RandomEventListclasseventList.t[339], eventListItem.t[429]

Randomized event list. This is similar to a regular event list, but chooses an event at random each time it's invoked.

Modified in eventListItem.t[429]:
Reset our list to include the item we've just added and clear out any spent ones.

class RandomEventList :   RandomFiringScript   EventList

Superclass Tree   (in declaration order)


Subclass Tree  


Global Objects  


Summary of Properties  


Inherited from RandomFiringScript :
eventPercent  eventReduceAfter  eventReduceTo 

Inherited from EventList :
curScriptState  eventList  eventListLen  resetEachCycle 

Summary of Methods  

doScript  getNextRandom 

Inherited from RandomFiringScript :
checkEventOdds  underusedReadyELIidx 

Inherited from EventList :
addItem  advanceState  construct  doScriptEvent  resetList  scriptDone 

Inherited from Script :



The number of times we have fired on this 'cycle '


doScript ( )OVERRIDDENeventList.t[341]

process the next step of the script

getNextRandom ( )eventList.t[365], eventListItem.t[437]
Get the next random state. By default, we simply return a number from 1 to the number of entries in our event list. This is a separate method to allow subclasses to customize the way the random number is selected.

Modified in eventListItem.t[437]:
Get the next random state. By default, we simply return a number from 1 to the number of entries in our event list. This is a separate method to allow subclasses to customize the way the random number is selected. However, if we have an unused EventListItem that's ready to fire, we select that instead, to make sure it gets a look-in at the earliest possible opportunity.

Adv3Lite Library Reference Manual
Generated on 25/04/2024 from adv3Lite version 2.0