obj - property of NPMatch in parser.t[3276]
obj_ - property of CircularExecException in _main.t[520]
obj_ - property of T3StackInfo in _main.t[1058]
obj_ - property of Event in events.t[230]
obj_ - property of ObjectPreCondition in precond.t[759]
ObjAll - macro in tadsgen.h[688]
objAudible - object in precond.t[517]
objCarried - object in precond.t[915]
ObjClasses - macro in tadsgen.h[687]
objClosed - object in precond.t[200]
objDetached - object in precond.t[659]
Object - class in systype.h[37]
ObjectPreCondition - class in precond.t[731]
objFor - macro in advlite.h[395]
objHeld - object in precond.t[372]
objInName - property of LMentionable in english.t[401]
objInPrep - property of Thing in thing.t[2039]
ObjInstances - macro in tadsgen.h[686]
objIntoName - property of LMentionable in english.t[408]
objIntoPrep - property of Thing in thing.t[2046]
objListProp - property of NounRole in parser.t[3802]
objMatchProp - property of NounRole in parser.t[3808]
objName - property of LMentionable in english.t[79]
objNotWorn - object in precond.t[447]
objOfKind - global function in misc.t[2608]
objOpen - object in precond.t[134]
objOutOfName - property of LMentionable in english.t[414]
objProp - property of NounRole in parser.t[3805]
objs - property of NounPhrase in parser.t[2804]
objSmellable - object in precond.t[560]
objTablePreinit - object in actor.t[6936]
objToString - method of TadsObject in debug.t[338]
objToString - method of Mood in thing.t[10198]
objToString - method of Stance in thing.t[10225]
objUnlocked - object in precond.t[271]
objVisible - object in precond.t[502]
obstructor_ - property of ReachProblemBlocker in query.t[1134]
Odor - class in extras.t[46]
ofKind - method of Object in systype.h[43]
okayAttachMsg - property of SimpleAttachable in attachables.t[165]
okayAttachMsg - property of PlugAttachable in attachables.t[743]
okayCleanMsg - property of Thing in thing.t[7169]
okayDetachFromMsg - property of SimpleAttachable in attachables.t[254]
okayDetachFromMsg - property of PlugAttachable in attachables.t[836]
okayDetachMsg - property of SimpleAttachable in attachables.t[218]
okayDetachMsg - property of PlugAttachable in attachables.t[874]
okayGetOutOfMsg - property of Thing in thing.t[6759]
okayLieInMsg - property of Thing in postures.t[459]
okayLieOnMsg - property of Thing in postures.t[274]
okayLockMsg - property of Thing in thing.t[6182]
okayLockWithMsg - property of Key in thing.t[9568]
okayOpenMsg - property of Thing in thing.t[4893]
okayPushIntoMsg - property of Thing in thing.t[8867]
okayPushOutOfMsg - property of Thing in thing.t[8935]
okaySetMsg - property of Thing in thing.t[7560]
okaySitInMsg - property of Thing in postures.t[427]
okaySitOnMsg - property of Thing in postures.t[242]
okayStandInMsg - property of Thing in postures.t[398]
okayStandOnMsg - property of Thing in postures.t[212]
okayUnlockMsg - property of Thing in thing.t[6103]
okayUnlockWithMsg - property of Key in thing.t[9511]
oldLocation - property of NearbyAttachable in attachables.t[573]
oldRoom - property of Action in action.t[136]
oldToks - property of SpellingCorrection in spelling.t[825]
On - object in thing.t[10281]
oneLetterAnWordPat - property of LMentionable in english.t[1719]
oneLetterWordPat - property of LMentionable in english.t[1718]
OneOfIndexGen - class in _main.t[1262]
OneTimePromptDaemon - class in events.t[523]
oneToMany - enum in advlite.h[1366]
oneToOne - enum in advlite.h[1366]
onSingleNoun(main) - grammar in grammar.t[274]
OopsCommand - class in parser.t[4548]
oopsCommand(main) - grammar in grammar.t[1347]
OopsError - class in parser.t[5136]
oopsPhrase(main) - grammar in grammar.t[1351]
OopsProduction - class in parser.t[4519]
opacity - property of Thing in brightness.t[93]
Open - object in actions.t[1060]
OpenableContainer - class in extras.t[129]
OpenClosed - object in english.t[1999]
opened - property of Thing in thing.t[4816]
openedWhen - property of ExtraHint in hintsys.t[859]
OpenGoal - enum in advlite.h[1239]
openingContentsLister - object in lister.t[342]
openSettingsFile - method of WebUIPrefs in webui.t[2483]
openStatusReportable - property of Thing in thing.t[1786]
openStatusReportable - property of Door in travel.t[775]
openText - property of StyleTag in output.t[949]
openText - property of HtmlStyleTag in output.t[966]
openWhen - property of HintOpener in hintsys.t[149]
openWhenAchieved - property of HintOpener in hintsys.t[86]
openWhenExamined - property of HintOpener in hintsys.t[56]
openWhenKnown - property of HintOpener in hintsys.t[104]
openWhenMoved - property of HintOpener in hintsys.t[69]
openWhenRevealed - property of HintOpener in hintsys.t[114]
openWhenSeen - property of HintOpener in hintsys.t[42]
openWhenTrue - property of HintOpener in hintsys.t[128]
opposite - property of Direction in travel.t[1988]
oppositeProp - method of Direction in travel.t[1991]
order - property of NounRole in parser.t[3835]
ordinal - property of NounPhrase in parser.t[2934]
ordinal - property of OrdinalRangeError in parser.t[5739]
OrdinalProduction - class in parser.t[4481]
OrdinalRangeError - class in parser.t[5719]
ordval - method of disambigOrdinalItem(main) in grammar.t[1043]
ordval - method of disambigListItem(ordinal) in grammar.t[1065]
originalAction - property of Command in command.t[347]
origRoom - property of ReachProblemRemote in senseRegion.t[1655]
origVocab - property of SubComponent in thing.t[9743]
orList - global function in english.t[3517]
oSay - global function in output.t[58]
otherActor - property of ConvAgendaItem in actor.t[6453]
OtherObject - enum in advlite.h[980]
others_ - property of DestInfo in exits.t[509]
otherSide - property of Door in travel.t[789]
Ourselves - object in parser.t[4916]
out - property of Room in travel.t[45]
outbuf - property of WebCommandWin in webui.t[2185]
outDir - object in travel.t[2114]
OutdoorRoom - class in roomparts.t[94]
outermostParent - method of Thing in thing.t[3126]
outermostParent - property of Room in travel.t[251]
outermostVisibleParent - method of Thing in thing.t[3061]
outermostVisibleParent - method of Room in travel.t[248]
OutOf - object in thing.t[10349]
outOfNestedInstead - method of TravelAction in action.t[1250]
outOfSingleNoun(main) - grammar in grammar.t[287]
OutputFilter - class in output.t[794]
outputFlag - property of MonitorFilter in output.t[825]
outputManager - object in output.t[119]
OutputStream - class in output.t[197]
outputStream_ - property of BannerUIWindow in banner.t[782]
outputStream_ - property of OutputStreamWindow in output.t[1859]
OutputStreamWindow - class in output.t[1793]
Outside - object in thing.t[10274]
overlapsWith - method of List in misc.t[2132]
overrides - global function in misc.t[436]
ownedBy - method of Thing in thing.t[3262]
owner - property of Thing in thing.t[3212]
ownerDistinguisher - object in parser.t[1599]
ownerNamed - property of LMentionable in english.t[200]
ownsContents - property of Thing in thing.t[3231]
ownsContents - property of Actor in thing.t[10179]
Adv3Lite Library Reference Manual
Generated on 25/04/2024 from adv3Lite version 2.0