M_DOWN - macro in advlite.h[1121]
M_PREV - macro in advlite.h[1119]
M_QUIT - macro in advlite.h[1118]
M_SEL - macro in advlite.h[1122]
M_UP - macro in advlite.h[1120]
madeTopic - property of Command in command.t[1332]
main - global function in main.t[20]
main - global function in tok.t[396]
mainAtExit - object in _main.t[1220]
mainCommandLoop - global function in main.t[131]
mainCommon - global function in main.t[45]
mainDisambigPhrase(main) - grammar in grammar.t[983]
mainGlobal - object in _main.t[1182]
mainOutputStream - object in output.t[561]
mainParagraphManager - object in output.t[787]
mainRestore - global function in main.t[35]
mainWebGroup - object in webui.t[1313]
MainWindowLogHandle - macro in tadsio.h[493]
makeActivated - method of Actor in actor.t[1683]
makeAttachedTo - method of SimpleAttachable in attachables.t[100]
makeCleaned - method of Thing in thing.t[7153]
makeCommand - method of GramQuestion in parser.t[1114]
makeCountedPlural - global function in english.t[3639]
makeDeactivated - method of Actor in actor.t[1707]
makeDetachedFrom - method of SimpleAttachable in attachables.t[127]
makeFastened - method of Thing in thing.t[7806]
makeList - global function in tadsgen.h[607]
makeListInStr - global function in english.t[3482]
makeListStr - global function in english.t[3376]
makeLit - method of FueledLightSource in fueled.t[128]
makeLit - method of Thing in thing.t[2010]
makeLocked - method of Thing in thing.t[2286]
makeLocked - method of Door in travel.t[825]
makeLocked - method of DSDoor in travel.t[1277]
makeMentioned - global function in misc.t[1592]
makeMovedTo - method of Thing in thing.t[6933]
makeOn - method of Flashlight in extras.t[1200]
makeOn - method of Thing in thing.t[2300]
makeOn - method of SwitchableViewport in viewport.t[141]
makeOpen - method of SecretDoor in extras.t[1158]
makeOpen - method of Thing in thing.t[4805]
makeOpen - method of SubComponent in thing.t[9700]
makeOpen - method of Door in travel.t[807]
makeOpen - method of DSDoor in travel.t[1271]
makePlugged - method of PlugAttachable in attachables.t[709]
makePresent - method of Scenery in scenery.t[237]
makePulled - method of Lever in gadget.t[70]
makePushed - method of Button in gadget.t[42]
makeRegionLists - method of Region in travel.t[2242]
makeScopeUniversal - method of TAction in action.t[2056]
makeSentence - global function in english.t[4150]
makeSetting - method of Settable in gadget.t[156]
makeSetting - method of Thing in thing.t[7557]
makeString - global function in tadsgen.h[531]
makeUnique - method of Relation in relations.t[301]
makeWorn - method of Thing in thing.t[2315]
manageKeys - method of Actor in actor.t[601]
manyToMany - enum in advlite.h[1366]
manyToOne - enum in advlite.h[1366]
mapAll - method of Array in array.h[86]
mapAll - method of Object in misc.t[1745]
mapAll - method of List in systype.h[953]
mapAll - method of Vector in vector.h[104]
mapToByteArray - method of String in systype.h[429]
mapToString - method of ByteArray in bytearr.h[88]
markContradiction - method of Thing in factrel.t[762]
markInventoryAsSeen - property of Thing in thing.t[1944]
masculine - enum in advlite.h[895]
massNoun - property of Mentionable in thing.t[247]
masterObj - property of SlaveTopic in actor.t[4894]
masterObj - property of ScenItem in scenery.t[358]
masterObject - property of SyncEventList in eventList.t[323]
match - property of NPMatch in parser.t[3282]
match - method of String in systype.h[884]
MatchAdj - macro in advlite.h[134]
matchCase - global function in misc.t[2340]
matchCmd - method of DoerCmd in doer.t[571]
matchConditions - method of DoerCmd in doer.t[745]
matchConditions - method of Rule in rules.t[464]
matchDobj - property of CommandTopic in actor.t[3950]
matchedAll - property of Command in command.t[1327]
matchedMulti - property of Command in command.t[1330]
matches - property of NounPhrase in parser.t[2797]
matchExactCase - property of TopicEntry in topicEntry.t[128]
matchGreetings - property of DefaultAnyTopic in actor.t[4466]
matchIobj - property of CommandTopic in actor.t[3951]
matchName - method of Mentionable in thing.t[313]
matchName - method of State in thing.t[835]
matchNameCommon - method of Mentionable in thing.t[325]
matchNameDisambig - method of Mentionable in thing.t[418]
matchNameDisambig - method of SubComponent in thing.t[9745]
matchNameScope - method of NounPhrase in parser.t[1884]
matchNameScope - method of TopicPhrase in parser.t[3070]
MatchNoApprox - macro in advlite.h[153]
MatchNoTrunc - macro in advlite.h[156]
MatchNoun - macro in advlite.h[137]
matchObj - property of KissTopic in actor.t[4005]
matchObj - property of HitTopic in actor.t[4033]
matchObj - property of TouchTopic in actor.t[4056]
matchObj - property of YesTopic in actor.t[4077]
matchObj - property of NoTopic in actor.t[4092]
matchObj - property of YesNoTopic in actor.t[4116]
matchObj - property of HelloTopic in actor.t[4174]
matchObj - property of ImpHelloTopic in actor.t[4196]
matchObj - property of ActorHelloTopic in actor.t[4212]
matchObj - property of ByeTopic in actor.t[4243]
matchObj - property of ImpByeTopic in actor.t[4265]
matchObj - property of BoredByeTopic in actor.t[4287]
matchObj - property of LeaveByeTopic in actor.t[4308]
matchObj - property of ActorByeTopic in actor.t[4324]
matchObj - property of HelloGoodbyeTopic in actor.t[4336]
matchObj - property of DefaultTopic in actor.t[4396]
matchObj - property of DefaultAnyTopic in actor.t[4457]
matchObj - property of DefaultCommandTopic in actor.t[4654]
matchObj - property of NodeContinuationTopic in actor.t[5181]
matchObj - property of NodeEndCheck in actor.t[5220]
matchObj - property of FactHelper in facts.t[726]
matchObj - property of AltTopic in facts.t[1148]
matchObj - method of Pronoun in parser.t[4668]
matchObj - property of RuleBook in rules.t[153]
matchObj - property of Rule in rules.t[775]
matchObj - property of DefaultThought in thoughts.t[97]
matchObj - property of TopicEntry in topicEntry.t[110]
MatchPartMask - macro in advlite.h[146]
matchPattern - method of SayTopic in facts.t[1046]
matchPattern - property of TopicEntry in topicEntry.t[122]
MatchPhrase - macro in advlite.h[143]
matchPhrases - property of Mentionable in thing.t[608]
matchPhrasesExclude - property of Mentionable in thing.t[626]
MatchPlural - macro in advlite.h[140]
MatchPrep - macro in advlite.h[125]
matchPronoun - method of LMentionable in english.t[344]
matchProp - property of NounRole in parser.t[3796]
matchProto - method of List in misc.t[2054]
matchPullOnly - property of Thing in thing.t[8540]
matchPushOnly - property of Thing in thing.t[8532]
matchRequest - method of WebResource in webui.t[883]
matchRequest - method of WebResourceResFile in webui.t[986]
matchScore - property of ImpHelloTopic in actor.t[4203]
matchScore - property of ActorHelloTopic in actor.t[4214]
matchScore - property of ImpByeTopic in actor.t[4271]
matchScore - property of BoredByeTopic in actor.t[4293]
matchScore - property of LeaveByeTopic in actor.t[4314]
matchScore - property of ActorByeTopic in actor.t[4330]
matchScore - property of HelloGoodbyeTopic in actor.t[4345]
matchScore - property of DefaultTopic in actor.t[4402]
matchScore - property of DefaultAnyNonSayTopic in actor.t[4479]
matchScore - property of DefaultAgendaTopic in actor.t[4523]
matchScore - property of DefaultConversationTopic in actor.t[4534]
matchScore - property of DefaultNonSayTopic in actor.t[4545]
matchScore - property of DefaultAskTellTopic in actor.t[4551]
matchScore - property of DefaultGiveShowTopic in actor.t[4557]
matchScore - property of DefaultAskTopic in actor.t[4563]
matchScore - property of DefaultTellTopic in actor.t[4569]
matchScore - property of DefaultTalkTopic in actor.t[4575]
matchScore - property of DefaultGiveTopic in actor.t[4581]
matchScore - property of DefaultShowTopic in actor.t[4587]
matchScore - property of DefaultAskForTopic in actor.t[4593]
matchScore - property of DefaultSayTopic in actor.t[4599]
matchScore - property of DefaultQueryTopic in actor.t[4608]
matchScore - property of DefaultSayQueryTopic in actor.t[4614]
matchScore - property of DefaultSayTellTopic in actor.t[4620]
matchScore - property of DefaultTellTalkTopic in actor.t[4629]
matchScore - property of DefaultSayTellTalkTopic in actor.t[4638]
matchScore - property of DefaultAskQueryTopic in actor.t[4644]
matchScore - property of DefaultCommandTopic in actor.t[4653]
matchScore - property of FactConsultTopic in facts.t[770]
matchScore - property of FactThought in facts.t[792]
matchScore - property of DefaultThought in thoughts.t[111]
matchScore - property of TopicEntry in topicEntry.t[104]
matchScore - property of DefaultConsultTopic in topicEntry.t[546]
MatchStrengthMask - macro in advlite.h[159]
matchToken - global function in thing.t[684]
matchTopic - method of CommandTopic in actor.t[3921]
matchTopic - method of MiscTopic in actor.t[3977]
matchTopic - method of DefaultTopic in actor.t[4409]
matchTopic - method of QueryTopic in actor.t[4914]
matchTopic - method of InitiateTopic in actor.t[5103]
matchTopic - method of AltTopic in actor.t[5156]
matchTopic - method of DefaultThought in thoughts.t[99]
matchTopic - method of TopicEntry in topicEntry.t[24]
matchTopic - method of DefaultConsultTopic in topicEntry.t[530]
matchValues - method of StringComparator in strcomp.h[100]
matchVocab - method of NounPhrase in parser.t[1750]
matchVocab - method of TopicPhrase in parser.t[2963]
matchVocab - method of LiteralPhrase in parser.t[3150]
matchVocabPoss - method of NounPhrase in parser.t[1950]
MatchWeak - macro in advlite.h[131]
max - global function in tadsgen.h[507]
maxAttachedTo - property of Attachable in attachables.t[589]
maxBulkHiddenBehind - property of Thing in thing.t[2227]
maxBulkHiddenIn - property of Thing in thing.t[2228]
maxBulkHiddenUnder - property of Thing in thing.t[2226]
maxFireCt - property of EventListItem in eventListItem.t[201]
maxFireCt - property of ELI1 in eventListItem.t[297]
maxItemsCarried - property of Thing in thing.t[2074]
maxPoints - property of Achievement in score.t[78]
maxScore - method of GameMainDef in misc.t[270]
maxSetting - property of NumberedDial in gadget.t[236]
maxSingleBulk - property of Thing in thing.t[2066]
maxSingleWeight - property of Thing in weight.t[41]
maxToDispense - property of DispensingCollective in collective.t[181]
maxVal - method of List in systype.h[1179]
maxVal - method of Vector in vector.h[319]
maxWeightHiddenBehind - property of Thing in weight.t[137]
maxWeightHiddenIn - property of Thing in weight.t[138]
maxWeightHiddenUnder - property of Thing in weight.t[136]
Me - object in parser.t[4808]
medium - enum in advlite.h[1230]
menPluralPat - property of LMentionable in english.t[1854]
mentionA - global function in english.t[3435]
Mentionable - class in thing.t[18]
mentioned - property of Thing in thing.t[1778]
mentionThe - global function in english.t[3459]
menuContents - property of Goal in hintsys.t[284]
menuContents - property of InstructionsMenu in instruct.t[1037]
menuContents - property of MenuTopicItem in menusys.t[437]
menuContents - property of MenuLongTopicItem in menusys.t[482]
MenuItem - template in advlite.h[1125]
MenuItem - class in menusys.t[275]
menuLongTopicEnd - property of MenuLongTopicItem in menusys.t[493]
MenuLongTopicItem - template in advlite.h[1127]
MenuLongTopicItem - class in menusys.t[474]
MenuObject - class in menusys.t[141]
menuOrder - property of MenuObject in menusys.t[204]
menuOutputStream - object in menusys.t[84]
menuParagraphManager - object in menusys.t[131]
MenuStatEventDisable - macro in tadsiox.h[162]
MenuStatEventEnable - macro in tadsiox.h[161]
MenuStatLineDisable - macro in tadsiox.h[159]
MenuStatLineEnable - macro in tadsiox.h[158]
menuSysEventPage - object in menuweb.t[161]
MenuTopicItem - template in advlite.h[1126]
MenuTopicItem - class in menusys.t[421]
menuTopicListEnd - property of MenuTopicItem in menusys.t[450]
MenuTopicSubItem - class in menusys.t[459]
mergeDuplicates - global function in english.t[3571]
message - global function in messages.t[114]
MessageCtx - class in messages.t[433]
messageDummyCommand - object in messages.t[778]
MessageParams - class in messages.t[903]
messages - property of CustomMessages in messages.t[864]
metadataKeys - property of GameInfoModuleID in modid.t[479]
MetadataModuleID - class in modid.t[194]
mimeType - property of DownloadTempFile in webui.t[3409]
min - global function in tadsgen.h[516]
minInterval - property of EventListItem in eventListItem.t[221]
MinorItem - class in extras.t[1243]
minSetting - property of NumberedDial in gadget.t[233]
minVal - method of List in systype.h[1156]
minVal - method of Vector in vector.h[296]
MiscConvAction - class in actions.t[1733]
MiscTopic - class in actor.t[3971]
MiscTopic - template in advlite.h[852]
MiscTopic - template in advlite.h[853]
miscTopics - property of ActorTopicDatabase in actor.t[2914]
miscWordList(list) - grammar in grammar.t[961]
miscWordList(wordOrNumber) - grammar in grammar.t[955]
MiscWordListProduction - class in parser.t[4503]
miscWordLists - property of Command in command.t[1131]
missedTurn - property of EventListItem in eventListItem.t[117]
missingNouns - property of Command in command.t[1137]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(Debug) in debug.t[57]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(DebugI) in debug.t[110]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(Test) in debug.t[486]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(FactInfo) in facts.t[1255]
missingQ - property of defaultVerbPhrase(noun) in grammar.t[108]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(Take) in grammar.t[1509]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(TakeFrom) in grammar.t[1519]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(Remove) in grammar.t[1527]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(Drop) in grammar.t[1536]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(Examine) in grammar.t[1544]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(LookX) in grammar.t[1552]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(Read) in grammar.t[1567]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(LookIn) in grammar.t[1575]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(Search) in grammar.t[1584]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(LookThrough) in grammar.t[1592]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(LookUnder) in grammar.t[1600]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(LookBehind) in grammar.t[1608]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(Feel) in grammar.t[1616]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(Taste) in grammar.t[1624]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(SmellSomething) in grammar.t[1632]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(ListenTo) in grammar.t[1647]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(PutIn) in grammar.t[1664]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(PutOn) in grammar.t[1675]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(PutUnder) in grammar.t[1684]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(PutBehind) in grammar.t[1693]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(PutWhere) in grammar.t[1702]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(Wear) in grammar.t[1746]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(Doff) in grammar.t[1755]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(Kiss) in grammar.t[1763]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(Query) in grammar.t[1773]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(Query2) in grammar.t[1783]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(QueryAbout) in grammar.t[1795]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(QueryVague) in grammar.t[1806]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(AuxQuery) in grammar.t[1815]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(AskFor) in grammar.t[1852]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(AskWhomFor) in grammar.t[1862]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(AskForImplicit) in grammar.t[1872]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(AskAbout) in grammar.t[1884]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(AskAboutImplicit) in grammar.t[1894]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(AskAboutWhat) in grammar.t[1904]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(TellAbout) in grammar.t[1918]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(TellAboutImplicit) in grammar.t[1928]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(TellAboutWhat) in grammar.t[1937]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(TellTo) in grammar.t[1951]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(TalkAbout) in grammar.t[1960]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(TalkAboutImplicit) in grammar.t[1970]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(AskVague) in grammar.t[1979]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(TellVague) in grammar.t[1987]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(TalkTo) in grammar.t[1996]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(GiveTo) in grammar.t[2053]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(GiveToType2) in grammar.t[2062]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(GiveToImplicit) in grammar.t[2074]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(ShowTo) in grammar.t[2084]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(ShowToType2) in grammar.t[2093]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(ShowToImplicit) in grammar.t[2105]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(Say) in grammar.t[2116]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(SayTo) in grammar.t[2124]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(TellThat) in grammar.t[2132]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(ThinkAbout) in grammar.t[2147]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(Throw) in grammar.t[2156]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(ThrowAt) in grammar.t[2164]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(ThrowTo) in grammar.t[2173]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(ThrowToType2) in grammar.t[2182]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(ThrowDir) in grammar.t[2195]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(ThrowDirDown) in grammar.t[2204]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(Follow) in grammar.t[2212]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(Attack) in grammar.t[2221]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(AttackWith) in grammar.t[2231]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(GoTo) in grammar.t[2474]
missingQ - property of EnTravelVia in grammar.t[2513]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(GoThrough) in grammar.t[2536]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(GoAlong) in grammar.t[2546]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(Dig) in grammar.t[2563]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(DigWith) in grammar.t[2572]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(JumpOff) in grammar.t[2596]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(JumpOver) in grammar.t[2605]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(Push) in grammar.t[2614]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(Pull) in grammar.t[2622]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(Move) in grammar.t[2630]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(MoveTo) in grammar.t[2638]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(MoveWith) in grammar.t[2647]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(Turn) in grammar.t[2657]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(TurnWith) in grammar.t[2665]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(TurnTo) in grammar.t[2676]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(Set) in grammar.t[2685]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(SetTo) in grammar.t[2693]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(TypeOn) in grammar.t[2702]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(TypeLiteralOn) in grammar.t[2710]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(TypeLiteralOnWhat) in grammar.t[2719]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(EnterOn) in grammar.t[2728]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(WriteOn) in grammar.t[2738]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(Write) in grammar.t[2747]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(ConsultAbout) in grammar.t[2758]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(LookUp) in grammar.t[2769]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(ConsultWhatAbout) in grammar.t[2783]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(Switch) in grammar.t[2792]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(Flip) in grammar.t[2800]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(SwitchOn) in grammar.t[2809]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(SwitchOff) in grammar.t[2819]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(Light) in grammar.t[2828]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(Strike) in grammar.t[2836]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(Burn) in grammar.t[2844]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(BurnWith) in grammar.t[2853]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(Extinguish) in grammar.t[2864]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(Break) in grammar.t[2872]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(Cut) in grammar.t[2880]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(CutWith) in grammar.t[2888]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(Eat) in grammar.t[2898]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(Drink) in grammar.t[2906]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(Pour) in grammar.t[2914]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(PourInto) in grammar.t[2922]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(PourOnto) in grammar.t[2931]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(Climb) in grammar.t[2940]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(ClimbUp) in grammar.t[2949]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(ClimbDown) in grammar.t[2966]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(Clean) in grammar.t[2983]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(CleanWith) in grammar.t[2991]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(AttachTo) in grammar.t[3002]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(Attach) in grammar.t[3011]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(DetachFrom) in grammar.t[3021]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(Detach) in grammar.t[3031]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(Open) in grammar.t[3039]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(Close) in grammar.t[3047]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(Lock) in grammar.t[3055]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(Unlock) in grammar.t[3063]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(LockWith) in grammar.t[3071]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(UnlockWith) in grammar.t[3081]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(SitOn) in grammar.t[3092]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(SitIn) in grammar.t[3102]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(LieOn) in grammar.t[3118]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(LieIn) in grammar.t[3128]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(StandOn) in grammar.t[3144]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(StandIn) in grammar.t[3153]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(GetOutOf) in grammar.t[3170]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(GetOff) in grammar.t[3179]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(Board) in grammar.t[3203]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(Enter) in grammar.t[3214]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(Fasten) in grammar.t[3230]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(FastenTo) in grammar.t[3238]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(Unfasten) in grammar.t[3248]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(UnfastenFrom) in grammar.t[3256]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(PlugInto) in grammar.t[3266]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(PlugIntoWhat) in grammar.t[3276]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(PlugIn) in grammar.t[3289]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(UnplugFrom) in grammar.t[3297]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(Unplug) in grammar.t[3306]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(Screw) in grammar.t[3314]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(ScrewWith) in grammar.t[3322]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(Unscrew) in grammar.t[3332]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(UnscrewWith) in grammar.t[3340]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(PushTravelThrough) in grammar.t[3357]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(PushTravelEnter) in grammar.t[3366]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(PushTravelGetOutOf) in grammar.t[3375]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(PushTravelClimbUp) in grammar.t[3385]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(PushTravelClimbDown) in grammar.t[3394]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(Purloin) in grammar.t[3472]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(GoNear) in grammar.t[3480]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(Evaluate) in grammar.t[3496]
missingQ - property of VerbRule(Seek) in newbie.t[1068]
missingReplyProp - property of NounRole in parser.t[3822]
missingRole - property of VerbRule(PutWhere) in grammar.t[1704]
missingRole - property of VerbRule(AskAboutWhat) in grammar.t[1906]
missingRole - property of VerbRule(TellAboutWhat) in grammar.t[1939]
missingRole - property of VerbRule(PlugIntoWhat) in grammar.t[3279]
missingRoleProd - method of VerbProduction in grammar.t[3697]
MobileCollectiveGroup - class in mobileCollectiveGroup.t[20]
mode - property of WebCommandWin in webui.t[2212]
moduleAdv3Lite - object in modid.t[596]
ModuleExecObject - class in _main.t[314]
ModuleID - class in modid.t[37]
MonitorFilter - class in output.t[812]
mood - property of ActorState in actor.t[2886]
mood - property of Actor in thing.t[10180]
Mood - class in thing.t[10191]
more - macro in advlite.h[1334]
more_ - property of SingletonIterator in misc.t[1823]
moreMode - property of WebCommandWin in webui.t[2204]
morePrompt - global function in tadsio.h[56]
morePromptDonePage - object in webui.t[2246]
Move - object in actions.t[1182]
moveAction - method of BagOfHolding in gadget.t[429]
moved - property of Thing in thing.t[3605]
movedTo - property of Thing in thing.t[6930]
moveHidden - method of Thing in thing.t[4483]
moveInto - method of Rule in rules.t[676]
moveInto - method of Scenery in scenery.t[226]
moveInto - method of Thing in thing.t[2458]
moveInto - method of MultiLoc in thing.t[9925]
moveIntoAdd - method of MultiLocScenery in scenery.t[316]
moveIntoAdd - method of MultiLoc in thing.t[9898]
moveMLIntoAdd - method of Thing in thing.t[2545]
moveMLIntoAdd - method of Region in travel.t[2438]
moveMLOutOf - method of Thing in thing.t[2559]
moveMLOutOf - method of Region in travel.t[2447]
moveNoEffectMsg - property of Thing in thing.t[6861]
moveOutOf - method of MultiLocScenery in scenery.t[326]
moveOutOf - method of MultiLoc in thing.t[9911]
MoveTo - object in actions.t[1227]
MoveWith - object in actions.t[1236]
Msg - macro in advlite.h[1009]
msgTab - property of CustomMessages in messages.t[884]
multiAcc - macro in advlite.h[76]
multiAobj - macro in advlite.h[77]
multiDobj - macro in advlite.h[72]
multiIobj - macro in advlite.h[73]
MultiLoc - class in thing.t[9784]
multiLocInitiator - object in thing.t[10102]
MultiLocScenery - class in scenery.t[264]
multiPluggable - property of Attachable in attachables.t[653]
MultiScenItem - class in scenery.t[378]
mustBeCleanedWith - property of Thing in thing.t[7098]
myAction - property of CommandTopicHelper in actor.t[3913]
myAction - property of CommandTopic in actor.t[3954]
myAction - property of AltTopic in actor.t[5148]
myDaemon - property of MobileCollectiveGroup in mobileCollectiveGroup.t[79]
myInputManager - property of OutputStream in output.t[373]
myInventoryLister - property of Thing in thing.t[3799]
myListObj - property of EventListItem in eventListItem.t[60]
myLookBehindLister - property of Thing in thing.t[5377]
myLookInLister - property of Thing in thing.t[5162]
myLookUnderLister - property of Thing in thing.t[5282]
myObj - property of VerifyResult in action.t[3210]
myObjs - property of MobileCollectiveGroup in mobileCollectiveGroup.t[73]
myObjs - property of Scenery in scenery.t[39]
myOpeningContentsLister - property of Thing in thing.t[4891]
myScopeObjects - method of CollectiveGroup in extras.t[509]
Myself - object in parser.t[4891]
myThoughtManager - property of Thing in thing.t[3993]
myWornLister - property of Thing in thing.t[3802]
Adv3Lite Library Reference Manual
Generated on 25/04/2024 from adv3Lite version 2.0