Daemon - class in events.t[396]
dangerous - macro in advlite.h[697]
darkDesc - method of Thing in thing.t[1020]
darkName - property of Thing in thing.t[1017]
dataType - global function in tadsgen.h[24]
dataTypeXlat - global function in _main.t[631]
Date - class in date.h[134]
DateAMPM - macro in date.h[353]
DateEra - macro in date.h[356]
DateFmt12Hour - macro in date.h[407]
DateFmt24Hour - macro in date.h[412]
DateFmt24HourSecs - macro in date.h[418]
DateFmtDate - macro in date.h[397]
DateFmtShortDate - macro in date.h[402]
DateFmtTime - macro in date.h[391]
DateFmtTimestamp - macro in date.h[385]
DateMonthAbbrs - macro in date.h[344]
DateMonthNames - macro in date.h[341]
DateOrdSuffixes - macro in date.h[378]
DateParseFilter - macro in date.h[365]
DateWeekdayAbbrs - macro in date.h[350]
DateWeekdayNames - macro in date.h[347]
deactivate - method of ActorTopicEntry in actor.t[3746]
deactivate - method of Rule in rules.t[288]
deactivateState - method of ActorState in actor.t[2711]
deannotatePat - property of LMentionable in english.t[1292]
Debug - object in debug.t[61]
DebugCtl - object in debug.t[19]
DebugI - object in debug.t[94]
debugMessage - global function in messages.t[364]
decimalPreParser - object in english.t[6018]
Decoration - class in extras.t[266]
decorationActions - property of Odor in extras.t[49]
decorationActions - property of Noise in extras.t[89]
decorationActions - property of Distant in extras.t[309]
decorationActions - property of Unthing in extras.t[400]
decorationActions - property of ScenItem in scenery.t[370]
decorationActions - property of Thing in thing.t[4025]
decorationActions - property of Thing in thing.t[4027]
decorationActions - property of Floor in thing.t[10081]
default1Doer - object in doer.t[1143]
default2Doer - object in doer.t[1139]
default3Doer - object in doer.t[1135]
default4Doer - object in doer.t[1131]
DefaultAction - property of Parser in parser.t[771]
defaultActions - property of Parser in parser.t[107]
defaultAgendaTopic - property of ActorTopicDatabase in actor.t[3030]
DefaultAgendaTopic - class in actor.t[4500]
DefaultAnyNonSayTopic - class in actor.t[4474]
DefaultAnyTopic - class in actor.t[4443]
DefaultAskForTopic - class in actor.t[4591]
DefaultAskQueryTopic - class in actor.t[4642]
DefaultAskTellTopic - class in actor.t[4549]
DefaultAskTopic - class in actor.t[4561]
defaultCeiling - object in roomparts.t[126]
defaultCommandPhrase(examine) - grammar in grammar.t[98]
DefaultCommandTopic - class in actor.t[4651]
DefaultConsultTopic - template in advlite.h[848]
DefaultConsultTopic - class in topicEntry.t[527]
DefaultConversationTopic - class in actor.t[4531]
defaultCountsAsSay - property of Actor in actor.t[1080]
defaultEastWall - object in roomparts.t[106]
DefaultGiveShowTopic - class in actor.t[4555]
DefaultGiveTopic - class in actor.t[4579]
defaultGround - object in thing.t[10098]
defaultInvocation - property of InitiateTopic in actor.t[5120]
DefaultNonSayTopic - class in actor.t[4541]
defaultNorthWall - object in roomparts.t[103]
defaultPosture - property of Thing in postures.t[129]
defaultPosture - property of Bed in postures.t[572]
defaultPosture - property of Chair in postures.t[583]
defaultProperty - property of ImplicitConversationAction in actions.t[2081]
DefaultQueryTopic - class in actor.t[4606]
DefaultSayQueryTopic - class in actor.t[4612]
defaultSayResponse - property of Actor in actor.t[2222]
DefaultSayTellTalkTopic - class in actor.t[4636]
DefaultSayTellTopic - class in actor.t[4618]
DefaultSayTopic - class in actor.t[4597]
DefaultShowTopic - class in actor.t[4585]
defaultSky - object in roomparts.t[132]
defaultSouthWall - object in roomparts.t[109]
DefaultTalkTopic - class in actor.t[4573]
DefaultTellTalkTopic - class in actor.t[4627]
DefaultTellTopic - class in actor.t[4567]
DefaultThought - template in advlite.h[849]
DefaultThought - class in thoughts.t[95]
DefaultTopic - class in actor.t[4394]
DefaultTopic - template in advlite.h[847]
DefaultTopicReason - macro in advlite.h[873]
defaultTruthValue - property of Fact in facts.t[92]
defaultVal - property of RuleBook in rules.t[131]
defaultVerbPhrase(noun) - grammar in grammar.t[103]
DefaultWall - class in roomparts.t[61]
defaultWestWall - object in roomparts.t[112]
DefineAction - macro in advlite.h[521]
DefineIAction - macro in advlite.h[537]
DefineLangDir - global function in grammar.t[1375]
DefineLiteralAction - macro in advlite.h[564]
DefineLiteralTAction - macro in advlite.h[561]
DefineNumericAction - macro in advlite.h[576]
DefineNumericTAction - macro in advlite.h[573]
DefineSystemAction - macro in advlite.h[530]
DefineTAction - macro in advlite.h[546]
DefineTActionSub - macro in advlite.h[552]
DefineTIAAction - macro in advlite.h[620]
DefineTIAActionSub - macro in advlite.h[626]
DefineTIAction - macro in advlite.h[588]
DefineTIActionSub - macro in advlite.h[594]
DefineTopicAction - macro in advlite.h[570]
DefineTopicTAction - macro in advlite.h[567]
Definite - object in parser.t[4950]
DefMood - macro in advlite.h[1419]
DefMood - global function in english.t[6170]
DefMood - global function in english.t[6171]
DefMood - global function in english.t[6172]
DefMood - global function in english.t[6173]
DefMood - global function in english.t[6174]
DefMood - global function in english.t[6175]
DefMood - global function in english.t[6176]
DefMood - global function in english.t[6177]
DefMood - global function in english.t[6178]
DefMood - global function in english.t[6179]
DefMood - global function in english.t[6180]
DefMood - global function in english.t[6181]
DefMood - global function in english.t[6182]
DefMood - global function in english.t[6183]
DefMood - global function in english.t[6184]
DefMood - global function in english.t[6185]
DefSignal - macro in advlite.h[1376]
DefSignal - global function in signals.t[122]
DefSignal - global function in signals.t[123]
DefSignal - global function in signals.t[124]
DefSignal - global function in signals.t[125]
DefSignal - global function in signals.t[126]
DefSignal - global function in signals.t[127]
DefSignal - global function in signals.t[128]
DefSignal - global function in signals.t[129]
DefSignal - global function in signals.t[130]
DefSignal - global function in signals.t[131]
DefSignal - global function in signals.t[132]
DefSignal - global function in signals.t[133]
DefSignal - global function in signals.t[134]
DefSignal - global function in signals.t[135]
DefSignal - global function in signals.t[136]
DefSignal - global function in signals.t[137]
DefSignal - global function in signals.t[138]
DefSignal - global function in signals.t[139]
DefSignal - global function in signals.t[140]
DefSignal - global function in signals.t[141]
DefSignal - global function in signals.t[142]
DefStance - macro in advlite.h[1413]
DefStance - global function in english.t[6153]
DefStance - global function in english.t[6154]
DefStance - global function in english.t[6155]
DefStance - global function in english.t[6156]
DefStance - global function in english.t[6157]
DefStance - global function in english.t[6158]
DefStance - global function in english.t[6159]
DefStance - global function in english.t[6160]
DefStance - global function in english.t[6161]
DefStance - global function in english.t[6162]
DefStance - global function in english.t[6163]
degreesToRadians - method of BigNumber in bignum.h[163]
DelayedAgendaItem - class in actor.t[6557]
delayEvent - method of Event in events.t[248]
deleteAlt - method of GrammarProd in gramprod.h[111]
deleteChars - method of StringBuffer in strbuf.h[90]
deleteFile - method of TemporaryFile in file.h[633]
deleteFile - method of FileName in filename.h[228]
deleteRule - method of Tokenizer in tok.t[195]
deleteRuleAt - method of Tokenizer in tok.t[208]
delFirst - method of String in misc.t[1848]
delLast - method of String in misc.t[1851]
deltas_ - property of WebStatusWin in webui.t[2684]
departureName - property of Direction in travel.t[1935]
DerivedRelation - object in relations.t[412]
desc - method of CollectiveGroup in extras.t[519]
desc - property of Fact in facts.t[29]
desc - property of Footnote in footnote.t[50]
desc - property of FinishOption in misc.t[1162]
desc - property of GameInfoModuleID in modid.t[332]
desc - method of ScenItem in scenery.t[349]
desc - property of Achievement in score.t[99]
desc - method of SimpleAchievement in score.t[200]
desc - method of SimpleOdor in sensory.t[237]
desc - method of SimpleNoise in sensory.t[321]
desc - property of Thing in thing.t[1638]
desc - method of DSCon in travel.t[1221]
desc_ - property of SimpleAchievement in score.t[203]
descContentsLister - object in lister.t[331]
describeMovePushable - method of Thing in thing.t[8791]
describePushTravel - method of Thing in thing.t[8807]
describeRemotely - method of Room in viewport.t[230]
describeVisibleRooms - method of Viewport in viewport.t[42]
descStr - property of ScenItem in scenery.t[355]
descWithoutSource - property of SensoryEmanation in sensory.t[66]
descWithSource - property of SensoryEmanation in sensory.t[60]
dest_ - property of DestInfo in exits.t[500]
destination - property of Distant in extras.t[319]
destination - property of Enterable in extras.t[1089]
destination - method of Room in travel.t[109]
destination - method of Door in travel.t[1029]
destination - property of TravelConnector in travel.t[1360]
DestInfo - class in exits.t[488]
destIsBack_ - property of DestInfo in exits.t[506]
destName_ - property of DestInfo in exits.t[503]
destRoom - property of ReachProblemRemote in senseRegion.t[1656]
Detach - object in actions.t[1210]
detachedLocation - property of SimpleAttachable in attachables.t[80]
detachedLocation - property of NearbyAttachable in attachables.t[547]
DetachFrom - object in actions.t[1343]
detachFrom - method of SimpleAttachable in attachables.t[106]
determine - property of possessiveAdjPhrase(definiteNpApostropheS) in grammar.t[830]
determiner - property of completeNounPhraseWithAll(main) in grammar.t[362]
determiner - property of terminalNounPhrase(allBut) in grammar.t[370]
determiner - property of terminalNounPhrase(anyBut) in grammar.t[384]
determiner - property of qualifiedSingularNounPhrase(definite) in grammar.t[397]
determiner - property of qualifiedSingularNounPhrase(indefinite) in grammar.t[404]
determiner - property of qualifiedSingularNounPhrase(arbitrary) in grammar.t[411]
determiner - property of qualifiedSingularNounPhrase(anyPlural) in grammar.t[424]
determiner - property of qualifiedSingularNounPhrase(theOneIn) in grammar.t[432]
determiner - property of qualifiedSingularNounPhrase(theOneContaining) in grammar.t[439]
determiner - property of qualifiedSingularNounPhrase(anyOneIn) in grammar.t[448]
determiner - property of qualifiedPluralNounPhrase(determiner) in grammar.t[510]
determiner - property of qualifiedPluralNounPhrase(anyNum) in grammar.t[518]
determiner - property of qualifiedPluralNounPhrase(allNum) in grammar.t[531]
determiner - property of qualifiedPluralNounPhrase(both) in grammar.t[543]
determiner - property of qualifiedPluralNounPhrase(definiteNum) in grammar.t[551]
determiner - property of qualifiedPluralNounPhrase(all) in grammar.t[559]
determiner - property of qualifiedPluralNounPhrase(theOnesIn) in grammar.t[569]
determiner - property of qualifiedPluralNounPhrase(theOnesContaining) in grammar.t[577]
determiner - property of explicitDetPluralNounPhrase(definite) in grammar.t[600]
determiner - property of explicitDetPluralNounPhrase(definiteNumber) in grammar.t[607]
determiner - property of explicitDetPluralNounPhrase(possessiveNumber) in grammar.t[626]
determiner - property of explicitDetPluralNounPhrase(possessiveNumber2) in grammar.t[635]
determiner - property of explicitDetPluralOnlyNounPhrase(definite) in grammar.t[642]
determiner - property of explicitDetPluralOnlyNounPhrase(definiteNumber) in grammar.t[649]
determiner - property of explicitDetPluralOnlyNounPhrase(possessiveNumber) in grammar.t[665]
determiner - property of explicitDetPluralOnlyNounPhrase(possessiveNumber2) in grammar.t[674]
determiner - property of possessiveAdjPhrase(indefiniteNpApostropheS) in grammar.t[836]
determiner - property of disambigPhrase(all) in grammar.t[992]
determiner - property of disambigPhrase(both) in grammar.t[999]
determiner - property of disambigPhrase(any) in grammar.t[1004]
determiner - property of disambigPhrase(ordinalList) in grammar.t[1015]
determiner - property of disambigPhrase(locational) in grammar.t[1022]
determiner - property of disambigOrdinalItem(main) in grammar.t[1040]
determiner - property of disambigListItem(ordinal) in grammar.t[1062]
determiner - property of disambigListItem(plural) in grammar.t[1078]
determiner - property of NounPhrase in parser.t[2937]
determiner - property of Production in parser.t[3511]
Determiner - class in parser.t[4944]
detPluralNounPhrase(main) - grammar in grammar.t[580]
detPluralOnlyNounPhrase(main) - grammar in grammar.t[585]
Dial - class in gadget.t[220]
dictComp - property of LMentionable in english.t[1863]
Dictionary - class in dict.h[27]
dictionaryPlaceholder - object in parser.t[5766]
Dig - object in actions.t[1202]
digestMD5 - method of ByteArray in bytearr.h[213]
digestMD5 - method of File in file.h[563]
digestMD5 - method of String in systype.h[681]
DigWith - object in actions.t[1217]
dir_ - property of DestInfo in exits.t[497]
directChildParent - method of Thing in thing.t[2833]
direction - property of TravelAction in action.t[1406]
Direction - class in travel.t[1915]
DirectionName - class in grammar.t[1363]
directionName(root) - grammar in grammar.t[1366]
directlyHeld - property of Thing in thing.t[2324]
directlyIn - property of Thing in thing.t[3302]
directlyWorn - property of Thing in thing.t[2338]
DirectObject - object in parser.t[3869]
dirName - property of DSBase in travel.t[1195]
dirProp - property of Direction in travel.t[1921]
DirState - object in english.t[2009]
disambig - property of Command in command.t[1267]
disambigGroup - property of Mentionable in thing.t[86]
disambigIdx - property of Command in command.t[1270]
disambigList(list) - grammar in grammar.t[1050]
disambigList(single) - grammar in grammar.t[1046]
disambigListItem(noun) - grammar in grammar.t[1068]
disambigListItem(ordinal) - grammar in grammar.t[1055]
disambigListItem(plural) - grammar in grammar.t[1074]
disambigListItem(possessive) - grammar in grammar.t[1081]
disambigMatchPhrases - property of Mentionable in thing.t[618]
disambigName - property of Mentionable in thing.t[73]
disambigNameDistinguisher - object in parser.t[1554]
disambigNameList - property of NounPhrase in parser.t[2946]
disambigOrder - property of Mentionable in thing.t[103]
disambigOrdinalItem(main) - grammar in grammar.t[1036]
disambigOrdinalList(head) - grammar in grammar.t[1030]
disambigOrdinalList(tail) - grammar in grammar.t[1025]
disambigPhrase(all) - grammar in grammar.t[989]
disambigPhrase(any) - grammar in grammar.t[1003]
disambigPhrase(both) - grammar in grammar.t[995]
disambigPhrase(list) - grammar in grammar.t[1007]
disambigPhrase(locational) - grammar in grammar.t[1018]
disambigPhrase(ordinalList) - grammar in grammar.t[1010]
disambigPreParser - object in english.t[6034]
DisambigProduction - class in parser.t[4557]
disambiguate - method of NounPhrase in parser.t[2347]
disbelieving - object in factrel.t[192]
disconnectAll - method of ClientSession in webui.t[714]
discover - method of Thing in thing.t[2256]
dispatchSignal - method of TadsObject in signals.t[177]
dispensedClass - property of DispensingCollective in collective.t[166]
dispensedCount - property of DispensingCollective in collective.t[175]
dispensedObjs - property of DispensingCollective in collective.t[172]
dispenseObj - method of DispensingCollective in collective.t[237]
DispensingCollective - class in collective.t[160]
display - method of MenuItem in menucon.t[51]
display - property of LibraryError in misc.t[2201]
display - property of ArgumentMismatchError in misc.t[2211]
display - method of ParseError in parser.t[4967]
display - method of NotUnderstoodError in parser.t[5044]
display - method of UnknownWordError in parser.t[5115]
display - method of CantOopsError in parser.t[5144]
display - method of RejectParseTreeError in parser.t[5187]
display - method of EmptyNounError in parser.t[5210]
display - method of UnmatchedActorError in parser.t[5340]
display - method of UnmatchedNounError in parser.t[5358]
display - method of NoAntecedentError in parser.t[5390]
display - method of AntecedentScopeError in parser.t[5414]
display - method of InsufficientNounsError in parser.t[5431]
display - method of NoneInOwnerError in parser.t[5470]
display - method of NoneInLocationError in parser.t[5527]
display - method of NoneWithContentsError in parser.t[5580]
display - method of AmbiguousError in parser.t[5632]
display - method of AmbiguousMultiDefiniteError in parser.t[5699]
display - method of OrdinalRangeError in parser.t[5726]
display - method of BadMultiError in parser.t[5743]
display - method of Thing in thing.t[1682]
displayAlt - method of Thing in thing.t[1731]
displayCommandPromptRule - object in sysrules.t[641]
displayException - method of CircularExecException in _main.t[508]
displayException - method of BreakLoopSignal in _main.t[620]
displayException - method of Exception in _main.t[667]
displayException - method of RuntimeError in _main.t[809]
displayException - property of UnknownCharSetException in _main.t[851]
displayException - method of ProgramException in _main.t[874]
displayException - method of StorageServerError in _main.t[949]
displayException - method of CompilerException in dynfunc.t[160]
displayException - method of FileException in file.t[93]
displayException - method of FileNotFoundException in file.t[103]
displayException - method of FileCreationException in file.t[113]
displayException - method of FileOpenException in file.t[123]
displayException - method of FileSyncException in file.t[136]
displayException - method of FileClosedException in file.t[144]
displayException - method of FileIOException in file.t[153]
displayException - method of FileModeException in file.t[167]
displayException - method of FileSafetyException in file.t[175]
displayException - method of UnboundMultiMethod in multmeth.t[425]
displayException - method of UnboundInheritedMultiMethod in multmeth.t[441]
displayException - method of NetException in tadsnet.t[368]
displayException - method of TokenizerError in tok.t[29]
displayException - method of TokErrorNoMatch in tok.t[49]
displayProbe - object in thing.t[10360]
displaySubItem - method of Goal in hintsys.t[362]
displaySubItem - method of MenuTopicItem in menucon.t[875]
Distant - class in extras.t[294]
distinguishByContents - property of Mentionable in thing.t[272]
distinguishByContents - property of Thing in thing.t[2398]
distinguishedName - method of LMentionable in english.t[1321]
Distinguisher - class in parser.t[1242]
distinguisher - property of DistResult in parser.t[1531]
DistResult - class in parser.t[1497]
divideBy - method of BigNumber in bignum.h[139]
DMsg - macro in advlite.h[1062]
DMsg - macro in advlite.h[1065]
dmsg - global function in messages.t[792]
doAction - method of TAction in action.t[1916]
doActionOnce - method of TAction in action.t[1847]
doActionOnce - method of TIAction in action.t[2299]
doActionOnce - method of TIAAction in tiaaction.t[252]
dobj - property of Command in command.t[1225]
dobj - property of Rule in rules.t[765]
dobjFor - macro in advlite.h[397]
dobjFor(AskAbout) - method of Actor in actor.t[2180]
dobjFor(AskAbout) - method of Thing in thing.t[9005]
dobjFor(AskFor) - method of Actor in actor.t[2188]
dobjFor(AskFor) - method of Thing in thing.t[9018]
dobjFor(Attach) - method of Thing in thing.t[7698]
dobjFor(AttachTo) - method of SimpleAttachable in attachables.t[134]
dobjFor(AttachTo) - method of Attachable in attachables.t[615]
dobjFor(AttachTo) - method of Thing in thing.t[7709]
dobjFor(Attack) - method of Actor in actor.t[2295]
dobjFor(Attack) - method of Thing in thing.t[4637]
dobjFor(AttackWith) - method of Actor in actor.t[2304]
dobjFor(AttackWith) - method of Thing in thing.t[4672]
dobjFor(Board) - method of Thing in thing.t[6528]
dobjFor(Break) - method of Thing in thing.t[4730]
dobjFor(Burn) - method of Thing in thing.t[6358]
dobjFor(BurnWith) - method of Thing in thing.t[6368]
dobjFor(Clean) - method of Thing in thing.t[7115]
dobjFor(CleanWith) - method of Thing in thing.t[7171]
dobjFor(Climb) - method of StairwayUp in extras.t[605]
dobjFor(Climb) - method of DSStairway in extras.t[848]
dobjFor(Climb) - method of Thing in thing.t[6462]
dobjFor(ClimbDown) - method of StairwayDown in extras.t[664]
dobjFor(ClimbDown) - method of DSStairway in extras.t[860]
dobjFor(ClimbDown) - method of PathPassage in extras.t[966]
dobjFor(ClimbDown) - method of Thing in thing.t[6489]
dobjFor(ClimbUp) - method of StairwayUp in extras.t[611]
dobjFor(ClimbUp) - method of PathPassage in extras.t[969]
dobjFor(ClimbUp) - method of Thing in thing.t[6474]
dobjFor(Close) - method of Thing in thing.t[4904]
dobjFor(ConsultAbout) - method of Thing in thing.t[8253]
dobjFor(ConsultAbout) - method of Consultable in topicEntry.t[309]
dobjFor(Cut) - method of Thing in thing.t[5025]
dobjFor(CutWith) - method of Thing in thing.t[5037]
dobjFor(Default) - method of Unthing in extras.t[439]
dobjFor(Default) - method of Thing in thing.t[4035]
dobjFor(Detach) - method of SimpleAttachable in attachables.t[195]
dobjFor(Detach) - method of Thing in thing.t[7745]
dobjFor(DetachFrom) - method of SimpleAttachable in attachables.t[221]
dobjFor(DetachFrom) - method of Thing in thing.t[7759]
dobjFor(Dig) - method of Thing in thing.t[7227]
dobjFor(DigWith) - method of Thing in thing.t[7254]
dobjFor(Doff) - method of Thing in thing.t[6427]
dobjFor(Drink) - method of Thing in thing.t[7065]
dobjFor(Drop) - method of Thing in thing.t[4546]
dobjFor(Eat) - method of Thing in thing.t[7039]
dobjFor(Enter) - method of Passage in extras.t[937]
dobjFor(Enter) - method of Enterable in extras.t[1022]
dobjFor(Enter) - method of Thing in thing.t[6660]
dobjFor(Enter) - method of Door in travel.t[1049]
dobjFor(EnterOn) - method of Thing in thing.t[8213]
dobjFor(Examine) - method of Odor in extras.t[59]
dobjFor(Examine) - method of Noise in extras.t[99]
dobjFor(Examine) - method of Thing in thing.t[4077]
dobjFor(Examine) - method of Room in travel.t[651]
dobjFor(Extinguish) - method of Flashlight in extras.t[1210]
dobjFor(Extinguish) - method of Thing in thing.t[7008]
dobjFor(Fasten) - method of Thing in thing.t[7808]
dobjFor(FastenTo) - method of SimpleAttachable in attachables.t[297]
dobjFor(FastenTo) - method of Thing in thing.t[7836]
dobjFor(Feel) - method of Actor in actor.t[2310]
dobjFor(Feel) - method of Thing in thing.t[4251]
dobjFor(Flip) - method of Switch in extras.t[1190]
dobjFor(Flip) - method of Thing in thing.t[6343]
dobjFor(Follow) - method of Actor in actor.t[2408]
dobjFor(Follow) - method of PathPassage in extras.t[963]
dobjFor(Follow) - method of Thing in thing.t[4608]
dobjFor(GetOff) - method of Thing in thing.t[6717]
dobjFor(GetOutOf) - method of Thing in thing.t[6737]
dobjFor(GetOutOf) - method of Room in travel.t[657]
dobjFor(GiveTo) - method of Thing in thing.t[9112]
dobjFor(GiveToImplicit) - method of Thing in thing.t[9213]
dobjFor(GoAlong) - method of Passage in extras.t[940]
dobjFor(GoAlong) - method of Thing in thing.t[5434]
dobjFor(GoNear) - method of Thing in thing.t[9324]
dobjFor(GoThrough) - method of Passage in extras.t[923]
dobjFor(GoThrough) - method of Thing in thing.t[5417]
dobjFor(GoThrough) - method of Door in travel.t[1041]
dobjFor(GoThrough) - method of TravelConnector in travel.t[1716]
dobjFor(GoThrough) - method of UnlistedProxyConnector in travel.t[1854]
dobjFor(GoTo) - method of Distant in extras.t[328]
dobjFor(GoTo) - method of Thing in thing.t[7570]
dobjFor(JumpOff) - method of Thing in thing.t[8097]
dobjFor(JumpOver) - method of Thing in thing.t[8132]
dobjFor(Kiss) - method of Actor in actor.t[2255]
dobjFor(Kiss) - method of Thing in thing.t[8037]
dobjFor(LieIn) - method of Thing in thing.t[6706]
dobjFor(LieOn) - method of Thing in thing.t[6572]
dobjFor(LieOn) - method of Thing in thing.t[6631]
dobjFor(Light) - method of Flashlight in extras.t[1207]
dobjFor(Light) - method of Thing in thing.t[6970]
dobjFor(ListenTo) - method of Noise in extras.t[97]
dobjFor(ListenTo) - method of Thing in thing.t[4189]
dobjFor(Lock) - method of Thing in thing.t[6105]
dobjFor(LockWith) - method of Thing in thing.t[5958]
dobjFor(LookBehind) - method of Thing in thing.t[5298]
dobjFor(LookIn) - method of Thing in thing.t[5086]
dobjFor(LookThrough) - method of Thing in thing.t[5394]
dobjFor(LookThrough) - method of Viewport in viewport.t[109]
dobjFor(LookUnder) - method of Thing in thing.t[5208]
dobjFor(Move) - method of Thing in thing.t[6821]
dobjFor(MoveTo) - method of Thing in thing.t[6904]
dobjFor(MoveWith) - method of Thing in thing.t[6841]
dobjFor(Open) - method of Thing in thing.t[4825]
dobjFor(PlugIn) - method of PlugAttachable in attachables.t[876]
dobjFor(PlugIn) - method of Thing in thing.t[8006]
dobjFor(PlugInto) - method of PlugAttachable in attachables.t[714]
dobjFor(PlugInto) - method of Thing in thing.t[7934]
dobjFor(Pour) - method of Thing in thing.t[8289]
dobjFor(PourInto) - method of Thing in thing.t[8348]
dobjFor(PourOnto) - method of Thing in thing.t[8299]
dobjFor(Pull) - method of Lever in gadget.t[77]
dobjFor(Pull) - method of Thing in thing.t[5472]
dobjFor(Purloin) - method of Thing in thing.t[9256]
dobjFor(Push) - method of Button in gadget.t[25]
dobjFor(Push) - method of Lever in gadget.t[102]
dobjFor(Push) - method of Thing in thing.t[5451]
dobjFor(PushTravelClimbDown) - method of Thing in thing.t[8961]
dobjFor(PushTravelClimbUp) - method of Thing in thing.t[8937]
dobjFor(PushTravelDir) - method of Thing in thing.t[8569]
dobjFor(PushTravelEnter) - method of Thing in thing.t[8859]
dobjFor(PushTravelGetOutOf) - method of Thing in thing.t[8897]
dobjFor(PushTravelThrough) - method of Thing in thing.t[8828]
dobjFor(PutBehind) - method of Thing in thing.t[5756]
dobjFor(PutIn) - method of Thing in thing.t[5572]
dobjFor(PutOn) - method of Thing in thing.t[5499]
dobjFor(PutUnder) - method of Thing in thing.t[5663]
dobjFor(QueryAbout) - method of Actor in actor.t[2229]
dobjFor(QueryAbout) - method of Thing in thing.t[9066]
dobjFor(Read) - method of Thing in thing.t[4579]
dobjFor(Remove) - method of Thing in thing.t[6771]
dobjFor(SayTo) - method of Actor in actor.t[2214]
dobjFor(SayTo) - method of Thing in thing.t[9046]
dobjFor(Screw) - method of Thing in thing.t[8418]
dobjFor(ScrewWith) - method of Thing in thing.t[8428]
dobjFor(Search) - method of Surface in extras.t[175]
dobjFor(Search) - method of Thing in thing.t[6807]
dobjFor(Set) - method of Thing in thing.t[8154]
dobjFor(SetTo) - method of Settable in gadget.t[182]
dobjFor(SetTo) - method of Thing in thing.t[7530]
dobjFor(ShowTo) - method of Thing in thing.t[9153]
dobjFor(ShowToImplicit) - method of Thing in thing.t[9185]
dobjFor(SitIn) - method of Thing in thing.t[6705]
dobjFor(SitOn) - method of Thing in thing.t[6571]
dobjFor(SitOn) - method of Thing in thing.t[6618]
dobjFor(SmellSomething) - method of Odor in extras.t[57]
dobjFor(SmellSomething) - method of Thing in thing.t[4170]
dobjFor(StandIn) - method of Thing in thing.t[6704]
dobjFor(StandOn) - method of Thing in thing.t[6570]
dobjFor(StandOn) - method of Thing in thing.t[6605]
dobjFor(Strike) - method of Thing in thing.t[4719]
dobjFor(SwitchOff) - method of Thing in thing.t[6290]
dobjFor(SwitchOn) - method of Thing in thing.t[6261]
dobjFor(SwitchVague) - method of Thing in thing.t[6317]
dobjFor(Take) - method of SimpleAttachable in attachables.t[309]
dobjFor(Take) - method of DispensingCollective in collective.t[309]
dobjFor(Take) - method of Immovable in extras.t[585]
dobjFor(Take) - method of Thing in thing.t[4280]
dobjFor(TakeFrom) - method of DispensingCollective in collective.t[387]
dobjFor(TakeFrom) - method of Thing in thing.t[7289]
dobjFor(TakeFrom) - method of Thing in thing.t[7291]
dobjFor(TalkAbout) - method of Actor in actor.t[2204]
dobjFor(TalkAbout) - method of Thing in thing.t[9079]
dobjFor(TalkTo) - method of Actor in actor.t[2172]
dobjFor(TalkTo) - method of Thing in thing.t[9092]
dobjFor(Taste) - method of Thing in thing.t[4213]
dobjFor(TellAbout) - method of Actor in actor.t[2196]
dobjFor(TellAbout) - method of Thing in thing.t[9032]
dobjFor(Throw) - method of Thing in thing.t[6502]
dobjFor(ThrowAt) - method of Thing in thing.t[7376]
dobjFor(ThrowDir) - method of Thing in thing.t[4752]
dobjFor(ThrowTo) - method of Thing in thing.t[7441]
dobjFor(TravelVia) - method of TravelConnector in travel.t[1701]
dobjFor(Turn) - method of Thing in thing.t[4951]
dobjFor(TurnTo) - method of Dial in gadget.t[221]
dobjFor(TurnTo) - method of Thing in thing.t[7486]
dobjFor(TurnWith) - method of Thing in thing.t[4978]
dobjFor(TypeOn) - method of Thing in thing.t[8186]
dobjFor(TypeOnVague) - method of Thing in thing.t[8176]
dobjFor(Unfasten) - method of SimpleAttachable in attachables.t[301]
dobjFor(Unfasten) - method of Thing in thing.t[7869]
dobjFor(UnfastenFrom) - method of SimpleAttachable in attachables.t[299]
dobjFor(UnfastenFrom) - method of Thing in thing.t[7885]
dobjFor(Unlock) - method of Thing in thing.t[6029]
dobjFor(UnlockWith) - method of Thing in thing.t[5869]
dobjFor(Unplug) - method of PlugAttachable in attachables.t[845]
dobjFor(Unplug) - method of Thing in thing.t[8017]
dobjFor(UnplugFrom) - method of PlugAttachable in attachables.t[804]
dobjFor(UnplugFrom) - method of Thing in thing.t[7970]
dobjFor(Unscrew) - method of Thing in thing.t[8454]
dobjFor(UnscrewWith) - method of Thing in thing.t[8464]
dobjFor(Wear) - method of Thing in thing.t[6398]
dobjFor(WriteOn) - method of Thing in thing.t[8231]
dobjInfo - property of Command in command.t[1228]
dobjList - macro in advlite.h[94]
dobjNPs - property of Command in command.t[1219]
dobjReply - property of VerbRule(AskFor) in grammar.t[1853]
dobjReply - property of VerbRule(AskAbout) in grammar.t[1885]
dobjReply - property of VerbRule(TellAbout) in grammar.t[1919]
dobjReply - property of VerbRule(TellAboutWhat) in grammar.t[1940]
dobjReply - property of VerbRule(TalkAbout) in grammar.t[1961]
dobjReply - property of VerbRule(TalkTo) in grammar.t[1997]
dobjReply - property of VerbRule(Follow) in grammar.t[2213]
dobjReply - property of VerbRule(Attack) in grammar.t[2222]
dobjReply - property of VerbRule(AttackWith) in grammar.t[2232]
dobjReply - property of VerbRule(GoTo) in grammar.t[2475]
dobjReply - property of VerbRule(GoThrough) in grammar.t[2537]
dobjReply - property of VerbRule(GoAlong) in grammar.t[2547]
dobjReply - property of VerbRule(Dig) in grammar.t[2564]
dobjReply - property of VerbRule(DigWith) in grammar.t[2573]
dobjReply - property of VerbRule(JumpOff) in grammar.t[2597]
dobjReply - property of VerbRule(JumpOver) in grammar.t[2606]
dobjReply - property of VerbRule(MoveWith) in grammar.t[2648]
dobjReply - property of VerbRule(TurnWith) in grammar.t[2666]
dobjReply - property of VerbRule(TurnTo) in grammar.t[2677]
dobjReply - property of VerbRule(SetTo) in grammar.t[2694]
dobjReply - property of VerbRule(TypeLiteralOn) in grammar.t[2711]
dobjReply - property of VerbRule(EnterOn) in grammar.t[2729]
dobjReply - property of VerbRule(WriteOn) in grammar.t[2739]
dobjReply - property of VerbRule(ConsultAbout) in grammar.t[2759]
dobjReply - property of VerbRule(LookUp) in grammar.t[2770]
dobjReply - property of VerbRule(BurnWith) in grammar.t[2854]
dobjReply - property of VerbRule(CutWith) in grammar.t[2889]
dobjReply - property of VerbRule(Climb) in grammar.t[2941]
dobjReply - property of VerbRule(ClimbUp) in grammar.t[2950]
dobjReply - property of VerbRule(ClimbUpWhat) in grammar.t[2958]
dobjReply - property of VerbRule(ClimbDown) in grammar.t[2967]
dobjReply - property of VerbRule(ClimbDownWhat) in grammar.t[2975]
dobjReply - property of VerbRule(LockWith) in grammar.t[3072]
dobjReply - property of VerbRule(UnlockWith) in grammar.t[3082]
dobjReply - property of VerbRule(SitOn) in grammar.t[3093]
dobjReply - property of VerbRule(SitIn) in grammar.t[3103]
dobjReply - property of VerbRule(LieOn) in grammar.t[3119]
dobjReply - property of VerbRule(LieIn) in grammar.t[3129]
dobjReply - property of VerbRule(StandOn) in grammar.t[3145]
dobjReply - property of VerbRule(StandIn) in grammar.t[3154]
dobjReply - property of VerbRule(GetOutOf) in grammar.t[3171]
dobjReply - property of VerbRule(GetOff) in grammar.t[3180]
dobjReply - property of VerbRule(Board) in grammar.t[3204]
dobjReply - property of VerbRule(Enter) in grammar.t[3215]
dobjs - property of Command in command.t[1222]
Doer - template in advlite.h[864]
Doer - class in doer.t[163]
doer - property of DoerCmd in doer.t[491]
DoerCmd - class in doer.t[482]
DoerParser - class in doer.t[827]
DoerParserTable - class in doer.t[880]
doerPreinit - object in doer.t[913]
doerTab - property of DoerCmd in doer.t[519]
Doff - object in actions.t[1101]
doHint - method of ExtraHint in hintsys.t[791]
doInstead - method of Redirector in doer.t[28]
doNested - method of Redirector in doer.t[37]
doneWhen - property of EventListItem in eventListItem.t[209]
DoNothing - object in actions.t[3064]
dontKnowWhereGoneMsg - property of Actor in actor.t[2486]
dontNeedCleaningObjMsg - property of Thing in thing.t[7166]
doOption - method of FinishOption in misc.t[1214]
Door - template in advlite.h[756]
Door - template in advlite.h[757]
Door - class in travel.t[754]
doorDir - method of DSBase in travel.t[1150]
doOtherAction - method of Redirector in doer.t[47]
doParsing - method of StringPreParser in input.t[653]
doPushTravel - method of Thing in thing.t[8674]
doScript - method of RandomFiringScript in eventList.t[87]
doScript - method of EventList in eventList.t[169]
doScript - method of RandomEventList in eventList.t[341]
doScript - method of ShuffledEventList in eventList.t[433]
doScript - method of EventListItem in eventListItem.t[66]
doScript - method of Script in misc.t[553]
doScriptEvent - method of EventList in eventList.t[192]
DoTest - object in debug.t[459]
doTravel - method of TravelAction in action.t[1335]
doTravelViaConn - method of TravelAction in action.t[1355]
doubting - object in factrel.t[202]
doVisibleTravel - method of TravelAction in action.t[1387]
Down - object in thing.t[10350]
down - property of Room in travel.t[43]
downDir - object in travel.t[2090]
downloads - property of ClientSession in webui.t[619]
DownloadTempFile - class in webui.t[3369]
dqinfo - property of TAction in action.t[1504]
Drink - object in actions.t[1195]
Drop - object in actions.t[1035]
dropItemsBehind - property of Thing in thing.t[4356]
dropItemsUnder - property of Thing in thing.t[4362]
dropLocation - property of Thing in thing.t[4538]
DSBase - class in travel.t[1091]
DSCon - template in advlite.h[1395]
DSCon - class in travel.t[1203]
DSDoor - class in travel.t[1265]
DSPassage - class in extras.t[977]
DSPathPassage - class in extras.t[981]
DSStairway - class in extras.t[713]
DSTravelConnector - template in advlite.h[1397]
DSTravelConnector - template in advlite.h[1398]
DSTravelConnector - class in extras.t[988]
dubious - enum in advlite.h[1309]
dummy_ - object in messages.t[1175]
dummyName - property of LMentionable in english.t[1881]
during - property of Rule in rules.t[750]
DynamicFunc - class in dynfunc.h[75]
DynamicProd - class in gramprod.t[156]
DynamicRegion - class in dynamicRegion.t[12]
Adv3Lite Library Reference Manual
Generated on 25/04/2024 from adv3Lite version 2.0