Roomclasstravel.t[23], senseRegion.t[220], english.t[2198], objtime.t[370], postures.t[527], roomparts.t[71], sensory.t[709], symconn.t[18], viewport.t[164]

A Room is a top location in which the player character, other actors and other objects may be located. It may represent any discrete unit of space, not necessarily a room in a building. Normally actors may only interact with objects in the same room as themselves, but the senseRegion module allows us to define sensory connections between rooms.

Modified in senseRegion.t[220]:
modifications to Room to allow SenseRegions to work.

Modified in english.t[2198]:
English language modifications to Room. Here we simply allow a Room to take its vocab from its roomTitle property if vocab is not already defined; this reduces the need to type the same text twice when the two are effectively the same.

Modified in objtime.t[370]:
Modifications for OBJTIME extension, so make traversing a connector take a certain amount of game time.

Modified in postures.t[527]:
Modifications to Room class for use with POSTURES EXTENSION.

Modified in roomparts.t[71]:
Modifications to the Room class to allow for room parts. Note that the standard adv3Lite library already supplies a foor in every room defined via its floorObj property. [MODIFIED FOR ROOMPARTS EXTENSION]

Modified in sensory.t[709]:

Modified in symconn.t[18]:
Modification to Room for SymConn (symmetrical connector) extension

Modified in viewport.t[164]:
Modifications to Room class for VIEWPORT EXTENSION

class Room :   TravelConnector   Thing

Superclass Tree   (in declaration order)


Subclass Tree  


Global Objects  

unknownDest_  varDest_ 

Summary of Properties  

aft  allowCompassDirections  allowDarkTravel  audibleRooms  autoBackConnections  autoName  canLieInMe  cannotGoThatWayInDarkMsg  cannotGoThatWayMsg  canSitInMe  canStandInMe  ceilingObj  contType  down  east  extraScopeItems  floorObj  fore  in  isDestinationKnown  isFixed  isLit  isOpen  lastSeenAt  linkedRooms  listOrder  north  northeast  northwest  noScriptAfterListen  out  outermostParent  port  regions  remoteContentsLister  remoteMiscContentsList  remoteSecondSpecialList  roomFirstDesc  roomsViewed  smellableRooms  smellSize  soundSize  south  southeast  southwest  starboard  talkableRooms  throwableRooms  up  visibleRooms  visited  wallObjs  west 

Inherited from TravelConnector :
destination  isConnectorApparent  isConnectorListed  PushTravelVia  suppressTravelDescForPushTravel  transmitsLight  travelBarriers  traversalTime  traversed  traversedBy 

Inherited from Thing :
actorAlreadyInMsg  actorAlreadyOnMsg  actorNotInMsg  actorNotOnMsg  allowImplicitSay  allowPourIntoMe  allowPourOntoMe  alreadyCleanMsg  alreadyClosedMsg  alreadyFastenedMsg  alreadyHasMsg  alreadyHeldMsg  alreadyInMsg  alreadyLitMsg  alreadyLockedMsg  alreadyMovedToMsg  alreadyOnMsg  alreadyOpenMsg  alreadyPresentMsg  alreadyThereMsg  alreadyWornMsg  autoGetOutToReach  autoTakeOnFindHidden  autoUnlock  brightness  brightnessForReading  brightnessOff  brightnessOn  bulk  bulkCapacity  canAttachToMe  canAttackWithMe  canBurnWithMe  canCleanWithMe  canClimbDownMe  canClimbUpMe  canCutWithMe  canDetachFromMe  canDigWithMe  canDropContents  canEnterOnMe  canFastenToMe  canGoAlongMe  canGoThroughMe  canHearIn  canHearOut  canJumpOffMe  canJumpOverMe  canLieOnMe  canLockWithMe  canLookBehindMe  canLookThroughMe  canLookUnderMe  canMoveToMe  canMoveWithMe  cannotAttachMsg  cannotAttachToMsg  cannotAttachToSelfMsg  cannotAttackMsg  cannotAttackWithMsg  cannotAttackWithSelfMsg  cannotBoardMsg  cannotBreakMsg  cannotBurnMsg  cannotBurnWithMsg  cannotCleanMsg  cannotCleanWithMsg  cannotClimbDownMsg  cannotClimbMsg  cannotCloseMsg  cannotConsultMsg  cannotCutMsg  cannotCutWithMsg  cannotCutWithSelfMsg  cannotDetachFromMsg  cannotDetachFromSelfMsg  cannotDetachMsg  cannotDigMsg  cannotDigWithMsg  cannotDigWithSelfMsg  cannotDoffMsg  cannotDrinkMsg  cannotDropMsg  cannotEatMsg  cannotEnterMsg  cannotEnterOnMsg  cannotExtinguishMsg  cannotFastenMsg  cannotFastenToMsg  cannotFastenToSelfMsg  cannotFeelMsg  cannotFlipMsg  cannotFollowMsg  cannotFollowSelfMsg  cannotGetInCarriedMsg  cannotGetOnCarriedMsg  cannotGiveToMsg  cannotGiveToSelfMsg  cannotGoAlongMsg  cannotGoNearThereMsg  cannotGoThroughMsg  cannotJumpOffMsg  cannotJumpOverMsg  cannotKissMsg  cannotLieInMsg  cannotLieOnMsg  cannotLightMsg  cannotLockWithMsg  cannotLockWithSelfMsg  cannotLookBehindMsg  cannotLookThroughMsg  cannotLookUnderMsg  cannotMoveMsg  cannotMoveToMsg  cannotMoveToSelfMsg  cannotMoveWithMsg  cannotMoveWithSelfMsg  cannotOpenMsg  cannotPlugIntoMsg  cannotPlugIntoSelfMsg  cannotPlugMsg  cannotPourIntoMsg  cannotPourIntoSelfMsg  cannotPourMsg  cannotPourOntoMsg  cannotPourOntoSelfMsg  cannotPullMsg  cannotPurloinContainerMsg  cannotPurloinRoomMsg  cannotPurloinSelfMsg  cannotPushDownMsg  cannotPushIntoMsg  cannotPushMsg  cannotPushOwnContainerMsg  cannotPushThroughMsg  cannotPushUpMsg  cannotPushViaSelfMsg  cannotPutBehindMsg  cannotPutInMsg  cannotPutInSelfMsg  cannotPutMsg  cannotPutOnMsg  cannotPutUnderMsg  cannotReadMsg  cannotRemoveMsg  cannotScrewMsg  cannotScrewWithMsg  cannotScrewWithSelfMsg  cannotSetMsg  cannotSetToMsg  cannotShowToMsg  cannotShowToSelfMsg  cannotSitInMsg  cannotSitOnMsg  cannotSmellMsg  cannotStandInMsg  cannotStandOnMsg  cannotTakeFromSelfMsg  cannotTakeMsg  cannotTakeMyContainerMsg  cannotTakeSelfMsg  cannotTalkToMsg  cannotTalkToSelfMsg  cannotTasteMsg  cannotThrowAtMsg  cannotThrowAtSelfMsg  cannotThrowMsg  cannotThrowToMsg  cannotThrowToSelfMsg  cannotTurnMsg  cannotTurnToMsg  cannotTurnWithMsg  cannotTurnWithSelfMsg  cannotTypeOnMsg  cannotUnfastenFromMsg  cannotUnfastenFromSelfMsg  cannotUnfastenMsg  cannotUnlockWithMsg  cannotUnlockWithSelfMsg  cannotUnplugFromMsg  cannotUnplugFromSelfMsg  cannotUnplugMsg  cannotUnscrewMsg  cannotUnscrewWithMsg  cannotUnscrewWithSelfMsg  cannotWearMsg  cannotWriteOnMsg  canPlugIntoMe  canPourIntoMe  canPourOntoMe  canPullTravel  canPushTravel  canPutBehindMe  canPutInMe  canPutUnderMe  canReachIn  canReachOut  canScrewWithMe  canSeeIn  canSeeOut  canSetMeTo  canSitOnMe  canSmellIn  canSmellOut  canStandOnMe  canSupply  canTalkToMe  canThrowAtMe  canThrowToMe  canTurnMeTo  canTurnWithMe  canTypeOnMe  canUnfastenFromMe  canUnlockWithMe  canUnplugFromMe  canUnscrewWithMe  canWriteOnMe  checkAttackMsg  checkFeelMsg  checkKissMsg  circularlyInMsg  collectiveGroups  contents  contentsListed  contentsListedInExamine  contentsListedInLook  contentsListedInSearch  currentInterlocutor  curSetting  darkName  decorationActions  decorationActions  defaultPosture  desc  directlyHeld  directlyIn  directlyWorn  distinguishByContents  dontNeedCleaningObjMsg  dropItemsBehind  dropItemsUnder  dropLocation  enclosing  examined  examineListed  examineLister  exitLocation  extContents  familiar  feelDesc  findHiddenDest  fluidName  futileToAttackMsg  futileToKissMsg  getBulkHiddenBehind  getBulkHiddenIn  getBulkHiddenUnder  getFacets  getOutermostRoom  getOutToJump  getWeightHiddenBehind  getWeightHiddenIn  getWeightHiddenUnder  globalParamName  groupOrder  hearNothingMsg  hiddenBehind  hiddenIn  hiddenUnder  illuminationThreshold  inDarkDesc  indirectLockableMsg  informedNameTab  initiallyKnowsAbout  initSpecialDesc  intContents  interiorDesc  inventoryListed  isAttachable  isAttackable  isBoardable  isBreakable  isBurnable  isClean  isCleanable  isClimbable  isCloseable  isConsultable  isCuttable  isDecoration  isDetachable  isDiggable  isDoffable  isDrinkable  isDroppable  isEdible  isEnterable  isExtinguishable  isFastenable  isFastened  isFeelable  isFlippable  isFollowable  isHidden  isInitialPlayerChar  isKissable  isLightable  isListed  isLocked  isMoveable  isOn  isOpenable  isPlayerChar  isPlugable  isPourable  isProminentNoise  isProminentSmell  isPullable  isPushable  isReadable  isRemoveable  isScrewable  isSettable  isSmellable  isSwitchable  isTakeable  isTasteable  isThrowable  isTransparent  isTurnable  isUnfastenable  isUnplugable  isUnscrewable  isVehicle  isWearable  keyDoesntWorkMsg  keyList  keyNotNeededMsg  kissRank  known  knownKeyList  knownProp  lieOnScore  lightSources  listableContents  listenDesc  listenDescWithoutSource  listenDescWithSource  listWith  location  lockability  lockedMsg  lookBehindMsg  lookInMsg  lookListed  lookThroughMsg  lookUnderMsg  markInventoryAsSeen  matchPullOnly  matchPushOnly  maxBulkHiddenBehind  maxBulkHiddenIn  maxBulkHiddenUnder  maxItemsCarried  maxSingleBulk  maxSingleWeight  maxWeightHiddenBehind  maxWeightHiddenIn  maxWeightHiddenUnder  mentioned  moved  movedTo  moveNoEffectMsg  mustBeCleanedWith  myInventoryLister  myLookBehindLister  myLookInLister  myLookUnderLister  myOpeningContentsLister  myThoughtManager  myWornLister  needsCleaning  noLongerTalkingToAnyoneMsg  nominalContents  noNeedToCleanMsg  notFastenedMsg  notHoldingMsg  notImportantMsg  notInMsg  notLitMsg  notLockableMsg  notLockedMsg  notSwitchableMsg  notTalkingToAnyoneMsg  notWornMsg  objInPrep  objIntoPrep  okayCleanMsg  okayGetOutOfMsg  okayLieInMsg  okayLieOnMsg  okayLockMsg  okayOpenMsg  okayPushIntoMsg  okayPushOutOfMsg  okaySetMsg  okaySitInMsg  okaySitOnMsg  okayStandInMsg  okayStandOnMsg  okayUnlockMsg  opacity  opened  openStatusReportable  owner  ownsContents  paraBrksBtwnSubcontents  partOfYouMsg  posture  preCondActor  pullNoEffectMsg  pushNoEffectMsg  readDesc  recognizableInDark  remapActor  remapBehind  remapIn  remapOn  remapProps  remapUnder  roomContentsLister  roomPart  roomPartDesc  roomSubContentsLister  roomTitle  searchListed  seen  seenProp  shouldBeBroken  shouldNotBreakMsg  shouldNotPourIntoMsg  shouldNotPourOntoMsg  sightSize  sitOnScore  smellDesc  smellDescWithoutSource  smellDescWithSource  smellNothingMsg  smellObj  soundObj  specialDesc  specialDescBeforeContents  specialDescListWith  specialDescOrder  stagingLocation  standOnScore  stateDesc  tasteDesc  throwFallsShortMsg  tooDarkToReadMsg  tooDarkToSeeMsg  tooFarAwayToHearMsg  tooFarAwayToReadMsg  tooFarAwayToSeeDetailMsg  tooFarAwayToSmellMsg  totalWeight  turnLastExamined  turnLastMoved  turnLastMovedInto  turnNoEffectMsg  useInitSpecialDesc  useKey_  useSpecialDesc  viaMode  visibleInDark  vocabLikelihood  weight  weightCapacity  withKeyMsg  wornBy 

Inherited from Mentionable :
ambiguouslyPlural  disambigGroup  disambigMatchPhrases  disambigName  disambigOrder  isHer  isHim  isIt  massNoun  matchPhrases  matchPhrasesExclude  name  person  plural  proper  qualified  states  vocab  vocabWords 

Inherited from LMentionable :
acronymPluralPat  alphaCharPat  aName  apostPluralPat  apostSPat  deannotatePat  dictComp  dummyName  elevenEighteenPat  emptyVocabWords  esPluralPat  firstWordPat  heName  herName  hersName  himName  iesPluralPat  irregularPlurals  lastWordPat  leadingTagOrQuotePat  menPluralPat  objInName  objIntoName  objName  objOutOfName  oneLetterAnWordPat  oneLetterWordPat  ownerNamed  pluralPat  posPat  possAdj  possEnding  possNoun  prepList  prepPhrasePat  prepWordPat  pronounMap  properNamePat  properPat  reflexiveName  specialAOrAn  tagOrQuotePat  thatName  thatObjName  theName  theObjName  trimPat  truncationLength  weakWordPat 

Summary of Methods  

addExtraScopeItems  addToRegions  afterTravel  allowShipboardDirections  allRegions  beforeTravel  canHearInFrom  canHearOutTo  cannotGoThatWay  cannotGoThatWayInDark  cannotReachTargetMsg  canSeeInFrom  canSeeOutTo  canSmellInFrom  canSmellOutTo  describeRemotely  destination  dobjFor(Examine)  dobjFor(GetOutOf)  examineStatus  execTravel  getAllRegions  getConnector  getDirection  getDirectionTo  getOutermostRoom  initVocab  inRoomName  interiorDesc  interiorParent  iobjFor(PushTravelGetOutOf)  isFamiliar  isIn  litWithin  lookOnEnter  notifyAfter  notifyBefore  notifyDeparture  outermostVisibleParent  preinitThing  regionsInCommonWith  remoteRoomListOrder  roomAfterAction  roomBeforeAction  roomDaemon  roomRemoteDesc  setDestInfo  showConnectedMiscContents  showFirstConnectedSpecials  showFirstRemoteSpecials  showRemoteMiscContents  showSecondConnectedSpecials  showSecondRemoteSpecials  showStatuslineExits  sortRoomSublist  statusName  travelerEntering  travelerLeaving  unmentionRemoteContents  updateSymVocab 

Inherited from TravelConnector :
afterTravelNotifications  beforeTravelNotifications  canTravelerPass  checkPushTravel  checkTravelBarriers  dobjFor(GoThrough)  dobjFor(TravelVia)  explainTravelBarrier  getDepartingDirection  getDestination  getTraveler  hasBeenTraversedBy  iobjFor(PushTravelThrough)  isConnectorVisible  isDestinationKnown  noteTraversal  sayActorFollowing  sayDeparting  sayNoDestination  travelDesc  travelVia  traversalMsg  traversalTimeFrom 

Inherited from Thing :
abcName  accumulateBrightness  accumulatedBrightnessWithin  actionMoveInto  actorAction  addToAllContents  addToContents  afterAction  allContents  allowReachOut  aobjFor  beforeAction  beforeMovePushable  brightnessWithin  byRoom  canHear  cannotPushTravelMsg  cannotReachOutMsg  canReach  canSee  canSmell  canTalkTo  checkDisplay  checkForContradictions  checkInsert  checkReach  checkReachIn  checkRemove  checkRoomToHold  checkSetting  childLocType  commonContainingParent  commonInteriorParent  containerPath  containerPathBlock  darkDesc  describeMovePushable  describePushTravel  directChildParent  discover  display  displayAlt  dobjFor(AskAbout)  dobjFor(AskFor)  dobjFor(Attach)  dobjFor(AttachTo)  dobjFor(Attack)  dobjFor(AttackWith)  dobjFor(Board)  dobjFor(Break)  dobjFor(Burn)  dobjFor(BurnWith)  dobjFor(Clean)  dobjFor(CleanWith)  dobjFor(Climb)  dobjFor(ClimbDown)  dobjFor(ClimbUp)  dobjFor(Close)  dobjFor(ConsultAbout)  dobjFor(Cut)  dobjFor(CutWith)  dobjFor(Default)  dobjFor(Detach)  dobjFor(DetachFrom)  dobjFor(Dig)  dobjFor(DigWith)  dobjFor(Doff)  dobjFor(Drink)  dobjFor(Drop)  dobjFor(Eat)  dobjFor(Enter)  dobjFor(EnterOn)  dobjFor(Extinguish)  dobjFor(Fasten)  dobjFor(FastenTo)  dobjFor(Feel)  dobjFor(Flip)  dobjFor(Follow)  dobjFor(GetOff)  dobjFor(GiveTo)  dobjFor(GiveToImplicit)  dobjFor(GoAlong)  dobjFor(GoNear)  dobjFor(GoTo)  dobjFor(JumpOff)  dobjFor(JumpOver)  dobjFor(Kiss)  dobjFor(LieIn)  dobjFor(LieOn)  dobjFor(LieOn)  dobjFor(Light)  dobjFor(ListenTo)  dobjFor(Lock)  dobjFor(LockWith)  dobjFor(LookBehind)  dobjFor(LookIn)  dobjFor(LookThrough)  dobjFor(LookUnder)  dobjFor(Move)  dobjFor(MoveTo)  dobjFor(MoveWith)  dobjFor(Open)  dobjFor(PlugIn)  dobjFor(PlugInto)  dobjFor(Pour)  dobjFor(PourInto)  dobjFor(PourOnto)  dobjFor(Pull)  dobjFor(Purloin)  dobjFor(Push)  dobjFor(PushTravelClimbDown)  dobjFor(PushTravelClimbUp)  dobjFor(PushTravelDir)  dobjFor(PushTravelEnter)  dobjFor(PushTravelGetOutOf)  dobjFor(PushTravelThrough)  dobjFor(PutBehind)  dobjFor(PutIn)  dobjFor(PutOn)  dobjFor(PutUnder)  dobjFor(QueryAbout)  dobjFor(Read)  dobjFor(Remove)  dobjFor(SayTo)  dobjFor(Screw)  dobjFor(ScrewWith)  dobjFor(Search)  dobjFor(Set)  dobjFor(SetTo)  dobjFor(ShowTo)  dobjFor(ShowToImplicit)  dobjFor(SitIn)  dobjFor(SitOn)  dobjFor(SitOn)  dobjFor(SmellSomething)  dobjFor(StandIn)  dobjFor(StandOn)  dobjFor(StandOn)  dobjFor(Strike)  dobjFor(SwitchOff)  dobjFor(SwitchOn)  dobjFor(SwitchVague)  dobjFor(Take)  dobjFor(TakeFrom)  dobjFor(TakeFrom)  dobjFor(TalkAbout)  dobjFor(TalkTo)  dobjFor(Taste)  dobjFor(TellAbout)  dobjFor(Throw)  dobjFor(ThrowAt)  dobjFor(ThrowDir)  dobjFor(ThrowTo)  dobjFor(Turn)  dobjFor(TurnTo)  dobjFor(TurnWith)  dobjFor(TypeOn)  dobjFor(TypeOnVague)  dobjFor(Unfasten)  dobjFor(UnfastenFrom)  dobjFor(Unlock)  dobjFor(UnlockWith)  dobjFor(Unplug)  dobjFor(UnplugFrom)  dobjFor(Unscrew)  dobjFor(UnscrewWith)  dobjFor(Wear)  dobjFor(WriteOn)  doPushTravel  filterResolveList  findHidden  findPlausibleKey  firstContainerPathBlock  forget  getBulkWithin  getCarriedBulk  getCarriedWeight  getStatuslineExitsHeight  getWeightWithin  handleCommand  hasSeen  hideFromAll  informedAbout  iobjFor(AttachTo)  iobjFor(AttackWith)  iobjFor(BurnWith)  iobjFor(CleanWith)  iobjFor(CutWith)  iobjFor(Default)  iobjFor(DetachFrom)  iobjFor(DigWith)  iobjFor(FastenTo)  iobjFor(GiveTo)  iobjFor(LockWith)  iobjFor(MoveTo)  iobjFor(MoveWith)  iobjFor(PlugInto)  iobjFor(PourInto)  iobjFor(PourOnto)  iobjFor(PushTravelClimbDown)  iobjFor(PushTravelClimbUp)  iobjFor(PushTravelEnter)  iobjFor(PutBehind)  iobjFor(PutIn)  iobjFor(PutOn)  iobjFor(PutUnder)  iobjFor(ScrewWith)  iobjFor(ShowTo)  iobjFor(TakeFrom)  iobjFor(ThrowAt)  iobjFor(ThrowTo)  iobjFor(TurnWith)  iobjFor(UnfastenFrom)  iobjFor(UnlockWith)  iobjFor(UnplugFrom)  iobjFor(UnscrewWith)  isAudibleFrom  isChild  isDirectChild  isDirectlyHeldBy  isDirectlyIn  isDirectlyWornBy  isHeldBy  isIlluminated  isInterior  isOrIsIn  isOutside  isReadableFrom  isSmellableFrom  isThereALightSourceIn  isVisibleFrom  isWornBy  knowsAbout  listableContentsOf  listContents  listenDesc  listRemoteContents  listSubcontentsOf  locationWhich  locType  lookAroundWithin  makeCleaned  makeFastened  makeLit  makeLocked  makeMovedTo  makeOn  makeOpen  makeSetting  makeWorn  markContradiction  moveHidden  moveInto  moveMLIntoAdd  moveMLOutOf  nestedLoc  nominalOwner  noteSeen  notifyContradiction  notifyEvent  notifyInsert  notifyRemove  notifySightEvent  notifySmellEvent  notifySoundEvent  notionalContents  outermostParent  ownedBy  preAction  pushTravelRevealItems  reachBlockedMsg  remoteBrightness  remoteInitSpecialDesc  remoteObjInName  remoteSpecialDesc  removeFromContents  revealOnMove  roomHeadline  roomSubhead  sayCantBearMoreWeight  sayDontKnowHowToGetThere  sayDontKnowHowToReach  sayFindHidden  sayPushTravel  sayTooHeavy  sayTooHeavyToHide  scoreObject  setHasSeen  setInformed  setKnown  setKnowsAbout  setSeen  shinesOut  showRemoteSpecialDesc  showSpecialDesc  smellDesc  totalBulkIn  totalWeightIn  traceContainerPath  tryCheck  tryMakingPosture  unmention  verifyActor  verifyEnterPosture  verifyPushTravel  wouldBeLitFor 

Inherited from ReplaceRedirector :

Inherited from Redirector :
doInstead  doNested  doOtherAction 

Inherited from Mentionable :
construct  matchName  matchNameCommon  matchNameDisambig  phraseMatchName  simpleMatchName 

Inherited from LMentionable :
addDictWord  addVocab  addVocabWord  aNameFrom  aNameFromPoss  classInit  contify  distinguishedName  ifPronoun  inheritVocab  initVocabWord  locify  matchPronoun  pluralNameFrom  pluralWordFrom  possessify  pronoun  removeVocabWord  replaceVocab  theNameFrom  theNameIs 



no description available

Are compass directions allowed for travel from this room? By default we'll allow thema anywhere, but game code may wish to override this for rooms that are aboard a vessel.

Normally we don't allow travel from this location if both it and the destination are in darkness. To allow travel from this location in any case set allowDarkTravel to true.

The lists of rooms we can smell, hear, talk or throw from/into from this room.

Flag - do we want the library (specifically the preInit method of Thing) to automatically create connections back (in the reverse direction) from any rooms our direction properties (directlt, or indirectly via a TravelConnector) point to? By default we do (since that was the part of the original purpose of the SymmConn extension) but game code can set this to nil (either on the Room class or on individual rooms) to suppress it if it's not wanted - which may be the case if the this extension is being used for SymmConnectors rather than automated back connections (which is now unlikely given the availabliity of DSConnectors in the main library).

Flag: do we want this room to take its vocab (and hence its name) from its roomTitle property if its vocab property isn't explicitly defined? By default we do.

no description available

The message to display when travel is attempted in the dark, either in a direction for which no destination (or other handling) is defined, or in a direction in which the exit is not visible in the dark.

The Message to display if travel is disallowed in any given direction (because the corresponding direction property of the Room is nil).

no description available

By default we assume that an actor can sit, stand or lie in a room [DEFINED IN POSTURES EXTENSION]

The ceilingObj property defines the object to be used for this Room's ceiling. By default we use the defaultCeiling object defined below. [DEFINED IN ROOMPARTS EXTENSION]

Anything in the Room is deemed to be inside it (this sounds tautologous, but it's why we give Room a contType of In).

no description available

no description available

A list of extra items to be added to scope when an action is carried out in this room.

Although we don't define room parts in general, we do give every Room a floor so that the parser can refer to objects 'on the ground' when asking disambiguation questions. By default we supply every Room with the defaultGround MultiLoc object to represent its floor. You can if you like replace this with a custom floor object in particular rooms, but it's highly recommended that you define your custom floor to be of the Floor class. It's also legal to define floorObj as nil on a Room that represents an obviously floorless place, such as the top of a mast or tree.

no description available

no description available

By default our destination is known if we've been visited

A Room is always fixed in place.

A Room is normally lit, but if we want a dark room we can override isLit to nil.

A Room is always open

The location at which a Room was last seen is always itself.

The list of rooms to which we're linked by virtue of being in the same SenseRegion.

// listOrderOVERRIDDENInterface description onlysenseRegion.t[473]
listOrder is inherited from Thing with a default value of 100. For a Room in a SenseRegion it can control the order in which other rooms in the SenseRegion have their contents described (higher = later), although this can be adjusted via the remoteRoomListOrder(pov) method.

The direction properties (north, south, etc.) define what happens when travel is attempted in the corresponding direction. A direction property may be defined as another Room (in which case traveling in the corresponding direction takes the actor directly to that Room), or to a TravelConnector (including a Door or Stairway), or to a single-quoted or double-quoted string (which is then simply displayed) or to a method (which is then executed). It is recommended that methods only be used when the effect of attempted travel is something other than ordinary travel; to impose conditions on travel or define the side-effects of travel it's usually better to use a TravelConnector object.

no description available

no description available

Flag, do we want to prevent out script firing after a LISTEN command? By default we do because otherwise the respose to a LISTEN command might clash with an atmospheric message appearing on the same turn.

no description available

A Room's outermost parent is itself.

no description available

This room can optionally be in one or more regions. The regions property hold the region or a list of regions I'm in.

The contents lister to use to list this room's miscellaneous contents when viewed from a remote location.

no description available

These properties are for the internal use of the remote listing routines, and should normally be left alone by game code.

The description of this room to be used when it has not previously examined (and is thus being described fot the first time). If this is left as nil, we simply use the desc instead.

The list of rooms viewed from Viewports from within this room. This enables the player to refer to objects in rooms that have been viewed. [DEFINED ON VIEWPORT EXTENSION]

no description available

Rooms are generally large emough to allow them to be smelt or listened to.

no description available

no description available

no description available

no description available

no description available

no description available

no description available

no description available

The list of rooms that are visible from this room. Ordinarily this list is constructed at Preinit by any Sense Regions this room belongs to, so shouldn't normally be manually adjusted by game code. It's conceivable that game code could tweak these lists after Preinit, though, perhaps to create a one-way connection (e.g. to model a high room that overlooks lower ones)

Has this room been visited?

The wallObjs property defines the list of walls in this Room. By default we define use the four default walls. Particular rooms that don't have four walls (e.g. a length of passage) or which want to use custom wall objects can override this. [DEFINED IN ROOMPARTS EXTENSION]

no description available


addExtraScopeItems (action)travel.t[546], viewport.t[196]

Add extra items into scope for the action. By default we simply add the items from our extraScopeItems list together with those of any regions we're it. This allows commonly visible items such as the sky to be added to scope in dark outdoor rooms, for instance.

Modified in viewport.t[196]:
Once the player character has viewed remote rooms and their contents via a Viewport, the player may want to refer to them in commands, if only to examine them, so we need to add them to scope. [MODIFIED FOR VIEWPORT EXTENSION]

addToRegions ( )travel.t[439]
Add this room to the room list of all the regions it's in

afterTravel (traveler, connector)OVERRIDDENtravel.t[360]
afterTravel(traveler, connector) is called on the room traveler has just arrived in via connector.

allowShipboardDirections ( )travel.t[69]
Are shipboard directions meaningful in this room? By default we'll make them so if and only if this room defines at least one shipboard directional exit. Game code may wish to modify this, for example, on the hold of a ship that only defines an up direction but where shipboard directions would still in principle be meaningful.

allRegions ( )travel.t[450]
The list of all the regions this room belongs to. This is calculated the first time this property is queried and then stored in the property.

beforeTravel (traveler, connector)OVERRIDDENtravel.t[354]
beforeTravel(traveler, connector) is called on the room traveler is in just as traveler is about to attempt travel via connector (a TravelConnector object).

canHearInFrom (loc)senseRegion.t[435]
Can we hear into this room from loc (i.e. can an actor in loc hear something in this room?

canHearOutTo (loc)senseRegion.t[441]
Can we hear out from this room to loc (i.e. can an actor in this room hear something in loc)?

cannotGoThatWay (dir)travel.t[268]
The method that is called when travel is attempted in a direction (given the dir parameter) for which nothing is defined. By default we simply display the cannotGoThatWayMsg followed by a list of exits, but this can be overridden if desired, and different responses given for different directions. Note that the dir parameter will be passed as a direction object. e.g. northDir.

cannotGoThatWayInDark (dir)travel.t[292]
The method that's called when travel is attempted by an undefined or invisible exit in the dark. By default we display the cannotGoThatWayInDarkMsg followed by a list of visible exits, but game code can override this.

cannotReachTargetMsg (target)travel.t[684]
Optional method that returns a single-quoted string explaining why target (normally an object in a remote location) cannot be reached from this room. By default we just return the target's tooFarAwayMsg but this can be overridden, for example, to return the same format of message for every target that can't be reached from this room (e.g. "You can't reach [the target] from the meadow. ") ]

canSeeInFrom (loc)senseRegion.t[426]
The following six methods take effect only if there would otherwise be a sensory connection between the current room and loc due to their being in the same SenseRegion.

Can we see into this room from loc?

canSeeOutTo (loc)senseRegion.t[429]
Can we see out of this room to loc?

canSmellInFrom (loc)senseRegion.t[447]
Can we smell into this room from loc (i.e. can an actor in loc smell something in this room?

canSmellOutTo (loc)senseRegion.t[453]
Can we hear out from this room to loc (i.e. can an actor in this room hear something in loc)?

describeRemotely ( )viewport.t[230]
[DEFINED ON VIEWPORT EXTENSION] Used for describing a Room when seen through a Viewport.

destination ( )travel.t[109]
Since a Room provides the TravelConnector interface, we need to define where it leads to when one attempts to travel via it; a Room always leads to itself (i.e. traveling via a Room takes one to that Room).

dobjFor(Examine)OVERRIDDENtravel.t[651], viewport.t[214]
Examining a Room is the same as looking around within it.

Modified in viewport.t[214]:

Going out of a Room is the same as executing an OUT command

examineStatus ( )OVERRIDDENtravel.t[648]
By default we don't want the examineStatus method of a Room to do anything except displaying the stateDesc, should we have defined one. In particular we don't want it to list the contents of the Room, since Looking Around will do this anyway.

execTravel (actor, traveler, conn)OVERRIDDENtravel.t[139], objtime.t[372]
When executing travel we move the traveler into the room. Then, if the traveler is the player char we perform a look around in the room, provided we should look around on entering the room. actor is the actor doing the traveling, traveler is the traveler doing the traveling (normally the same as actor unless actor is in a Vehicle, in which case traveler will be the Vehicle) and conn is the TravelConnector the vehicle is traversing in order to reach this room.

Modified in objtime.t[372]:
Modified in OBJTIME EXTENSION to add the traversal time for entering the room.

getAllRegions ( )travel.t[458]
Calculate a list of all the regions this room belongs to

getConnector (prop)travel.t[693]
Get the connector object explicitly or implicitly defined on prop, even if it uses the asExit macro. If it's not an object, return nil;

getDirection (conn)travel.t[597]
The getDirection method returns the direction by which one would need to travel from this room to travel via the connector conn (or nil if none of the room's direction properties point to conn).

getDirectionTo (dest)travel.t[615]
The getDirectionTo method returns the direction by which one would need to travel from this room to travel to dest not via an UnlistedProxy Connector (normally defined by the asExit() macro. If none of the room's direction properties clearly leads to dest via a TravelConnector including a Room) then return nil.

getOutermostRoom ( )travel.t[245]
A Room's outermost room is itself.

initVocab ( )OVERRIDDENenglish.t[2199]
no description available

inRoomName (pov)senseRegion.t[414]
The name that's used to introduce a list of miscellaneous objects in this room when viewed from a remote location containing the pov object (normally the player character).

interiorDesc ( )travel.t[723]
If we've defined a roomFirstDesc and this room description hasn't been displayed before, display our roomFirstDesc, otherwise display our desc.

interiorParent ( )OVERRIDDENtravel.t[535]
A Room has no interiorParent since it's a top-level container.

Pushing an object out of a Room is the same as pushing it via the OUT exit.

isFamiliar (prop, =, &, familiar)travel.t[742]
Check whether this room is familiar by farming out the question to the relevant xxxFamiliar prop, which game code will need to define if this is different for different actors.

isIn (region)OVERRIDDENtravel.t[433]
A Room can't be in another Room or a Thing, but it can notionally be in a Region, so we check to see if we're in the list of our regions.

litWithin ( )OVERRIDDENtravel.t[98]
A Room is lit within it it's illuminated (it's either lit itself or contains a light source

lookOnEnter (obj)travel.t[238], senseRegion.t[461]
Should we look around on entering this room? By default we should; this is overridden in senseRegion.t to provide for the possibility of a "continuous space" implementation.

Modified in senseRegion.t[461]:
Should we look around on entering this room? Normally we should, unless both the room obj is travelling from and the room it's travelling to (normally this room) both belong in a SenseRegion whose contSpace property is true.

notifyAfter ( )travel.t[326]
Call the after action notifications on this room and its regions

notifyBefore ( )travel.t[312]
Call the before action notifications on this room and its regions

notifyDeparture (traveler, dest)travel.t[478], sensory.t[714], symconn.t[202], viewport.t[182]
Carry out the notifications for a traveler leaving this room to go to dest.

Modified in sensory.t[714]:
Reset every SensoryEmanation in this room to its initial state when the player character leaves this room. [MODIFIED FOR SENSORY EXTENSION]

Modified in symconn.t[202]:
Modified in SYMCONN EXTENSION to update the vocab on any SymPassages in our destination.

Modified in viewport.t[182]:
Reset the list of rooms viewed when the player character leaves the room. [MODIFIED FOR VIEWPORT EXTENSION]

outermostVisibleParent ( )OVERRIDDENtravel.t[248]
A Room's outermost visible parent is itself.

preinitThing ( )OVERRIDDENsymconn.t[23]
Modified for SYMCOMM EXTENSION to set up symmetrical connectors at preinit.

regionsInCommonWith (other)travel.t[469]
return a list of regions that both this room and other are common to.

remoteRoomListOrder (pov)senseRegion.t[482]
For a Room in a SenseRegion return the order in which other rooms in the SenseRegion have their contents described (higher = later) from the point of view of the pov object, which will normally be the room from which the viewing, smelling or listening is being performed. By default we just return the Room's listOrder.

roomAfterAction ( )travel.t[346]
no description available

roomBeforeAction ( )travel.t[345]
roomBeforeAction and roomAfterAction are called just before and after the action phases of the current action. Individual instances can

roomDaemon ( )travel.t[409]
This method is invoked on the player char's current room at the end of every action. By default we run our doScript() method if we're also a Script (that is, if the Room has been mixed in with an EventList class), thereby facilitating the display of atmospheric messages.

roomRemoteDesc (pov)viewport.t[169]
The roomRemoteDesc() is the description of the room as seen via a Viewport from pov. [DEFINED ON VIEWPORT EXTENSION]

setDestInfo (dirn, dest)travel.t[587]
Convenience method to set information about the destination dirn from this room. The dirn parameter should be specified as a direction object (e.g. northDir) and the dest parameter as a room. Note this is only meaningful for direction properties specified as methods (as opposed to Rooms, Doors or other TravelConnectors or as strings), and is only useful for priming the route finder at the start of the game before the player has tried to go in this direction from this room. Once the player tries this direction the dest info table will be overwritten with information about where it actually leads.

showConnectedMiscContents (pov)OVERRIDDENsenseRegion.t[269]
List the miscellaneous contents of a remote room

showFirstConnectedSpecials (pov)OVERRIDDENsenseRegion.t[251]
Show the specialDescs of any items in the other rooms in our SenseRegions, where specialDescBeforeContents is true

showFirstRemoteSpecials (pov)senseRegion.t[290]
In additional to showing the first (i.e. pre-miscellaneous) list of items with specialDescs in remote locations, the showFirstRemoteSpecials() method builds the other lists of objects for the subsequent methods to use. pov is the point of view object (typically the player character) from whose point of view the list is being constructed.

showRemoteMiscContents (pov)senseRegion.t[386]
List the miscellaneous list of items in this remote location

showSecondConnectedSpecials (pov)OVERRIDDENsenseRegion.t[262]
Show the specialDescs of any items in the other rooms in our SenseRegions, where specialDescBeforeContents is nil

showSecondRemoteSpecials (pov)senseRegion.t[376]
Show the removeSpecialDesc of each item in the second list of specials

showStatuslineExits ( )OVERRIDDENtravel.t[364]
show the exit list in the status line

sortRoomSublist (sublist, pov)senseRegion.t[491]
Sort a sublist of rooms in ascending order of their remoteRoomListOrder(pov) and return the result.

statusName (actor)OVERRIDDENtravel.t[373], postures.t[540]
The name of the room as it appears in the status line.

Modified in postures.t[540]:
The name of the room as it appears in the status line. [MODIFIED FOR POSTURES EXTENSION to include the actor's posture]

travelerEntering (traveler, origin)travel.t[531]
This method is invoked when traveler is about to enter this room from origin.

travelerLeaving (traveler, dest)travel.t[525]
This method is invoked when traveler is about to leave this room and go to dest.

unmentionRemoteContents ( )OVERRIDDENsenseRegion.t[403]
Reset the contents of all the remote rooms visible from this room to not having been mentioned.

updateSymVocab ( )symconn.t[174]
update the vocab of any SymPassages in our contents list that have seperate room1Vocab and room2Vocab

Adv3Lite Library Reference Manual
Generated on 25/04/2024 from adv3Lite version 2.0