SystemActionclassaction.t[1007], objtime.t[221]

The SystemAction class is for actions not affecting the game world but rather acting on the game session, such as SAVE, RESTORE and QUIT.

class SystemAction :   IAction

Superclass Tree   (in declaration order)


Subclass Tree  


Global Objects  

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Summary of Properties  

includeInUndo  isRepeatable  timeTaken  turnsTaken 

Inherited from IAction :

Inherited from Action :
actionFailed  advanceOnFailure  allowAll  extraMessageParams  failCheckMsg  failedActionCountsAsTurn  implicitTimeTaken  isConversational  isImplicit  oldRoom  parentAction  parentAllowAll  preCond  redirectParent  reportImplicitActions  scopeList  spellingPriority  synthParamID  unhides  verifyObj  wasIlluminated 

Summary of Methods  

afterAction  exec  execCycle  getInputFile  turnSequence 

Inherited from IAction :
execResolvedAction  resolvedObjectsInScope  scoreObjects  setResolvedObjects 

Inherited from Action :
acknowledgeNotifyStatus  addExtraScopeItems  addImplicitTime  advanceTime  announceObject  beforeAction  buildImplicitActionAnnouncement  buildScopeList  checkAction  checkActionPreconditions  commandNotPresent  execAction  execGroup  getAll  getAllUnhidden  getMessageParam  implicitAnnouncement  reportAction  setMessageParam  setMessageParams  spPrefix  spSuffix  synthMessageParam  verify  verifyObjRole  wrapObjectsNP 

Inherited from ReplaceRedirector :

Inherited from Redirector :
doInstead  doNested  doOtherAction 



A SystemAction is not normally undo-able

A SystemAction is not normally repeatable

For OBJTIME extension; a SystemAction shouldn't normally take any game clock time.

A SystemAction doesn't take any turns (this is a bit belt-and-braces since turnSequence does nothing in any case).


afterAction ( )OVERRIDDENaction.t[1018]

Since a SystemAction isn't an action in the game world, we don't want it to trigger any after action notifications.

exec (cmd)OVERRIDDENaction.t[1037]
Since this isn't an action within the game world we bypass all the normal pre-action handling and just execute a reduced cycle.

execCycle (cmd)OVERRIDDENaction.t[1044]
There's no before notifications for a SystemAction so we simply execute the action and, if we should define it as repeatable, make a note of it in case the player issues an AGAIN command on the next turn.

getInputFile (prompt, dialogType, fileType, flags)action.t[1078]
Ask for an input file. We call the input manager, which displays the appropriate local file selector dialog. This is used for SystemActions that need a file to act on, such as SAVE, RESTORE and QUIT.

turnSequence ( )OVERRIDDENaction.t[1025]
Since a SystemAction isn't an action in the game world, we don't want it to count as a turn, so we don't run any Daemons or Fuses and we don't advance the turn count.

Adv3Lite Library Reference Manual
Generated on 25/04/2024 from adv3Lite version 2.0