t3AllocProp - global function in t3.h[146]
T3DebugBreak - macro in t3.h[200]
T3DebugCheck - macro in t3.h[197]
T3DebugLog - macro in t3.h[203]
t3DebugTrace - global function in t3.h[99]
t3GetGlobalSymbols - global function in t3.h[137]
t3GetNamedArg - global function in t3.h[181]
t3GetNamedArgList - global function in t3.h[188]
T3GetStackDesc - macro in t3.h[226]
T3GetStackLocals - macro in t3.h[225]
t3GetStackTrace - global function in t3.h[166]
t3GetVMBanner - global function in t3.h[64]
t3GetVMID - global function in t3.h[57]
t3GetVMPreinitMode - global function in t3.h[71]
t3GetVMVsn - global function in t3.h[51]
T3GlobalSymbols - macro in t3.h[218]
T3MacroHasArgs - macro in t3.h[231]
T3MacroHasVarargs - macro in t3.h[232]
T3PreprocMacros - macro in t3.h[219]
t3RunGC - global function in t3.h[28]
t3SetSay - global function in t3.h[42]
T3SetSayNoFunc - macro in t3.h[210]
T3SetSayNoMethod - macro in t3.h[211]
T3StackInfo - class in _main.t[1003]
t3test_get_charcode - global function in t3test.h[23]
t3test_get_obj_gc_state - global function in t3test.h[22]
t3test_get_obj_id - global function in t3test.h[21]
TAction - class in action.t[1450]
TADS_IO_HEADER - macro in tads.h[26]
TadsObject - class in systype.h[242]
tadsSay - global function in tadsio.h[35]
tag_ - property of SpecialsToHtmlState in _main.t[1173]
tagList - property of FactHelper in facts.t[668]
tagName - property of StyleTag in output.t[943]
tagOrQuotePat - property of LMentionable in english.t[1742]
Take - object in actions.t[1060]
TakeFrom - object in actions.t[1421]
takeOneStep - method of Pathfinder in pathfind.t[96]
takePathDoer - object in english.t[6074]
takeTime - global function in objtime.t[402]
takeTurn - method of Actor in actor.t[1495]
talkableRooms - property of Room in senseRegion.t[238]
TalkAbout - object in actions.t[2003]
TalkAboutImplicit - object in actions.t[2198]
TalkTo - object in actions.t[1795]
TalkTopic - class in actor.t[5197]
talkTopics - property of ActorTopicDatabase in actor.t[3042]
tangent - method of BigNumber in bignum.h[157]
tanh - method of BigNumber in bignum.h[214]
target - property of FactAgendaItem in factrel.t[242]
target - property of ReachProblemRemote in senseRegion.t[1657]
target_ - property of ReachProblem in query.t[1083]
targetsTab - property of Fact in facts.t[228]
Taste - object in actions.t[1042]
tasteDesc - property of Thing in thing.t[2134]
TellAbout - object in actions.t[1999]
TellAboutImplicit - object in actions.t[2193]
tellMatchObj - property of SpecialTopic in actor.t[4955]
TellTalkShowTopic - class in actor.t[4837]
TellTalkTopic - class in actor.t[5205]
TellTo - object in actions.t[1975]
TellTopic - class in actor.t[4793]
tellTopics - property of ActorTopicDatabase in actor.t[3036]
tempFileDownloadPage - object in webui.t[3237]
tempFileName - property of DownloadTempFile in webui.t[3402]
TemporaryFile - class in file.h[598]
tentativeDobj - property of SpecialVerb in parser.t[5898]
tentativeDobjList - property of SpecialVerb in parser.t[5905]
terminalNounPhrase(allBut) - grammar in grammar.t[365]
terminalNounPhrase(anyBut) - grammar in grammar.t[379]
terminalNounPhrase(pluralExcept) - grammar in grammar.t[373]
TerminateCommandException - class in parser.t[5827]
terminateUI - global function in browser.t[113]
terminateUI - global function in console.t[52]
terseOK - method of Command in command.t[584]
Test - template in advlite.h[871]
Test - template in advlite.h[872]
Test - class in debug.t[499]
testHolding - property of Test in debug.t[522]
testList - property of Test in debug.t[504]
testName - property of Test in debug.t[501]
textbuf - property of WebCommandWin in webui.t[2165]
textbufToScrollback - method of WebCommandWin in webui.t[2114]
thatName - property of LMentionable in english.t[150]
thatObjName - property of LMentionable in english.t[158]
Them - object in parser.t[4752]
Themselves - object in parser.t[4965]
theName - property of LMentionable in english.t[57]
theName - property of Pronoun in english.t[2256]
theName - property of ResolvedTopic in parser.t[3177]
theName - property of LiteralObject in parser.t[3221]
theNameFrom - method of LMentionable in english.t[210]
theNameIs - method of LMentionable in english.t[238]
theObjName - property of LMentionable in english.t[60]
theObjName - property of Pronoun in english.t[2257]
Thing - template in advlite.h[752]
Thing - class in thing.t[1121]
thingPreinit - object in thing.t[9592]
Think - object in actions.t[2104]
ThinkAbout - object in actions.t[2073]
thinker - property of ThoughtManager in thoughts.t[76]
Thought - class in thoughts.t[85]
thoughtList - property of ThoughtManager in thoughts.t[61]
ThoughtManager - class in thoughts.t[20]
Through - object in thing.t[10556]
throughSingleNoun(main) - grammar in grammar.t[265]
Throw - object in actions.t[1082]
throwableRooms - property of Room in senseRegion.t[239]
ThrowAt - object in actions.t[1461]
ThrowDir - object in actions.t[1474]
throwFallsShortMsg - property of Thing in thing.t[7703]
ThrowTo - object in actions.t[1465]
TIAAction - class in tiaaction.t[27]
tiaactionID - object in tiaaction.t[16]
TIAction - class in action.t[2101]
timeCreated - property of DownloadTempFile in webui.t[3412]
timeDelay - global function in tadsio.h[188]
TimeFuse - class in objtime.t[260]
timeManager - object in objtime.t[15]
timesHappened - property of Scene in scene.t[188]
timesInvoked - property of ActorTopicEntry in actor.t[3540]
timesToSuggest - method of ActorTopicEntry in actor.t[3490]
timeTaken - property of Action in objtime.t[198]
timeTaken - property of SystemAction in objtime.t[226]
TimeZone - class in date.h[508]
title - property of Goal in hintsys.t[261]
title - property of HintMenu in hintsys.t[464]
title - property of MenuItem in menusys.t[277]
title - property of MenuTopicItem in menusys.t[423]
title - property of MenuLongTopicItem in menusys.t[476]
toFoldedCase - method of String in systype.h[760]
ToggleDisambigEnumeration - object in actions.t[308]
toInteger - global function in tadsgen.h[285]
tokCvtLower - method of Tokenizer in tok.t[215]
tokCvtSkip - method of Tokenizer in tok.t[226]
tokenize - method of Tokenizer in tok.t[248]
Tokenizer - class in tok.t[84]
TokenizerError - class in tok.t[28]
tokenLen - property of Command in command.t[1165]
tokenList - property of CorrectionCandidate in spelling.t[338]
tokens - property of NounPhrase in parser.t[2938]
tokens - property of ResolvedTopic in parser.t[3155]
tokens - property of OopsCommand in parser.t[4589]
TokErrorNoMatch - class in tok.t[35]
tokRuleName - macro in tok.h[48]
tokRulePat - macro in tok.h[49]
tokRuleTest - macro in tok.h[52]
tokRuleType - macro in tok.h[50]
tokRuleVal - macro in tok.h[51]
toList - method of Array in array.h[25]
toList - method of List in misc.t[2124]
toList - method of ScopeList in query.t[1024]
toList - method of Vector in vector.h[36]
toLower - method of String in systype.h[370]
toNumber - global function in tadsgen.h[571]
tooDarkToReadMsg - property of Thing in brightness.t[395]
tooDarkToSeeMsg - property of Thing in thing.t[4326]
tooFarAwayMsg - method of ReachProblemDistance in query.t[1096]
tooFarAwayMsg - method of ReachProblemRemote in senseRegion.t[1715]
tooFarAwayToHearMsg - property of Thing in senseRegion.t[962]
tooFarAwayToReadMsg - property of Thing in senseRegion.t[981]
tooFarAwayToSeeDetailMsg - property of Odor in extras.t[71]
tooFarAwayToSeeDetailMsg - property of Noise in extras.t[111]
tooFarAwayToSeeDetailMsg - property of Thing in senseRegion.t[907]
tooFarAwayToSmellMsg - property of Thing in senseRegion.t[1036]
topbarbg - property of MenuItem in menusys.t[319]
topbarfg - property of MenuItem in menusys.t[318]
TopHintMenu - class in hintsys.t[536]
Topic - template in advlite.h[753]
Topic - class in thing.t[10374]
topicAcc - macro in advlite.h[81]
TopicAction - class in action.t[2648]
topicAobj - macro in advlite.h[82]
TopicDatabase - class in thing.t[10410]
topicDobj - macro in advlite.h[79]
TopicEntry - template in advlite.h[778]
TopicEntry - template in advlite.h[784]
TopicEntry - template in advlite.h[790]
TopicEntry - template in advlite.h[797]
TopicEntry - class in topicEntry.t[16]
topicEntryList - property of Consultable in topicEntry.t[406]
TopicGroup - class in actor.t[3180]
TopicGroup - template in advlite.h[775]
topicIobj - macro in advlite.h[80]
topicIsGrammaticalIobj - property of TopicTAction in action.t[2589]
topicList - property of ResolvedTopic in parser.t[3154]
topicListProperty - property of ImplicitConversationAction in actions.t[2176]
topicMatched - property of TopicEntry in topicEntry.t[114]
TopicNounProduction - class in parser.t[4260]
topicObj - property of MiscConvAction in actions.t[1834]
topicOrder - property of HintMenuObject in hintsys.t[191]
TopicPhrase - class in parser.t[2991]
topicPhrase(main) - grammar in grammar.t[877]
topicPhrase(misc) - grammar in grammar.t[880]
topicResponse - property of DefaultSayTopic in actor.t[4731]
topicResponse - method of FactHelper in facts.t[745]
topicResponse - method of TopicEntry in topicEntry.t[86]
Topics - object in actions.t[928]
topics - property of ImplicitConversationAction in actions.t[2177]
topics - property of Fact in facts.t[148]
TopicTAction - class in action.t[2496]
topInstructionsMenu - object in instruct.t[1048]
topMenu - property of MenuItem in menuweb.t[42]
topMenuBanner - object in menucon.t[22]
toSingleNoun(main) - grammar in grammar.t[261]
toString - global function in tadsgen.h[259]
totalBulkIn - method of Thing in thing.t[2395]
totalPoints - property of Achievement in score.t[126]
totalWeight - property of Thing in weight.t[20]
totalWeightIn - method of Thing in weight.t[146]
toTitleCase - method of String in systype.h[738]
touchDesc - macro in advlite.h[1332]
touchObj - object in precond.t[607]
touchResponseMsg - property of Actor in actor.t[2330]
TouchTopic - class in actor.t[4178]
touchTopicObj - object in actor.t[4199]
toUnicode - method of String in systype.h[401]
toUniversal - method of FileName in filename.h[114]
toUpper - method of String in systype.h[367]
traceContainerPath - method of Thing in thing.t[3156]
transmitsLight - property of TravelConnector in travel.t[1341]
Travel - object in actions.t[806]
TravelAction - class in action.t[1195]
TravelBarrier - class in travel.t[1867]
travelBarriers - property of TravelConnector in travel.t[1591]
travelBlocked - method of FollowAgendaItem in actor.t[6934]
travelBlockReported - property of FollowAgendaItem in actor.t[6943]
TravelConnector - template in advlite.h[763]
TravelConnector - template in advlite.h[764]
TravelConnector - class in travel.t[1321]
travelDesc - method of TravelConnector in travel.t[1581]
traveledThisTurn - property of FollowAgendaItem in actor.t[6909]
travelerEntering - method of Room in travel.t[531]
travelerEntering - method of Region in travel.t[2373]
travelerLeaving - method of Room in travel.t[525]
travelerLeaving - method of Region in travel.t[2367]
travelPermitted - object in precond.t[894]
TravelVia - object in actions.t[1201]
travelVia - method of Actor in actor.t[1465]
travelVia - method of Thing in thing.t[4068]
travelVia - method of TravelConnector in travel.t[1391]
travelVia - method of UnlistedProxyConnector in travel.t[1800]
traversalMsg - property of StairwayUp in extras.t[657]
traversalMsg - property of StairwayDown in extras.t[712]
traversalMsg - property of DSStairway in extras.t[830]
traversalMsg - property of PathPassage in extras.t[978]
traversalMsg - property of Door in travel.t[1087]
traversalMsg - method of TravelConnector in travel.t[1674]
traversalTime - property of TravelConnector in objtime.t[353]
traversalTimeFrom - method of TravelConnector in objtime.t[360]
traversed - property of TravelConnector in travel.t[1518]
traversedBy - property of TravelConnector in travel.t[1505]
triggerEvent - method of SensoryEvent in sensory.t[450]
trim - method of String in misc.t[1853]
trimPat - property of LMentionable in english.t[1873]
trimPat - property of String in misc.t[1859]
truncationLength - property of LMentionable in english.t[1897]
tryAgenda - method of ActorTopicEntry in factrel.t[701]
tryCheck - method of Thing in thing.t[3476]
tryCuring - method of ParseError in parser.t[5066]
tryCuring - method of EmptyNounError in parser.t[5258]
tryCuring - method of AmbiguousError in parser.t[5700]
tryHolding - method of BagOfHolding in gadget.t[337]
tryImplicitAction - global function in action.t[2689]
tryImplicitActorAction - global function in action.t[2770]
tryInt - global function in misc.t[1460]
tryMakingPosture - method of Thing in postures.t[140]
tryNextStep - method of ActorTopicEntry in factrel.t[677]
tryNum - global function in misc.t[1513]
tSel - macro in advlite.h[957]
tTag - property of ActorTopicEntry in facts.t[1334]
tTag - property of AltTopic in facts.t[1448]
Turn - object in actions.t[1132]
TurnEndRule - class in sysrules.t[64]
turnEndRules - object in sysrules.t[75]
turnLastExamined - property of Thing in cmdhelp.t[873]
turnLastMoved - property of Thing in cmdhelp.t[856]
turnLastMovedInto - property of Thing in cmdhelp.t[857]
turnNoEffectMsg - property of Thing in thing.t[5143]
turnsActive - property of Scene in scene.t[208]
turnSequence - method of Action in action.t[327]
turnSequence - method of SystemAction in action.t[1040]
turnsTaken - property of Action in action.t[359]
turnsTaken - property of SystemAction in action.t[1046]
turnStartRules - object in sysrules.t[573]
turnsToEvent - property of ClockEvent in subtime.t[579]
TurnTo - object in actions.t[1503]
TurnWith - object in actions.t[1408]
txt - property of ResolutionError in parser.t[5310]
txt_ - property of StringCaptureFilter in output.t[896]
txt_ - property of WebStatusWin in webui.t[2687]
Type - object in actions.t[1525]
TypeBifPtr - macro in systype.h[30]
TypeCode - macro in systype.h[26]
TypeDString - macro in systype.h[24]
TypeEnum - macro in systype.h[29]
TypeFuncPtr - macro in systype.h[27]
TypeInt - macro in systype.h[22]
TypeList - macro in systype.h[25]
TypeNativeCode - macro in systype.h[28]
TypeNil - macro in systype.h[18]
TypeObject - macro in systype.h[20]
TypeOn - object in actions.t[1515]
TypeOnVague - object in actions.t[1512]
TypeProp - macro in systype.h[21]
TypeSString - macro in systype.h[23]
TypeTrue - macro in systype.h[19]
TypeVague - object in actions.t[1531]
typographicalOutputFilter - object in output.t[1887]
Adv3Lite Library Reference Manual
Generated on 03/07/2024 from adv3Lite version 2.1