debug.tfilesource file

************************************************************************ debug.t This module forms part of the adv3Lite library, and defines a number of commands that can be used for debugging purposes.

(c) 2012-13 Eric Eve (but based partly on code borrowed from the Mercury library (c) Michael J. Roberts).

Summary of Classes  

Test  VerbRule(Debug)  VerbRule(DebugI)  VerbRule(ListTests)  VerbRule(Test) 

Summary of Global Objects  

actionTab  allTests  Debug  DebugCtl  DebugI  DoTest  Evaluate  FiatLux  GoNear  ListTests  Purloin  symTab 

Summary of Global Functions  

symToVal  valToSym 

Global Functions  

symToVal (val)debug.t[284]

Take a string and return the object whose programmatic name it refers to

valToSym (val)debug.t[290]
Take a value and return the string representation of its programmatic name

Adv3Lite Library Reference Manual
Generated on 03/07/2024 from adv3Lite version 2.1