gAcc - macro in advlite.h[653]
gAction - macro in advlite.h[294]
gActionIn - macro in advlite.h[334]
gActionIs - macro in advlite.h[330]
gActionList - macro in advlite.h[343]
gActionListObj - macro in advlite.h[354]
gActionListStr - macro in advlite.h[346]
gActor - macro in advlite.h[279]
gActor - property of TAction in sysrules.t[527]
gActorRoom - macro in advlite.h[393]
gameHintStatus - object in hintsys.t[714]
GameID - class in modid.t[558]
gameInfoFilename - property of GameInfoModuleID in modid.t[471]
GameInfoModuleID - class in modid.t[223]
gameInfoWriter - object in gameinfo.t[71]
GameMainDef - class in misc.t[56]
gameStartTime - property of GameMainDef in objtime.t[165]
gameUrl - property of GameInfoModuleID in modid.t[325]
gAobj - macro in advlite.h[652]
gCommand - macro in advlite.h[295]
gCommandToks - macro in advlite.h[1202]
gDobj - macro in advlite.h[287]
generateRandomKey - global function in webui.t[360]
genList - global function in english.t[3533]
genreName - property of GameInfoModuleID in modid.t[293]
getAbs - method of BigNumber in bignum.h[79]
getAbsolutePath - method of FileName in filename.h[156]
getActor - method of Actor in actor.t[1799]
getActor - property of ActorState in actor.t[2678]
getActor - property of TopicGroup in actor.t[3162]
getActor - property of ActorTopicEntry in actor.t[3349]
getActor - property of AltTopic in actor.t[5140]
getActor - method of AgendaItem in actor.t[6283]
getActor - property of ProxyActor in actor.t[7285]
getActor - property of ThoughtManager in thoughts.t[68]
getActor - property of TopicEntry in topicEntry.t[181]
getActor - property of Consultable in topicEntry.t[505]
getAdditionalInfo - method of LState in english.t[1963]
getAddress - method of HTTPServer in httpsrv.h[120]
getAll - method of Action in action.t[770]
getAll - method of TAction in action.t[1943]
getAllRegions - method of Room in travel.t[458]
getAllUnhidden - method of Action in action.t[784]
getAndRemove - method of Vector in webui.t[78]
getArg - global function in tadsgen.h[30]
getBannerID - method of BannerWindow in banner.t[334]
getBaseName - method of FileName in filename.h[90]
getBestCmd - method of CommandList in parser.t[957]
getBestMatch - method of Actor in actor.t[325]
getBestMatch - method of ActorState in actor.t[2773]
getBestMatch - method of ResolvedTopic in parser.t[3119]
getBestMatch - method of TopicDatabase in topicEntry.t[195]
getBody - method of HTTPRequest in httpreq.h[184]
getBucketCount - method of LookupTable in lookup.h[63]
getBulkHiddenBehind - property of Thing in thing.t[2233]
getBulkHiddenIn - property of Thing in thing.t[2232]
getBulkHiddenUnder - property of Thing in thing.t[2231]
getBulkWithin - method of Thing in thing.t[2077]
getCarriedBulk - method of Thing in thing.t[2090]
getCarriedWeight - method of Thing in weight.t[32]
getCeil - method of BigNumber in bignum.h[82]
getCharacterSet - method of File in file.h[241]
getChildIndex - method of MenuItem in menusys.t[409]
getClientAddress - method of HTTPRequest in httpreq.h[193]
getClockTime - method of Date in date.h[269]
getCommandPhrase - method of Command in command.t[1340]
getConnector - method of Room in travel.t[693]
getCookie - method of HTTPRequest in httpreq.h[123]
getCookies - method of HTTPRequest in httpreq.h[132]
getCurKey - method of Iterator in systype.h[204]
getCurVal - method of SingletonIterator in misc.t[1817]
getCurVal - method of Iterator in systype.h[210]
getDate - method of Date in date.h[214]
getDefaultValue - method of LookupTable in lookup.h[99]
getDefiningObj - method of StackFrameDesc in systype.h[1293]
getDepartingDirection - method of TravelConnector in travel.t[1686]
getDestination - method of DSBase in travel.t[1109]
getDestination - method of TravelConnector in travel.t[1366]
getDestination - method of UnlistedProxyConnector in travel.t[1843]
getDirection - method of Room in travel.t[597]
getDirectionTo - method of Room in travel.t[615]
getE - method of BigNumber in bignum.h[220]
getEntryCount - method of LookupTable in lookup.h[72]
getExceptionMessage - method of Exception in _main.t[678]
getFacets - property of Thing in thing.t[3880]
getFacts - method of FactHelper in facts.t[488]
getFileInfo - method of FileName in filename.h[221]
getFileMode - method of File in file.h[458]
getFilename - method of TemporaryFile in file.h[611]
getFilename - method of DownloadTempFile in webui.t[3391]
getFileSize - method of File in file.h[452]
getFileType - method of FileName in filename.h[207]
getFloor - method of BigNumber in bignum.h[85]
getFormFields - method of HTTPRequest in httpreq.h[161]
getFraction - method of BigNumber in bignum.h[66]
getFuncParams - global function in tadsgen.h[542]
getGameInfoToday - method of GameInfoModuleID in modid.t[507]
getGrammarInfo - method of GrammarProd in gramprod.h[58]
getHeaders - method of HTTPRequest in httpreq.h[116]
getHistory - method of TimeZone in date.h[566]
getHMS - method of Date in misc.t[2169]
getHolding - method of Test in debug.t[532]
getHostName - global function in tadsnet.h[96]
getInputFile - method of SystemAction in action.t[1078]
getInputLine - method of WebCommandWin in webui.t[1968]
getInvokee - method of StackFrameDesc in systype.h[1308]
getIPAddress - method of HTTPServer in httpsrv.h[126]
getISOWeekDate - method of Date in date.h[259]
getItemText - method of Hint in hintsys.t[421]
getItemText - method of MenuTopicSubItem in menusys.t[465]
getJulianDate - method of Date in date.h[243]
getJulianDay - method of Date in date.h[233]
getKey - method of SingletonIterator in misc.t[1814]
getKeysXML - method of MenuItem in menuweb.t[119]
getKeyTopics - method of ActorTopicEntry in actor.t[3650]
getLaunchHostAddr - global function in tadsnet.h[149]
getListableTopics - method of ActorTopicDatabase in actor.t[2944]
getLocalCharSet - global function in tadsio.h[258]
getLocalIP - global function in tadsnet.h[112]
getLocation - method of TimeZone in date.h[628]
getMessageParam - method of Action in action.t[672]
getMessageParam - method of TAction in action.t[2032]
getMessageParam - method of TIAction in action.t[2207]
getMessageParam - method of MiscConvAction in actions.t[1749]
getMessageParam - method of TIAAction in tiaaction.t[154]
getMethod - method of TadsObject in systype.h[330]
getModuleList - method of ModuleID in modid.t[154]
getMultiMethodPointer - global function in multmeth.t[153]
getName - method of CharacterSet in charset.h[56]
getName - method of LCommandTopicHelper in english.t[5869]
getName - method of FileName in filename.h[82]
getNames - method of TimeZone in date.h[520]
getNames - method of Distinguisher in parser.t[1348]
getNetEvent - global function in tadsnet.h[72]
getNetStorageURL - global function in tadsnet.h[126]
getNext - method of SingletonIterator in misc.t[1798]
getNext - method of Iterator in systype.h[183]
getNextIndex - method of OneOfIndexGen in _main.t[1315]
getNextMenu - method of MenuItem in menusys.t[379]
getNextRandom - method of RandomEventList in eventList.t[365]
getNextRandom - method of ShuffledEventList in eventList.t[490]
getNextRunTime - method of Event in events.t[242]
getNextRunTime - method of TimeFuse in objtime.t[308]
getNextTopicXML - method of MenuTopicItem in menuweb.t[270]
getNextValue - method of ShuffledList in eventList.t[562]
getNextValue - method of ShuffledIntegerList in eventList.t[697]
getNounPhraseRole - method of Production in parser.t[3476]
GetOff - object in actions.t[1151]
getOnGroundDoer - object in english.t[5981]
GetOut - object in actions.t[726]
getOutermostRoom - property of Thing in thing.t[2790]
getOutermostRoom - method of Room in travel.t[245]
GetOutOf - object in actions.t[1154]
getOutOfNested - method of TravelAction in action.t[1282]
getOutToJump - property of Thing in thing.t[8089]
getParsers - method of DoerParserTable in doer.t[896]
getPath - method of FactAgendaItem in factrel.t[272]
getPath - method of FileName in filename.h[99]
getPathToTopic - method of FactAgendaItem in factrel.t[317]
getPatternString - method of RexPattern in systype.h[1218]
getPcComment - method of Fact in facts.t[306]
getPi - method of BigNumber in bignum.h[217]
getPlayerChar - global function in misc.t[2612]
getPortNum - method of HTTPServer in httpsrv.h[136]
getPos - method of File in file.h[396]
getPrecision - method of BigNumber in bignum.h[53]
getPrevMenu - method of MenuItem in menusys.t[396]
getPrimary - method of ClientSession in webui.t[755]
getPropList - method of Object in systype.h[60]
getPropParams - method of Object in systype.h[70]
getQuery - method of HTTPRequest in httpreq.h[60]
getQueryParam - method of HTTPRequest in httpreq.h[100]
getResErr - method of CommandList in parser.t[980]
getRules - method of TimeZone in date.h[616]
getSaveDesc - method of GameMainDef in misc.t[225]
getScale - method of BigNumber in bignum.h[88]
getScriptState - method of SyncEventList in eventList.t[326]
getScriptState - method of Script in misc.t[538]
getSelf - method of StackFrameDesc in systype.h[1288]
getServer - method of HTTPRequest in httpreq.h[35]
getSettingsFile - method of WebUIPrefs in webui.t[2504]
getSource - method of DynamicFunc in dynfunc.h[81]
getSources - method of Fact in facts.t[205]
getStart - method of FactAgendaItem in factrel.t[245]
getState - method of WebWindow in webui.t[1728]
getState - method of WebLayoutWindow in webui.t[1903]
getState - method of WebCommandWin in webui.t[2046]
getState - method of WebStatusWin in webui.t[2678]
getStatuslineExitsHeight - method of Thing in thing.t[1603]
getSuperclassList - method of Object in systype.h[46]
getTargetObj - method of StackFrameDesc in systype.h[1298]
getTargetProp - method of StackFrameDesc in systype.h[1303]
getTargets - method of Fact in facts.t[215]
getText - method of Production in parser.t[3328]
getTime - global function in tadsgen.h[318]
GetTimeDateAndTime - macro in tadsgen.h[702]
GetTimeTicks - macro in tadsgen.h[703]
getTokens - method of Production in parser.t[3339]
getTokOrig - macro in tok.h[40]
getTokType - macro in tok.h[34]
getTokVal - macro in tok.h[28]
getTop - method of Vector in misc.t[1879]
getTopicText - method of ResolvedTopic in english.t[2091]
getTopicText - property of ResolvedTopic in parser.t[3137]
getTopicText - method of Topic in thing.t[10154]
getTopicXML - method of MenuTopicItem in menuweb.t[281]
getTraveler - method of TravelConnector in travel.t[1417]
getUnique - method of Array in array.h[124]
getUnique - method of List in systype.h[1022]
getUnique - method of Vector in vector.h[141]
getVars - method of StackFrameDesc in systype.h[1283]
getVerb - method of HTTPRequest in httpreq.h[48]
getVerbPhrase - method of TAction in english.t[5546]
getVerbPhrase - method of TIAction in english.t[5642]
getVerbPhrase1 - method of TAction in english.t[5581]
getVerbPhrase2 - method of TIAction in english.t[5675]
getVocab - method of State in thing.t[851]
getWeightHiddenBehind - property of Thing in weight.t[143]
getWeightHiddenIn - property of Thing in weight.t[142]
getWeightHiddenUnder - property of Thing in weight.t[141]
getWeightWithin - method of Thing in weight.t[23]
getWhole - method of BigNumber in bignum.h[69]
getXML - method of MenuItem in menuweb.t[87]
getXML - method of MenuTopicItem in menuweb.t[242]
getXML - method of MenuLongTopicItem in menuweb.t[301]
getXML - method of WebUIPrefs in webui.t[2523]
gExitLister - macro in advlite.h[922]
gExtraHintManager - macro in advlite.h[935]
gFact - macro in advlite.h[1152]
gFactDesc - macro in advlite.h[1153]
gHintManager - macro in advlite.h[928]
gInformed - macro in advlite.h[1296]
gIobj - macro in advlite.h[288]
GiveShowTopic - class in actor.t[4703]
GiveTo - object in actions.t[1961]
GiveToImplicit - object in actions.t[2159]
GiveTopic - class in actor.t[4693]
giveTopics - property of ActorTopicDatabase in actor.t[2909]
gKnown - macro in advlite.h[1292]
gLastAction - macro in advlite.h[317]
gLastCommand - macro in advlite.h[318]
gLastFact - macro in advlite.h[1305]
gLastTopic - macro in advlite.h[1302]
gLibMessages - macro in advlite.h[916]
gLiteral - macro in advlite.h[289]
globalParamName - property of Thing in thing.t[2000]
gLocation - macro in advlite.h[381]
gMessageParams - macro in advlite.h[1106]
gMood - macro in advlite.h[1441]
gMoodIn - macro in advlite.h[1454]
gMoodIs - macro in advlite.h[1444]
gNumber - macro in advlite.h[290]
Go - object in actions.t[712]
Goal - template in advlite.h[1130]
Goal - class in hintsys.t[255]
goalFullyDisplayed - property of Goal in hintsys.t[303]
GoAlong - object in actions.t[1160]
goalState - property of Goal in hintsys.t[380]
GoBack - object in actions.t[780]
GoIn - object in actions.t[682]
goInstead - macro in advlite.h[496]
GoNear - object in debug.t[171]
goNested - macro in advlite.h[497]
Goodbye - object in actions.t[1819]
GoOut - object in actions.t[687]
GoSomewhere - object in newbie.t[773]
GoThrough - object in actions.t[1157]
GoTo - object in actions.t[817]
gotVerb - property of MessageCtx in messages.t[753]
gOutStream - macro in advlite.h[1084]
gPlayerChar - macro in advlite.h[375]
gramBadness - property of GrammarAltInfo in gramprod.t[66]
GrammarAltInfo - class in gramprod.t[43]
grammarAltProps - property of DynamicProd in gramprod.t[180]
GrammarAltTokInfo - class in gramprod.t[89]
grammarInfo - method of DynamicProd in gramprod.t[162]
grammarInfoForBuild - method of nounWord(nounApostS) in grammar.t[792]
grammarInfoForBuild - method of Production in parser.t[3403]
GrammarProd - class in gramprod.h[44]
grammarTag - property of DynamicProd in gramprod.t[173]
gramMatchObj - property of GrammarAltInfo in gramprod.t[73]
GramQuestion - class in parser.t[1081]
gramTargetProp - property of GrammarAltTokInfo in gramprod.t[114]
gramTokenInfo - property of GrammarAltTokInfo in gramprod.t[143]
gramTokens - property of GrammarAltInfo in gramprod.t[80]
gramTokenType - property of GrammarAltTokInfo in gramprod.t[120]
GramTokTypeLiteral - macro in gramprod.h[134]
GramTokTypeNSpeech - macro in gramprod.h[137]
GramTokTypeProd - macro in gramprod.h[132]
GramTokTypeSpeech - macro in gramprod.h[133]
GramTokTypeStar - macro in gramprod.h[136]
GramTokTypeTokEnum - macro in gramprod.h[135]
greetingDisplayed - property of ConvAgendaItem in actor.t[6541]
GreetingTopic - class in actor.t[4130]
gReveal - macro in advlite.h[1282]
gRevealed - macro in advlite.h[1279]
gRoom - macro in advlite.h[390]
group - property of WebResource in webui.t[865]
groupOrder - property of Thing in thing.t[3184]
groupSort - method of Vector in misc.t[1945]
gSafePlayerChar - macro in advlite.h[378]
gSetKnown - macro in advlite.h[1288]
gSetMood - macro in advlite.h[1466]
gSetSeen - macro in advlite.h[1289]
gSetStance - macro in advlite.h[1462]
gStance - macro in advlite.h[1424]
gStanceIn - macro in advlite.h[1434]
gStanceIs - macro in advlite.h[1425]
gTentativeDobj - macro in advlite.h[297]
gTentativeDobjIn - macro in advlite.h[313]
gTentativeIobj - macro in advlite.h[298]
gTentativeIobjIn - macro in advlite.h[314]
gTopic - macro in advlite.h[399]
gTopicMatch - macro in advlite.h[401]
gTopicText - macro in advlite.h[400]
gTravelActionIs - macro in advlite.h[339]
gTurns - macro in advlite.h[384]
guestConnectPage - object in webui.t[1379]
gUnreveal - macro in advlite.h[1285]
gVerbPhrase - macro in advlite.h[1206]
gVerbWord - macro in advlite.h[1198]
gVerifyDobj - macro in advlite.h[306]
gVerifyIobj - macro in advlite.h[307]
gVerifyList - macro in advlite.h[661]
Adv3Lite Library Reference Manual
Generated on 25/04/2024 from adv3Lite version 2.0