(SitIn)  dobjFor(SitOn)  dobjFor(SitOn)  dobjFor(SmellSomething)  dobjFor(StandIn)  dobjFor(StandOn)  dobjFor(StandOn)  dobjFor(Strike)  dobjFor(SwitchOff)  dobjFor(SwitchOn)  dobjFor(SwitchVague)  dobjFor(Take)  dobjFor(TakeFrom)  dobjFor(TakeFrom)  dobjFor(Taste)  dobjFor(Throw)  dobjFor(ThrowAt)  dobjFor(ThrowDir)  dobjFor(ThrowTo)  dobjFor(Turn)  dobjFor(TurnTo)  dobjFor(TurnWith)  dobjFor(TypeOn)  dobjFor(TypeOnVague)  dobjFor(Unfasten)  dobjFor(UnfastenFrom)  dobjFor(Unlock)  dobjFor(UnlockWith)  dobjFor(Unplug)  dobjFor(UnplugFrom)  dobjFor(Unscrew)  dobjFor(UnscrewWith)  dobjFor(Wear)  dobjFor(WriteOn)  doPushTravel  examineStatus  filterResolveList  findHidden  findPlausibleKey  firstContainerPathBlock  forget  getBulkWithin  getCarriedBulk  getCarriedWeight  getStatuslineExitsHeight  getWeightWithin  hasSeen  hideFromAll  informedAbout  interiorParent  iobjFor(AttachTo)  iobjFor(AttackWith)  iobjFor(BurnWith)  iobjFor(CleanWith)  iobjFor(CutWith)  iobjFor(Default)  iobjFor(DetachFrom)  iobjFor(DigWith)  iobjFor(FastenTo)  iobjFor(LockWith)  iobjFor(MoveTo)  iobjFor(MoveWith)  iobjFor(PlugInto)  iobjFor(PourInto)  iobjFor(PourOnto)  iobjFor(PushTravelClimbDown)  iobjFor(PushTravelClimbUp)  iobjFor(PushTravelEnter)  iobjFor(PushTravelGetOutOf)  iobjFor(PushTravelThrough)  iobjFor(PutBehind)  iobjFor(PutIn)  iobjFor(PutOn)  iobjFor(PutUnder)  iobjFor(ScrewWith)  iobjFor(TakeFrom)  iobjFor(ThrowAt)  iobjFor(TurnWith)  iobjFor(UnfastenFrom)  iobjFor(UnlockWith)  iobjFor(UnplugFrom)  iobjFor(UnscrewWith)  isAudibleFrom  isChild  isDirectChild  isDirectlyHeldBy  isDirectlyIn  isDirectlyWornBy  isHeldBy  isIlluminated  isIn  isInterior  isOrIsIn  isOutside  isReadableFrom  isSmellableFrom  isThereALightSourceIn  isVisibleFrom  isWornBy  knowsAbout  listableContentsOf  listContents  listenDesc  listRemoteContents  listSubcontentsOf  litWithin  locationWhich  locType  lookAroundWithin  makeCleaned  makeFastened  makeLit  makeLocked  makeMovedTo  makeOn  makeOpen  makeSetting  makeWorn  markContradiction  moveHidden  moveInto  moveMLIntoAdd  moveMLOutOf  nestedLoc  nominalOwner  noteSeen  notifyContradiction  notifyEvent  notifyInsert  notifySightEvent  notifySmellEvent  notifySoundEvent  notionalContents  outermostParent  outermostVisibleParent  ownedBy  preAction  preinitThing  pushTravelRevealItems  reachBlockedMsg  remoteBrightness  remoteInitSpecialDesc  remoteObjInName  removeFromContents  revealOnMove  roomHeadline  roomSubhead  sayCantBearMoreWeight  sayDontKnowHowToGetThere  sayDontKnowHowToReach  sayFindHidden  sayPushTravel  sayTooHeavy  sayTooHeavyToHide  scoreObject  setHasSeen  setInformed  setKnown  setKnowsAbout  setSeen  shinesOut  showConnectedMiscContents  showFirstConnectedSpecials  showRemoteSpecialDesc  showSecondConnectedSpecials  showSpecialDesc  showStatuslineExits  smellDesc  statusName  totalBulkIn  totalWeightIn  traceContainerPath  tryCheck  tryMakingPosture  unmention  unmentionRemoteContents  verifyActor  verifyEnterPosture  verifyPushTravel  wouldBeLitFor 

Inherited from ReplaceRedirector :

Inherited from Redirector :
doInstead  doNested  doOtherAction 

Inherited from Mentionable :
construct  matchName  matchNameCommon  matchNameDisambig  phraseMatchName  simpleMatchName 

Inherited from LMentionable :
addDictWord  addVocab  addVocabWord  aNameFrom  aNameFromPoss  classInit  contify  distinguishedName  ifPronoun  inheritVocab  initVocab  initVocabWord  locify  matchPronoun  pluralNameFrom  pluralWordFrom  possessify  pronoun  removeVocabWord  replaceVocab  theNameFrom  theNameIs 



This definition is needed for the TopicGroup implementation, and should not normally be overridden in user game code. It allows TopicEntries and TopicGroups to determine their own active status by reference to that of their immediate location.

If this list is not empty then the choice of topic entries to match will be restricted to those whose convKeys property includes at least one of the key values in this list.

Should other actors who can notionally hear the PC talking to us overhear when information is imparted to us when our current ActorState is nil? By default they should.

Our mood when this isn't defined by our current ActorsState. We default to the default mood.

The message to display when this actor doesn't go anywhere when the player character tries to follow this actor.

A list of all ConvNodes associated with this actor. This is a list of two element lists of the form [node-name, node-obj] where node-name is the convKeys property of the node and node is the associated object.

A list of all the ActorStates associated with this Actor; this is populated by the preinitialization of the individual ActorStates.

no description available

The message to display if attacking goes ahead but no HitTopics have been defined.

The maximum value that our boredomCount can reach before we terminate a conversation through 'boredom', because we've given up waiting for the player character to say anything. A value of nil (the default) meanns that we never terminate a conversation for this reason.

Flag, do we want the allowImplicitSay() method to rule out the interpretation of commands as implicit Say commands if there are no available SayTopics for this actor? By default we do, but game code may wish to override this if the results of handling player input in this manner are felt to be inconsistent. If autoImplicitSay is set to nil then allowImplicitSay() will simply return the value of enableImplicitSay.

our special "boredom" agenda item - this makes us initiate an end to an active conversation when the PC has ignored us for a given number of consecutive turns

The count of how many turns have passed during which no conversation has actually taken place when we're the player charater's current interlocutor. This can be used to terminate the conversation through 'boredom' if the boredomCount exceeds our attention span.

The message to display if isAttackable is nil

no description available

The message to display if isKissable is nil

no description available

The message to display when someone tries to take this actor.

no description available

In general we can talk to actors

no description available

Unlike inaminate objects, actors can be the logical target of a ThrowTo action

no description available

no description available

no description available

We don't normally list the contents of an Actor when Looking or Examining.

no description available

Did this actor converse with the player character on the previous turn? He/she/it did so if our last conversation time is one less than the game's current turn count.

Has this actor conversed with the player character on the current turn? He/she/it has done so if our last conversation time is the same as the game's turn count.

A Lookup Table holding conversation keys. Entries in this list take the form tag -> list of TopicEntries that match this tag (e.g. the key is a convKey tag, expressed as a single-quoted string, and the value is a list containing TopicEntries whose convKeys property contains that tag).

Our current ActorState. This should normally be treated as a read-only property; to change the current ActorState of an actor call the setState() method.

Do we want a DefaultTopic to count as a SayTopic for the purpose of deciding whether to allow otherwise not understood commands being interpreted as implicit SAY commands? By default we don't, since that's most likely to be what game authors who don't explicitly define SayTopics (or DefaultSayTopics) intend, but game code can override this, either on individual actors or on the Actor class.

no description available

no description available

User modifiable flag for use with the allowImplicitSay() method. Do we ever want to allow implicit SAY commands for this actor? By default we do allow this (true), since this has been the default library behaviour up until now, but game authors can change this either on individual Actors or by modifying the Actor class.

Store the id of the daemon being used to make us follow the player char. We can check whether this actor is currently following or not by testing whether or not this is nil.

Otherwise, let the connector handle it.

Our currently executing FollowAgendaItem, if we have one.

A note of our current following fuse, if we have one; this is used by FollowAgendaItem to check whether the player character is ready to follow us.

Should other actors who can notionally hear the PC talking to us overhear when information is imparted to us? I.e. should their setInform() methods be called too? If we have a curState we use its setting, otherwise we use the value of actorInformOverheard.

Unless overriden our initial stance is the default stance defined on libGlobal.

no description available

no description available

If keepPendingKeys is set to true (normally by a <.convstay> tag) then retain the pending conversation keys (and hence the active ones) for the next conversational turn.

Flag; has the active/pending key management already been carried out on this turn?

An Actor is a more likely target of a KISS action than is an animate object.

The default response of the actor to an attempt to kiss him/her/it where this is not handled anywhere else, but allowKiss is true.

The last turn on which this actor conversed with the player character. We start out with a value of -1 to mean that we haven't conversed at all.

If the player character has seen this actor travel then lastTravelInfo contains a two-element list comprising the room the actor was seen travelling from and the connector by which the actor was seen travelling.

Note that if you move an actor by authorial fiat using moveInto() (say) when the player character can see the actor, you might want to update lastTravelInfo manually to ensure that any subsequent FOLLOW command still works properly, e.g.: *.
"Bob storms out through the front door, slamming it behind him. ";
bob.lastTravelInfo = [hall, frontDoor]; *. (If instead of or before bob.moveInto(nil) you had written frontDoor.travelVia(bob), this wouldn't be necessary, since it would be handled for you by frontDoor.travelVia()).

no description available

no description available

The message to display when someone says hello to this actor but there's no accessible HelloTopic defined.

The default response of the actor to a conversational command that is not handled anywhere else.

This property can be used by extensions or game code that wants to notify actors in some order of priority.

no description available

The turn on which the player character last arrived in our location

The Travel Connector just traversed by the player character

no description available

Flag -- has the player character just arrived?

A list of agenda items to be added to our agenda at some later point. The main purpose is to allow game code to set up a list of AgendaItems (typically ConvAgendaItems) that become part of the actor's current agenda when conversation is initiated via a HelloTopic.

a list of the keys to be copied into the activeKeys property for use in the next conversational turn. These are normally added by game code via <.convnode> tags and the like in conversational output.

List of objects corresponding to non-conversation TopicEntry types for which an ActorState's noResponseMsg should not be used. We separate this lost out here to allow game code to add other game-specific types (e.g. hugTopicObj if the game implements a Hug Action and a HugTopic).

The default message to use in response to a command directed to this actor that is not handled in any other way.

We normally list any actors after the miscellaneous contents of a room

no description available

A LookupTable containing our stance to various actors. It starts out with our stance towards the player character set to our initial stance, and to everyone else set to the default stance. Even if we don't want to track this actor's stance towards every other actor. it may be important to do so towards different potential player characters should the player character change in the course of the game.

Our state-specific description, which is appended to our desc to give our full description. By default we simply take this from our current ActorState.

A list of the convKeys triggered by the most recent TopicEntry with a keyTopics property. For internal library use only.

If this is non-nil then a TOPICS command will use it to restrict the topics suggested to those with this key in their convKeys property. This could be used, for example, to provide a top-level 'menu' of topics when the full list would otherwise be overwhelming.

no description available

no description available


activatePendingAgenda ( )actor.t[2066]

Make our pending agenda items acting by moving them all from our pendingAgendaList to all our actual agenda lists (on the actor and on all our DefaultAgendaItems).

actorAfterAction ( )actor.t[817]
Give this actor a chance to respond just after an action prior to any response from its current actor state. By default we do nothing, but game code can easily override this without any risk of breaking the state-dependent afterAction mechanism.

actorAfterTravel (traveler, connector)actor.t[941]
Give this actor a chance to react just after another actor travels in addition to any reaction from its current actor state. By default we do nothing, but game code can easily override this without any risk of breaking the state-dependent afterTravel mechanism.

actorArrivingTurn ( )actor.t[1411]
This method is executed when this actor has just followed the player character to a new location and there is no current ActorState. By default we do nothing.

actorBeforeAction ( )actor.t[794]
Give this actor a chance to respond just before an action prior to any response from its current actor state. By default we do nothing, but game code can easily override this without any risk of breaking the state-dependent beforeAction mechanism.

actorBeforeTravel (traveler, connector)actor.t[912]
Give this actor a chance to react just before another actor travels in addition to any reaction from its current actor state. By default we do nothing, but game code can easily override this without any risk of breaking the state-dependent beforeTravel mechanism.

actorCanEndConversation (reason)actor.t[1024]
A state-independent check on whether this actor will allow the current conversation to end on account of reason. By default we simply return true to allow the conversation to end, but game code can override this to return nil to disallow the ending of the conversation (presumably under specific conditions).

actorRemoteSpecialDesc (pov)actor.t[155]
The remoteSpecialDesc to use if we don't have a current ActorState (i.e. if curState is nil). By default we say the actor is in the remote location.

actorSay (str)actor.t[649]
This method can be called on the actor when we want to display the text of one or both sides of a conversational exchange with the actor without going through the TopicEntry mechanism to do so.

actorSayHello ( )actor.t[1873]
Have the actor greet the player character on the actor's initiative

actorSpecialDesc ( )actor.t[113]
The specialDesc to use if we don't have a current ActorState By default we just display a message saying the actor is here or that the actor is in a nested room.

addPendingKey (val)actor.t[752]
Add a convkey value to our pending keys list (for use as an active key

addToAllAgendas ([lst])actor.t[1988]
Add an agenda item both to myself and to any DefaultAgendaTopics either directly in me or in any of my Actor States

addToBothAgendas ([lst])actor.t[1977]
Add an agenda item to both myself and any DefaultAgendaTopic directly within me.

addToCurAgendas ([lst])actor.t[2002]
Add an agenda item to myself and to any DefaultAgendaTopios directly in me or in my current ActorState.

addToPendingAgenda ([lst])actor.t[2055]
Add an item to our pending agenda list

afterAction ( )OVERRIDDENactor.t[797]
Notification that an action has just been carried out in our presence

afterTravel (traveler, connector)OVERRIDDENactor.t[918]
Notification that travel has just taken place in our presence (usually because an actor has just arrived in our location)

allowImplicitSay ( )actor.t[1031]
Do we want an otherwise not understood input (such as "You're crazy") treated as an implicit SAY command (e.g., treated as SAY YOU'RE CRAZY) when the player character is in conversatiom with this Actor? Return true if so or nil otherwise.

allowOtherActorToTake (obj)actor.t[2145]
Is another actor allowed to take obj from our inventory? By default we return nil to disallow it for all objects.

arouse (key, stat, =, true)actor.t[1660]
Set the curiosityAroused flag to true for all topic entries with this convKey. This allows topics to be suggested when and only when the player character has some reason to be curious about them, even though they were actually available before.

arrivingTurn ( )actor.t[1395]
This method is executed when this actor has just followed the player character to a new location.

beforeAction ( )OVERRIDDENactor.t[764]
Notification that an action is about to be carried out in our presence

beforeTravel (traveler, connector)OVERRIDDENactor.t[825]
Notification that something else is about to travel. By default we defer to out actor state, if we have one, but we also give the actor object a chance to respond.

canCatchThrown (obj)actor.t[2347]
We'll assume that actors can catch anything thrown at them by default, but game code may wish to override this assumption.

canEndConversation (reason)actor.t[985]
Is the actor willing for this conversation to be ended? We first check the current actor state (if any) and then the actor object. If either raises an object it should display a message saying what the objection is (and then return nil). By default we simply return true, allowing the conversation to end.

cannotTakeFromActorMsg (obj)actor.t[2127]
Return a message saying that the actor cannot take obj from our inventory.

condSay (str)actor.t[679]
Conditionally use actorSay() or say() to output str depending on whether str appears to be something the actor says or simply a non-verbal response (or lack of response). If str contains quote marks or the sequence @@ we'll assume it's something the actor says (and strip out the @@ that would simply be there to mark str as something the actor says, perhaps reported in indirect speech.

convAgendaReady (other)actor.t[1965]
Is this actor ready to invoke a ConvAgendaItem? We're ready if we haven't conversed this term and we can speak to the other actor and we're not at a conversation node. This method is used by the isReady property of ConvAgendaItem (to save it having to make three separate calls to getActor).

curNodeIdx ( )actor.t[1738]
Service method used by curNodeKey() and curNodeObj() to identify the current ConvNode object, if there is one.

curNodeKey ( )actor.t[1759]
The string name of our current convNode, if we have one.

curNodeObj ( )actor.t[1775]
The object representing our current convNode, if we have one.

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no description available

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no description available

endConversation (reason)actor.t[952]
Terminate a conversation that's currently going on between this actor and the player character. The reason parameter is the reason for ending the conversation and can be one of endConvBye (the player character has just said goodbye), endConvTravel (the player character is leaving the location), endConvBoredom (this actor has become bored with waiting for the player character to say anything) or endConvActor (this actor wishes to terminate the conversation for some other reason of its own).

findBestResponse (prop, topic)actor.t[391]
Find the best response to use for a conversational command directed to this actor. prop would normally be a property pointer for the property containing the appropriate list or lists of Topic Entries to test, and topic is the Topic object we're trying to match.

followDaemon ( )actor.t[1101]
Mechanism to allow this actor to follow the player char. We do this rather simplistically by checking whether the player char is still in our location and moving us to the player char's location if s/he is not on the assumption that if the player char can get there in one turn, so can we. On arriving in the player char's new location we announce that we've just followed the player char and then run the arrivingTurn method on our current actor state (if we have one).

followFuse ( )actor.t[1275]
This method is executed right at the end of a turn on which the player has issued a command to follow this actor, and carries out the travel to follow this actor if the actor has traveled.

getActor ( )actor.t[1799]
We supply a getActor method that returns self so that objects such as TopicEntries that may be located either directly or indirectly in us can get at their associated actor by simply calling getActor on their immediate location; at some point such a chain of calls to location.getActor will end here.

getBestMatch (prop, requestedList)OVERRIDDENactor.t[325]
Find the best response to the topic produced by the player's command. prop is the xxxTopics list property we'll use to search for a matching TopicEntry. We first search the current ActorState for a match and then, only if we fail to find one, we search TopicEntries directly located in the actor. First priority, however, is given to TopicEntries whose convKeys match this actor's currentKeys (they match if the two lists have at least one element in common).

handleCommand (action)OVERRIDDENactor.t[190]
Handle a command (e.g. BOB, JUMP) directed at this actor.

handleTopic (prop, topic, defaultProp, =, &, noResponseMsg)actor.t[429], factrel.t[688]
Handle a conversational command where prop is a pointer to the property containing the appropriate list of TopicEntries to search (e.g. &askTopics), topic is the list of Topics to match, and defaultProp is pointer to the property to invoke if we can't find a match.

Modified in factrel.t[688]:
We need to update gLastTopic so that any FactAgendaItem can reference it when checking its isReady property before any TopicEntry has handled the topic.

initiateTopic (top)OVERRIDDENactor.t[2086]
Respond to an InitiateTopic triggered on this actor with top as the matching object

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makeActivated (key)actor.t[1683]
Set the activated flag to true for all topic entries with this convKey.

makeDeactivated (key)actor.t[1707]
Set the activated flag to nil for all topic entries with this convKey.

manageKeys ( )actor.t[601]
Move pending keys to active keys and clear pending keys if need be. We call this out as a separate method to allow it to be directly called from elsewhere.

nilResponse ( )actor.t[1949]
Do nothing if we can't fine a suitable Hello or Bye Topic/

noteConversed ( )actor.t[628]
Convenience method to note that conversation has occurred on this turn

notifyRemove (obj)OVERRIDDENactor.t[2105]
The notifyRemove() method is triggered when actionMoveInto() tries to move an object that's located within this actor. By default we don't allow it since it typically represents an attempt by the player character to take something from this actor's inventory.

remoteSpecialDesc (pov)OVERRIDDENactor.t[143]
The specialDesc of this actor when it is viewed from a remote location. If we have a current ActorState we use its remoteSpecialDesc, otherwise we use the actorRemoteSpecialDesc on the actor. Either way the pov parameter is the point of view object from which this actor is being viewed (normally the player char).

Note that this method is generally only relevant if the senseRegion module is used.

removeFromAllAgendas ([lst])actor.t[2025]
Remove an agenda Item both from this actor and from any associated DefaultAgendaTopics directly within this actor or in any of its ActorStates.

removeFromBothAgendas ([lst])actor.t[2013]
Remove an agenda Item both from this actor and from any associated DefaultAgendaTopics directly within this actor.

removeFromCurAgendas ([lst])actor.t[2039]
Remove an agenda item from myself and from any DefaultAgendaTopios directly in me or in my current ActorState.

removeFromPendingAgenda ([lst])actor.t[2075]
Remove one or more agenda items from our pending agenda

sayActorArriving (fromLoc)actor.t[1433]
Default message to display when the player character sees this actor arriving. We use a very plain-vanilla message here, since in practice game code will generally want to override this.

sayActorCatches (obj)actor.t[2394]
Display a message saying that this actor catches obj

sayActorDeparting (conn)actor.t[1382]
Method to display a message saying that this actor (normally an NPC visible to the player character) is departing via conn (a TravelConnector object, which may be a Room as well as a Door or other kind of connector). Note that the default behaviour of ActorState.sayDeparting is simply to call this method.

sayActorDropsCatch (obj)actor.t[2401]
Display a message saying that this actor failst to catch obj

sayActorFollowing (oldLoc, conn)actor.t[1212]
Display a message to say that we've just followed the player character to a new location from oldLoc. The library provides a default message but this can be overridded as desired.

sayActorFollowingMe (conn)actor.t[1323]
The message to display when another actor follows this one.

sayArriving (fromLoc)actor.t[1417]
The message to display when the player char sees this actor arriving after traveling from loc.

sayDeparting (conn)actor.t[1364]
Display a message describing this actor's departure via conn. This looks a bit circuitous in that this method calls the corresponding method on the current ActorState, which by default calls our own sayActorDeparting() method, which in turn calls sayDeparting on the connector; the idea is to allow customization at any point with the connector's sayDeparting() method simply providing a fallback to a colourless default. Note, however, that game code shouldn't normally override the actor's sayDeparting() method, but should instead intervene either on the ActorState or on the actor's sayActorDeparting() method. Note also that the purpose of this method is to describe an NPC's departure from the point of view of the player character, not to describe the player character's movements.

sayFollowing (oldLoc, conn)actor.t[1192]
Display a message to say that we've just followed the player character to a new location from oldLoc.

sayGoodbye (reason, =, endConvBye)actor.t[1904]
Say goodbye to this actor (farewell from the player character). The optional reason parameter is the reason we're saying goodbye, which defaults to endConvBye (i.e. the player character saying goodbye)

sayHeadAfterActor (conn)actor.t[2475]
reset the lastTravelInfo now that it's been used and is no longer relevant.

sayHello ( )actor.t[1841]
Say hello to the actor (when the greetin is initiated by the player character)

setFollowMeFuse ( )actor.t[1245]
Set the fuse to enable travel later on the same turn if this actor travels in the meantime. This method is called when a FOLLOW command is issed with this actor as its direct object.

setMood (mood_)actor.t[2542]
Set our current mood. If we have a current state we set its mood to the new value, otherwise we set our own actorMood to the new value.

setStanceToward (actor, stance_)actor.t[2517]
Set out stance towards actor

setState (stat)actor.t[39]
Set our current ActorState to a new state (stat) or to no state at all (if the stat parameter is supplied as nil).

showSuggestions (explicit, =, true, tag, =, (, pendingKeys, =, =, ], suggestionKey, :, pendingKeys)actor.t[1582]
Show a list of topics the player character might want to discuss with this actor. The explicit flag is true if the player has explicitly requested the topic list via a TOPICS command. The tag parameter can be a single convKey tag or a list of convKey tags; if tag is nil or 'all' then we don't restrict the suggestions by tag, otherwise we restrict the suggestions to those that match the tag (or one of the tags in the list of tags).

specialDesc ( )actor.t[81]
Our specialDesc (used to describe us in room listing). By default we use our ActorState's specialDesc if we have a current ActorState or else our actorSpecialDesc if our current ActorState is nil. But if there's a current FollowAgendaItem we let it handle the specialDesc instead.

stanceTowards (actor)actor.t[2499]
Our stance towards actor

startFollowing ( )actor.t[1148]
Game code can call this method to instruct this actor to start following the player char round the map

stopFollowing ( )actor.t[1162]
Game code can call this method to instruct this actor to stop following the player char round the map.

takeTurn ( )actor.t[1482]
The takeTurn() method is called on every Actor every turn to carry out a number of housekeeping functions relating to the conversation and agenda item systems.

travelVia (conn, announceArrival, =, true)OVERRIDDENactor.t[1452]
Make this actor travel via the connector conn and report its departure. If announceArrival is true (the default) we also announce the actor's arrival (if it's visible to the player char).

To suppress the default arrival announcement altogether, supply the second optional parameter as nil. In some cases it may be easier to do this and supply your own custom arrival message after calling travelVia() than to juggle with the various sayArriving() methods.

Adv3Lite Library Reference Manual
Generated on 25/04/2024 from adv3Lite version 2.0